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人教版2020届九年级英语教学质量调研试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I dont think it is _ useless competition, because it has offered us _valuable experience for the next competition.A . the; aB . an; /C . an; aD . a; /2. (2分)Last Sunday, we went to China Dinosaur Land in Changzhou. We _ there for 10 hours.A . have stayedB . will stayC . stayedD . stay3. (2分)You can borrow a pencil Jim.A . onB . toC . forD . from4. (2分) Why did you pull the girl?You see, traffic was so busy that anything happen to her at that moment.A . couldB . mustC . canD . should5. (2分) Did Peter do very well in the sports meet? Yes. He ran very fast_ he could catch up with others.A . so thatB . in order toC . so as toD . in order6. (2分) Theres _ with my eyes.Dont worry. Let me help me.A . wrong somethingB . something wrongC . nothing wrongD . wrong something7. (2分)One of Thailands symbols _ the elephant. A . isB . areC . haveD . is having8. (2分)This is _ English lesson. I hope you will enjoy English. A . our the firstB . the our firstC . our firstD . the first our9. (2分)_ came to my house just now because there was a box of fruit in the doorway(门口).A . SomebodyB . AnybodyC . NobodyD . Everybody10. (2分)Toms favourite are spring and summer. A . seasonB . holidayC . seasonsD . holidays11. (2分)We do sports every day _.A . build us upB . to build up usC . to build us up12. (2分)_ of the students will take part in the sports meeting.A . Three fiveB . Three fivesC . Three fifthD . Three fifths13. (2分)一Excuse me, do you know every day?It closes at 9:00 p.m.A . when does the library closeB . when will the library closeC . when the library closesD . when the library closed14. (2分)The coat is _small for me _. A . too;to wearB . enough;to wearC . too;to wear itD . so;to wear15. (2分)Im going to Sanya for my holiday tomorrow._A . Have a good time!B . Youre right.C . Its good.D . Goodbye二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。A long time ago, there lived a wise man named Zun-Nun in Egypt. A young man came to visit him and asked, “Teacher, why do you dress in 1a way? Nowadays its necessary to dress neatly(整洁地), isnt it? Or how will people know youre really a 2and wise man?”Zun-Nun smiled, took a ring from his finger and said, “Young friend, Ill answer your question, 3first do one thing for me. Take this ring to the market. Can you sell it for one chip of gold?”When the young man looked at Zun-Nuns dirty ring, he thought to 4, “How will I sell it at that price?”He 5 the ring to the vegetable, meat and fish traders and others in the market. But 6was willing to pay a chip of gold.He returned and told this to Zun-Nun. Zun-Nun said, “Now go to the gold shop and show the ring to the owner. Dont give a 7, just see how much he will pay.”One hour 8, the young man was back. “Teacher, people in the market really didnt know the value of this ring. The gold shop owner 9me 1,000 chips of gold.”Zun-Nun smiled. “Thats the answer to your question, my friend. Someone cant be valued only from his 10. The ring was a gift from the emperor,” he said.(1)A . so B . such C . this D . that (2)A . special B . strange C . common D . stupid (3)A . until B . however C . though D . but (4)A . him B . it C . himself D . itself (5)A . gave B . showed C . sold D . provided (6)A . nobody B . neither C . anyone D . everyone (7)A . ring B . idea C . price D . reason (8)A . after B . before C . ago D . later (9)A . cost B . offered C . spent D . lent (10)A . words B . thoughts C . knowledge D . dress 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)17. (10分) Two farmers were on their way home one evening after a hard days work. Both were tired. They happened to look up at the sky and saw a black cloud overhead.Ah! said one farmer, tomorrow we shall have rain and the rice will grow well. The second answered, Nonsense (胡说), the rain will only kill the crops (庄稼).So they began to quarrel (争吵). Just then a third farmer came along and asked them why they were quarreling. Both farmers explained about the black cloud.What cloud? asked the third farmer. They all looked at the sky. The cloud was no longer there.Choose the right answer(1)The two farmers were _.A . going homeB . going to the fieldC . going to workD . going to see their friend(2)The two farmers _ on that day.A . had a holidayB . didnt workC . worked hardD . wanted to quarrel with each other(3)When there are black block clouds in the sky, _.A . it will rain soonB . it will be fineC . it will get hotD . the sun is shining brightly(4)The two farmers fought in words because _.A . they were hungryB . it rainedC . one said the rain would do good to the crops and the other didnt think soD . they both hoped for rain(5)The third farmer came with and said to the other two. He _.A . wanted to make friends with themB . joined them in the quarrelC . wanted to know why they were quarrelingD . had nothings to do18. (10分)阅读理解 Anna is a 17-year-old exchange student(交换生) from Russia(俄罗斯). She is now studying art in a university(大学) in France. Shes going to stay in France for a year and then she will go back to Russia. Anna comes to France because she thinks Paris is the best place for her to study art. She is now staying with the Black family. She helps Mrs Black do some housework every evening and goes to French classes every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.Everything in Paris is new to her. She finds things are quite different from those in Moscow. There are many big shopping malls here, but many things are really expensive. Its also expensive to have a meal in a restaurant or go to the cinema. Now Anna has got used to(习惯于) many things, but she cannot get used to the breakfast in France. They eat so much in the morning, she often says. How can you face all that food so early in the day?