冀教版中学九年级下学期学业水平第一次模拟英语试卷(II )卷.doc

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冀教版中学九年级下学期学业水平第一次模拟英语试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Whos that young man on the poster? Justin Bieber, excellent singer.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)Ive _ my book on the teachers table. Please _ it to me.A . left, fetchB . forgotten, bringC . forgot, takeD . left, carry3. (2分)I dont know why he left _without any words this morning.Maybe he had something important to do.A . in a hurryB . in surpriseC . in fearD . in all4. (2分) Please read every sentence carefully. _ you are, _ mistakes youll make. Thank you for your advice.A . The more carefully; the fewerB . The more careful; the lessC . The more carefully; the lessD . The more careful; the fewer5. (2分) _ we go swimming in Xishuanghu Lake today? Oh, no. Its _ cold to swim on such days. I will catch a cold.A . Will; veryB . Will; tooC . Shall; veryD . Shall; too6. (2分)Please dont make so much noise. I_. A . workB . workedC . worksD . am working7. (2分)Excuse me, may I ask you some questions?Sorry, Im too busy and havent even a minute to _.A . spendB . spareC . offerD . devote8. (2分) _ late for school again, Tim!Sorry, I promise that I _.A . Dont; wontB . Dont be; wontC . Dont be; dontD . Dont; will9. (2分)Would you like for a walk with us?A . to goB . goC . goingD . goes10. (2分)The soup is not sweet enough. Please _ some sugar _ it. A . add; inB . add; toC . add; onD . add; onto11. (2分)I dont know when he _ next week. When he_, please let me know.A . comes, comesB . will come, will comeC . will come, comesD . comes, will come12. (2分) Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting _ on time? Hard to say. If it _ tomorrow, well have to put it off.A . will hold; rainsB . will be held; rainsC . will be held; will rainD . holds; will rain13. (2分)Bill is ten years old. He has a _ sister. A . 4-year-oldB . 4-years-oldC . 4 years oldD . 4 years old14. (2分)Look! Here _ the bus. Lets _, Oh, no. Its No. 2 Bus. We should take No. 11.A . comes; get on itB . comes; get it onC . is coming; get on itD . come; get it on15. (2分) Lisa, I know youre confident about getting that job but remember _. So why dont you send your application forms to a few more companies? Sounds good!A . dont put all your eggs in one basketB . the early bird catches the wormC . actions speak louder than wordsD . every dog has its day二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 Do you think doing housework is a hard task for you? Have you ever thought of inventing something to make it 1? A boy named Sam Houghton did and he 2a two-head broom (扫帚).Sam was just three years old when he came up with his 3. He saw his father sweep up (打扫) garden leaves and 4brooms while trying to gather large leaves and litter.Now he is the poster boy for a new show at the British Library in London called Inventing the 21st Century. To celebrate 5and encourage new inventors, the famous 6is telling the story of the most special inventions coming out of Britain in the past 10 years. Sams broom is produced by big companies, and the brooms are very7in England.Young Sam Houghton is now eight years old and has another invention. He has made a balloon popping machine (气球爆破装置) for play centers. He said, We dont want children to cry because of 8bangs (爆炸声) of balloons. I used a box to 9the bangs so that they cant scare (惊吓) the children.Have you ever wanted to be a great inventor? Watch 10, think it over and work hard. Maybe you will be an inventor. Do you think so?(1)A . easier B . harder C . funnier (2)A . bought B . invented C . saw (3)A . idea B . way C . information (4)A . pick B . change C . control (5)A . inventions B . birthdays C . festivals (6)A . school B . hotel C . library (7)A . popular B . interesting C . necessary (8)A . quiet B . loud C . harmful (9)A . turn on B . turn off C . take away (10)A . quickly B . successfully C . carefully 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17. (4分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。 Notice No more beautiful season than spring, so school trips will be organized in three grades.Enjoy your time and have fun!Grade Date DestinationJunior 1 April 13 Songcheng, HangzhouJunior 2 April 14 Songcheng, HangzhouJunior 3 April 13 Zhouzhuang Ancient Town, Kunshan(in the southeast of Suzhou)Price: RMB ¥115 (Songcheng) RMB ¥150 (Zhouzhuang)Parking Place: Coaches for Kunshan Southern Gate Coaches for Hangzhou Northern Gate(1)Where should the students in Grade 8 gather?A . Southern GateB . Northern GateC . HangzhouD . Kunshan(2)Its true that_.A . All three grades will take a trip on different days.B . Songcheng must be more fantastic than Zhouzhuang Ancient Town.C . The students in Grade 9 wont go out of Suzhou.D . The students in Grade 7 must pay 35 yuan more than the students in Grade 918. (8分)根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。