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Unit5单元测试卷 一 听力测试 一 听句子 选画面 你将听到5个句子 请根据所听到的内容 选出与句子意思相符的画面选项 每个句子仅读一遍 A B C D E F 1 2 3 4 5 F B D A C 二 对话理解 你将听到5段对话及5个问题 请根据每段对话内容和所提出的问题 从每小题所给的A B C三个选项中 选出最佳选项 每段对话及问题读两遍 6 Whatanimaldotheytalkabout A ThetigerB ThebearC Thelion 7 Isthewomangladtolookafterthedog A No shehatesthedog B Yes sheisgladtohelptheman C No sheisverybusy 8 Wherearetheyprobably A InacinemaB InazooC Inamarket 9 Whatdogiraffesdoifthey rehungry A HurtpeopleB EatgrassandtreeleavesC Eatinsects 10 Whydoesn tthewomanbuythecoat A Becauseit sveryexpensive B Becauseit snotsobeautiful C Becauseit smadeofanimalfur A B B B C 11 Thelittlefishlives A inabottleB inariverC inthesea 12 WhichisNOTtrue A Thelittlefishisn tafraidofthedark B Thelittlefishhaslotsoffriends C Thelittlefishcan tplaywithherfriends 13 Thelittlefishusuallyfeelshappybecause A shecanplaywithherfriendsB ShecanswimeverywhereC BothAandB 14 Thelittlefish smotheroftenaskshertobecarefulbecause A theriverisdarkB somebigfishmayeatherC manmaycatchher 15 Thelittlefish sfamilywillleavetheirhomebecause A thewaterthereisgettingdirtieranddirtierB thefoodthereisbecomingworseandworseC BothAandB 三 短文理解 你将听到一篇短文 请根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题 从每小题所给的A B C三个选项中 选出最佳选项 短文读三遍 C B C C B 二 单项选择 16 Millie haveyouseen filmWhereAreWeGoing Dad Yes it s interestingfilm A a theB the anC a an 17 15yearsold theboylefthomeforbeijing thefirsttime A At atB On atC At for 18 didXiWangweighatfourmonthsold Abouteightkilograms A HowheavyB HowlongC Howmuch 19 TheairinNanningismuchworsethanthatinmanyothercities Wemustdo toprotectourenvironment A nothingB somethingC anything 20 HespentalotoftimeonEnglish hegotthemostpointsintheEnglishtest A InfactB HoweverC Asaresult B C A B C 21 It scoldoutside Wecanmakeafire thebadroomwarm A keepB tokeepC keeping 22 IsDavidcomingbytrain Heshould buthe not Helikesdrivinghiscar A canB needC may 23 Thegiantpandasaregetting becausetheirlivingareasarebecomingfarmlands A fewerandfewerB largerandlargerC smallerandsmaller 24 ofthemknowstheanswertothequestion A NooneB NothingC None 25 ImissedthebeginningofTheVoiceofChinayesterdayevening Butyoucanwatchthere playtonight A HurryupB WhatapityC Tryyourbest B C A C B 三 完形填空 Onceuponatime therewasanowl 猫头鹰 inthemiddleofadarkforest Alltheanimalsknewthathewasthewisestamongofthem Sotheyoftenwenttohimandtoldhimtheirproblems Thentheowlalwaystoldthemtosolvetheirproblems Oneday alittlebirdcametotheowl Shewas What swrongwithyou askedtheowl I mnothappyatall Mr Owl Idon twanttobeabirdanymore thebird Whydon tyouwanttobea n askedtheowl BecauseIamsosmallandweak shecried Iwanttobeasbigandstrongasthelion Heisimportant butIamnot Thentheowlsaidinherear Thenthebirddriedhertearsandaway Oneweeklater thebirdcameback Thankyouverymuch Mr Owl Youareso shesaidtotheowl I mveryhappynow Everyday Iwatchoutfor 监视 lionsandtigers theycomenear IshoutasloudlyasIcan Thentheyallrunandhide Theyoftenmeforthat Iamusefulandimportantnow Thewiseowlsmiledandsaid Dear nooneintheworldisuseless 26 A bothB allC none 27 A howB whyC what 28 A cryingB smilingC singing 29 A agreedB advisedC answered 30 A lionB birdC tiger 31 A nothingB everythingC something 32 A ranB flewC swam 33 A cleverB sillyC polite 34 A AfterB WhenC So 35 A leaveB thankC laughat B A A C B C B A B B Onceuponatime therelivedarichman Hehadaservant 