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初中英语人教版七年级上 unit 11 教案课题Unit 11 Period one课型新授时间第一次备课人陈 丽课时总第 1 课时 班级七年级第二次备课人教学目标知识目标掌握这些短语和句型短语:go to school,get up,eat breakfast,take a shower句型:What time do you usually get up,Rick?I usually get up at five oclock.能力目标锻炼学生听说能力;学会合理安排自己的学习和课外活动时间。情感目标通过学习和与同学的交流科学地制定出适合自己的学习计划或一天活动安排。是自己养成良好的作息习惯,懂得珍惜时间,并能够做到了解和尊重他人的生活习惯。重点1. 学习不同时间段的表达方法及表示日常活动的词汇。2. 用频度副词谈论日常作息时间,并会询问和表达时间。难点合理安排自己的作息时间,并转述他人的日常生活安排。知识点及课标要求能力点让学生把所学到的语言知识和生活实际联系起来,使学习过程生活化。教学过程教学环节具体内容教法及学法批注Step OneStep TwoStep threeStep fourStep FiveStep SixStepseven Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Show the new words on the screen and lead students to read for several times.what timego to schoolget uptake a showerUse a teaching clock to teach students to say clock time.Now let students look at the picture in Activity 1a. Name each action and ask students to repeat. Please look at the picture in Activity 1a and say the clock time after me,one oclocktwelve oclock. Now well listen to a conversation and draw a line from the clock time to the correct picture.PairworkNow lets do an exercise. One student is Rick. The other is the interviewer. You can ask and answer.Interviewer: What time do you usually get up/go to school/run/eat breakfast/take a shower,Rick ?Rick:I usually get up/go to school/run/eat breakfast/take a shower at five /nine/six/seven/eight oclock.Sum up.This class weve leant these key words and these key structures.Homework:After class have more practice.课堂小结板书设计Unit 11 What time do you go to school?The First Periodgo to schoolget uptake a showereat breakfastWhat time do you usually get up,Rick?I usually get up at five oclock.教学反思吉林市第二十九中学20112012年度第一学期“学科共研” 英语 学科共研教案 第_ 1 周课题Unit 11Period two课型新授时间第一次备课人陈丽课时总第2 课时 班级七年级第二次备课人教学目标知识目标1. 掌握日常生活中一些活动的词汇和频度副词。2. 学习不同时间段的表达法,并会用when和what time询问时间。3. 学会用频度副词谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息习惯。能力目标1. 学会合理安排自己的学习和课外活动时间。2. 能用所学知识对某一活动进行合理安排。情感目标通过学习和与同学的交流,科学地制定出适合自己的学习计划或一天活动安排。使自己养成良好的作息习惯,懂得珍惜时间,并能够做到了解和尊重他人的生活习惯。重点1. 学习不同时间段的表达法及表示日常活动的词汇。2. 用频度副词谈论日常作息时间,并会询问和表达时间。难点合理安排自己的作息时间,并且转述他人的日常生活安排。知识点及课标要求能力点教学过程教学环节具体内容教法及学法批注Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep FourStep FiveStep six Revision and leading in.T:An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. What does it mean, do you know? What do you usually do in the morning?S: I usuallyT: What time do you?S; AtT: Work in pairs with the drill “What time do you?”Presention T: What do I do in the morning? Do you want to know? I take a shower at 7:00.T: What do you do in the morning?S1: I go to school.T: What time do you .?S1:T:What does he do in the morning?Ss:He goes to school atT: Work in pairs .Talk about your parents.T: Lets talk about Ricks morning.What time does he get up?S:Rick gets upListening T: Do you still remember Rick, my good friend?Ss:Yes.T:Rick has a big family.How many sisters and brother does he have , do you know?Now,lets listen and finish 2a.T:Now,listen to 2b.Complete Ricks schedule.Read the passage.1. learn am. and pm.T: Boys and girls, please look at the first clock and tell me”What time is it?T:”Pm.” means in the afternoon,”am.” means in the morning.Work in pairs and practice the drill “What time is it?”Reading T: Scott is very busy every day. Does he have the same schedule as you? Listen to the tape and find it out.Practice according to the passage.Task Work in groups of six and tell your daily life to your group members.Share your ideas with your classmates together.Homework Write down your daily life in your diary.课堂小结板书设计Unit 11 What time do you go to school?What time do you do ?What time is it?