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上海新世纪版2020年中考英语真题试卷C卷一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)完形填空Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was,and I said,”Fried chicken”She said I wasnt funny, but she wasnt1, because everyone else laughed.My parents told me to always be truthful and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite 2. I told my dad what happend, and he said my teacher was probably a(n) 3of PETA. He said they love animals very much. I do, too. Especially chicken, pork and beef. 4my teacher sent me to the principals office(校长室). I told him what happened, and he 5too. Then he told me not to do it again.The next day in class my teacher asked me what my favorite live animal was. I told her it was chicken. She asked me6just like shed asked the other children.I told her it was because people could7them into fried chicken. She sent me back to the principals office. He laughed, and told me not to do it again. I dont 8. My parents taught me to be honest, 9my teacher doesnt like it when I am.Today, my teacher asked me to tell her what famous person10like(s) most.I told her, Colonel Sanders(肯德基创始人).Guess where I am now?(1)A . anger B . right C . patient D . serious (2)A . food B . animal C . answer D . taste (3)A . example B . discover C . enemy D . member (4)A . Instead B . Again C . Anyway D . Also (5)A . laughed B . believed C . shouted D . agreed (6)A . when B . where C . how D . why (7)A . cut B . divide C . make D . add (8)A . care B . regret C . understand D . remember (9)A . but B . and C . or D . for (10)A . I B . we C . she D . they 二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)2. (10分)阅读理解 Do you feel bored on weekends? Do you want to spend a free weekend with your children? Heres what you can do.Visit your community libraryA library not only is a house of books, but also has many CDs and DVDs. Many libraries also have story time for young children, film nights, book clubs and many other events-complete for free._Introduce yourself to your neighbors if you dont know them well. Invite someone you are interested in over for a cup of coffee and a chat to know each other better.Clean out your media collectionJust go through what youve got, decide which ones youd like to keep, and give up the rest. You can either sell them at a used media shop or exchange them online.Organize a family walking tourFind out the interesting places in your town, and then go on a walking tour of them. Pack a lunch in your backpack in the park. You can easily turn this into a full day with your family.Start a book club, or find one to joinIf you like reading and know other people that enjoy it, too, consider starting a book club with them. You all can read the same book for a week, and then meet to talk about it.(1)The writer gives us five ways to _. A . keep healthyB . spend a free weekendC . make more friendD . know more about your community(2)“_”should be put in the blank. A . Go to school earlyB . Do more exerciseC . Meet your neighborsD . Enjoy a cup of coffee(3)The writer gives us _way(s) to deal with the media collection we dont want to keep. A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four(4)The writer mentions all of the following EXCEPT _ in his advice. A . librariesB . toursC . jobsD . clubs(5)The writer has written this passage mainly for _. A . studentsB . parentsC . childrenD . tourists3. (8分)阅读理解 Mary had a little lamb.His hair was white as snow.And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.He followed her to school one day,That was against the rule.It made the children laugh and play,To see the lamb at school.And so the teacher turned him out,But still he stayed near,And waited patiently about,Till Mary did appear(出现).And then he ran to her and laid,His head upon her arm.As if he said, Im not afraidYoull shield me from all hams.What makes the lamb love Mary so?The little children cried:Oh, Mary, loves the lamb, you know,The teacher did reply.And, you, each gentle animalmay bind(联合),And make it follow at your call,If you are always kind.(1)The children laughed because _. A . the lamb appeared in the schoolB . Mary didnt follow the rileC . the lambs hair was very whiteD . Mary took the lamb everywhere(2)The underlined word shield means _. A . supportB . protectC . leaveD . enjoy(3)_ , so the lamb loves Mary according to(根据)the teachers words. A . Mary is always kind to the lambB . Mary plays games with the lambC . Mary spends all her time with the lambD . Mary often feeds the lamb(4)Which is the best title for the poem? A . If you are always kindB . A little lamb at schoolC . Mary had a little IambD . It was against the rule4. (10分)阅读理解 Will robots take over the world? Its hard to say. However, this one has already taken over the kitchen. It is the robot chef, Moley. It can make meals. British scientists made it. Look! There is no driver in that car. A computer controls it. The car has no steering wheel(方向盘), but it has cameras. The cameras can see the road. It can go 40 km in one hour. The American company Google made it. Look at this car. Its made of wood. People can use a remote control(遥控) to run it. An American artist spent more than 5,000 hours building it. Do you want a ping pong table in your room? But you may not have enough space. This door is here to help. It can turn into a ping pong table when you pull it down. Its from Germany.(1)Moley is the name of a . A . kitchenB . scientistC . robot chefD . cook chef(2)The car with cameras is from . A . BritainB . I AmericaC . AustraliaD . Germany(3)Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage? A . Robots can help people do cooking now.B . You can get a driver to drive the car faster.C . It took the American artist one year to build the car.D . People put the ping pong table near a door.