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人教版九年级第一次模拟考试英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Heilongjiang is in the_of China.A . northeastB . northeasternC . northwestD . northwestern2. (2分)You should think _ before taking the job,and dont do it just for fun A . quicklyB . seriouslyC . proudly3. (2分)We never got in Mr Wangs class because its very fun and educational. A . boringB . boredC . excitedD . exciting4. (2分)An earthquake took place in this town. Most houses got destroyed.I think we should offer to do something for the people in the town.A . happenedB . attackedC . appeared5. (2分)John usually gets up at seven _ the morning. A . onB . atC . inD . of6. (2分)The trousers _ really nice. I like _.A . are; themB . are; theyC . is; themD . is; they7. (2分)How do you go to school, Mr. Li?I _ to school, because it is good for my health.A . walkB . take the subwayC . drive my carD . take the bus8. (2分)Students used to information from newspapers or magazines, but now they are used to for it on the Internet directly.A . get; searchB . get; searchingC . getting; searchingD . getting; search9. (2分)You forgot_ off the lights? Its still on.But I remember _them off before I went out of the room.A . turning; to turnB . to turn; turningC . turning ; turningD . to turn; to turn10. (2分)Lets wait and see whether books by the Internet in the future. A . replaceB . replacedC . will be replacedD . were replaced11. (2分)-Why were you late for school yesterday?-Because my alarm didnt _.A . go offB . go outC . singD . go over12. (2分)Where are the twins? One _ flowers and trees in the garden, the other _ to help her.A . has watered, has goneB . is watering, has beenC . is watering, has goneD . has watered, has been13. (2分)My bike is broken. May I go _ yours?Sorry, mine _ broken down.A . on, isB . by, isC . on, hasD . by, has14. (2分)Tomorrow is Fathers Day. I dont know . A . what can I do for my fatherB . what I will get for my fatherC . where I went with my fatherD . where will I go with my father15. (2分)Could you please take out the rubbish?_. But I want to drink a cup of water first.A . Thank youB . Sure, no problemC . Youre welcomeD . No, I cant二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 Will you be happy if you have a modern pair of Adidas sports shoes on? Probably you will. But what if you see a friend wearing a more fashionable and more beautiful one? You may not feel as satisfied 1you expect to and the feeling of happiness may 2in a minute. Why are we not so happy as we should be? The secret is: we focus on what we want 3what we have. We keep making our list of desires(愿望) longer and longer. As a result, we are not pleased with what we have 4owned. We say to ourselves, I will be happy when this desire is satisfied. However, another desire appears when this one is met. So, we still dont feel happy though we have got what we want. Happiness 5when we always have new desires hard to satisfy. 6, there is a way to be happy. Think more about what we have than what we want. Rather than wish you were able to have an 7vacation on the beach, think of what fun you have had near home. Similarly, instead of hating to do much homework, thank teachers for making you have the chance to practice more. The list of what you have can also be 8. Each time you find yourself falling into I wish life were different trap(陷阱), take a deep breath and think of 9you have ever had. Pay much attention to what you have, and youll probably get more of what you want. For example, your good attitude toward doing homework can bring excellent grades in exams because practice makes 10. Start to focus on what we have! The more we feel satisfied,the more happily well live. (1)A . very B . as C . too D . with (2)A . appear B . disappearing C . appears D . disappear (3)A . instead of B . instead C . in order to D . so that (4)A . already B . yet C . far D . still (5)A . cant be found B . can be found C . can find D . find (6)A . Lucky B . Unluckily C . Luckily D . Unlucky (7)A . enjoyable B . enjoying C . enjoyed (8)A . ending B . ended C . endless D . endlessly (9)A . everything B . thing C . nothing D . none (10)A . well B . excellent C . perfect D . beautiful 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (6分)Teens Enjoy ReadingAccording to a survey on reading conducted by the U.S. National Education Association (NEA), young Americans say reading is importantmore important than computers and science. Over 50% of the twelve to eighteen years old children interviewed said they enjoy reading a lot. Seventy-nine percent find it stimulating and interesting, and 87% think it is relaxing. Most of those surveyed (68%) disagree with the opinion that reading is boring, or old-fashioned.Teens Read Variety of MaterialOver half the teenagers interviewed said they read more than ten books a year. The results also showed that middle school students read more books than high school students. Most teens (66%) like to read fiction, such as novels and stories. Only 26% were interested in non-fiction, such as biographies and history books. Sixty-four percent of students liked reading stories about people of my own age as their favorite topic. Mysteries and detective stories came second on the list at 53%. Just under 50% said they were interested in reading about their own culture and heritage.Other InterestsOf the teenagers who took part in the survey, 49% said that libraries are where they get most of their books. However, many complained that their school libraries do not have enough up-to-date, interesting books and magazines. Even though many teenagers in the U.S. enjoy reading, they still have other interests. When asked which activity would be the most difficult to give up for a week, 48% said listening to music. TV would be difficult to give up for 25% of those surveyed._Another survey which is published by www. SmartGirl.com studied the differences between teenage boys and girls reading habits. According to the report, more girls than boys read for fun. Many more girls (77%) than boys (6%) read fashion and beauty magazines. More boys (47%) than girls (7%) read magazines about video games, but an equal number of each like to read adventure stories and newspapers. Girls also read more material about celebrities and social issues such as crime, drugs, or poverty. Boys, on the other hand, read more about sports.