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上海版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) Whats that in English? Its _ eraser.A . aB . anC . the2. (2分) Whats Alice Greens first name? _.A . AliceB . GreenC . Alice GreenD . Green Alice3. (2分)The average manatee is about ten _ long and _ 1, 000 pounds. A . feet; weighsB . foot; weighC . foots; weighsD . feet; weigh4. (2分)Could you please give me some _ about giving speeches? Certainly.A . decisionB . suggestionsC . informationD . advise5. (2分)_did you_to find the way?A compass and a map.A . What, useB . What, usedC . Which, useful6. (2分)When is her _ birthday?Sorry, I dont know.A . uncleB . unclesC . uncles7. (2分)Cindy Smith is a _ star. And she likes _ salad.A . sport; vegetableB . sports; vegetablesC . sports; vegetableD . sport; vegetables8. (2分)How is the film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales? Its the most wonderful one _ I have ever seen.A . whoB . thatC . whichD . what9. (2分)_?Yes, please. I want a pair of socks for sports.A . What do you likeB . Can I help youC . How are you10. (2分) Have you heard about that car accident near the school? Yes, luckily no one _.A . hurtB . was hurtC . are hurtD . were hurt二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Each of us makes mistakes from time to time. In fact, we can1a lot from our mistakes.Donnie was a 2student and never answered questions in class. He was afraid to make mistakes. He never finished his homework 3he didnt want to make any mistakes. Nothing changed until Marry Anne, a teacher, came to our4One morning, Marry Anne asked Donnie to 5some questions. After a while Donnie was in tears because he made a mistake. Suddenly Marry Anne got a box full of erasers from the desk.Look, Donnie, she said standing 6him. Ive got something to show you. She took out the erasers, one at a time, and put them on the desk.See these erasers, Donnie? she continued (继续). Do you know 7the erasers become smaller and smaller? Thats because we make mistakes. But we erase the mistakes and try again. Thats what you must learn.Here, she said, Ill 8one eraser on your desk, so you will remember that 9may make mistakes.Donnie looked at Marry Anne and smiled.Donnie 10a lot from then on. He knew that everyone had the permission (许可) to make mistakes as long as you learned them and tried again.(1)A . take B . make C . get D . bring (2)A . good B . shy C . clever D . small (3)A . because B . so C . if D . but (4)A . row B . class C . team D . classroom (5)A . answer B . ask C . give D . have (6)A . on B . with C . beside D . to (7)A . when B . how C . what D . why (8)A . forget B . carry C . leave D . give (9)A . nobody B . somebody C . no one D . everybody (10)A . changed B . asked C . watched D . thought 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)12. (6分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。BDo you want to become an astronaut? If you want to be one of the few people to experience the thrill of lift-off(发射), see the Earth from on high and float(漂浮) in a spacecraft, then how do you go about it?First, you must really want to become an astronaut as it takes many years of study and work before you even begin your astronaut training. Most astronauts begin when they are between 27 and 37. Second, you need to be clever enough to attend a university to study engineering, medicine or one of the sciences. Many astronauts also learn to be pilots in their countrys air force(空军). Third, astronauts come from many different countries, so they need to speak English. Then they can all talk to one another. Fourth, you must be healthy as astronaut training can be very tiring. Lastly, on a spacecraft, astronauts live and work in a very small space, so you need to get on well with people.Are you still interested? If so, maybe you will become one of the men or women that orbit the Earth in a spacecraft, walk in space or visit Mars. See you in space!(1)From the passage, we know that all astronauts need to .A . study in different countriesB . be cleverer than ordinary peopleC . be pilots in the air force at firstD . study engineering, medicine or one of the sciences(2)Astronauts coming from different countries use to talk to each other.A . actionsB . gesturesC . EnglishD . French(3)If you are on a spacecraft, you need to learn how to .A . walk and fly in spaceB . orbit the Earth or visit MarsC . live and work together as a teamD . live and work in a very large space13. (10分) Mr Smith goes to the town (城镇) to see his son, Tom. Tom is studying music in a school there. He tells his father he does well and his father is very happy. That evening Mr Smith buys two tickets for a concert (音乐会). They get there early after dinner. Theyre sitting in the hall (大厅) and listening to them playing. The music is beautiful and Mr Smith enioys it very much. But he finds(发现) his son doesnt like it at all. Mr Smith wants to know something about Tom. So he asks, “Do you know the music?” “Yeah,” answers Tom. “ And whats the musician playing now?” Mr Smith asks. Tom doesnt know how to answer it. He thinks hard and then says, “ the piano.”(1)Mr Smiths son is studyingnow.A . in townB . at homeC . in a hallD . in a Tv station(2)Tom good at music.A . doesntB . doesC . isD . isnt(3)Mr Smith and Tom are listening to a concert.A . guitarB . pianoC . violinD . rock(4)Does Tom know the name of the music?A . Yes, he does.B . No, he doesnt.C . Sorry, we dont know.D . Yes, he is.