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初中英语教案学校班级日期授课教师课题Unit 1 What are you doing for Vacation ? Section B Period 2(3aSelf Check) 复备区域备课标与教材知识点(语音、词汇、语法等方面)单词:famous, Europe, lake, something, leave, countryside, nature, forget, finish, tourist 等 词组: take a vacation a lot leave for decide on something different plan to forget to do finishing doing think about doing等。句子: I cant wait.重点动词短语的练习。重点、难点(知识、技能两个方面)词组: take a vacation a lot leave for decide on something different plan to forget to do finishing doing think about doing a good place to go sightseeing等。句子: I cant wait. 难点:I cant wait.分析知识点与知识系统的关系本课时主要学习动词短语以及现在进行时表将来的用法,为后面的阅读和写作奠定一定的语言知识和语言技能基础知识。分析确立重难点的依据本单元重点是学习现在进行时表将来,这节课的动词短语是练习语法的重点。备学情学生已具备的知识与技能具备一定的关于现在进行时的语言运用能力。在此基础上,指导学生进行初步的写作练习,并通过小组合作的方式,提高学生的学习积极性和小组凝聚力学生的学习兴趣(对教师、教学法的兴趣)在教学活动中尽量让他们参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,减少他们的恐惧感,采取小组背单词,竞争拼单词,和脱口秀的方法。通过学生间的合作学习,降低他们的学习难度,使他们体验到成功的喜悦。同时在阅读和书面表达中加以落实,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,使各层次的学生都有所收获。学生的差异性预习较好的同学已经对本节课的语言知识掌握的很熟练。预习不到位的同学单词还很陌生。老师需要兼顾两头。备教学目标知识与技能目标(分层)熟读并牢记本课时的单词及词组,熟练运用本课时的句型。120号学生能熟练运用本节课内容 2140号学生能熟读本节课所学句型并能进行简单练习 41-50号学生能够读出本节课的单词词组,能读出简单句子。They can speak ,read and write them correctly 过程与方法目标1. 提供给学生合作交流的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究性学习。注意写作的练习。情感态度目标让学生养成良好的生活习惯,注意身体健康,学会热爱美好的生活。创新支点本单元的话题源自生活,立足这一点,我充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,创设生活化的真实情境(或半真实情境)引导学生在 运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言(为用而学, 在用中学,学了就用)结合现实生活让学生自由谈论自己的身体状况和生活习惯。备教学方法与媒体Methods: report, role play, listening and speakingMulti-media: PPT, tape教学流程Step1 Words1Read the new words of unit3.2. Have a dictation .Step23a Reading and writing Read the article and pay attention to the five numbered picture.Look at the article again. One of the things Ben Lamberts is going to do is taking walks. Which of the items in the pictures does he need for a walk?S: Hiking boots. T: Right. Then write 5, the number next to that picture, on the line after “taking walks” .Lets check the answers.Read the article again to underline the expressions and show the connectives.While reading try to notice examples of Present progressive as future.Step3 3b Completing the articleRead this paragraph, please. Saying blank each time when you come to a blank line. Now read the paragraph and fill in the blanks. Please finish the activity individually.Julia Morgan, the famous movie star, is taking a vacation. She is going to Beijing. “I just finished making my last movie,” she says. Im tired and I really need to relax .I asked her about her plans. Well, Im going taking walks and going bike riding. Im also going fishing and planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside. I want an exciting vacation!”Step 43c Writing an article We have read about Julia and Bens vacation. Pretend you are a famous singer or football player. What kind of vacation would you like? Please write an article. You can use the words in this unit. You dont have to write your true plan.Im a pop singer. I am always busy. Im tired and I really need to relax. Im going taking walks and going bike riding. Im also going fishing and planning to have a very relaxing vacation with my friends. Step 5. Summary:What have you learnt in the lesson?SELF CHECKGoals To revise the vocabularyTo revise the target language in this unit Answers:1. hear 2. leaving 3. hoping 4.ask 5. planningNow make sentences with your own words.1. We left the party at 8 oclock2. We often hear her sing this song.3. Is there anything planned for tonight?4. The teacher asked a lot of questions.5. We hope to see you tomorrow.Step6 Homework Finish the exercise. 教学反思

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