教学反思吉林市第二十九中学20112012年度第一学期“学科共研” 英语 学科共研教案 第_ 1 周课题Unit 11Period 3课型新授时间第一次备课人孙忠华课时总第2 课时 班级七年级第二次备课人教学目标知识目标4. 掌握日常生活中一些活动的词汇和频度副词。5. 学习不同时间段的表达法,并会用when和what time询问时间。6. 学会用频度副词谈论自己的日常生活及日常作息习惯。能力目标3. 学会合理安排自己的学习和课外活动时间。4. 能用所学知识对某一活动进行合理安排。情感目标通过学习和与同学的交流,科学地制定出适合自己的学习计划或一天活动安排。使自己养成良好的作息习惯,懂得珍惜时间,并能够做到了解和尊重他人的生活习惯。重点3. 学习不同时间段的表达法及表示日常活动的词汇。4. 用频度副词谈论日常作息时间,并会询问和表达时间。难点合理安排自己的作息时间,并且转述他人的日常生活安排。知识点及课标要求能力点教学过程教学环节具体内容教法及学法批注Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep FourStep FiveStep sixReview the drills.T:Work in pairs with “What time is it?”and “What do you usually do at this time?”Present the new phrases.T: When do you get up?Can you tell me?S1:I get up at six am.T: Six am means six oclock in the morning.Read after me,”in the morning”.T: Do you know the parts of the day?Lets say them together in order. “In the morning, at noon,in the afternoon,in the evening,at night,at midnight and so on.T:When do you usually do your homework?S1:Practice T: When do people usually eat dinner?S:People usually eat dinner in the evening.T: Please work in pairs like this.Listening T: Look at the picture. What is happening in the picture? Do you know?S:I think maybe the man is a T: Do you know what they are talking about? Lets listen and finish 2a and 2b.Practice T: Please work in groups and find out your classmates family members or his/her friends daily life.Homework Winter holiday is coming. How will you spend your holiday? Please make a reasonable timetable for you.课堂小结板书设计Unit 11 What time do you go to school?in the morning in the afternoon at noon in the evening at night-教学反思吉林市第二十九中学20112012年度第一学期“学科共研” 英语 学科共研教案 第_ 1 周课题Unit 12period one 课型新授时间第一次备课人孙忠华课时总第2 课时 班级七年级第二次备课人教学目标知识目标学习并掌握学科的表达方式,如:math,science,history,P.E.;会用because表示理由;掌握一周中星期一至星期天的表达方式;学习使用what,why,who引导的特殊疑问句;学习表示品质的形容词。能力目标学会运用所学的词汇、句型谈论自己所喜爱的学科;学会谈论喜好的原因;学会准确表达自己的观点。情感目标通过谈论自己及他人的学科兴趣、爱好,加深学生之间的了解,增进学生之间的友谊;帮助学生树立各科齐头并进的信心及合理安排时间的观念。重点学会谈论自己喜爱的学科或其他东西,并给出理由。学习使用what,who,why引导的特殊疑问句及用because表示理由。难点能用所学内容准确陈述自己喜好的理由和如何安排时间。知识点及课标要求能力点教学过程教学环节具体内容教法及学法批注Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep FourNew work Present the topic of this unit.T: I like apples best. My favorite fruit is apples . Whats your favorite fruit?S: My favorite fruit is bananas .S: My favorite friend is T: My favorite subject is music. Whats your favorite subject ?S: My favorite is T: I like English . I think its very interesting. What about you ? “whats your favorite subject ?”Present the new words T: I like English very much . Look ! This is an English book . There are many books here.T: whats this ? Its a math book .Read after me. “MATH”,“M-A-T-H”,math .P ractice the new words .T: There are many books in my bag . This is a music book . This is a Chinese book . This is a book . What about you ? Whats night your backpack ? Please introduce your books in your backpack to your partner.T: Check your work.S: I have many books. This is a science. This is a Match the words with the pictures.T:Now come with me to visit the Green High school. The students are having different classes in their classrooms. They are very happy. Look at picture A. They are having math. Can you introduce the other picture? Please match each word with one of the pictures.T: Now check your answer.S: P.E. is DrillListen and circle.T: Two students are talking about their favorite subjects. Please listen to the radio and tell me what subject they are talking about.T: Now check your answer.S: Science ,art ,math ,music .Practice in pairs by asking “Whats your favorite subject ?”Make a survey.T: Do you want to know your classmates favorite subjects? Please interview your classmates.T: Every group choose one to report the result to the class.Homework Make a survey about your parents favorite things.Please sum up description words you learned.