2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas测试卷课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas测试卷课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas测试卷课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019年春七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas测试卷课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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第五单元测试卷 考试时间 120分钟总分 150分 听力部分 共30分 听句子 根据听到的内容选择正确答语 每小题念两遍 共6小题 每小题1分 满分6分 1 A P E B Basketball C YaoMing What syourfavoritesport 2 A SouthAfrica B China C Australia Wherearethekoalasfrom 3 A Becausethey rescary B Becausethey refriendly C Becausethey resmart Whydon tyoulikelions B C A 4 A Bybus B Twokilometers C Anhour Howdoyougettothezoo 5 A Dogs B Pets C Foodandmeat Whatanimalsdoyoulike 6 A Yes itis B No itisn t C It sbig Isyourfavoriteanimalbigorsmall A A C 听句子 选择与所听句子内容相符的图片 并将代表图片的字母填在相应题号后的横线上 每小题念两遍 共4小题 每小题1分 满分4分 7 8 9 10 7 Theelephantcanrideamotorbike 8 Hecanwalkontwolegs somomlikeshimverymuch 9 PandasarefromChina Theyareindanger 10 Allthepeopleareafraidoftigers D B C A 听对话 根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案 每小题念两遍 共10小题 每小题1分 满分10分 11 A Becausethey reinteresting B Becausethey rebeautiful C Becausethey recute W Let sseethegiraffesfirst Tony M Whydoyouwanttoseethem Linda W Becausetheyareverybeautiful Q WhydoesLindawanttoseegiraffesfirst B 12 A Africa B China C Australia W Wheredoyouwanttogonow M Let sseethelionsfirst W Wherearetheyfrom M TheyarefromAfrica Q Wheredothelionscomefrom 13 A Becausethey recuteandbeautiful B Becausethey reboringandshy C Becausethey reshyandlazy W Doyouwanttoseepandas M Yes Ido Theyareverycute ButmysisterJanewantstoseeelephantsfirst Shedoesn tlikepandasbecausetheyarelazyandshy Q Whydoesn tJanelikepandas A B 14 A Nexttothepandas B Nexttothetigers C Nexttothelions W Let sgotoseetheelephants M OK Wherearethey W Overthere nexttothetigers Q Wherearetheelephants 15 A Yes shecan B No shecan t C Yes shedoes W Let sgivesomefoodtotheanimals M Oh No Look Don tfeedtheanimals Q Canthewomangivefoodtotheanimals B B 16 A Ateighto clockonSaturdaymorning B Ateighto clockonSundaymorning C Atnineo clockonSaturdaymorning W Whatdoyoudothisweekend M Igotothezoowithmyparents W Whattimedoyougothere M Ateighto clockonSaturdaymorning Q Whattimedoestheboygotothezoo A 17 A 15km B 5km C 50km W Howfarisitfromyourhometothezoo Jack M It snotfarfrommyhome It sonly15kilometers Q HowfarisitfromJack shometothezoo 18 A Drawthepictures B Danceandsing C Danceandhelppeople W Ilikemonkeysverymuch Theycandomanythings M Whatcantheydo W Theycandanceandhelppeoplecarrythings Q Whatcanmonkeysdo A C 19 A Friendly B Smart C Friendlyandsmart W Doyouliketowatchadolphinshow M Ofcourse Theyaresosmart Theycanswim jumpanddance Theyarealsofriendly Q Whatdoesthemanthinkofdolphins 20 A Alion B Adog C Acat W What syourfavoriteanimal M Myfavoriteanimalisadog Howaboutyou W Myfavoriteanimalisacat Q Whatanimaldoesthewomanlikebest C C 听短文 根据短文内容选择正确答案 短文念三遍 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 21 Whatanimalsarecuteandshy A Thegiraffes B Theelephants C Thepandas 22 Wheredogiraffescomefrom A Africa B China C America C A 23 Whatanimalsaretallinthezoo A