(1)Anna will return to Russia at the age of . A . 16B . 17C . 18D . 19(2)Anna has French classes . A . once a weekB . twice a weekC . three times a weekD . four times a week(3)Anna comes to Paris to . A . study artB . study FrenchC . work at a universityD . visit the Black family(4)We can learn from the second paragraph that .A . French people always eat a lot all dayB . Anna doesnt like the life in Paris at allC . Anna doesnt like French food at allD . Anna doesnt eat so much in the morning(5)Which is NOT true according to the passage?A . Anna is an exchange student.B . Anna comes from Moscow.C . Many things are more expensive in Paris than in Moscow.D . Anna doesnt get used to anything in Paris.19. (8分)阅读理解 Jack is 10 years old, and I am his pencil. Im Jacks helper(助手).Jacks pencil box is my home. I have some friends here. They are seven crayons, a ruler, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. Because Jack loves me, Im the king(国王)in the pencil box. My friends and I are happy every day.Today, I am not happy because a pen comes in. Its new and beautiful. Its a music pen. It can not only(不仅) write but also(而且) sing. But Im old and I can only help Jack to write. Jack likes it so much! The new pen is his helper now. Its the new king. What can I do now? Shall I go to a new home?(1)Whats the old pencils home? A . The eraser.B . The ruler.C . The new pen.D . The pencil box.(2)According to the passage, Jack is probably(很可能) a _. A . studentB . pencil caseC . schoolbagD . pencil(3)Who is the king now? A . The pencil.B . The pen.C . Jack.D . The pencil box.(4)We can know from the passage(文章) that _. A . the old king is not happy nowB . our pencils arent our helpersC . the pen is old but beautifulD . Jack doesnt need the pencil any more20. (10分)阅读理解My name is Jim and I live in Canada. My mother is from Korea and my father is from France, so we speak three languages(语言) at home. I think languages are very interesting and I want to learn Portuguese and Chinese. But my favorite subject isnt language. Its math. I really like history, too.I like sports, especially(尤其) soccer and basketball, because theyre relaxing. But I dont have much time to play. I go to the music club after school on Mondays. I have guitar lessons on Wednesdays, and I go to the library(图书馆) on Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays are great, because I can play sports, play computer games and watch TV.(1)Jim and his parents live in _. A . KoreaB . FranceC . Canada(2)Jim can speak _ very well at home. A . FrenchB . ChineseC . Portuguese(3)Jims favorite subject is _. A . languageB . mathC . history(4)Jim can play soccer on _. A . Saturdays and SundaysB . Tuesdays and SundaysC . Thursdays and Saturdays(5)Jim thinks sports are _. A . interestingB . greatC . relaxing四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空,每空只写词。 (共10题;共10分)21. (1分)Look! An old woman is l_ on the street. Lets go and help her. 22. (1分)I met an old friend of my _ in the street yesterday.(祖父母) 23. (1分)My room is tidy, _ my brothers things are everywhere. 24. (1分)The boy_/ru:/ a stone at a bird but missed it. 25. (1分)Please give me a hand. Im not tall _(足够地) to reach the books on the top of the bookshelf. 26. (1分)The higher the mountain is, the_(thin)the air is27. (1分)儿童节那天,孩子们在迪士尼乐园玩得很开心。 Children had fun _ (play) in Disneyland on Childrens Day.28. (1分)Time seemed _ (go) faster than usual when I was on holiday. 29. (1分)She wants to be a_(cook) when she grows up. 30. (1分)Saturday is to weekend as Tuesday is to _ . 五、 汉译英 (共5题;共11分)31. (1分)An apple a day _(医生远离我)。 32. (3分)吃饭前要洗手, 不然很容易就生病的。 Hands _ _ _ before eating or you will easily get sick.33. (1分)为了实现中国梦,我们必须努力学习和工作。_to achieve our Chinese Dream, we must study and work hard.34. (4分)妹妹问我是否可以帮她学英语。 My sister asked me _ _ _ _ her with her English.35. (2分)不要总拿我和别的孩子做比较。 Dont always_ me_ other children. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)36. (25分)请仔细阅读人物信息,然后从A-E 五个选项中选择他们各自感兴趣的信息。 ALostA red ruler.My name is Kelsey.Please call me at 6578-3945.BCenter Library(中心图书馆)You can use the computer on Saturdays and Sundays on Floor 5 in our library.5 pence(便士)for an hour.CFoundAn English dictionary.Please call Mike.Phone number: 2467-8900DMobile PhoneIt is a cell phone(手机). It can store(储存)500 telephone numbers.ELilys Pencil ShopAll kinds of pencils here. Just 1.5 yuan for one pencil.(1)My English dictionary is lost. My name is Mary. Please call 489-2051. (2)Li Hong wants three pencils. And she just has 5 yuan. (3)Jim found a red ruler in his desk, but it is not his ruler. Whose ruler is it? (4)Grace likes computer games. But she has no computer. And her father doesnt have enough(足够的)money for it. (5)Victor has many friends. But he often forgets(忘记)his friends telephone numbers. 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37. (5分)初中生活就要结束,暑假即将来临。为了过一个充实而有意义的假期,你有哪些计划?请以My plans for the summer holiday为题,根据以下提示,写一篇英语短文,展望你的暑假生活。 提示:1)多读好书(放松自己,有助于成长)2)常做家务;坚持锻炼(晚饭散步,早起慢跑,打球);3)参加英语夏令营(了解英语文化,提高英语学习);4)复习功课(为高中做准备)要求:1)不得在作文中出现你真实的学校名称和自己的姓名。2)语句连贯,表达准确,词数80左右,内容可以适当发挥。3)开头已给出,不计入总词数参考词汇:慢跑jog高中high middle schoolMy plans for the summer holidayThe summer holiday is coming. I am going to have a meaningful holiday. I have made some plans. 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空,每空只写词。 (共10题;共10分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、五、 汉译英 (共5题;共11分)31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、36-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37-1、


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