AA lesson in “heart” is my little 10-year-old daughter, Sarah, who was born with a muscle(肌肉)missing in her foot and wears a brace all the time. She came home on a beautiful spring day to tell me she had competed in “field day” 一 thats where they have lots of races and other competitive events.Because of her leg support, my mind raced as I tried to think of words of encouragement for my Sarah, things I could say to her about not letting this get her down-things I have heard many famous coaches tell the players when they were faced with defeat(失败)but before I could get a word out, she looked up and said, “Daddy, I won two of the races.”I couldnt believe it! Then Sarah said. “I had an advantage.”Ah. I knew it. I thought she must have been given a head startsome kind of physical advantage. But again, before I could say anything, she said, “Daddy, I didnt get a head startMy advantage was I had to try harder!”(1)Sarah _.A . is a naughty girlB . is a physically well developed girlC . is disabledD . always came out first in the races(2)The underlined words “get her down” means “_”.A . make her feel sadB . make her come downC . make her write downD . make her feel tired(3)The story obviously shows us _.A . Sarah often fails to understand the meaning of lifeB . Sarah dared to get a head startC . Sarah was broken in health, but not in spiritD . Sarahs father supported her with his love(4)Which can be the best title of the reading?A . A Head StartB . A Kind FatherC . I Had to Try HarderD . My Field Day19. (10分)Do you know Marc Yu (余俊承). He is very famous . He is only nine years old. He is a Chinese American. His mother is from Macao. He likes music very much and he has great musical talent(天赋). He can play forty pieces of classical music now.After hearing Mary Had a little Lamb one time at the age of three, he began playing it on the piano. Before that, he didnt learn the piano at all. He started to take the piano lessons at the age of three. His first public performance(表演) was at the age of three , too.Now he can play great music for people on the stage. He wants to be a famous musician like Lang Lang in the future. He likes LangLang very much. Lang Lang is his idol.(1)How old is Marc Yu?A . 9B . 3C . 7D . 8(2)Where is his mother from?A . His mother is from AmericaB . His mother is from MacaoC . His mother is from Tai WangD . His mother is from Hong Kong(3)When did he begin to learn the piano?A . At the age of 9B . At the age of 5C . At the age of 3D . At the age of 10(4)How many pieces of classical music can he play now?A . 14B . 4C . 40D . 400(5)What does Lang Lang do?A . A pop singerB . A rock singerC . A musicianD . A writer20. (12分)阅读理解Low-salt diets are actually harmful to our bodies, a recent study found. The scientists, led by Andrew Mente of McMaster University, found that no matter whether one has high blood pressure or not, low sodium intake(钠摄入量)increased the risk of stroke(中风),heart attack and death.The study goes on to suggest that only certain people who are likely to get high blood pressure and who eat food with high levels of sodium should be worried about reducing sodium intake in their diets. McMaster universitys Martin ODonnell,the studys co-author, said in May 2016,“This study adds to our understanding of the relationship between salt intake and health. The study also doubts the correctness of the present guidelines that suggest low salt intake for everyone.”Mente added, “low sodium intake reduces blood pressure in some degree, but it also has other effects.” In the McMaster University study, the researchers considered a high level of sodium consumption(消耗) to be over 6 grams every day. Mente pointed out, “This shows that many people around the world are taking in healthy amounts of salt.” Mente did not agree with the present guidelines on reducing sodium intake in almost all countries. However, he would accept efforts to reduce salt intake in some areas, such as China and Central Asia, where the average salt consumption is unusually high.However, Elliott Antman, past president of the American HeartAssociation(AHA) was angry with Mentes study. “The study does not correctly measure sodium intake, and it should not make Americans stop worrying about salt. The American Heart Association continues to suggest less than 1.5 grams of sodium each day from all sources,” he said.(1)According to mentes research, low-salt diets_.A . can do harm to peopleB . will lead to a healthy lifeC . are suggested to everyoneD . will lead to high blood pressure(2)The underlined word reducing in Paragraph 2 means _.A . supportingB . providingC . cutting downD . spreading(3)Mentes research suggests low salt intake among people_. with stroke with hypertension高血压 with heart attack from China from AmericaA . B . C . D . (4)According to the passage, we can know Mentes research_.A . suggests low salt intakeB . is well accepted by other expertsC . is aimed at China and Central AsiaD . is different from the present guidelines on low salt intake(5)Elliott Antman was angry with Mentes research because he thought_.A . Mentes research was not correctB . Mentes research influenced Elliotts businessC . Mentes research had no relation with AmericansD . Mentes research had let most Americans take in less salt(6)The passage mainly talks about_.A . reasons to have low-salt dietsB . Mentes new findings on low-salt dietsC . advice on taking in low-salt dietsD . the present guidelines on salt intake四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)请认真阅读下面的短文,并根据各题所给的首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺。One day when Nasreddin was having a bath, he began to s_. The bathroom was small with a stone floor. His song was very b_, he thought.