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第2课时分层训练 Unit10I dlikesomenoodles 课内基础自测 课后巩固提升 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1 W youliketogotothemovieswithus 2 Whatk ofhamburgersdoyoulike 3 Whats shoeswouldyoursisterlike Size36 4 I dlikeal bowlofsoup 5 Eatingtoomuchm isbadforyourhealth 课内基础自测 第2课时分层训练 ould ind ize arge eat mutton 第2课时分层训练 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 I dlikebeefand tomato noodles 2 These orange areverygood 3 I dlike buy adictionary 4 Alargebowlofrice be onthetable 5 Howmany potato wouldyoulike tomato oranges tobuy is potatoes 课后巩固提升 第2课时分层训练 单项填空 1 I dlike somegreenvegetablesfordinner A haveB hasC havingD tohave D 第2课时分层训练 2 I dlikemybrother meahand A giveB givesC togiveD giving C 第2课时分层训练 3 isabowlofbeefnoodles Onlyfiveyuan A HowmanyB HowmuchC HowoldD How B 解析 由答语可知问句询问的是价格 第2课时分层训练 4 CanIhelpyou A That sgoodB OK I lltakeitC Yes I dlikeasweaterD It stoodark C 第2课时分层训练 5 I dlikebeefnoodles vegetables A inB withC onD at B 解析 with意为 有 具有 带有 第2课时分层训练 句型转换1 Therearesomecarrotsinthemuttonnoodles 改为一般疑问句 there carrotsinthemuttonnoodles 2 Thegirlwouldlikecabbageandonionnoodles 对画线部分提问 ofnoodleswouldthegirllike Are any Whatkind 第2课时分层训练 3 Iwanteggsandbeef 改为同义句 I eggsandbeef 4 I dlikeabowlofrice 改为一般疑问句 abowlofrice wouldlike Wouldyoulike 第2课时分层训练 C noodle noodles C any some 第2课时分层训练 A 去掉to D B soups soup eggsandtomatoes eggandtomato 第2课时分层训练 完形填空Doyouwanttostayhealthy Letmetellyou 1 haveahealthydiet 饮食 Inthemorning youcaneatsomebreadandeggs Youshould 应该 drinkaglassofmilk It sveryimportantforyoubecauseitcan 2 youmuchenergy 能量 It 3 goodforyoutogotoschoolorworkwithoutbreakfast 第2课时分层训练 Youmustfeelvery 4 atlunchtime Soyoushouldhavesomething 某物 good 5 lunch Youcanhavesomefishorchicken 6 suchascarrotsandtomatoes arealsoveryimportantbecausetheycankeepyouhealthy 第2课时分层训练 Intheevening youmustbetired 疲惫的 Youshouldeatthings 7 noodlesorotherswithsomevegetables Butremember 8 eattoomuchbecauseyoucan tdomuchexerciseintheevening Beforegoingtobed youcanhaveaglassofmilk Itcan 9 yousleepwell Atlast youshouldeatmore 10 Here saproverb 谚语 Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway 第2课时分层训练 1 A howB howtoC whatD whatto 2 A getB spendC giveD take 3 A doesB doesn tC isD isn t 4 A happyB SadC hungryD busy B D C C 解析 考查 疑问词 动词不定式 结构 句意 让我告诉你如何拥有健康的饮食 因此答案选B 解析 begoodfor意为 对 有好处 根据句意可知选D 第2课时分层训练 5 A toB forC ofD with 6 A VegetablesB MeatC FruitD Snacks 7 A arelikeB LikeC looklikeD likes B A B 解析 have forlunch意为 午饭吃 解析 由后面的 suchascarrotsandtomatoes 可知 此处应该是 蔬菜 因此答案选A 解析 考查介词的用法 like意为 像 句意 你应该吃像面条或有蔬菜的其他的东西 因此答案选B 第2课时分层训练 8 A don tB ToC nottoD 9 A turnB StartC improveD help 10 A applesB orangesC bananasD pears C D A 解析 remember not todosth 意为 记得 不 去做某事 解析 helpsb dosth 意为 帮助某人做某事 解析 根据 Anappleadaykeepsthedoctoraway 可知 此处是建议多吃苹果 因此答案选A 第2课时分层训练 阅读理解 第2课时分层训练 第2课时分层训练 1 HowmuchiseachfriedchickenlegonSaturday A 1 5 B 2 C 2 5 D 1 2 HowmanykindsofdumplingsarethereinJiaheDumplingHouse A Two B Three C Four D Five A A 第2课时分层训练 3 Youcancall ifyoulikeeatingnoodles A 7645321B 3227228C 4876590D 3678905 4 Ifyoueattwosmallbowlsofeggandtomatonoodles youneedtopay A 10 B 16 C 20 D 12 C B 第2课时分层训练 5 Whichofthefollowingistrue A Youcancall3227228forsomeorangejuice B YoucanenjoymusicinCiciDessertHouse C Greenteais5RMBeachcuponSunday D TherearethreekindsofnoodlesinLanzhouNoodleRoom B 第2课时分层训练 补全对话 W waiter P Peter W Welcometoournoodlehouse 1 P Yes please Iwouldlikesomenoodles W Whatkindofnoodleswouldyoulike P 2 W Wehavebeef chicken mutton potato tomato P Arethereanyvegetablesinthemuttonnoodles 第2课时分层训练 W 3 P OK I dlikethemuttonnoodlesthen W Whatsizewouldyoulike P Whatsizesdoyouhave W Wehavelarge mediumandsmallbowls P 4 第2课时分层训练 W Isthatall 就这些吗 P 5 W Waitaminute please 答案 1 5EACBD 第2课时分层训练 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文 Ilikeeatingrice noodles strawberries ice cream hamburgersandsoon Butmyfavorite1 isdumplings EverySunday mymother2 manydumplingsforme Ifshehas3 time I llgotothesupermarketto4 some Dumplingslook5 whiteboats 船 Theyareverydelicious food makes no buy like 第2课时分层训练 6 mybirthdayeveryyear Iusuallyhelpmymothermakealotofdumplings Doyouknowthe7 BecauseIoftenasksomefriendsto8 themwithme Therearedifferentkindsof9 andmeatinthem Myfriends10 liketoeatthemverymuch On reason eat vegetables all

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