沪教版2020年中考英语单词拼写题型专练(四)(II )卷.doc

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沪教版2020年中考英语单词拼写题型专练(四)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单词拼写 (共10题;共36分)1. (10分)单词拼写。阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词,必要时进行词形变化。 A car stopped outside the Cherry Hotel and a young man got out. Mrs. Smith said to the young man. What can I do for you, sir? Excuse me, the young man said, I am l_for my uncle. Mr. White. He has been away from home s_two days ago. I think he is staying here. Yes, he is. Mrs. Smith said, But Im afraid that he went back to London yesterday. Oh, dear, said the young man, looking sad, l went to his house, but l was t_by his children that he was going to stay here until the end of the week. Yes, said Mrs. Smith. He wanted to stay here the whole week, but yesterday someone called him saying that one of his friends w_ill. So he caught the train back to London to see the friend a_once. He should let me k_the young man said. l wrote him a l_, saying that l was coming. Well, since he isnt here. I wont wait any longer. The young man thanked Mrs. Smith and went out. Mrs., Smith watched h_leave. When his car couldnt be seen, she called out, You can come out now. Mr. White. Hes gone. Mr. White came Out of the bedroom. Many thanks, Mrs. Smith. he said laughing. You did very w_. The young Elan is my nephew(侄子) . When he n_money, he will look for me everywhere. Next time he wont tell me by writing me a letter.2. (1分)I dream to have a house with a big g_. I can plant some flowers and grow vegetables in it. 3. (1分)Can you _(吹) out the candles in one go? 4. (1分)Flight 846 l_ five minutes ago. 5. (1分)The music is too loudWould you m_turning it down?6. (1分)Qian Xuesens devotion to China was _(表达) in his saying. “My career is in China.” 7. (1分)Traffic police make some _ (手势) to express their ideas. 8. (5分)单词拼写(单句首字母填空)。(1)J_is the first month and we have New Years Day in this month.(2)There are about two t_students in our school and nine hundred of them are girls.(3)I got a pet parrot as a birthday present on my sixteenth b_.(4)The s_of the cookie looks like a star.(5)We will have a party to c_Kellys birthday.9. (10分)阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。It was the first time that my wife and I had flown first class. As we boarded the plane, we felt as if we were part of a wealthy group. We were_ (满的) of a sense of pride at sitting with those important people.We noticed that the stewardess (空姐)was working non-stop to make sure of the comfort of the first class _ (乘客). She could not walk by a seat _ (没有)being given an order. I thought she must love her job very much, since she gave each person _ (如此的) a big smile.As the stewardess passed our seats near the end of the _ (航班) , I looked up at her and said: “Thank you and I hope you have a great night.” She stopped with an _ (表情) of disbelief on her face, and said: “Excuse me?” I _ (重复)my words, and she smiled in a rather funny way. It seemed as if I had asked a question that she did not know how to_ (回答). A little later, as we were getting off the plane, the stewardess said to me: “Thank you very much, sir.” Then she said _ (静静地): “You are the only one who has thanked me or said anything nice to me all night. I really appreciate your kindness.The sense of belonging to an elite(精英) group in first class disappeared as soon as I heard those words. We were_ (提醒) that if there was no kindness, there would be no first-class flying.10. (5分)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。(1)Do the umbrellas belong to those_(邮递员)?(2)The cinema has_(出口) on its three sides.(3)They discussed for a long time, at last they reached an_(协议).(4)Lily and Lucy are twins and they also have _(相似的) characteristics.(5)Zhao Benshan likes telling jokes. He is very _(幽默的).第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、 单词拼写 (共10题;共36分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、10-1、

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