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沪教版中学2020年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷B卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) Once I went shopping on my first visit to Macao. Coming from cold and cloudy England, I enjoyed the sun and dressed in a T-shirt and a 1skirt. Not having much 2to enjoy the sun in England, my legs were very white. In England this is not a fashionable look at all . Most women spend every sunny day out trying to get darker skin. The darker the skin, the better the look. I have tried to get darker but 3works for me!As I 4one shop, the two shop assistants kept looking at my legs the whole time , talking quietly to each other in Chinese. I began to feel uncomfortable and asked my friend5we could leave. After we left the shop, she asked me what was wrong. I complained about the shop assistants being very impolite . They6be talking about my white skin. My friend laughed. “They werent laughing at you. They were saying how nice your legs are. Many Chinese women want to have white skin like yours. 7, there are many beauty products in the shops to make skin whiter and a lot of money is spent on them.”It just shows that we are never happy with what we have. The grass is 8greener on the other side. If the women of the West and East 9the same way, Western women wouldnt spend so much money on cream that makes skin darker and women from the 10wouldnt need to use cream that makes skin whiter.(1)A . long B . short C . beautiful D . expensive (2)A . money B . exercise C . space D . chance (3)A . anything B . everything C . nothing D . something (4)A . broke into B . ran past C . got out of D . walked around (5)A . though B . and C . but D . if (6)A . must B . mustnt C . can D . neednt (7)A . In a word B . In the end C . Infact D . In order (8)A . never B . always C . ever D . seldom (9)A . thought B . saw C . worked D . decided (10)A . East B . West C . South D . North 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)2. (10分)阅读理解Kate White has a big family. There are (有) nine people. Her grandfathers name is James White. He is a doctor. Her grandmothers name is Alice White. She is a housewife(家庭主妇). They have a son and a daughter. Her fathers name is Thomas White and he is an actor. Her mothers name is Jenny White and she is a nurse. Kate is 13 years old and she is a junior high school student. She has a little brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is three. Charles in her uncle, and Casey is her aunt. They are teachers. They have a baby. His name is Tommy. Kate likes her family very much.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 (1)Whats Kates family name? A . Green.B . White.C . Black.D . Smith.(2)How many people are there (有) in Kates family? A . Six.B . Seven.C . Eight.D . Nine.(3)What does Kates father do? A . A teacher.B . A worker.C . An actor.D . A farmer.(4)How old is Kate? A . Nine.B . Thirteen.C . Three.D . Four.(5)James is Kates _. A . grandfatherB . fatherC . brotherD . uncle3. (10分)阅读理解BFifteen years ago, I began to work as a reporter.The job is sometimes difficult, but for most of the time its amazing because it taught me many unforgettable lessons.In India, I visited a city.There were many homeless children living in the street.But a kindhearted Indian woman called Rosa opened a home for them.She looked after about two hundred kids, fed them, taught them and gave them hope.Another time, I was in Japan after a terrible earthquake(地震)I met a lady.Her house fell down.Her son was missing and many people thought it was impossible to find him.But the lady did not give up hope.She kept moving heavy bricks(砖块) for four days by herself.She did not stop until she found her son.He was still alive!Then in China, I met a young boy with a serious illness.He had to have twenty operations in hospital.But when I met him, he was still smiling!Now I always remember the courage(勇气) of those people when I meet difficulties in my life.(1)How many countries are mentioned in the passage? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.(2)Who was kind to homeless children? A . An Indian woman.B . A Japanese lady.C . A Chinese boy.D . The writer.(3)The underlined word “missing” means “ ” in Chinese. A . 生病的B . 受伤的C . 失踪的D . 遇难的(4)Which of the following is TRUE? A . The writers job is always easy and exciting.B . The Japanese lady found her son at last.C . The Chinese boy gave up hope because he was badly ill.D . The Indian woman looked after two thousand children.