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冀教版中考英语专题复习词义辨析(真题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)She tries to keep fit by running for half an hour every day. A . healthyB . successfulC . beautiful2. (2分)The music sounds _. Youd better turn the radio off. A . terribleB . loudlyC . wellD . gently3. (2分)She was taking all of her daughters to basketball practice every day. A . classB . matchC . training4. (2分)Many people like the girl because she has a sweet appearance. Yes, me too.A . voiceB . lookC . quality5. (2分)What were you doing at 7:00 last night? They arrived home while we were having dinner.A . beforeB . whenC . after6. (2分)A number of students in our school have their own phones. A . A hundredB . A lot ofC . A fewD . Some7. (2分)Who will take part in the school sports meeting? Linda, Tom and I.A . go toB . study inC . join in8. (2分)Why does Mary look so sad?Because she realized her mistakes after listening to her fathers words.A . sawB . was aware ofC . guessed9. (2分)Hainan its blue sky and fresh air. So it is. Thats why more and more visitors spend their holidays there.A . is weak inB . is famous forC . is used to10. (2分)Dad, may I go to my friends party tonight? You shouldnt ask me. You need to get your mothers agreement.A . competitionB . permissionC . choice11. (2分) As students, our major task(任务) is to study hard. Yes, I agree with you.A . busyB . importantC . interesting12. (2分)That little boy dropped from the tall building. Oh, Im sorry to hear that.A . fell downB . pushedC . disappeared13. (2分)Timmy has no interest in playing football. A . is interested inB . isnt interesting inC . doesnt like14. (2分)Many new things will soon be out of date, because people will always look for new things and fall in love with them. A . grow oldB . be brokenC . no longer be fashionable15. (2分)Where does he work? Im afraid I have no idea.A . dont knowB . knowC . have an idea16. (2分)It was the man _ on the bed with his eyes open who the book open on the desk just now. A . lain;layB . lying; laidC . lay;layD . lying; lied17. (2分)Her aunt has taught English in our school for nearly twenty years. A . almostB . hardlyC . over18. (2分)Our village is holding a meeting to raise money for building the new hall. A . createB . hideC . collect19. (2分) Tim went into the classroom quickly. I think he could be late for class.A . slowlyB . very slowC . very fast20. (2分)A good British breakfast always includes sausage and sandwiches. A . hasB . producesC . makes21. (2分) Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow. So she is. Shes gotten prepared for it.A . sorryB . famousC . ready22. (2分) Why didnt Tom come to my birthday party? Perhaps he had something important to do.A . MaybeB . UsuallyC . Even23. (2分)The police discovered that he didnt tell the truth. A . rememberedB . foundC . produced24. (2分)He wants to fill his bottle with some orange juice. A . make;full ofB . make;empty ofC . full;/25. (2分)He always has good health. A . bodyB . careC . fitness26. (2分)My brother studies all day and all night. A . all in allB . the whole dayC . day and night27. (2分) To everyone who knew them, they seemed an ideal couple. I agree with you. A . showedB . becameC . appeared28. (2分) Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. It doesnt matter. Dont forget _ it here this afternoon.A . left; to takeB . left; to bringC . forgot; bringingD . forgot; to bring29. (2分)Who gave a lecture in the hall yesterday afternoon? A top student in our school. He shared his study experience with us.A . classB . speechC . show30. (2分)I am able to swim. What about you? A . canB . mustC . should31. (2分)This problem seems difficult to solve. A . looks atB . feelsC . appears32. (2分)Thomas Edison was born on February 11, 1847. A . came out of his mothers bodyB . left his motherC . came to his mother33. (2分)What time will they arrive there? A . comeB . returnC . get34. (2分)Why not visit France this year? A . What aboutB . How aboutC . Why dont you35. (2分) How did you play the game? We let a girl stand in the centre and asked the others to run around her. A . firstB . middleC . last36. (2分) Im not sure if I copied the address correctly. Can you check it for me? No problem. Lets check it together.A . without difficultyB . without instructionC . without mistakes37. (2分) Where do they live? They live in the central part of the city, so its not difficult to get to the park.A . the middle ofB . the west ofC . the east of38. (2分)I think maybe he will succeed one day. A . oftenB . perhapsC . even39. (2分)It was wise of you to walk on the muddy (泥泞的)road with a stick. A . smartB . foolishC . rude40. (2分)Jenny is at home alone. I will get home as soon as possible. You shouldnt leave her alone.A . as long as I saidB . as better as you didC . as quickly as I can41. (2分)Mrs Brown is a very pleasant woman. She gets along well with all her neighbours. A . crazyB . friendlyC . terrible42. (2分)Speak slowly, Mr. Wang. I cant follow you. (同义替换) A . understandB . hearC . listenD . expect43. (2分)You must make sure that you do the Maths problems correctly. Well, Ill try my best.A . with some helpB . without mistakesC . by yourself44. (2分)Tim was frightened of snakes. A . daredB . afraidC . interested45. (2分)What are you going to do for the weekend, David? Perhaps Ill go to the art museum in the city centre.A . AgainB . InsteadC . Maybe46. (2分)Mr. Green has a large family to feed. Thats why he works hard all day and all night. A . very bigB . very oldC . very poor47. (2分)It was awful of him to fight with his sister. He knew he was wrong and he said sorry to her.A . not very sillyB . not very youngC . not very good48. (2分)If you agree with me on this matter, please let me know. No problem.A . worry aboutB . have the same opinion withC . laugh at49. (2分) Do you know the lady? Yes. She is Lady Gaga and famous all over the world.A . well knownB . kindC . popular50. (2分)The building was on fire when the fire engine arrived.As a result of the terrible fire, the building finally fell down.A . Part ofB . Instead ofC . Because of第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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