外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use 第一课时同步练习(I)卷.doc

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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use 第一课时同步练习(I)卷.doc_第1页
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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use 第一课时同步练习(I)卷.doc_第2页
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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use 第一课时同步练习(I)卷.doc_第3页
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外研(新标准)版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 3 Language in use 第一课时同步练习(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)Dont make your mother_(笑).Shes talking to a reporter. 2. (1分)Mary is a _(漂亮的;可爱的) girl. We all love her. 3. (1分)Many robots can do the same things as _(人类). 4. (1分)There is s_ wrong with my bike. Can you help me repair it? 5. (1分)H_, they havent found the missing boy. 二、 选择适合的选项 (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)Will you please give the dictionary to Jane .Sure . Ill give it to her _ she arrives hereA . beforeB . untilC . becauseD . as soon as7. (1分)There _ a football match on TV yesterday. Did you watch it? A . isB . hasC . wasD . have8. (1分)Could you please pass me the chopsticks? _.A . You are welcomeB . Its a pleasureC . With pleasureD . Never mind9. (1分)He ran _ quickly _we couldnt catch up with himA . such ; thatB . so ; thatC . so much ; thatD . such much ; that10. (1分)They have T-shirts _ white and red at the store. A . forB . inC . withD . On三、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (共5题;共5分)11. (1分)The teacher _ (take) the children out of the classroom. 12. (1分)Sarah had an _ (embarrass) experience last weekend. 13. (1分)I need_(buy) some flowers. 14. (1分)Keep_(smile)to your problems. You are sure to go through them. 15. (1分)I played the piano very _( good). 四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)补全对话 ADo you also go to school by bike?BWhich is the closest way to go to school?CIs it crowded on the underground?DWhy dont you take a taxi?EIt usually takes me 20 minutes to arrive at school.FHow does your sister go to school every day?A:Hello, Li Qing. _B:She goes to school by bike.A:Its the most popular way now. Many students in my class ride to school, too.B:_A:No, my home is far from school, so I take a bus._ What about you?B:My home is much farther than yours, so I take the underground every day. A:_B:Yes, it is. It is very uncomfortable because there are many people.A:_B:I think it is the most comfortable way, but its too expensive for me.A:Yes, I think so.第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 选择适合的选项 (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (共5题;共5分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)16-1、

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