沪教版2020届九年级开学考试英语试卷 (II )卷.doc

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沪教版2020届九年级开学考试英语试卷 (II )卷一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)1. (10分)(2016黄石)阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各个小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALets enjoy a movie!图ZootopiaFrom a large elephant to a small mouse, animals live happily together in Disneys Zootopia.Language: EnglishRunning Time: 1 Hour and 30 MinutesPrice: Weekdays-$50 $25 (children under 6) Weekends-$60 $30 (children under 6)Ive never imagined the movie is so interesting. There are 64 kinds of animals in it. After I watched the movie, I learned more about animals. I would highly recommend this movie to those animal lovers. JohnI have seen many cartoons of this kind, but this one is surprisingly funny and I love the sweet voice in it. My brother and I just couldnt help laughing from the beginning to the end. DavidThis movie is so well made. I went to see it with my 5-year-old son last Sunday afternoon. I love the beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer Judy very much. It shows that small animals like her can also do serious work. Nancy(1)The poster shows that is spoken in the movie.A . JapaneseB . FrenchC . EnglishD . Chinese(2)From the poster, we can know that the movie lasts .A . 60 minutesB . 90 minutesC . 100 minutesD . 120 minutes(3)John likes this movie because of .A . the different kinds of animalsB . the funny actorsC . the sweet voiceD . the beautiful music(4)It cost Nancy and her son to watch the movie.A . $75B . $90C . $100D . $120(5)According to the poster, the movie most probably tells a story.A . frighteningB . sadC . trueD . funny2. (8分)(2017浙江绍兴) 阅读理解CMore Chinese universities are opening their libraries to the public, allowing people to enjoy reading during normal time and the vacations.But for some students, including Wang Ling, 21, in Sun Yat-sen University, this practice has caused headaches. Members of the public come to our libraries more for sightseeing than reading, said Wang.They sometimes even bring their kids along, and take photos as if it were a place of interest.Wang has found it hard to get a seat during busy times. Being short of space is a common problem for university libraries in China.However, this is not the only reason why students dislike their libraries being open to members of the public. They fear that the quietness of the libraries will be influenced because of visitors rude behavior.Chen Jie, 18, a student in Tongji University, is one who would be against opening to the public. I have been to a public library before. People were chatting loudly or speaking on cell phone so you can hardly read, Chen said. She notices teachers doing serious reading and feels their concentration(专注)has influenced her. If too many strangers stay here, the whole library will be a noisy place and its difficult for us to study quietly, she said.Will there be alternative(可替代的)ways to share those libraries? Some experts consider that university libraries can prevent the public from entering certain areas. We might keep magazines for academic research only for teachers and students, said Zhu Lina, library director in Jinan University.Working together with the community library is another solution. Its possible that a member of the public can order a book in our library over the Internet, Ge Jianxiong, the library director in Fudan University said. Well send it to a public libraries close to their home.(1)We can see from the passage that Wang Ling .A . hates to study in the libraryB . prefers sightseeing to readingC . feels good to play with kidsD . is a university student aged 21(2)In Chen Jies opinion, visitors to university libraries may .A . take up too much spaceB . break the peace thereC . make teachers relaxedD . get students to read more(3)The writer mentions two libraries directorss words to help explain how to .A . manage libraries onlineB . keep the public politeC . share university librariesD . do scientific research(4)Where is the passage most probably taken from?A . A newspaper.B . A library guide.C . A story book.D . A notice board.3. (10分)阅读理解Autistic (患自闭症的) children may learn better from robots than from human beings, according to a study at a school in Birmingham. Two robots like humans, Max and Ben, have been helping teach autistic children at Topcliffe Primary School since March last year. The school is the first in the UK to try the new way.Ian Lowe, the head teacher, said, “The robots have no feelings, so autistic children find that they are less terrible than their teachers.” He added, “They are really cute-looking. Autistic children are hard to communicate with adults and other children, but for some reasons they like these robots. Some children are not able to communicate with others. But they come into school and start to communicate through the robots.”The robots are knee-high and move like children. The school is using them to teach phonics (声学) and play cards or memory and imitation (模仿) games with children from five to ten.Dr Guldberg said, “We do many different activities with the robots acting as a model for the childrens behavior. It is amazing to see how interested and concentrated the children can be when they are working with the robots. It can be very difficult to get autistic children to concentrate.” He added, “If you can meet the needs of autistic children, you can meet the needs of all children. And you know, when people feel safe and interested, they learn much better.”