2019年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks课后作业课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks课后作业课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks课后作业课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019年秋七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks课后作业课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Unit7Howmucharethesesocks SectionA 1a 2e 课后作业 一 按要求完成下列各题I 根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1 Howmucharethe 短袜 2 My 裤子 aretoolong 3 Thebagischeap 便宜的 I llt it 4 CanIhelpyou Yes In aT shirt 5 Thisp ofshoesisnice Ilikeit socks trousers ake eed air II 用所给单词的适当形式填空 6 Howmuch be theshoes 7 Sheneeds120 dollar foranewbike 8 Doyoulike sweater 9 Arethose sock underthechairyours 10 He have alongshirt are dollars sweaters socks has 二 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 这些苹果多少钱 aretheapples 2 先生 我可以帮您吗 I you sir 3 我需要一件上学穿的裙子 I askirtforschool 4 这顶帽子看起来很旧了 Thecap How much Can help need looks very old 5 我就要这一件了 给您 Iwilltakeit 三 单项填空 1 Howmuch thehats Fivedollars A isB areC amD Here you are B 2 Doyoulikethispairoftrousers No it s forme Iwantalongpair A easyB smallC goodD short 3 Pleasegivemeacupoftea A HereyouareB Idon tknowC OK thanksD Youarewelcome D A 4 Mustthemanwashhiscarnow A Yes hedoB No hedon tC Yes heneedsD No heneedn t 5 Yes I dlikethenewdress Pleaseshowmethegreenone A What sthematterB HowareyouC What sthedateD CanIhelpyou D D 四 完形填空FairfieldHouseishavingasale Allthingsare 1 verygoodprices They 2 black whiteandbluetrousers 3 only 30 Howmuch 4 thesweaters Theyareonly 20 Doyou 5 shoes Theyhaveshoes 6 purple yellowandred Theyareonly 18 7 T shirts Youcanget 8 foronly 10andtheylookreally 9 Whataboutsocks Theyarereallycheap 便宜的 Theysell themforonly 1fortwo 10 Andthat snotall Therearesomethingsforfree 免费 everyday Thereareballsforchildrenandfreecoffeeforallthepeople 1 A inB atC onD of 2 A haveB takeC needD find 3 A atB ofC inD for 4 A isB areC beD do 5 A needB seeC getD sell B A D B A 6 A toB byC inD from 7 A SoB ButC AndD Or 8 A himB theirC theyD them 9 A funB niceC easyD boring 10 A onesB bagsC boxesD pairs C C D B D SectionA GrammarFocus 3c 一 用is或are填空1 Howmuch thisT shirt It s88yuan 2 Howmuch theseshoes They re300yuan 3 Howmuch thissweaterandthatT shirt Theyare360yuan 4 Howmuch thosesocks Twodollars is are are are 二 按要求完成句子1 Thesweateris15dollars 就画线部分提问 isthesweater 2 Iwantapairofsocks 就画线部分提问 youwant 3 CanIhelpyou 改为同义句 What foryou 4 Howaboutthatblacksweater 改为同义句 thatblacksweater How much What do can I do What about 5 Myschoolbagisblackandwhite 就画线部分提问 isyourschoolbag 三 单项填空 1 Ilikethatwatch isit It s20yuan A HowmanyB HowmuchC WhatcolorD Whatprice What color B 2 orangesdoyouwant A HowmanyB HowmuchC HowoldD How 3 Ourclasshas students A oneB fivety fiveC firstD sixty six 4 Lisa s isred A shoesB bagC socksD pants 5 sir Yes please Ineedapairofsportsshoes A CanIhelpyouB HowdoyoudoC WhatdoyoudoD Howaboutyou A D B A 四 阅读理解AHello I mLucy I minIndia 印度 Look Ilookniceinmyredsari 纱丽 What sthat Itisasweater It sblue It sJack ssweater Hebuysitforonlytendollars Helikesblueverymuch IcanseeaT shirtonthesofa It sverynice It syellow Oh Theseareskirts Thegreenskirtisbig Thepurpleskirtissmall Iwanttogivethebigonetomy sisterJane Andthesmalloneisforme Thoseareredsocks TheyareLynn s Lynnismygoodfriend Hermotherbuysthemforherforonlyonedollar 1 ThecolorofLucy ssariis A blueB redC yellowD green 2 ThepriceofJack ssweateris A 1dollarB 5dollarsC 8dollarsD 10dollars B D 3 TheT shirtis A onthedeskB onthesofaC nexttotheboxD nexttothesweater 4 Thepurpleskirtisfor A LucyB JaneC LynnD Lucy sfriend 5 Wecanknowthat A JaneisLynn ssisterB Lynn smotherbuystheredsocksforLynnC LucyisinaT shirtD thegreenskirtissmall B A B BMrs SmithisJim smother Shelovesherfamilyverymuch Sheoftenbuysfood fruitandclothesforJimandhisfather Nowmanyclothesareonsaleatgoodprices Mrs Smithcomestothestoreandshewantstobuysomeclothes Ithassweatersinallcolorsfor 