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上海新世纪版2020届英语中考第二次模拟考试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Where do _ Smiths spend their weekends?They often go to play on _ same beach.A . the;theB . a;theC . the;anD . a;an2. (2分)He has several books on the desk, but of them is on history.A . neitherB . noneC . allD . both3. (2分)The iPhone 6s is not _ and I dont have _ to buy it. A . cheap enough; enough moneyB . expensive enough; money enoughC . enough cheap; enough moneyD . enough expensive; money enough4. (2分)- How do you like Egypt?- Its great! And I have learned there.A . manyB . someC . a lotD . lot of5. (2分)More than 20 people in traffic accidents last week. A . died; forB . have been dead; sinceC . have died; forD . have been dead; for6. (2分)you practise your English every day, you wont make any progress on it. A . AlthoughB . UnlessC . IfD . Since7. (2分)Do you know the girl _ is reading a book under the tree?A . whoB . whenC . whichD . whose8. (2分)More and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera.Thats true. Its an important part of Chinese .A . cultureB . inventionC . customD . influence9. (2分)I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours? Yes, you _.A . canB . mustC . couldD . should10. (2分)_ quiet, please. My baby is sleeping.A . BeB . BeingC . IsD . Are11. (2分)Fires are very dangerous. Every year thousands of lives _ in the fires in our country.A . have been diedB . were lostC . are lostD . are died12. (2分)Jack has a very life.A . healthyB . healthC . healthilyD . healths13. (2分)There _ a football match tomorrow.A . is going to haveB . is going to hasC . is going to isD . is going to be14. (2分)I dont know _.A . what time the movie startsB . what time starts the movieC . the time to start the movieD . the movie what time starts15. (2分)What about going to Shanghai Disneyland Park next month, Harry? ! Well have a lot of fun there.A . Good luckB . Never mindC . Sounds greatD . Certainly not二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)“Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge ask. But no one can give them a 1 answer, for there is no wall to be found2the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, 3 , museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and4of the thirty-one colleges.Cambridge was already a 5town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once 6 the Cam. A 7was built over the river as early as 875. So the town got its name “Cambridge”.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much 8 in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a 9 in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100,000. Many young students in other countries 10to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.(1)A . true B . clear C . right D . real (2)A . around B . in C . near D . by (3)A . cinemas B . parks C . zoos D . libraries (4)A . parents B . farmers C . workers D . teachers (5)A . interesting B . usual C . developing D . old (6)A . said B . called C . spoken D . talked (7)A . bridge B . building C . station D . house (8)A . smaller B . slower C . faster D . cleaner (9)A . city B . college C . university D . country (10)A . stop B . hate C . hope D . need 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17. (10分)根据短文理解完成下列各题。DCola is bad for our health. Cola is sweet, because it has sugar in it. Too much sugar can let you get fat. Drinking one bottle of cola each day can make you get fifteen pounds(磅) each year. And because the sugar in cola can make you feel full, you cant eat much healthy food, such as fruit, vegetables and rice. And cola is bad for your teeth and bones(骨头).Drink water, please. Water is very important to our body. It keeps us healthy. We get water from drink and food, especially(特别是) from fruit and vegetables. But its better to drink water. If you dont like plain(清淡的) water, you can put a little 100% fruit juice into it.(1)How many pounds can you get each year by drinking one bottle of cola each day?A . 5 pounds.B . 10 pounds.C . 15 pounds.D . 25 pounds.(2)The underlined word full means .A . 饥饿的B . 饱的C . 健康的D . 甜的(3)According to (根据) the passage, how can we get water? By drinking milk. By drinking soup. By playing basketball. By eating fruit and vegetables.A . B . C . D . (4)What can we do if we dont like plain water?A . Put some tea into the water.B . Add some ice cream to the water.C . Add some sugar to the water.D . Put a little 100% fruit juice into the water.(5)Whats the best title for the passage?A . My Favourite DrinkB . Cola or WaterC . Cola Is Bad for UsD . Why Is Water Important18. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。DCelebrities(名人) are everywhere nowadays: on TV, in magazines, online. People think and talk about them a lot. Is this harmless fun or is it bad for us? How many people are truly crazy about modern idols(偶像)? And on the other side of the coin, is being famous harmful to the celebrities?Studies suggest that most of the teenagers do not really idolize celebrities. Researchers have found three kinds of fans.About 15% of young people have a social interest. They love chatting about their favorite celebrities with friends and this does not appear to do any harm.Another 5% feel that they have a strong-personal relationship with a celebrity. Sometimes they see them as their soul-mates(心灵伴侣) and find that they are often thinking about them, even when they dont want to. These people are easy to feel depressed. If girls in this group idolize a woman star with a body they consider to be perfect, they are more likely to be unhappy with their own bodies.That leaves 2% of young people with an unreasonable interest. They might spend several thousand pounds on a paper plate the celebrity had used, or they would do something lawbreaking. These people are in most danger of being seriously upset.What about the celebrities themselves? Some researchers in the USA did a study to find out the effect of being famous on these people. The study showed celebrities showed off too much and they were very narcissistic(自恋的). The researchers looked at 200 celebrities, 200 young adults with MBAs (Masters in Business Administration), who were a group known for being narcissistic, and some general population. As the researchers expected, the celebrities were much more narcissistic than the MBAs and both of these two groups were a lot more narcissistic than the general population.Four kinds of celebrities were included in the study. The most narcissistic were the ones who had become famous through reality TV shows. Next came comedians(喜剧演员) and then actors.The least narcissistic were musicians. One interesting result was that there was no connection between narcissism and the length of time the celebrity had been famous.So, what can we learn from this? Most people who are very successful or famous are usually self-centered and are likely to act only for their own benefits. As we can see from celebrity magazines, they also often feel lonely and even hopeless. They make harmful role models.