Thepandas B Thetigers C Thegiraffes 24 Whichshowdopeopleliketowatch A Theelephants show B Thepandas show C Thegiraffes show 25 Ifyouvisitthezoo youcan t A takepicturesoftheanimalsB givefoodtotheanimalsC getclosetotheanimals C A B Therearemanykindsofanimalsinthezoo Theycomefromdifferentcountries Thepandasareverycuteandshy Theyareblackandwhite Chinaistheirmotherland Thegiraffesareverytall TheycomefromAfrica Elephantsareverybig andtheyareverysmarttoo Theycanplaysportsormusic Peoplelikethemandenjoywatchingtheirshow Manykidsliketogotothezoo Butrememberyoucannotgivefoodtotheanimals 笔试部分 共120分 单项选择 共10小题 每小题1 5分 满分15分 1 Frankis Hedoesn tdoanywork A busyB friendlyC lazyD smart 2 Whatdoyouthinkofdoctors 医生 Theyaregreat Theycan people slives A killB helpC saveD learn C C 3 I mlateagain theteacherisveryangry A So B Because soC Because D but 4 Thetreesaresmall Don t A cutthemdownB cutthemupC cutdownthemD cutupthem 5 Thelittlegirlisvery Shedoesn twanttofacesomanypeople A scaryB shyC cleverD small C A B 6 Whynottakeamapwithyou A getupB getoutC getdressedD getlost 7 Manypeoplekillelephantsfortheirivory sotheyare A indangerB outofdangerC atdangerD fordanger 8 Julie don tforget yourmotheraboutit A totellB tellC tellingD totelling D A A 9 Thereis elephantinthezoo elephantcomesfromAfrica A an AnB the TheC a TheD an The 10 Themonkeyis animal It s cute A akindof akindofB kindof kindofC kindof akindofD akindof kindof D D 完形填空 共10小题 每小题2分 满分20分 Somepeoplelikedogsbecausetheycanhelppeople 11 manythings Somepeoplelikekoalasbecausethey re 12 Ilikepigs 猪 best Manypeoplethinkpigsarelazyand 13 ButIthinkpigsaresmartandclean Theyjust 只是 eatlotsof 14 andlikesleeping I 15 alittlepig HisnameisSnoopy He ssmart Heoftenplaysgames 16 me Hecanalsodotricks 玩把戏 IfIsay Goto 17 hegoestohisbed IfIsay Danceforus hedancestothe 18 It sgreatfun 19 withhim Heisreallymygoodfriend Doyoulike 20 too What syourfavoriteanimal Canyoutellme 11 A doB doingC doesD did 12 A lazyB bigC scaryD cute 13 A friendlyB dirtyC cleverD shy 14 A eggsB breadC foodD fruits 15 A haveB takeC bringD help A D B C A 16 A atB fromC withD to 17 A sleepB runC eatD listen 18 A CDB TVC musicD book 19 A playB playsC toplayD playing 20 A dogsB pigsC koalasD cats C A C D B 阅读理解 共15小题 每小题2分 满分30分 A 21 Giraffescanlivetobeabout A tenB fifteenC twentyD thirty 22 Tinathinkspandasare A friendlyB noisyC funnyD smart 23 WhatareSophia sfavoriteanimals A Cats B Pandas C Dogs D Koalas D C C 24 Peteroften onweekends A helpstheanimalsindangerB playswithhispetdogC liveswithhisparentsD watchesdolphinshows 25 WhichofthefollowingisNOTtrue A Anniethinksgiraffesareafraidofpeople B Thereareabout1 600pandasinthewildandtheyareindanger C Doggylikesrunningandplayingwithballs D Babydolphinsusuallylivewiththeirfamilyforalongtime D A B ThereisazoonamedZhongshanZooinourcity Therearemanyanimals Someanimalsareveryfriendly Butsomeotheranimalsarenot Tigers lionsandsomesnakesaredangerous That swhytheymustbeincages 笼子 ButIdon tthinkit sgoodforanimalstobeincages Theyneedtobefree Theanimalsincagescannotbehappy Tigersusuallyliveinforestsandmountains Theyarestrongandcanrunveryfast 快 Theyrunaftersmallanimalslikerabbitsanddeer 鹿 andeatthem butnowtheyareinsmallcages