译林牛津版中考英语试卷(II )卷.doc

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译林牛津版中考英语试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)If someone is _, he is frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen, and unable to relax.A . sadB . nervousC . excited2. (2分)Mr. Li works very hard. He doesnt have a rest _ morning _ evening. A . between; andB . from; toC . in; andD . in; or3. (2分)Whats the _ of the stadium?It looks like an orangeA . colourB . nameC . shapeD . size4. (2分)I him to come on time, but he was 30 minutes late. A . hopedB . worriedC . wonderedD . expected5. (2分)I like to go to school _ foot on sunny days but go _ the bus on rainy days.A . by; byB . on; onC . on; byD . by; on6. (2分)Her son_coffee, but now he _milkA . is used to drink; is drinkingB . used to drinking; drinksC . is used to drinking; used to drinkD . used to drink; is used to drinking7. (2分)Do you usually see on the computer?Yes. But sometimes I go to the theatre.A . filmsB . treesC . photosD . friends8. (2分)Friends and neighbors become _ when they visit each other more often.A . fartherB . closerC . stringer9. (2分)Where is Liu Xiang from?_ is from _.A . His, ChinaB . He, ChinaC . He, ChineseD . His, Chinese10. (2分)What is Miss Gaos favourite _?She is always in pink. Dont you know?A . movieB . bookC . songD . colour11. (2分)Many boys have no interest in soft toys. A . likeB . are not attracted byC . enjoy12. (2分)He spent a lot of time on English. _, he got the most points in the English test.A . In factB . OtherwiseC . As a resultD . However13. (2分) Can you_ a tent by yourself ? Sorry. Its a little difficult for me.A . put onB . put upC . put downD . put off14. (2分)一 I hear Susan will go to Beijing by herself.一 Thats true. her father her mother will go with her.A . Both; andB . Either; orC . Neither; nor15. (2分)In order to keep healthy,wed better every day A . take exerciseB . eat fast foodC . watch cartoonsD . study English二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)Dear Bill,How are you? Its very nice 1 you to write to me. Let me2 something about my life in China. I think you 3 to know it. I live in Li Leis home. He is my 4. His father and mother are both teachers. Their house isnt big. 5 of them are very friendly 6 me. They teach me Chinese7 I teach them English. Now I 8 with them in Chinese. But I cant 9 very well. Chinese is very 10 to learn, I think. Mrs Li often teaches me how to 11 Chinese food. Hmm! How much I like Chinese food!My school is not far. I go to school by bike. I 12 six classes every day.13 I play games with my classmates. I have a good 14 here. Dont you want to come? Please write 15 soon.Love from Jim.(1)A . to B . for C . of D . about (2)A . speak B . talk C . say you D . tell you (3)A . want B . have C . forget D . like (4)A . student B . teacher C . classmate D . boy (5)A . some B . all C . both D . any (6)A . for B . with C . to D . at (7)A . but B . so C . or D . and (8)A . am speaking B . am talking C . am saying D . can talk (9)A . say B . speak C . talk D . tell (10)A . easy B . nice C . hard D . good (11)A . make B . do C . cook D . study (12)A . do B . have C . study D . make (13)A . In class B . After school C . In the room D . School over (14)A . day B . book C . time D . week (15)A . back B . to back C . for me D . letter 三、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共65分)17. (10分)阅读理解 Lost Found(1)What color is the watch? A . greenB . redC . blueD . black(2)Whats Sams telephone number? A . 512-8843B . 467-3539C . 680-7432D . 555-0287(3)_ found (找到) the computer game. A . SamB . PeterC . HenryD . Jim(4)_ lost a set of keys? A . JimB . HenryC . PeterD . Sam(5)“Lost found” means _ in Chinese. A . 失物B . 拾物C . 失物招领D . 拾金不昧18. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。AA young man once went to buy a pair of pants. When he got home, he went upstairs(上楼) to his bedroom and put them on. He found that they were two inches(英寸) long.Then he came out of his room to see his mother and his two sisters. They were washing something in the kitchen. “These new pants are too long, they need to be shortened(缩短) about two inches. Would one of you like to do this for me, please?” His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything. The mother went upstairs after she had finished washing and shortened the pants two inches. But she didnt tell her daughters about it.Later on, after supper, the elder sister remembered her brothers pants. So she went upstairs without saying to anyone, and shortened the pants two inches.The younger sister went to the cinema, but when she came back, she also remembered what her brother had said. So she ran upstairs, and took two inches off the legs of the new pants.(1)The new pants were . A . too long for the young manB . two inches longC . six inches longD . too short for the young man(2)The young man asked to shorten his pants. A . his mother and his two sistersB . his mother and one of his sisterC . his motherD . his mother or one of his two sisters(3) , his elder sister shorten his pants. A . After supperB . After the mother finished washingC . After the young man went upstairsD . After the younger sister went to the cinema(4)How many inches were the legs of the new pants shortened by at last? A . Two.B . Four.C . Six.D . Eight.(5)When the young man put on the pants, he would . A . feel happyB . be very sadC . thank his familyD . be very excited19. (10分)(2015广东梅州)Have you ever had the strange feeling that you were being watched? You turned around and, sure enough, someone was looking right at you!Parapsychologists (灵学家) say that humans have a natural ability to sense when someone is looking at them. To research whether such a “sixth sense” really exists, Robert Baker, a psychologist (心理学家) at the University of Kentucky, did two experiments.In the first one, Baker sat behind unknowing people in public places and stared at the backs of their heads for 5 to 15 minutes. The subjects(受试者)were eating, drinking, reading, studying, watching TV, or working at a computer. Baker made sure that the people could not tell that he was sitting behind them during those periods. Later, when he questioned the subjects, almost all of them said they had no sense that someone was staring at them.。For the second experiment, Baker told the subjects that they would be stared at from time to time from behind in a laboratory setting. The people had to write down when they felt they were being stared at and when they werent. Baker found that the subjects were no better at telling when they were stared at and when they werent.Baker concludes that people do not have the ability to sense when theyre being stared at. If people doubt theoutcome of his two experiments, said Baker, “I suggest they repeat the experiments and see for themselves.”