仆人 Heandtheservantlovedwine 酒 andgoodfoodverymuch Eachtimetherichmanlefthishome theservantwoulddrinkthewineandeatupallthenicefoodinthehouse Therichmanknewwhathisservantdid buthehadnevercaughthisservantdoingthat Onemorning whenhelefthome hesaidtotheservant Herearetwobottlesofpoison 毒药 andsomenicefoodinthehouse Youmusttakecareofthem Withthesewords hewentout 四 阅读理解 Buttheservantknewthattherichmanhadsaidwasuntrue Aftertherichmanwasawayfromhishome heenjoyedanicemeal Becausehedranktoomuch hewasdrunkandfelltotheground Whentherichmancameback hecouldn tfindhisfoodandhiswine Hebecameveryangry Hewoketheservantup Buttheservanttoldhisstoryverywell Hesaidacathadeatenupeverything Hewasafraidtobepunished 惩罚 sohedrankthepoisontokillhimself 36 Inthestory likedwineandgoodfoodverymuch A therichmanB theservantC bothAandB 37 Therichmanknewthatitwas thatdrankthewineandateupallthenicefood A thecatB nobodyC theservant C C 38 Therichtoldtheservantthattherewaspoisoninthetwobottles because A therewasinfactpoisoninthebottlesB didnotwanttheservanttodrinkhiswineC hewantedtokilltheservant 39 Infact ateallthenicefoodanddrankthewine A theservantB catC therichman 40 Fromthestory weknowthattheservantisvery A lazyB badC clever B A C 五 情景交际根据对话内容 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话 其余有两项是多余的 A Allright B That sagoodidea C Howdoyouknowit D Yes Ihavegotamap E Whatdoyouknowaboutit F Yes that sright G Whatkindofanimalshallweseethere John Wehavetomeettheothersat7 30atthereserve don twe Mary John Doyouknowhowtogetthere Mary Itwilltakeusabouttwohourstogettherebybus John Mary It sanareathatprotectslotsofdifferentanimals John Mary I mnotreallysure IknowtherearemanydifferentkindsofbirdsthereandI mgoingtotakemycamerawithme John 41 42 43 44 45 D F G E B 六 词汇运用 一 英汉短语互译 46 havepityon 47 beborn 48 Infact 49 inthebeginning 50 asaresult 51 以食 为生 52 采取行动 53 立刻 马上 54 与 一样 55 迷路 二 根据句意 首字母和中文提示 完成下列单词的拼写 56 Peoplekillwolvesbecausetheythinkwolvesaredangerousto 人类 57 OurEnglishteachertoldusthatagood 开始 ishalfdone 58 MrChenwillgiveustwor onhowtolearnEnglishwellthisafternoon 同情 怜悯 出生 出世 实际上 事实上 一开始 因此 liveon takeaction rightaway thesame as getlost humans beginning eports 59 Thegiantpandasaref manyseriousproblemsinthewildnow 60 Mysisterc astrangebirdthismorning 七 根据括号内的要求完成句子 61 AllofthemareinterestedinEnglish 改为否定句 ofthem interestedinEnglish Weshoulddosomethingtoprotectwildanimalsindanger 改为同义句 Weshould toprotectwildanimalsindanger 63 ThemagazinebesidetheTVisabouthowtomakecakes 对划线部分提问 isabouthowtomakecakes 64 Sheweighedabout3kilogramswhenshewasborn 改为同义句 Sheweighedabout3kilograms 65 Hedidn tgotoschoolbecausehewasill 改为简单句 Hedidn tgotoschool hisillness acing aught None is takeaction atbirth becauseof 八 根据下列中文句子完成各种译文 66 当她六个月大时 她就开始吃竹子了 Whenshewassixmonthsold shebegan bamboo 67 如果明天不下雨 我将去游泳 Ifit raintomorrow I goawinming 68 狼的数量越来越少了 Thenumberofwolvesisgetting and 69 因为地震 数千人失去了生命 theearthquake thousandsofpeoplelosttheirlives 70 她发现昨天的考试很简单 She yesterday sexamwasvery to eat will smallersmaller doesn t Becauseof found easy 九 书面表达 假如你是动物保护协会会员 请你根据下面的提示 以 GiantPandas 为题写一篇英语短文 提示 1 大熊猫是黑白相间的 看上去像熊 2 生活在中国 以竹笋 bambooshoot 和竹叶为主食 3 森林的数量越来越少 大熊猫没有足够的食物吃 只有大约1 600只了 4 应采取的保护措施 5 假如再不采取措施 不久就可能没有大熊猫了 要求 1 短文应包括提示中所给信息 可以适当发挥 2 句意连贯 语句通顺 3 60个词左右 开头已经给出 不计入总字数 Giantpandasareblackandwhiteanimals

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