(1)According to Ian Lowe, teachers are_in autistic childrens eyes.A . kindB . seriousC . terribleD . strict(2)Which is TRUE about Max and Ben?A . They are robots with feelings.B . The can move like teachers.C . They are interested in autistic children.D . They can make autistic children concentrate.(3)The school uses the two robots to teach the following things EXCEPT _.A . phonicsB . playing cardsC . imitation gamesD . sports games(4)According to Dr Guldberg, people can _when they feel safe and interested.A . communicate better with othersB . learn much betterC . behave more politelyD . learn more quickly(5)The best title for the passage is _.A . Robots help autistic children learnB . Two cute-looking robotsC . How to help autistic children learnD . Autistic children can learn4. (12分)(2016杭州)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。CYou need some bread and milk. But half an hour later, you leave the supermarket with a trolley(手推车) full of food. What games do supermarkets play to make us spend so much money?The tricks usually start before you walk in. Outside the supermarket entrance, anybody who walks past can smell warm, fresh bread. That makes us hungry and ready to buy lots of food, not just bread.Now youre inside and, of course, a small basket would be fine, but all they have are trolleys. And of course the problem with a trolley is that it looks sad and lonely with just one or two products inside. So we may fill it with something. In fact, supermarket trolleys are actually getting bigger so that we buy more.Of course, many people shop in supermarkets because they think everything is cheaper than in other shops. So supermarkets offer very cheap prices on some things but then have higher prices for other products. One new trick is to put red stickers on products. Customers usually connect red stickers with lower prices so the red stickers is easy to be noticed, even when there is no reduction! Interestingly, this trick appears to work more with men than with women.There is a story behind the position of everything in the supermarket. For example, customers often go only to buy milk. So they put it right at the back, forcing you to go past hundreds of shelves full of other products. The position of products on each shelf is also important. The most expensive products are usually at eye-level so you see these immediately. The exception is anything that children might like. These products are on lower shelves so that kids see them.Apart from what you see and smell in a supermarket, what about what you listen to? In most supermarkets they have soft, slow music. Its so relaxing that you slow down and spend more time (and money) in the store. You also move more slowly when the supermarket is busy. Experts suggest its better to shop when its quieter, on a Monday or a Tuesday for example. And be careful with queues at the checkouts. These are sometimes deliberate(故意), to make you buy something from the checkout shelves while you wait.So, next time you go into your local supermarket, remember these tricks and see if you can come with just the things you went for.(1)Smells from bread in the supermarket _. A . make you feel hungry and buy more foodB . draw your attention to bread onlyC . make you buy less bread than you needD . force you to leave the supermarket(2)Supermarkets dont provide baskets because _. A . supermarkets dont usually have manyB . baskets are too small to hold many productsC . its easy to go shopping with trolleysD . a trolley can hold one or two products inside(3)According to the passage, supermarkets put red stickers on products to _. A . make them look more beautifulB . make them different from cheaper onesC . make people think the stickers are for menD . make people think they could save money(4)According to the passage, toys for children are usually placed _. A . on higher shelvesB . on each shelfC . on lower shelvesD . on the back shelves(5)It can be learned from Paragraph 6 that supermarkets usually _. A . stop people lining up at the checkoutsB . close on Monday morningC . play loud and noisy music insideD . make customers feel relaxed(6)The passage is mainly about _. A . several ways supermarkets use to sell more productsB . some advice when people go shopping on the streetC . several rules that every business should followD . some advertisements that make people buy