2019年秋季七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Days and Months-Review课件(新版)冀教版.ppt

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2019年秋季七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Days and Months-Review课件(新版)冀教版.ppt_第1页
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2019年秋季七年级英语上册 Unit 7 Days and Months-Review课件(新版)冀教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit7DaysandMonths Review 1 熟记本单元的重点词汇 短语和句型 2 熟练掌握基数词变序数词的规律 3 熟练掌握it的用法 LearningAims January January iceandcold Brrrrbrrrbrrrr Wearyourcoat February February snow snow snow Let smakeasnowman Amanofsnow MonthbyMonth March March March thesunishigh IloveMarch butIdon tknowwhy April April grassstartstogrowHurray Hurray Nomoresnow May May May getyourgardenin June June June let sgoforaswim Julyissummer Augustistoo Sitintheshadeandstayrealcool Warmingup SeptemberandOctober Theleaveswillfall It sbacktoschoolwithoursoccerball NovemberandDecember Andtheweatherisclear That s12wholemonths Anditmakesoneyear Unjumblethewordsanddiscovertheanswertotheriddle cmeberde plira tobcreo ysadurta ifdrya onadym ejnu amy rbuferya uljy Riddle Onacalendar SundaycomesbeforeMonday WherecanyoufindMondaybeforeSunday Answer Ina December April October dictionary Saturday Friday Monday June May February July Buildingyourvocabulary Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsofthegivenwords Thencompletethechart 1 Mr Liulovessummer Buthis two favouriteseasoniswinter 2 The one monthoftheyearisJanuary 3 Saturdayisthe seven dayoftheweek 4 Marchthe eight isWomen sDay first eighth second seventh Grammarinuse two third February three five May ten October eleven November seven July August eighth December twelfth ninth tenth fourth sixth nine Fillintheblanks Thencirclewhat it meansineachdialogue 1 A What sthis B isahotel 2 A What sthat B isacalendar 3 A What sthe today B ItisJanuary15 4 A Lookatmynewjacket B isverybeautiful 5 A How sthe today B Itisniceandcool 6 A IsMayyourfavouritemonth B Yes is It weather It date It it Listenandrepeat Februaryusually t hotletskateright d dodaydowncold k likelookChristmascalendar greengrassforgetagainst Listeningandspeaking Lookatthecalendarandanswerthequestions 1 WhatisthedateofthefirstWednesdayinthemonth 2 WhatdayoftheweekisJanuary23 3 HowmanySaturdaysareinthismonth 4 WhatisthedateofthefourthTuesday 5 WhatisthedatetwodaysafterthethirdMonday It sMonday It sJanuary4 Four It sJanuary19 It sJanuary24 Interviewyourclassmatesandfillinthetable Thenusetheresultstowriteareport Example Myclassmateslikedifferentseasonsandholidays ZhangLilikessummer HelikestogototheparkonChildren sDay Children sDayisonJune1 LindalikesDecember ShelikestolookatthebeautifulChristmaslights Workingroups Findmoreexamplesfromthisunit Thenmarkyourstars TalkingaboutSeasonsandWeather IcantalkaboutseasonsandweatherinEnglish Whatseasondoyoulike Howistheweathertoday Ilovegreengrassandrainydays Selfevaluation TalkingaboutDaysandMonthsWhatdayisit IcantalkaboutdatesinEnglish What sthedate Whenishisbirthday Numerals Icanuseordinalandcardinalnumbersproperly three thirdfour fourthfive fifthsix sixth one firsttwo second Using it Icanuse it properly It sacalendar It sonMarch11 Itiswarmandrainy 再见


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