(1)Whats the aim of the two experiments for?A . Prove why humans have a sixth sense.B . Explain when people can have a sixth sense.C . Show how people act while being watched in the lab.D . Study whether humans can sense when they are stared at.(2)What sense does Parapsychologists say that humans have to sense?A . A natural ability.B . A natural staring ability.C . A strange thinking.D . A looking feeling.(3)The underlined word “outcome” in the last paragraph most probably means _.A . valueB . resultC . performanceD . connection(4)In the second experiment, the subjects _.A . could tell when they were stared at and when they werent.B . couldnt tell when they were stared at or when they werent.C . couldnt tell when they were stared at but could tell when they werent.D . could tell when they were stared at but couldnt tell when they werent.(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . People are born with a sixth sense.B . The experiments support parapsychologists idea.C . The subjects do not have a sixth sense in the experiments.D . People have a sixth sense in all places.20. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(C)Today, an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. These people are called the Heads-down Tribe (低头族). Are you a heads-down tribe member? Heads-down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.More and more traffic accidents are happening because more drivers use mobile phones when they are driving. In order to make drivers pay more attention to driving, some new traffic rules have been made. For example, people who use mobile phones while driving in Taiwan are fined (罚款). Car drivers and motorcyclists who break the traffic rule will be fined NT$ 3, 000 and NT$1, 000 respectively (分别地).As we can see above, using mobile phones may cause accidents and even cost a lot of money. Also, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the Heads-down Tribe. Lets have a look at an interesting TV report. A man in America kept using his mobile phone on his way home. As a result, he knocked into a big lost bear. When he lifted his eves from the phone, he was so afraid that he turned around and ran away quickly. Another fact is that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their own mobile phones. Its strange that they dont talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal. Some of them even have fun communicating with others on the phone.Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. Are mobile phones good or bad? It depends on how people use them. Lets be healthy users and try to be the Heads-up Tribe.(1)A heard-down tribe member .A . is good at using the InternetB . is a dangerous driverC . is always looking at his or her mobile phoneD . is a careful driver(2)The underlined word Motorcyclists in the passage means Chinese.A . 摩托车手B . 手机使用者C . 低头族D . 警察(3)The American was when he knocked into the bear.A . driving a carB . going to workC . using his mobile phoneD . going shopping(4)According to the passage, the Heads-down Tribe when they eat in a restaurant.A . look at their own mobile phoneB . dont talk to the people who sit oppositeC . Both A and BD . talk with others(5)Whats the best title for the passage?A . Drive your car carefullyB . Use mobile phones properlyC . Be a heads-down tribe memberD . Follow the traffic rules21. (25分)阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language. People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. It is possible to read others around us, even if they do not want us to catch their unspoken communication. Of course, body language can be misread, but many gestures and actions are common.The most common facial expression is, of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. It does not always mean that we are truly happy, however. Smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. There are unhappy smiles, such as when someone loses face and smiles to hide it. However, the general purpose of smiling is to show good feelings.From the time we are babies, we show unhappiness or anger by frowning (皱眉头). In most places around the world, frowning and turning ones back to someone shows anger. Making a fist (拳头) and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry.How about showing that I am bored? Looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. However, if I turn toward and look at someone or something, people from almost every culture will think that I am interested.Being respectful to people is subjective, based on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to boss or teacher. In almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher rank (等级). Standing at a little distance with open hands will show that I am willing to listen.With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. We can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do!(1)What is even more powerful than spoken language according to the passage?(2)What is the most common facial expression?(3)How do babies normally show their anger?(4)What is not good to do when you stay with someone of a higher rank?(5)What does the writer mainly want to tell us四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给词的正确形式。My name is Jane. Im a Chinese girl. I am 13 years old. There are _people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and I. We get on _with each other. My father is a _(work), and he works in a car factory. He works very hard from Monday to Friday. My mother is a teacher and she _(teach) in a middle school. Her students love _(she) very much _she is a very good teacher. My sister is a nurse in No.1 hospital. I am _student in Hangzhou No.1 Middle School. I am going to join the tennis club because I can _(play) table tennis very well. We all want_(live) happily at home. Every day_(be) a good day because we love each other very much.五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假如你是Bob,请根据下面的提示给你的笔友Linda写一封信。1).早上6点半起床,然后刷牙,吃早饭。2).7点钟乘公交车去上学。3).学校离家有5公里远,要花10分钟才能到达学校。4).早上8点开始上课。5).放学后,我要去弹吉他,因为我想要加入音乐俱乐部。要求:语言通顺,意思连贯,不能遗漏要点,60词左右。Dear Linda,How are you? You want to know about my school day. Now let me tell you something about it.This is my day. Its interesting. How about yours? Please write to me soon.Yours,Bob第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 选择题。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共65分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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