15each 每件 andsportsshoesforonly 28 Mrs Smithlikestheredsweaterandshebuysoneforherself Shebuysapairofsports shoesforherson TheT shirtsinthestorearejust 18 ShebuysawhiteoneforMr Smith Andthat snotall Thesocks inallcolors are 2eachpair Shebuysfivepairs 6 Mrs Smithoftenbuys forherfamily A booksandfoodB fruit coffeeandshoesC food fruitandclothesD teaandschoolthings 7 Theclothesinthestoreare A verybigB atgoodpricesC notgoodD verysmall C B 8 Mrs Smithlikes A theredsweaterB theblueT shirtC thegreenT shirtD thewhitesweater 9 Mrs Smithbuys forMr Smith A awhiteT shirtB askirtC awhitesweaterD apairofsportsshoes 10 Mrs Smithspends 花费 onthesocks A 2B 4C 10D 20 A A C SectionB 1a 2c 一 根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词1 Tenandtenist 2 Thereisa 服装 storenearourschool 3 Thatstore 卖 computers 4 Thep ofthishatis98yuan 5 Ithinkthisshirtis 非常 expensive wenty clothes sells rice very 二 按要求完成下列各题1 Myfriendhasthreebasketballs 就画线部分提问 basketballs yourfriend 2 Thispairofshoesisonly 20 就画线部分提问 thispairofshoes 3 我们的包包价格优惠 一个仅需15元 汉译英 Wehavebags a foronly15yuaneach How many does have How much is at good price 4 我们有紫色的裙子 一件只需20美元 汉译英 Wehaveskirts only 20each 5 Ineedapairofblacksocks 改为一般疑问句 you apairofblacksocks 三 单项填空 1 Theshopsellsbooks verygoodprices A atB forC inD with in purple for Do need A 2 WhatcanIdo you Doyouhaveanysocks sale A on forB for withC for onD with on 3 Mymother meanewbageveryyear A buyB buysC sellD sells 4 Thestore schoolthings thestudents A sell toB buy fromC sells toD buys from C B C 5 Wehavebags white redandblack only55yuan A in atB at forC at onD in for四 短文填空请用适当的词完成下面的短文 每个空只能填写一个形式正确 意义相符的单词 Hello Welcome1 SunshineStore Wehavemanythings2 goodprices Wehavefresh 新鲜的 vegetables fruit meat 肉 niceclothes3 D to at and shoes Nowclothesandshoesareon4 Theyareverycheap WehaveT shirts5 only 8 Wealsohavehatsandsweatersinall6 Theblackhatisonly 4 Thewhitesweateris 16 theredsweateris 19andtheblueoneis 20 7 areforyou too Blacktrousersandbluetrousersare 12 How8 aretheshorts 9 are 14 Comeand10 goodthingsforyourselfatSunshineStore sale for colors Trousers much They buy SectionB 3a SelfCheck 一 根据句意及中文提示完成单词1 Thetwo 女人 likeapplesandpears 2 These 裤子 are80yuan 3 Doyou 需要 bagsforschool 4 Thosetwo 男孩 aremycousins 5 Those 衣服 arenice I lltakethem women trousers need boys clothes 二 根据汉语意思完成句子 每空一词1 我想买一双白色袜子 Iwanttobuy 2 这双棕色的鞋子正在促销 仅售15美元 This brownshoesare foronlyfifteendollars 3 你需要上学的书吗 you books school a pair of white socks pair of on sale Do need for 4 你们卖包吗 Doyou 5 这些黑色的裤子多少钱 theseblacktrousers 三 单项填空 1 Thegreenhats on A are sellB is sellC are saleD is sale 2 Howmuchistheskirt Sorry Idon tknowits A colorB numberC sizeD price sell bags How much are C D 3 Wehavesocks white only 5 A at inB in forC at atD in on 4 Thisshirtisverynice I ll it A bringB wantC takeD look 5 CanIhelpyou A SorryB No Idon tC Yes pleaseD Hereitis B C C 四 读写综合A 信息归纳请阅读下面这篇文章 根据所提供的信息 完成信息卡 Todayisthetwins birthday Theyaretwelve Jim Mike KateandBillarethetwins friends Theywanttobuysomepresents 礼物 forthem Thereisabigshopneartheirschool Itsellsalotofthings Intheshop peoplecanbuyfood drinksandschoolthings Theshopclosesverylate Sotheycanbuythingsontheirwayhome Theybuy abigcake twoboxesofcolorpencils anorangeyo yoandsomeniceexercisebooks Theywanttobuytwodollsandtwotoytrainsforthetwins Butallthedollsandtoysaretooexpensive InformationCard Twelve Neartheirschool Food drinksandschoolthings Two 2 Becausetheyaretooexpensive B 书面表达请你根据下面的内容提示写一篇英语短文 简要介绍星光服装店 XingguangClothesStore 内容包括 1 店很大 人们都很喜欢去那里买东西 2 所销物品包括 童装 童鞋及颜色多样的帽子 3 短裙20元 帽子10元 鞋35元 写作要求 1 语句连贯 词数50个左右 2 作文的开头已经给出 不计入总词数 ComeandhavealookatXingguangClothesStore Ourstoreisbig Peoplealllikeitverymuch Wehavemanythings suchaschildren sclothes children sshoesandchildren shats Thehatsareindifferentcolors Theskirtsareonly20yuan thehatsareonly10yuanandshoesare35yuan Theyareatverygoodprices CometoXingguangClothesStorenow

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