(5)Whats the main idea of the passage? A . Children always need help from others.B . A reporter usually meets something wonderful.C . Courage and hope are very important.D . Some women or ladies like to help young people.4. (10分)阅读理解Everyone gets angry. Many things may make you angry. Maybe your teacher gave you too much homework. Or maybe a friend borrowed your favorite video game and then broke it. You may get angry when something doesnt go your way. Maybe you get mad at yourself when your team loses an important game. Or maybe you become a road rager(路怒族) when a driver accidentally cuts in front of you. That makes you angry!You need to know what to do with your anger. Here are some things you can do when you feel angry:Talk to a friend you can trust.Count to 10.Get or give a hug.Take some exercise.Draw a picture of your anger.Play a video game.Run around the outside of the house five times as fast as you can.Sing along with the CD player.Pull weeds in the garden.Think good thoughts(maybe about a fun vacation or your favorite sport).Take a bike ride, go skating, play basketballdo something active!Never getting angry is impossible. But when youre angry, you can do something and it can make things better or worse. Dont let anger be the boss of you. Take charge of it!(1)In the passage, the writer gives us _pieces of advice. A . tenB . elevenC . twelveD . thirteen(2)The underlined part “when something doesnt go your way” probably means_. A . when you get lostB . when you are on a wrong wayC . when you meet with something difficultD . when things dont go as you imagine(3)If you run around the outside of your house five times, and your house is a circle of 260 meters, so you will run _. A . 1,300 metersB . 1,300 kilometersC . 1,360 metersD . 1,360 kilometers(4)As for doing with anger, which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A . Talk to a friend you believeB . Get a hugC . Pull weeds in the gardenD . Have a fight with a friend(5)The passage is mainly about_. A . how to deal with your angerB . letting anger be the boss of youC . drinking more water when you are angryD . doing something active when you are angry5. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。BI am a student in China now. My name is Kelly Smith. I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English in No. 6 Middle School. I study in the same school. I am happy here, because I like my new school and the classmates. They are very kind to me. They like to play with me because I look different from them. I have blue eyes and long blond hair. They often say I look like a doll. Also I speak English well. so lots of students like to tam with me to improve (提高) their English.(1)How many people are there in Kellys family?A . Three.B . Five.C . Six.D . Seven.(2)Kellys parents are _.A . doctorsB . teachersC . farmersD . scientists(3)Why does Kelly like her new school?A . Because it is very bigC.B . Because it is very beautiful.C . Because the classmates are kind to her.D . Because it is very quiet.(4)What color are Kellys eyes?A . Blonde.B . Black.C . Blue.D . Brown.三、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)6. (1分)Now Ben is _(描述) his new pen friend to his parents. 四、 翻译 (共5题;共13分)7. (2分)我不确定我是否能在户外举行聚会,因为它取决于天气。 Im not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air, because it _ _ the weather.8. (2分)晚上11点过后就不再有公交车经过这里了。 After 11p. m., _ _ buses pass here.9. (3分)我最喜欢的动物是熊猫,因为它们很可爱。 My _ animal is the _, _ they are very cute.10. (2分)他喜欢种菜。She likes_11. (4分)她更喜欢演奏舒缓歌曲的组合。 She prefers groups _ play _ _ _ songs.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)12. (5分)根据方框中所给单词的适当形式完成句子(每词限填一空)。see for that watch next(1)Please ask the teacher _ help. (2)He has two new _ . (3)Are _ your sisters? (4)In the _ picture are my brothers. (5)Can you _ the ruler over there? 六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)13. (1分)I have been in Shanghai since 2000. I used to live in a small village in Qingdao and I have a lot of beautiful _about the life I spent there. (memorize)七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)阅读下面短文,把方框中的句子还原到文中,方框中有一个选项多余。 My name is Jack Brown. _I am a middle school student. This is a picture of my family. There are six people in the picture. My parents are teachers in my school._Their names are Lucy and Tom. Lucy is 9 years old and _Tom and I are in the same(相同的) school. Lucy is a tidy girl. Her books are in the bookcase. Her pens and pencils are in the pencil box._His things are everywhere. His keys are on the bed and his eraser is under the chair. Who is the other(另一个) girl in the picture? Oh!_Her name is Linda. A. But Tom isnt tidy. B. I have a sister and a brother. C. She is my cousin. D. I am 14. E. Tom is 12 years old.F. The dictionary is under the sofa.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)下面是一篇未写完的短文,请认真阅读,为短文写一个 3040 词的结尾,使短文连贯完整. Im glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well. I think you should listen carefully to your teachers in class. Try to speak English as much as possible. 第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)6-1、四、 翻译 (共5题;共13分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)13-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)15-1、


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