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Unit5Goodmanners 根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1 Don tpush 推 otherswhenweareonthebus 2 Sheismyclose 亲密的 friend andweoftenplaytogether 3 IfyouwanttospeakEnglishwell youneedtohaveconversations 交谈 withyourfriendsoften 4 Shealwaysgreets 问候 mewithasmile 5 Icouldn tbelievethesepeoplewerebehaving 表现 inthisway 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1 Waiting Towait wait inlineisgoodmanners 2 Tomkeepsrunning run foronehoureverymorning 3 Itisbadmannerstolook look downonthedisabled 4 Doyouknowthesaying say WheninRome doastheRomansdo 5 ThenewstudentcomesfromBritain British 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 这是我第一次在公共场合发言 ItwasthefirsttimethatIspokeinpublic 2 请把椅子拿开 它挡了我的路 Pleasemovethischair Itisinmyway 3 除了学英语之外 我还学法语 I mlearningFrenchaswellasEnglish 4 我们昨天在火车站偶然相遇 Wemetbyaccidentattherailwaystationyesterday 5 她见到我时向我打招呼了 Shesaidhellotomewhenshesawme 单项填空 B 1 Don ttalk Yourgrandmotherissleepingnow A friendlyB loudlyC hardlyD seriously D 2 Hey James Doyoustillrememberwhenwemetthefirsttime Itwasinthelibrary twoyearsago A onB byC atD for A 3 Ifsomeoneshowsgoodmannerstoothers heorsheisa n person A politeB uglyC rudeD quiet B 4 Whydidyougetupsoearlytowork Inordertotheheavytrafficinthecity A stopB avoidC cancelD solve A 5 Remembertoturnofftheairconditionerwhenyouleavehome A OK IwillB Sorry Iwon tC ThankyouD Iknowthat B 6 Whatdoyouwanthimforyourbirthday A buysB tobuyC buyD buying C 7 doBritishpeoplegreettheirrelatives Withakiss A WhenB WhyC HowD What D 8 Ann sfatherisadoctor Hermotherisadoctor A aswellasB eitherC neitherD aswell B 9 Justastheoldsaying WheninRome doastheRomansdo A walksB saysC talksD writes C 10 Mike thankyoufordrivingmehome Haveaniceday A That srightB I mafraidnotC You rewelcomeD It sagoodidea 补全对话A Hello whatareyoulookingat B 1 DIamplanningtotravel sotheysentmethesetocheermeup A That snice Look thispostcardisfromBeijing 2 EB Yeah I msureitis ButLiWeisaysit stiringtotravelaroundthecity A 3 CB Letmesee That sfromPeter HewenttoLondonlastsummerandwentinsideBuckinghampalace wheretheQueenofEnglandlives A Oh itwouldbefantastic B AndthisisapostcardofBaliIsland Paulwastherelastweek Hesaysit sverypeaceful A 4 FB Um thisone It sfromDisneyland It ssoexciting I dreallylovetogo A 5 GMaybeitcouldbeagraduationpresentforyounextyear B Yes Youareright I lltry A 1 A getB borrowC takeD buy D 2 A inB forC withD by C 3 A timeB yearC ageD old B 4 A butB soC orD and C 5 A hardB difficultC easyD busy A 6 A feedB keepC makeD do D 7 A refuseB hateC acceptD want C 8 A comfortableB successfulC expensiveD beautiful B 9 A playB walkC takeD have B 10 A whatB howC whyD which

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