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专题讲座乐山中考英语阅读理解的特点及解题策略乐山市延风中学 张梅 2014.3一、乐山中考阅读理解第一节命题特点分析(一)选材方面:1. 文章三篇,阅读量(包括文章和题目及选项)在1,000单词左右。2. 题材广泛,贴近时代(如酒驾和校车安全问题),贴近学生(大多数文章的主人翁是青少年)。3. 体裁多样,包括记叙文、说明文、新闻等。(二)能力考察方面: 1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意的能力。2、把握文章的事实和细节的能力。 3、根据上下文猜测生词的含义的能力。4、依据短文内容和考生应有的常识进行推理和判断的能力。 (三)题目类型方面基本分为细节事实,主旨大意,推理判断,词意猜测四种类型。研究近三年乐山中考试题,发现15道阅读选择题中,细节题占的比重最大,通常有十道左右,而其它三种类型分别有一至两道题。(4) 干扰项的特点 1、张冠李戴要起到干扰的效果,出题专家常用的一个手段就是张冠李戴。通过使用原文中出现的词汇甚至句式,把本来适用于一种情况的内容移用到其他情况。 例:(2012年A篇) 52. Under the new rules, which of the following is TRUE? A. School buses can be overloaded when necessary. B. School buses can go first when there are other cars. C. School buses must drive at 80km/h or less on normal roads.解析:选项C就是属于张冠李戴。文章中的依据是:From now on ,school buses have a speed limit(限速)of 80km per hour on highways and 60km per hour on normal roads. 2、 偷梁换柱设计阅读理解题的选项时,命题者还可能在干扰项中保留原文的很多词句,给考生一种错觉,选项与原文意思差不多,但实际上内容有所改动,产生了不一样,甚至相反的意思。 例:(2011年C篇) 65. From the passage, we can learn _. A. Alexandra was not interested in traveling B. Alexandras success changed her familys life C. Alexandras parents were good at English D. Alexandras stories appeared often on the radio and TV 解析:文章最后一段有这样一句:Stories about this child appeared in the newspapers and television. 选项D与之很相似,但仔细比较之后就会发现不同之处。3、断章取义指干扰项去掉原文信息中的某个或某些重要组成部分,导致剩下的信息不完整,歪曲原文的意思。例:(2011年A篇)54. What do experts think of the new law? A. Drunk driving is a crime. B. The law is not kind to drunk drivers. C. Driving has become a serious problem. 解析:文章中间指出Drunk driving has become a serious social problem in China. 此句中drunk一词非常重要。选项C去掉了该词,便歪曲了原文的意思,因此是错误的。4、颠倒是非干扰项的内容常涉及原文中提及的一些内容或现象,但选项的意思可能与原文恰恰相反。命题者设计这样的干扰项主要是利用文章信息量大的特点,考生可能不一定有时间一一找到选项在原文的出处。例:(2011年A篇)54. What do experts think of the new law? A. Drunk driving is a crime. B. The law is not kind to drunk drivers. C. Driving has become a serious problem. 解析:文章最后一段有这样两句:Isnt this law too unkind? But experts say: not at all. 根据这两句可知选项B是颠倒是非。5、无中生有干扰项具有的另一个特点是凭空捏造,但所“造”的内容通常与文章所谈论的问题相关,并且看上去很符合提出的问题。而事实上文章中根本没有谈及干扰项内容,选项更不可能是正确选项。 例:(2011年A篇) 51. Mr. Gao ran his car into three other cars because _. A. he went home too late B. he drank too much wine C. the road was too crowded 解析:选项A和C都属于无中生有,文章根本没有提及。二、中考阅读理解解题策略(一) “明主旨”。把握文章主旨大意,围绕中心答题。把握文章主旨大意对答题起着怎样的作用呢?这要从出题者设题的角度来考虑。根据李筱菊老师的语言测试科学与艺术,阅读试题的出题原则中首要的一项是“考点的决定以信息为目标”。因此,考点首先要包括主信息核心,即主题或与主题紧密相关的内容,这是必要考点;其次考对信息核心起辅助作用的内容,这通常是关键考点或有关考点;除此之外则属于应当避免设题的无关考点。也就是说,正确选项应该都是和文章主旨大意密切相关的内容。通过研究近三年的中考试题不难发现,实践中出题者总是遵循这一原则和方法。由此可见,答题时把握文章主旨大意就相当于驾驶时把握好了方向盘,方向控制好了,就可以少走很多弯路,顺利且快速到达目的地。那么,怎样把握文章的主旨大意呢?1. 寻找中心词。方法:出现频率最高的单词或者短语。2. 寻找主题句。要善于抓关键句和主题句。不少文章一开头便展示出文章的主题,文章的第一句或最后一句往往是文章或段落的关键句或主题句,对文章的理解起着重要的作用。3. 综合归纳主题中心。 中心应该有一定深度,并且积极向上。例1:2013年阅读C篇。 