(1)Most teens enjoy reading_.A . history booksB . novels and storiesC . about their own cultureD . about science(2)The teens think that _ is the most difficult to give up.A . reading booksB . watching TVC . reading magazinesD . listening to music(3)The proper headline(标题) for Paragraph 4 is _.A . Teens Reading HabitB . Another Survey about TeensC . Boys and Girls InterestsD . Boysand Girls Habits Different18. (10分)阅读理解There was a kingdom long, long ago. It was ruled by king who loved riddles. Once a year the king made a new riddle. He gave a prize to the person who could solve the riddle.There was a baker who also lived in this kingdom. Everyone agreed that he baked the finest breads. The baker had almost everything he needed except for a horse. If the baker had a horse, he could sell his fine breads from one end of the kingdom to the other.One year the king made a new riddle that puzzled everyone. I will give a prize to the person who can solve my riddle, the king said. Whoever wins will have the pick of one of my strongest horses. He then drew a line down the middle of the courtyard Make this line shorter without erasing(清除) any part of it, the king challenged.People came from far and wide. They looked at the line and squinted at it. They even put their noses to the ground and scratched their heads.How can you make a line shorter without erasing any part of it?” the people in the crowd asked each other. Some of them tried. The dressmaker kicked dirt(泥土)over the line to hide it. The farmer poured water over the line to make it disappear. None of these efforts worked, and the people went home disappointed. Everyone was puzzled about how to solve this new riddle.A week passed, and nobody had any new ideas. Then one day the baker came into the courtyard with a bag of flour(面粉).Your Majesty, the baker said to the king, I can make your line shorter without erasing any part of it. Then the baker opened his bag of flour. He poured out a line of flour right next to the kings line. The line the baker made was longer than the kings line.Now, good king, the baker smiled, your line is shorter.The people were amazed. The king laughed and clapped his hands. You have won the prize. I will give you a horse of your choice.The baker was excited. Now he could sell his breads from one end of the kingdom to the other.(1)What was the bakers problem at the beginning of the story? A . He couldnt make fine breads.B . He needed money to open more stores.C . He didnt have enough flour to make more breads.D . He had difficulty selling breads all over the kingdom.(2)The dressmaker and the farmer failed because they both_. A . tried to erase the lineB . poured water over the lineC . kicked dirt over the lineD . put their noses to the ground(3)The baker smiled because _. A . he was glad to see he kingB . he wanted to make the king happyC . he felt sure that he solved the riddleD . he sold a lot of breads to the villagers(4)This story shows that the king liked _. A . to be richB . to train horsesC . to eat breadsD . to have fun(5)Who tells this story? A . The kingB . The farmer and the dressmakerC . The bakerD . Someone who is not a character in the story19. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。These days many people are interested in losing weight. It is very popular among people, especially young people. Everybody hopes to become thin quickly. Some people even take medicine. Do you know how to control weight? Well diet and exercise are the right answers. Please read and remember the following tips.Tip 1: You should eat only when you are hungry. Dont eat if you dont feel hungry.Tip 2: You should eat only food that is good for your health. Dont eat junk food such as hamburgers and French fries.Tip 3: It is better to prepare your own food instead of eating out. When you eat out, you may eat too much. That can make you become fatter.Tip 4: Dont forget to think about changing your lifestyle. For example, turn off the TV and the computer and take some exercise every day.Remember not to be too strict with yourself. Give yourself some free time to find the best way to control your weight.(1)_ are more interested in losing weight. A . ChildrenB . Young peopleC . Old peopleD . Women(2)The right ways of losing weight are _. A . diet and exerciseB . eating hamburgers and eating French friesC . not eating and exerciseD . diet and watching TV(3)The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “control” is _. A . 操纵者B . 管理权C . 控制D . 管理(4)Dongdong is a much too fat boy, he needs to _. A . eat out oftenB . eat junk foodC . stop mealsD . turn off the TV and exercise(5)The best title of the passage is _. A . Eating OutB . How to Control WeightC . Change Your LifestyleD . Exercise Every Day四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)Chinese people often s_ hands with their friends when meeting. 五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。peaceful, create, hot, paint, whether(1)Never go out in the _ of the day without a hat.(2)I dont know _ he likes blue or not.(3)I feel calm in this room because the walls are _ blue.(4)People around the world love _ and hate wars.(5)With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can _.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)本模块的核心话题是“我的同班同学”。围绕这个话题,我们可以针对自己或他人的信息展开讨论。 假如你是王子轩,请向大家介绍一下你自己。1)要点:姓名、年龄、国籍、班级及自己的朋友。2)词数:40左右。七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分) Mr. Smith is from England. He teaches French in our school. His English classes are very interesting. He likes us and we like him.Mr. Smith has two children-Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and his sister Mary is four. Tom goes to school but Mary doesnt. Mr. Smith likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans. Football is his favorite sport. After school we often have a basketball game. Sometimes Mr. Smith watches and plays basketball with us. He plays basketball just for fun .(1)Mr. Smith is _.A . a Chinese teacherB . a French teacher C . a basketball player(2)How many sons does Mr. Smith have ?A . OneB . TwoC . Three(3)Mary doesnt go to school because she _.A . is only fourB . is only seven C . doesnt like school(4)_ is Mr. Smith favorite sport.A . basketballB . table tennisC . football(5)The text is about _.A . Mr. SmithB . Mr. Smiths childrenC . Mr. Smiths family第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)20-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、

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