“Oh”,he said, “I sing very well. I will sing to o_people, too, and maybe Ill be a famous s_, and most people will want to hear me.”So after his bath Nasreddin went up onto the roof (屋顶) of the house and began to sing his song very l_.A man was w_in front of the house and he h_Nasreddin, he said, “What are you doing? You are m_a terrible noise. Nobody wants to hear it.”“Oh, you think so, dont you?” answered Nasreddin, “Well, I r_sing very beautifully. Come to my bathroom and youll hear h_beautiful I can sing.”五、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)在面对困难时,我们应挑战自我。(in the face of)_.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假如上周日你和爸爸一起去了公园, 公园里有很多树, 花也开了, 很漂亮。你和爸爸划船、爬山, 还拍了很多照片, 公园里有很多人, 有, 还有你直到下午4点才与爸爸回家。虽然有些累, 但非常高兴。请以A Happy Sunday”为题写一篇英语短文, 词数在6080之间。要求: 语句通顺, 语法正确。七、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共20分)24. (10分)缺词填空根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)What can little money do? Its w_ thinking it over.A few weeks ago, I got $120 from a f_ in a Smile Group. He asked me to do good things with the money. Since then I have used the m_ to help strangers, and raised a lot of smiles.One day I was in a shop, looking at the second-hand b_. It happened that the book shelves were next to the toy shelf. I n_ that a poorly dressed woman standing behind me . A little girl about 3 years old came over to the toy shelf. At once her attention was c_ by a toy dog. She spoke to her mother and her mother asked the shop owner how much it c_ .The answer was $3. Then she said no. The child said n_. Maybe no was not new for her but she couldnt keep the disappointment away from her face.I had a total of $5. I put the money in the m_ hand and said, Buy her a book too.” I didnt wait to see the end. I walked out of the shop.The money the friend gave me was to help me find happiness in the world. Was there any better way to get so much happiness with so l_ money?25. (10分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)Happiness Ks not far awayHappiness comes from the little things in life. Simple ways in our daily life often help the most. It is not a dream for you to make it come true but a shining star that guides you and a mirror that shows you the meaning of life in theworld. If you feel that happiness does not come to you, here are the following steps which will lead you there.To yourselfStart by treating yourself kindly and becoming your own bestfriend. Give up trying so hard to become someone else who is not yourself right now. Its better tojust be you.To your lifeWalk in the park or along the street with a pet. Balance your life with activities and a good rest.Play and do those activities which gently nurture(滋养) your own mind. Playing in your garden or filling your home with beautiful flowers is not a bad try and the memory of those flowers will be always carried with you. Smile as you think about the future. If you smile, you can nothave negative(消极的) thoughts! Concentrate on the positive(积极的) in this world,and look for joy.To your workWork hard and make efforts to reach your goals, and rewardyourself when you are done. Remove the task that is not useful. We are learning that doing too many tasks at the same time justdoesnt work. Try writing down what is troubling you, discussingyour trouble with yourself. The science now shows that as you write your troubles, your brainwill change for the better. By writing a daily thanks diary you will feel the positivememory and experiences once more, and by remembering these moments,your levels of happiness will rise.To your friendsYou can write a happy letter to your family andfriends every day. Just a shortnote will do. You can do thefollowing: Monday: Write a thank-you note to your friend. Tuesday: Write a short letter to your friend about a good momentyou have recently experienced. Wednesday: Write about a nice moment you plan to experience inthe future. Thursday: Write a letter to someone that is important in yourlife. Friday: Write three things that went really well today. Saturday and Sunday: Go on with your daily thanks diary.If you pay attention to all that is good in your life instead ofnegative thoughts, happiness willbecome a natural Dart of your day!Happiness is not far awayIntroductionHappiness comes from the little things in life.To yourself*Be_to yourself and try to be the best friend of your own.*_trying to be someone else and learn to be yourself.To your life*Keep a balance between activities and rest in your life.*Do something good to your own mind and have the memory carried with you.*Keep a smiling face to the _to keep away from negative thoughts.*Concentrate on the positive things and look for something _._To your work*Work hard to _your goals and reward yourself once you make it.*Remove the task which is_.*Try writing every day to raise your levels of happiness.To yourfriends*Write a thank-you note to a friend on Monday.*_your recent good moments with your friend by writing a short letter to him on Tuesday.*Tell your friend what you are going to experience in the future on Wednesday.*Write a letter to someone _in your life on Thursday.*Write three things that went really well on Friday.* _your daily thanks diary on Saturday and Sunday.ConclusionPay attention to the positive things and you will feel happy.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17-1、17-2、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共20分)24-1、25-1、

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