more二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)5. (15分)阅读下降短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Tom with his axe was stepping through fie forest. A little tree 1him on his way and said. Do clear away those trees, kind friend, I wish you would! They will not let me have free place, and the sunlight cannot 2on me .To spread my roots .I find no 3at all. No whisper of the wind plays 4me, and they twine above my head crazilyThe little tree continued, I tell you, if they were not here, in a year youd find me the5of all this part .My friendly shade should cover the forest to right and left.6in fact, you see! Im just a little tree”7these,Tom did as he little tree asked to cut down the other trees with his axe. Round the little tree he cleared a tidy space.However, the poor little trees 8didnt last long The 9came first, his leaves were to dry.Oh, 10one, said a snake there. It was you that brought about your fall.If you had stayed longer in the woods kind shelter, despite heat or storm, you would have the 11trees as guards of your safety. When all these trees disappeared, because their day was past and gone, in turn you might reach such height12time went by. And since you have gathered so much health and strength, you might fight against the sun and the storms, and all this harm would 13have been done.When we are young we are also annoyed by oar parents 14, because we feel controlled and repressed. We 15freedom and independence and go all out to set ourselves against our parent. However, we need to realize that we need them in our healthy growth(1)A . stopped B . called C . explained D . pushed (2)A . depend B . reach C . look D . fall (3)A . water B . chance C . wind D . space (4)A . around B . under C . over D . above (5)A . soldier B . king C . manager D . expert (6)A . so B . and C . but D . or (7)A . Doing B . Hearing C . Telling D . Watching (8)A . purpose B . happiness C . attention D . courage (9)A . storm B . wind C . sun D . rain (10)A . foolish B . unlucky C . proud D . bad (11)A . better B . elder C . greener D . shorter (12)A . as B . before C . till D . since (13)A . always B . often C . sometimes D . never (14)A . education B . courage C . communication D . protection (15)A . turn down B . hope for C . throw away D . point out 三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)用所给动词的适当形式填空I had trouble _ (learn) English a month ago. Though I spent much time _ (practise) my English, I still failed _ (get) good grades. I didnt know what _ (do). I wanted _ (give) up.Later my English teacher, Ms Zhang, had a talk with me. She told me stories about the well-known inventor Thomas Edison. She advised me _ (not worry) and also encouraged me _ (keep) _ (work) hard. After _ (hear) her words, I decided _ (try) my best to learn English. I believe I call do it better and get better grades next time.四、 单词 (共2题;共20分)7. (5分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(1)I think you have a f_. Let me take your temperature.(2)I usually walk to school on f_, but sometimes I ride my bike.(3)My father is very tired now, and he wants to r_for an hour.(4)If you get into _(苦恼), well help you out. Dont worry.(5)To my _(惊奇), the traffic is so heavy at this time in the street.8. (15分)A) 根据句意及所给中文提示或英文解释,写出句中所缺单词。B) 根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Going hiking is an _(very good) chance for students to learn team spirit.(2)I write to my mother every week, _(主要) on Sundays.(3)We are very _ (自豪) that a pupil from our school has won the prize.(4)They all hurried _ (往楼上) to see what was going on.(5)Students should pay a_ to what the teacher says in class.(6)We all believe a friend in need is a friend _(真正的).(7)This car is so expensive that I cant _(买得起) it.(8)A year _(group) into 12 months .(9)His father died because of _(ill)(10)Only the teams finishing time will be _( record).(11)The doctors in the hospital are trying a new _ (treat) for cancer.(12)We will show the _(visit)around our school.(13)It is necessary for you _(support) and help each other.(14)I think it is _(mean) to help the poor live more happily.(15)The _(interview) has prepared a list of questions.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)假如你是王平,你的英国笔友Cathy发来邮件说她在 Reading Week时读了几本有趣的书,她想跟你交流一下,了解你的读书情况。请你根据她的问题回复邮件。提示词语:books on, because, get, knowledge要求: 70词左右;不得出现真实的校名和人名。1). What kind of books do you like reading?2). Why do you like these books?3). What do you think of reading books?To:CathyFrom:Wang PingSubject:Reading booksDear Cathy:Glad to receive your letter and Im happy to tell you something about me.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、4-6、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)5-1、三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、四、 单词 (共2题;共20分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、8-6、8-7、8-8、8-9、8-10、8-11、8-12、8-13、8-14、8-15、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、


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