Glastonbury Festival is an English music festival that attracts (吸引) people who like modern music, dance, comedy, drama, circus (马戏) and other performing arts. It is held at Somerset , England every year and usually runs on the last weekend of June. Glastonbury was first organized in the 1970s by Michael Eavis, a farmer in Somerset. And the first Glastonbury Festival was inspired by an open-air concert. Glastonbury Festival was also known in its early years as the Pilton Festival, and it was a huge success with hippies (嬉皮士) because it seemed to contain the hippie culture and the free festival movement. In the following years, Glastonbury became more and more popular, with many fans unable to get a ticket for it. The festival now attracts around 150,000 people. There are many volunteers to serving the audience (观众) in the festival. With more and more pop and rock artists promoting it, along with thousands of other performances on its smaller stages (舞台), Glastonbury has achieved international fame and has even inspired films and albums (专辑). However big it has gotten, it keeps its original traditions, such as the Green Fields Area, which includes the Green Futures and the Healing Field. These good traditions help the natural environment not be affected. Also, the festival helps raise millions of pounds for good causes. It is said that 135,000 fans will attend this years Glastonbury Festival. The Rolling Stones (滚石乐队) will lead a show. Fans will also be able to enjoy wonderful performances by the Arctic Monkeys and Mumford and Sons (“马姆福德和儿子们”乐队).65. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. A music festival. B. Traditions in music. C. Different music styles. D. Famous music bands.解析:本文中Glastonbury Festival一共出现了7次之多,而且贯穿全文,因此此题的答案就很明显了。例2:2011年阅读B篇Alexis Rocha is a 13-year-old boy from California, US. He weighs 147 pounds (67 kg). But six months ago, he weighed more than 202 pounds (91 kg). How did he lose all that weight in only half a year? “One day, I was surprised to find that I weighed about 200 pounds,” Rocha says. “I thought I had to do something.” Rocha is from a boxing (拳击) familyhis father and two older brothers are professional boxers. So he decided to start boxing. He began with simple exercises, like sit-ups and push-ups (俯卧撑). Then Rocha started jogging(慢跑). “No kid likes running,” he says. “I dont want to do it, either, but I have no choice but to keep on.”Months later, Rocha joined a boxing club in his city. He is always the first kid at the club to begin exercising, and the last to leave with sweat (汗水) on his face. Every day he boxes for about three hours. “Rocha works very hard,” says his coach, Hector Lopez. “Its surprising to see him lose the pounds so quickly. Ive never seen anything like this in my 20 years of coaching.”Rocha is very happy with his weight now. There is a family photo in his room from 18 months ago. “Each time I