上海新世纪版2020年中考英语专题复习——形容词(真题)(II )卷.doc

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上海新世纪版2020年中考英语专题复习——形容词(真题)(II )卷.doc_第1页
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上海新世纪版2020年中考英语专题复习形容词(真题)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)I was to see the police at my home yesterday. A . amazingB . surprisingC . surprisedD . interesting2. (2分)I dont think the robot will be as _ as humans.A . the cleverestB . cleverC . the clevererD . cleverer3. (2分) does he drink?Chinese tea.A . WhereB . HowC . WhenD . What4. (2分)Could you please help the information about the passengers? Im busy now.A . bring outB . check outC . work outD . give out5. (2分)How do you like the blue T-shirt?OK, but do you have a _one in blue? I cant afford the price.A . longerB . biggerC . cheaperD . nicer6. (2分)My mother is busy today like any _ day of this month. A . anotherB . otherC . others7. (2分)The actress is already 50, but she looks _ than she really is. A . youngB . more youngC . much youngerD . more younger8. (2分)Whose home is _ from the school ?Lucy, I think.A . FartherB . the farthestC . FurtherD . the furthest9. (2分)There will be _ jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people.A . manyB . moreC . fewerD . fewest10. (2分)I live in a(n) large city.A . smallB . bigC . old11. (2分)His failure made his father think him a _ boy.A . disappointB . disappointedC . disappointingD . disappointment12. (2分)He got up early _ he could catch the first bus. A . so thatB . becauseC . ifD . once13. (2分)Look! How _ the market is!Yes. There are always lots of people buying things there.A . liveB . livingC . aliveD . lively14. (2分)The good news makes us very_.A . happyB . angryC . happilyD . angrily15. (2分) How funny Tom and Jerry is! Yeah! I like the cartoon, too. Its so _.A . boringB . scaryC . interestingD . sad16. (2分)exercise you take, you will feel.A . Much; healthyB . The more; the healthierC . More; healthierD . The more; healthier17. (2分) How is it going? Its _. The weather here is very beautiful and I dont want to go home.A . badB . boringC . greatD . terrible18. (2分)I want to find in a radio station.A . a jobB . a workC . a informationD . a news19. (2分)Have you ever heard of Langlang?Sure. He is one of _ pianists _ I have even seen.A . good; thatB . much better; whoC . the best; whichD . the best; that20. (2分)David is _ in his family. A . the tallerB . tallerC . the tallestD . tallest21. (2分)You see, “Food Safety” receives thousands of Internet hits a day.Yes, it becomes one of the _ topics(话题) these days.A . uninterestingB . hotC . most uninterestingD . hottest22. (2分)Have you seen the movie Baby Plan?Of course. I think its _ movie I have ever seen.A . funnyB . funnierC . the most funnyD . the funniest23. (2分)My _ is too small. I want a _one. A . socks, shortB . shirt, tallC . shorts, smallD . shirt, big24. (2分)Did you go to bed early last night?No. I watched a _ movie, so I didnt go to bed until 11 oclock.A . 3-hoursB . 3-hoursC . 3-hoursD . 3-hour25. (2分)I hope our school life will be more _ than before. A . tiringB . movingC . interestingD . surprising26. (2分)Hearing the story,he looked A . exciting,excitingB . excited,excitedC . exciting,excitedD . excited,exciting27. (2分)He exercises in the park every dayHe wants to be A . tidyB . funC . fitD . tired28. (2分)Can you tell me why you learn English so well?Its very simple, you work, grades you will get.A . the harder; the bestB . the hard; the betterC . harder; betterD . the harder; the better29. (2分) What do you think of physics? I think its _ of all subjects.A . difficultB . more difficultC . most difficultD . the most difficult30. (2分)If you can do what youre in, you can deal with any challenge. A . bestB . weakestC . goodD . weak31. (2分)Which do you think is _.Chinese or English?Its hard to say. I think Chinese is as _ as English.A . interesting, interestingB . more interesting, interestingC . interesting, more interestingD . more interesting, more interesting32. (2分)The blue skirt is than the white one. A . much more expensiveB . much expensiveC . expensiveD . more cheap33. (2分)Of the two shirts, Id like to choose the_ one to save some money for a cap.A . cheapestB . cheaperC . more expensiveD . most expensive34. (2分)Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own, _ he is only four years old. A . ifB . thoughC . forD . since35. (2分) Is there _ juice in the glass? Yes, there is _.A . some; anyB . any; someC . some; someD . any; any36. (2分)He won in the story competition and his parents were very .A . smartB . proudC . sorryD . upset37. (2分)Breakfast is meal of the day. It gives us energy after a long night without food.A . importantB . more importantC . the most importantD . very important38. (2分)Its_now and there are some_in the sky. A . cloud; cloudB . cloudy; cloudyC . clouds; cloudyD . cloudy; clouds39. (2分)She has _ hair.A . black long beautifulB . beautiful long blackC . long beautiful blackD . beautiful black long40. (2分)This movie wasnt _. He wasnt _ in it and fell asleep half way through it.A . interesting enough; interestedB . interested enough; interestingC . enough interesting; interestedD . enough interested; interesting41. (2分)In fact, listening is just as as speaking in language learning. A . importantB . more importantC . more difficultD . more interesting42. (2分)Tom never does his homework.Oh, what a _ boy he is!A . lazyB . lonelyC . careless43. (2分)Peter is four years old. He is not _ to go to school. A . old enoughB . enough oldC . tall enoughD . enough tall44. (2分)If you are _,you feel tired and unhappy. A . excitedB . interestedC . bored45. (2分)Lucy is going to Tianjin by train. Its _ than the bus. A . slowB . fastC . fasterD . slower46. (2分)What color do you want?I want a _ one.A . brownB . niceC . longD . small47. (2分)Is Dongting Lake the largest lake in China?No, its the second _ one _ all the lakes in China.A . large, inB . largest, ofC . larger, ofD . the largest , in48. (2分)The answer is wrong. There are _ mistakes.A . someB . noC . much49. (2分)The flowers smell _. A . wellB . badlyC . goodD . much well50. (2分) Look! What a beautiful coat! Yes. But it costs _ that I cant afford it.A . so muchB . so expensiveC . too muchD . too expensive第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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