(1)The underlined word depressed in Paragraph 3 probably means .A . sadB . afraidC . pleasedD . hopeful(2)According to Paragraph 5, who are the most narcissistic?A . Celebrities.B . The general population.C . Young adults with MBAs.D . Teenagers who admire celebrities.(3)What can we learn from the passage?A . Most fans of celebrities want to become famous.B . Talking about celebrities does harm to teenagers.C . Narcissism increases with the length of time of being famous.D . Only a very small group of teenagers are crazy about celebrities.(4)Whats the purpose of this passage?A . To make us understand celebrities better.B . To direct teenagers to become celebrities.C . To compare different people with celebrities.D . To discourage teenagers from taking celebrities as idols.19. (10分)阅读理解Last year in the UK at least 45 people died and 900 more were injured (受伤的) in car accidents where drivers were using their mobile phonesYet many people continue to use them while driving even though its dangerous.Research has shown that it is difficult to concentrate on (专注于) driving and talking at the same timeIt can even be more dangerous than driving after drinking too much. A recent study found that when drivers were talking on their mobile phones,their stopping times were 30 percent slower than when they had drunk too muchand nearly 50 percent slower than when they were driving normally. It also found that drivers talking on mobile phones were less able to control their cars than drunk drivers.And talking isnt even the most serious problem, but texting is. Unbelievably, another recent study reported that 22 of adults admitted (承认) they had sent a text message while driving at least once in the past month. An average (平均的) text message takes 90 seconds to write and send. That means for one and a half minutes a driver is looking at their phones screen and not at the road. The arrival of new smart phones such as the iPhone will only make things worse as they will allow users to do more things than ever beforeUsing a mobile phone while driving puts others lives at risk. No matter how well we drive,if another driver is not careful,we are put in danger by their actions. Such drivers are selfish,careless and should have their driving licences (驾照) cancelled (撤销).There is no doubt that mobile phones can be fun and are useful,especially when youre in troubleBut there is no need to use them while driving. Just wait until you stop or you will probably get into trouble of your own. (1)The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to _.A . phone usersB . mobile phonesC . driversD . ears(2)According to the passage,if a driver needs 10 seconds to stop when driving normally, they will need _ seconds to stop when talking on a mobile phoneA . 12B . 13C . 14D . 15(3)According to the passage,in what order do the following activities influence driving?DangerousMore dangerousMost dangerousA . drinkingtalking on phonetextingB . textingtalking on phonedrinkingC . talking on phonedrinkingtextingD . drinkingtextingtalking on phone(4)Why will new types of mobile phones make the driving problem worse?A . It will take longer to send text messages.B . People will want to talk on their phones more often.C . There will be more things for people to do with their phones.D . People think the new phones are easier and safer to use.(5)According to the writer, what should be done to people who use mobile phones when driving?A . They should be put into prison (监狱).B . Their cars should be taken away.C . Their phones should be taken from them.D . They should not be allowed to drive any longer.20. (6分)阅读理解A Attraction- - RoadRiver(1)There are _ attractions in the map. A . 12B . 13C . 14D . 15(2)The Slender West Lake is to the _ of He Garden. A . northwestB . southwestC . northeastD . southeast(3)The mark of means “_”. A . houseB . lakeC . hillD . bridge四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)Hey, Mom! I feel the train_(移动)五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)22. (25分)任务型阅读BHi, friends ! Im Peter and I live in Hungary.I just want to talk about four season(季节)in my countryI like spring a lot because after the long cold and wet winter days,it is warm againTrees turn greenYou can see flowers everywhereIt often rains and there can be strong(强劲的)winds tooSometimes its cloudy but most of the time it is warm and sunnySummer is my favorite time of the yearIt is very hot in July and AugustSometimes there are heavy rainsMany of my friends and I like summer best because there is a long holiday (假期)and we can go on tripsThe school year starts on September 1 stIts also the beginning of autumnTrees are full of fruits in autumnIn October and November its usually cold and windyIt rains a lotWinter is usually very coldIt often snows and there are strong windsMany people like winter sports in my countryI like going out for sports,tooSkating is my favorite winter sport根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。(1)Where does Peter live?(2)How is the weather in spring most of the time in Peters country?(3)Why does Peter like summer best?(4)When does the school year start in Peters country?(5)Whats Peters favorite winter sport?六、 短文填空 (共1题;共9分)23. (9分)根据所给的音标、语境或单词的提示,完成短文。Great changes have taken place in Beijing. In the past, the roads were _ /nr/. Big families were crowded _ small houses. Many children couldnt get enough food and good education. People kept _ touch with their friends and _ /reltvz/ far away mainly by letter or telegram. But now there are more and more ring roads. And the buildings are _ (tall). People can enjoy good _ /medkl/ care. There are more food and clothes to _ /stsfa/ peoples needs. We can use telephones, cellphones, fax _ /mi:nz/ and the Internet. We are so pleased to _ the changes in Beijing ourselves.七、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)24. (1分)那时大家都在等着过马路。At that time,everyone_ the street.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)假如现在是晚上七点,你就是Tom, 请根据Tom 提供的下列信息, 写一篇描述Tom 一家人此时的活动情况,文章不得少于50词。Fatherread a newspaperMotherdo the dishesGrandparents watch TVTomdo his homeworkRoseplay with the cat第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)21-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共9分)23-1、七、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)24-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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