Theyhavenothingtodoeveryday Sotheywalkaroundinthecages andtheywanttocomeout Whentheyaretired theysleep Iamkindofsorryforthem 26 Whydotigers lionsandsnakeshavetostayincages A Becausetheyareverydangerous B Becausetheyareveryfriendly C Becausetheyneedtobefree D Becausetheyliketobeincages A 27 Wheredotigersusuallylive A Incages B Inforestsandmountains C Inthezoo D Insmallrooms 28 Whatdotigersusuallydoinforests A Theyhavenothingtodo B Theywalkaround C Theywanttosleep D Theyrunafterandeatsmallanimals B D 29 Tigerswantto whentheyareincages A comeoutB eatanimalsC runfastD befriendlytopeople 30 Whydoesthewriterfeelsorryforthetigersincages A Becausethewriterthinkstigersneedtoeatfood B Becausethewriterthinkstigersaredangerous C Becausethewriterthinkstigersneedtobefree D Becausethewriterthinkstigersareveryhappy A C Thewolves 狼 areveryhungry Theygoouttolookforfood Therearemanysheepnearthehill Therearealsoafewsheepdogswiththem Thewolveshaveanidea Theyspeaktothesheepdogs Youarelikeusandwearebrothers Butwehaveaverydifferentlife Wedowhatwelike andyoumustworkformen Theymakeyoulookaftertheirsheep Theyeatmeatandgiveyouthebones 骨头 Ifyoulistentousandgiveusthesheep wecaneatthemtogether Allofuswillbehappy right Thesheepdogsarehappyanddolikethis Thewolvesaskthesheepdogstogototheirhouse Thesheepdogsgotothewolves home Butthewolveseatthemandtheneatthesheep C 31 Thewolvesgooutforfoodbecause A theyseethesheepnearthemountainB theyseethesheepdogsC theyarehungryD theywanttogoout 32 Thesheepdogsworkfor A menB sheepC wolvesD dogs 33 Whydothewolvesaskthesheepdogstogototheirhome A Becausetheywanttoeatthem B Becausetheywanttobesheepdogs friends C Becausetheywanttohelpsheepdogstogetfreedom 自由 D Becausetheirhomeisnearthismountain C A A 34 Whatdothesheepdogsdo A Playwiththesheep B Lookafterthesheep C Workwithwolves D Eatthebones 35 Whatdoyouthinkofthewolves A Shy B Sly C Kind D Lazy B B 任务型阅读 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 AnimalShowsinCityZoo 根据短文内容 回答下列问题 36 Whenisthelionshow 37 Canyouseetheelephantshowandthemonkeyshowonthesameday 38 If 如果 John sparentstakehimandhissistertoseethelionshow howmuchdotheyneed 39 Howlongdoesthemonkeyshowlast 40 WhatshowcanTonyseeat8 30a m OnFriday Yes I wecan 80yuan One Anhour Theelephantshow 选词填空 共10小题 每小题1 5分 满分15分 阅读短文 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空 使短文通顺 意思完整 每词限用一次 Kingfishers 琴鸟 aresmallbeautifulbirds Theyhavebluebodies 41 lookreallycute Fishare 42 favoritefood Theydon tliveinthe 43 Theylive 44 holes 洞 oftheriverbank 河岸 45 kingfishersareingreat 46 now Peoplechange 改变 manyrivers Therivershavenewriverbanks sokingfishersare 47 theirhomes dangerousinbutissaveandtheytreesolose Peoplealsomakemanyriversverydirty 48 therearenofishintheriver There 49 muchfoodforkingfishers Wemust 50 kingfishers 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 and their trees in But danger losing so isn t save 书面表达 满分30分 赵敏有两只可爱的猫咪 请根据表格提示 写一篇短文介绍它们 ZhaoMinhastwocats MimandBaobao Mimiisthreeyearsold Sheiswhite Sheisquiteandlazy Shelikessleepingverymuch BaobaoisthesonofMimi Heisonlyfivemonthsold Heisyellow Heissmartandfriendly Helikesplayingwithpeople Theyareverycute ZhaoMinlikesthemverymuch


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