课堂小结板书设计Unit 12 My favorite subject is science .math Whats your favorite subject ?music My favorite subject is .science 教学反思吉林市第二十九中学20112012年度第一学期“学科共研” 英语 学科共研教案 第_ 1 周课题Unit 12Period Two课型新授时间第一次备课人孙忠华课时总第2 课时 班级七年级第二次备课人教学目标知识目标学习并掌握学科的表达方式,如:math,science,history,P.E.;会用because表示理由;掌握一周中星期一至星期天的表达方式;学习使用what,why,who引导的特殊疑问句;学习表示品质的形容词。能力目标学会运用所学的词汇、句型谈论自己所喜爱的学科;学会谈论喜好的原因;学会准确表达自己的观点。情感目标通过谈论自己及他人的学科兴趣、爱好,加深学生之间的了解,增进学生之间的友谊;帮助学生树立各科齐头并进的信心及合理安排时间的观念。重点学会谈论自己喜爱的学科或其他东西,并给出理由。学习使用what,who,why引导的特殊疑问句及用because表示理由。难点能用所学内容准确陈述自己喜好的理由和如何安排时间。知识点及课标要求能力点教学过程教学环节具体内容教法及学法批注Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep FourStep FivePresent “why”question.T:I like English because it is interesting.Why do I like it?S1:Because it is interesting.T:We have different classes every day.Whats your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is T:why do you like it?S2:Because itsT:Whats your favorite subject?S3:My favorite subject isT: Why do you like it ?S3:Because itsT:Now the two boys are talking about their favorite subjects and the reasons. But the following conversation is in the wrong order. Can you help me put the conversation in right order. Can listen to the recorder and finish it.T: Tell me your answer.S4: The order isT: Ask and answer in pairs like the conversation above.Review description words.T: Tom is my friend.He is a student.He likes P.E. because its relaxing. His favorite subject is math because its interesting. What do you think of the subjects above? Please match the subjects you hear with the description words. art science music P.E. math fun interesting boring difficult relaxingT:Report your result to the whole class.Use the information above to make a conversation.T: I know your opinion about different subjects. Do you want to know your partners idea?Make a conversation in pairs and find the answer.S1:Whats your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject isS1:Why do you like it?S2:Because itsT:whats her favorite subject?Ss:Her favorite subject isT:Why does she like it?Ss:Because it isGrammar foucs.T: If you want to know others favorite subjects and reasons,you must ask some questons. How do you ask him or her?Ss:Whats your/his/her favorite subject?Why do you like it?DrillUse the information below to complete a conversation.T:Frank is talking about his favorite subject and teacher with his friend.But some words are missing.Can you help him finish the conversation?teacher my subject yourA: What is_favorite_?B:_favorite _is art.A: Who is _art_?B:_art _is Mrs Jones.PairworkT: Make a conversation in pairs according to the conversation in 3a.Make a surveyT: Make a surey in group.Ask your classmates about his or her favorite subject and the teacher. Task T:Make a servey about “How well do you know your parents?”HomeworkMake a survey about what subject your parents learned when they were students.课堂小结板书设计Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.Period TowWhats your favorite subject?My favorite is教学反思吉林市第二十九中学20112012年度第一学期“学科共研” 英语 学科共研教案 第_ 1 周课题Unit 12Period three 课型新授时间第一次备课人孙忠华课时总第2 课时 班级七年级第二次备课人教学目标知识目标学习并掌握学科的表达方式,如:math,science,history,P.E.;会用because表示理由;掌握一周中星期一至星期天的表达方式;学习使用what,why,who引导的特殊疑问句;学习表示品质的形容词。能力目标学会运用所学的词汇、句型谈论自己所喜爱的学科;学会谈论喜好的原因;学会准确表达自己的观点。情感目标通过谈论自己及他人的学科兴趣、爱好,加深学生之间的了解,增进学生之间的友谊;帮助学生树立各科齐头并进的信心及合理安排时间的观念。重点学会谈论自己喜爱的学科或其他东西,并给出理由。学习使用what,who,why引导的特殊疑问句及用because表示理由。难点能用所学内容准确陈述自己喜好的理由和如何安排时间。