(5)Which of the following is right(正确的)?A . Mr Smith lives in town.B . Tom knows much about the music.C . Mr Smith likes the music.D . Tom likes the music.14. (8分)阅读理解Jonah Swann studies at Reed Middle School in the US. But after school, the 13-year-old boy works as the CEO of The Kandle Company, which makes candles. Swanns candles are different from most other candles on the market. They are made of soy wax(大豆蜡)and have non-zinc wicks(无锌蜡烛芯). This makes them burn cleanly.When Swann was younger, he was interested in business. But business classes were not enough for him. He wanted to run a real business on his own. Luckily, he soon got the chance to do so. A family friend bought a machine that makes candles. Later, he gave the machine to Swann. Swann worked hard in making his own candles. He had to learn how to use the machine, find the right ingredients (原料)and find out how to sell his candles. He tried his best to make his candles look attractive(吸引人的).For Swann, making money is not his goal. He plans to give away at least 10 percent of his money to his school. It will be used to support study programs. In fact, he has given some money to a business club at his school. It will start in September. The club will invite some speakers to share their business experience.(1)Why are Swanns candles special? A . Because they can burn easily.B . Because they have more sizes and smells.C . Because they are made of soy wax and zinc.D . Because they are good for the environment.(2)What made Swann want to run his own business? A . His taking business classes often at school did.B . His great interest in business at an early age did.C . His family friends candle machine did.D . His knowledge of making candles did.(3)What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about? A . How Swann learned to use the machine.B . Where Swann bought his candles.C . What Swann did in making candles.D . Why Swann decided to run a company.(4)What can we learn from the last paragraph? A . Swann cannot make money from making candles.B . Swann decides to give some money to his school.C . The business club was open last September with Swanns help.D . The business club will invite Swann to share his business experience.15. (10分)In 1961 Obama was born in Hawaii, US. His father is an African and his mother is a white American. He grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii.When Obama was 10 years old, he was one of only three black students at his school in Hawaii. He felt very different from most other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair. A white boy even asked him what his father was.“I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince(王子). But I kept asking myself who I am,” said Obama.However, 37 years later, the boy made history. Obama became the first black president(总统) in US history.This unusual background(背景) made him wonder who he was. He once turned to alcohol (酒) to help forget this question.With the help of his friends, Obama finally turned his life around at college. His hard work made him a star at Harvard. Later, he became only the third black senator (参议员) in US history.“Obamas success has made Martin Luther Kings dream come true. That is: A man should not be judged (判断)by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character,” wrote ABC news.(1)Obama was born in _.A . BritainB . AmericaC . KenyaD . Indonesia(2)There was/were _black students besides Obama at the school where he studied when he was ten.A . noB . oneC . twoD . three(3)Obama became the first black president in US history when he was _.A . 37B . 40C . 47D . 50(4)Which of the following is true?A . Obamas father was a Kenyan prince.B . Obama once forgot who his father was with the help of alcohol.C . Obama was so dishonest when he was young that nobody believed him.D . Obama changed his college life because of his friends help and his hard work.(5)From the passage we can see that_.A . we could judge a person by the colour of his skinB . we could not judge a person by the content of his characterC . we should not judge a person by the color of his skinD . we should judge a person by what he did when he was young四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)补全对话AI bought a book yesterday.BFirst you should remember their pronunciations.CAnd if you have questions, you can ask your teacher for help, too.DThanks a lot.EI cant get the pronunciation right.FThat will help.A:Hello! This is Learning English programme. Can I help you?B:Yes, please. _How can I improve it?A:Thats easy. Listening to more English tapes is a good way. _B:OK, Ill try. And how can I understand the teacher in class?A:Oh, this is a hard question. Try to make notes in class and revise them after class. _B:That s a good ideaAnd then how should I learn new words?A:_Then you can make sentences with them. And you can use them in conversations with your friends.B:_A:Youre welcome. I hope you can improve your English soon.五、 综合填空。 (共3题;共16分)17. (10分)从方框中选择合适的词填空。think,it,an,on,in,of,Its,Where,know,WhatLook at the picture. Its a picture_a room._can you see_the room?I can see an orange_the desk. Can you see _English book on the desk?No,I cant. Is the bag behind(在后面) the chair?Yes,_is. _is the pen?I _its in the pencil case. Where is the cat?_under the desk. Whats its name?Sorry,I dont _.18. (5分)根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出正确的单词。September 10th is Teachers Day in China. It is a special and great f_. A lot of students celebrate this day with their teachers. Teachers work very hard all the time in a year. O_ this day they can have fun. Which teacher is your f_ one? What present can you get r_ for your dear teachers? Flowers or any little presents? Your teachers are happy to get your beautiful presents. Lets s_ Happy Teachers Day to our dear teachers together.19. (1分)Who can give the best _(答案) to the question? 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)假如你是李娟,请你根据下表写一篇英语短文,在英语课上介绍你的四个好朋友的上学方式。60 词左右,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。姓名方式Li Hua步行Dale骑自行车Alice乘地铁Liang Lan坐校车Im Li Juan. I have four good friends. They go to school in different ways.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共34分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)16-1、五、 综合填空。 (共3题;共16分)17-1、18-1、19-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)20-1、

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