(4)The passage is mainly about . A . inventionsB . trafficC . houseworkD . sports(5)We can see the passage from . A . an adB . a novelC . a storybookD . a magazine5. (8分)阅读理解 For one little boy, it was the coldest winter because his father had an accident and lost a leg. The whole family got into trouble.One night, while the boy was hanging out in a small shop, he saw some beautiful bags of coffee. Then he had an idea. He knew his father loved coffee and he also knew stealing wasnt good. But to make his father smile, the boy put a bag of coffee into his jacket and ran back home. His father smiled when he saw the coffee. But, unluckily, before his father could taste it, the shop assistant came and caught the boy. His father became so angry that he beat the boy.Years later, the boy became a successful businessman. One day, his mother called and said his father wanted to see him. The boy was busy, so he refused. Weeks later, he received the sad news that his father had died. When he checked his fathers things, he found an old box. Inside it was the coffee that he had stolen from the shop. On the bag his father had written:Dear son, I havent been successful as a father. But I had a dream-to own a coffee shop. Then I could make cups of coffee for you. Im sorry I didnt make my dream come true.The boy felt so sad. He felt guilty about not meeting his father for the last time, and decided to achieve his fathers dream. After giving up his own business, he started a coffee business. The coffee business is now a huge success.(1)Who caught the boy after he stole the coffee? A . The shop assistantB . A policemanC . His fatherD . His teacher(2)The boys father dreamed of owning a coffee shop because he wanted to . A . make his son live a rich lifeB . be a successful businessmanC . make cups of coffee for his sonD . make himself drink good coffee(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The boy started a coffee business because he wanted to make his fathers dream come true.B . The boy refused to meet his father because he was angry with his father.C . The boy was successful in the coffee business before his father died.D . The father tasted the coffee that his son had stolen.(4)The passage mainly tell us . A . about a fathers great loveB . being a thief is not goodC . we should get on well with our parentsD . about a story of a successful businessman三、 任务型阅读. (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)阅读下面的短文,在思维导图中填入恰当的内容完成阅读摘记。Tape-Measure Murder is a short story by AgathaChristie. In the story, Miss Politt, the dressmaker, finds that Mrs. Spenlow isdead in her house in a small village called St Mary Mead.Everybody, including the police, thinks that Mr. Spenlow is the murderer (凶手) because he isso calm and quiet after discovering his wifes death. But after the police talkto Miss Marple, she finds out the real murderer.The best part of the story is when Miss Marple explains how she solvesthe mystery (疑案) by noticing a tiny pin (别针) on a policemans uniform.Her explanation is very clear and clever. Miss Marple is my favorite characterin the story. I think she is very special because she is just an old lady butshe is even smarter than the policemen. I never thought that an old lady could bethe main character of a detective story!Can you guess who the murderer is? Read the book to find out! You willenjoy the story very much because the ending is so surprising._;_;_;_;_四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共22分)7. (12分)根据短文内容,完成下面各题。how, click, milk, strawberry, not eat, potato, health, help, thank, decorate, present, Europe,(1)A(n)_wolf_grass.(2)一_do I save the document? 一You_ “save”.(3)一Is there any fruit and drink in the fridge? Let me see. There are some_ in the fridge, but there isnt any_.(4)_are_ food.(5)To celebrate Christmas, people in the USA_ their homes and Christmas trees and buy_ for their family and friends.(6)Id like_you for_ me with my study.8. (10分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 A young couple (夫妇) decided to go camping in the mountains to celebrate (庆祝) their first year of marriage(结婚). They _ with them all the things they would need to go camping-warm clothes, food and _tent(帐篷).They went up to the mountains and found the perfect (完美的) _ to set up their tent. After that, they decided to go for a hike to see more _ the mountains.After a _ hike, they went back to their camp, built a fire and cooked dinner. Finally, it was time to go to sleep.Sometime in the middle of the night, the wife woke her husband _ and said: Look up at the sky. What do you see?Her husband _“I see millions of (成千上万的) stars,His wife said: Thats right. What does that mean to you?The husband said: Well, _ there are so many stars out there, that means there might also be a planet(行星) just like ours. And if thats true, then there could be life on one of those planets.Thats kind of _!His wife said: You are wrong. It means that _ has stolen(偷了) our tent!五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)短文填空 My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. Im quieter and more serious。 _most kids. Thats why I like _books and study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we are enjoy studying _. Im shy so its _for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books-you dont need a lot of them as _as they are good.Jeff Green六、 书面表达.。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)同学们,社会发展日新月异,我们的生活也发生了许多变化,你想过二十年后你的生活吗?请你根据以下提示内容,以My life in twenty years”为题,写一篇不少于50词的英语短文,可适当发挥想象.请注意运用正确的时态. 提示:1)网络将对你很重要;(Internet,important)2)你将是一名教师,将不再有学校,学生在家学习,你会通过网络教学生,批改学生作业; (teach,study at home,checkby email)3)你将通过网络购物,看电影;(shop on the Internet,watch movies)4)生活既轻松又有趣。(easy,interesting)第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 任务型阅读. (共1题;共5分)6-1、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共22分)7-1、8-1、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)9-1、六、 书面表达.。 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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