知识点及课标要求能力点教学过程教学环节具体内容教法及学法批注Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep FourNew words.Review the months.T: Say the months together.S: JanuaryPresent the new words.T: Whats the date today?S: Its T: Look at the calendar. Its today. Read after me.T: How many days are does a week has?S: Seven.T: What day is the last day of a week?S:T: Say the days of the week together.Practice the new words.A . Put the days of the week in the right order.(Finish 1a )T : What subjects do you study at school? Please check the subject in the box and compare the differences between you and your parents.T: Please report your answer.T: When do you have math?S: .T: Next, pair wok.Drill Listen to the conversation and fill in the chart.T: What subject do you hear they are talking about ?T:Make a conversation according to the chart.Make a schedule.T: Its difficult to make one schedule for all the students. Please design your favorite timetable for one day.Then tell your group members why youd like a timetable like this.T: First report your favorite day.S:.T: Next , introduce your favorite timetable for one day.Homework Write out your timetable tomorrow .课堂小结板书设计Unit 12 My favorite subject is scienceMonday Why does he like science ?Tuesday Wednesday 教学反思吉林市第二十九中学20112012年度第一学期“学科共研” 英语 学科共研教案 第_ 1 周课题Unit 12Period four课型新授时间第一次备课人孙忠华课时总第2 课时 班级七年级第二次备课人教学目标知识目标学习并掌握学科的表达方式,如:math,science,history,P.E.;会用because表示理由;掌握一周中星期一至星期天的表达方式;学习使用what,why,who引导的特殊疑问句;学习表示品质的形容词。能力目标学会运用所学的词汇、句型谈论自己所喜爱的学科;学会谈论喜好的原因;学会准确表达自己的观点。情感目标通过谈论自己及他人的学科兴趣、爱好,加深学生之间的了解,增进学生之间的友谊;帮助学生树立各科齐头并进的信心及合理安排时间的观念。重点学会谈论自己喜爱的学科或其他东西,并给出理由。学习使用what,who,why引导的特殊疑问句及用because表示理由。难点能用所学内容准确陈述自己喜好的理由和如何安排时间。知识点及课标要求能力点教学过程教学环节具体内容教法及学法批注Step OneStep TwoStep ThreeStep FourNew lesson.Present the new words and text .T: Lin Mei is my friend. She is a student in NO. 4 Middle School. She writes a letter to her pen friend. She introduces a busy day of her school life. She has a strict teacher. She has many classes on that day. So she is very tired.T: On weekends , I have to do much housework. I take my daughter to study. I think I have a busy weekend. Im very tired. My daughter says her mother is strict but kind. What about your mother? Does she have a busy weekend? Is she strict with you in your study?S:.T: Describe your mothers weekend.The short letter.T: We know Lin Mei has a busy school day. She has many classes. What classes does she have? What does she do after class? Please read the letter and find answers.What classes does she have? What does she do after class?Complete Lin Meis schedule.T; Next group work .Please introduce Lin Meis day according to the schedule one by one.T: Check your practice.Write your schedule for your favorite day.T: We have classes from Monday to Friday. Whats your favorite school day? Why is that your family school day?S:T: Now please write your schedule for your favorite school day.Please write your schedule on the board.Now,make statements about the schedules on the blackboard. Prepare for it on your own.T:Introduce their schedule .Survey. Ask some of your classmates about their favorite school day.T: Do you know your classmates favorite days? Please interview your classmates about their favorite school day. Why does he/she like that day?Writing a letter to Zhao Jie.T: Zhao Jie does not think he is a good student. Here is his notebook about his studies. Read it and find some problems of his studies. Then write to him and tell him about what subject you like and why.T: Please read your letter in your group.Homework.Design a poster and display your study. It includes the words, key sentences, passages and so on. 课堂小结板书设计Unit 12 My favorite subject is science .busy strict tired Whats your favorite subject?Why do you like?教学反思


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