look at the photo, I laugh at myself. I was so big back then,” Rocha says. “I look 100 times thinner and 1,000 times stronger now.”56. How much weight did Rocha lose in six months? A. At least 24 pounds. B. At least 30 pounds. C. At least 55 pounds.57. Rocha said he had no choice but to keep on running because_. A. he liked running very much B. he wanted to be thin and strong C. he wanted to be a professional boxer58. What makes Coach Hector Lopez surprised? A. Rocha lost weight so quickly. B. Rocha was so fat 18 months ago. C. Rocha comes from a boxing family.59. Whats the correct order of the following sentences? a. He did some sit-ups and push-ups. b. He lost the pounds quickly. c. He joined a boxing club. d. He began running. f. He boxed for about three hours every day. A. a-d-c-f-b B. d-a-f-c-b C. a-d-f-c-b 60. The writer mainly wants to tell us _. A. Rocha is a hardworking boy B. it is important to get exercise C. everything is possible if you work hard解析:通过阅读文章第一段和汉语注释,不难总结出本文的主旨大意:一个13岁的男孩经过努力终于减肥成功。文后的五道题都是围绕这个中心的。(二) “划根据”。作答时理由要充分,并在文章中划出解题依据。 如果凭印象做题,准确率必然会降低。猎人有句行话,叫“不见兔子不撒鹰”,在做阅读理解时要做到“不见根据不答题”。这样才能做到万无一失,保证把该拿到的分数拿到手。为了快速找到文中的根据,在浏览完全文,把握文章主旨大意之后,就应认真阅读题干,找出题干或是选项中的关键字,特别是数字、时间、人名地名或者其它大写的单词。然后,带着这些关键词快速定位,确定该细节在文中的出处。最后,仔细对照题干要求,排除或选择。例:(2013年C篇)62. What can we learn about Glastonbury Festival from the passage? A. It is held in London, England. B. It was first started in the 1980s. C. It was also known as the Pilton Festival. D. It now attracts around 140,000 people.解析:解答这道题的最好办法就是带着选项中的大写单词和数字到文章中找依据。(三) “看转换”。注意同一意思的不同表述(同义转述)。英语语言相当丰富,同一意思会有多种不同表达,以避免语言表述上的单调重复。出题者设计试题时总会用不同的语言结构对文本中的某些信息进行同义转述。例:(2011年C篇)64. When her family arrived in America in 1987, _. A. their life was very hard B. they lived by selling Alexandras paintings C. Alexandra began to draw her painting D. her parents left their jobs and worked for her 解析:首先我们带着大写单词America和数字1987进行快速定位,在第三段找到这样两句话: In 1987, he brought his wife and Alexandra, who was then 18 months old, to America. The family was very poor. 然后阅读选项,会发现选项A与The family was very poor. 意思相同,只是换了一种说法而已。(四) “防陷阱”。务必看清是“true”还是“not true”。做题时一定要认真审题,看准是“true”还是“not true”,是“right”还是“wrong”,然后才着手解题。可能会有老师认为,这么简单的事怎么会错?其实不然,在考场高度紧张的情况下,什么事情都会发生。一定要经常提醒学生防止慌张,防止粗心大意,防止那些“想当然”的想法,防止自己的骄傲情绪只要沉着应对,处处留心,任何陷阱都会被识别发现的。例:(2013年C篇)63. According the passage, which band will NOT go to this years Glastonbury Festival? 64. Which of the following statements is NOT true?三、中考阅读理解解题思路和原则(一)阅读理解解题思路: 1. 浏览文章,把握文体、结构及大意 2. 审清题干,划出关键词,快速定位 3. 比较选项,选出最佳 4. 认真核查,验证答案。注意各题的答案 应逻辑一致,不能自相矛盾。(二)解题原则: 1. 细节及例子是用来支持、说明本文或本段主旨的。 2. 与原文不完全相同就是错误的。 3. 原文没有提到的也是错误的。四、复习阶段阅读训练建议 1. 阅读训练贵在坚持。每天至少练习一两篇, 最好利用上课时间,每周做两次限 时阅读训练。 2. 要求学生留下阅读痕迹。每篇阅读都要求学生划出题干和选项中的关键词,并 在文中勾出答案依据。 3. 重视阅读讲评。让学生知道寻找和得出答案的方法,做完以后请学生自己讲出 答案和思路。 4. 资料的选择上要把握好难易程度。


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