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单元基础知识过关三 基础知识清单 基础知识迁移 Unit3Safety 基础知识清单 单元基础知识过关三 重点单词 1 安全 平安 2 小心的 仔细的 3 悬挂 垂下 4 严重的 严肃的 5 必需的 6 城镇 safety careful hang serious necessary town 7 丑陋的 难看的 8 肩 肩膀 9 伤 伤口 10 期待 盼望 11 突然 的 12 血 13 膝 膝盖膝关节 14 碎石 岩石 ugly shoulder wound expect sudden blood knee rock 单元基础知识过关三 15 插入 穿入 16 陌生人 17 粗心的 18 某些 某个 19 他 她 她 们自己 20 食盐 21 剪刀 22 刀 careless certain themselves salt scissors knife stick stranger 单元基础知识过关三 23 高温 加热 24 烧伤 烫伤 燃烧 25 地震 26 物体 对象 目标 27 规则 规章 28 训练 培养 n earthquake object rule trading burn heat 单元基础知识过关三 重点短语 1 跳起来 2 在 上面 3 呼救 4 及时 5 追逐 追赶 6 摘下 脱掉 7 stickoutof jumpup ontopof cryforhelp intime runafter takeoff 从 伸出来 单元基础知识过关三 8 shoutforhelp 9 putout 10 becarefulwith 11 staycalm 12 protect from doing 13 pullover 14 keepaneyeoutfor 15 stayawayfrom 大声呼救 扑灭 小心 注意 保持镇静 保护 免于 把车 开到路边 密切注意 提防 警觉 远离 单元基础知识过关三 重点句型 1 它难道不漂亮吗 beautiful 2 让我给你拿把梯子 Letme theladder you 3 我想我的胳膊没有折断 I myarmisbroken Isn t it get for don t think 单元基础知识过关三 4 而且街道上结满了冰 小汽车不能及时停下来 Andthestreetwasicy thecarcouldn tstop 5 我想阻止她追赶球 但是她没有听见我 说的话 Iwantedto her theball butshedidn thearme 6 有一块锋利的岩石从它外面扎了进来 Therewasasharprock it running time stop from after sticking out of in 单元基础知识过关三 7 我感觉如此糟糕 以至于又躺下了 Ifelt terrible Ilaydownagain 8 当我妈妈赶到医院时 她紧紧地抱住了我 Whenmymothergottothehospital she 9 厨房和浴室是房子里最危险的两个房间 Thekitchenandthebathroomare inthehouse so that gave me a hug big 单元基础知识过关三 the most two dangerous rooms 10 不要在厨房存放毒药 poisonsinthekitchen 11 你需要坚固的东西在周围来保护你免受落物的伤害 Youneedtohavesomethingstrongaroundyouto you fallingobjects 12 如果你在外面 要尽快到开阔的地方去 Ifyouareoutside gettoanopenarea youcan Don t keep protect from as fast as 单元基础知识过关三 单词回顾 根据句意及所给提示完成句子1 Thebigfirehasb fortwohours Wemusttakeactiontoputitout 2 Hisdreamistobea report inthefuture 3 Becarefulwhenyouaredriving Becausetheroadis ice 基础知识迁移 urned urnt reporter icy 单元基础知识过关三 4 Heisreadingtoday snewspaper careful inthelivingroomnow 5 We decorate themeetingroomjustnow 6 Theboy suncleisgoodat train dogs Hisdogscandowonderfultricks 7 Theydon tliketoeatout Theyoftencookmealsby they athome carefully decorated training 单元基础知识过关三 themselves 8 Schoolbus safe isabigprobleminChina 9 Thelittleboyis 躺 onthegrass look ingupatthesky 10 Don tplaywith 刀 children It sdangerous safety lying knives 单元基础知识过关三 短语运用 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 1 Hasthefirebeen Notyet 2 Theplane tenminutesago putout tookoff 单元基础知识过关三 3 isimportantwhenyouareindanger 4 Theyhurriedandgotthere 5 Heis alovelycat Stayingcalm intime runningafter 单元基础知识过关三 根据汉语意思完成句子1 请尽量说慢一点 Please speakalittleslowly 2 小心 不要滑倒了 Don tslipdown 3 我们一定要阻止类似的事情再次发生 Wemust suchthings happeningagain try to Take care Becareful Lookout Watchout stop prevent keep from 单元基础知识过关三 4 突然 那辆车停下了 thecarstopped 5 很多人从椅子上摔下来伤到了自己 Manypeoplehurtthemselvesby chairs All of a sudden falling off 单元基础知识过关三 句型突破 I 按要求完成下列各题 1 Youshouldlearntherulescarefully 改为祈使句 carefully please 2 Youcan tplaytheguitarintheclassroom 改为祈使句 theguitarintheclassroom 3 Tinawassoweakthatshecouldn tcarrythebox 改为同义句 Tinawasn t tocarrythebox Learn the rules 单元基础知识过关三 Don t play strong enough 4 CouldyoupleasetellmewhereIcangetsomestamps 改为同义句 Couldyoupleasetellmewhere somestamps 5 Youshouldcomehereassoonaspossible 改为同义句 Youshouldcomehereassoonas to get you 单元基础知识过关三 can could 根据汉语意思完成句子1 务必在上午八点之前到达公园入口 arriveattheentranceoftheparkbefore8a m 2 她不是英语老师吗 是的 她是语文老师 sheanEnglishteacher No sheisaChineseteacher Be sure to Isn t 单元基础知识过关三 3 今天上午我们花费了两个小时来装饰房间 It ustwohours decoratetheroomthismorning 4 这场大雪阻止了我们外出 Theheavysnow us goingoutside 5 过马路的时候要密切注意汽车 carswhencrossingtheroad took to stopped prevented kept from an eye Keep 单元基础知识过关三 out of


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