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人教版(新目标)八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷2I词形转换(10分)1. hard(副词)_ 2. health(形容词)_ 3. although (同义词)_ 4. calm(反义词)_ 5. tooth(复数)_ 6. back(反义词)_7. worry(形容词)_ 8. babysit(现在分词)_ 9. once(基数词)_ 10. different(名词)_II翻译下列短语(10分)11. 垃圾食品_ 12. 饮食习惯_ 13. 乘地铁_ 14. 看医生_ 15. 喉咙痛_ 16. 对有好处害处 17. 照看,照顾_ 18. 健康的生活方式_19. 如你所见_ 20. 保持健康_III根据句意及首字母补全下列单词(10分)21. What do you usually do on w_? 22. I hope youre e_ our school in Xinqiao.23. He tries to eat a lot of v_ every week. 24.Thanks for your i_ to visit me.25.What are you doing for v_?. 26.Can you come to my b_ party?27. Im sorry to h_ that youre not feeling well. 28. Whats your f_ program?29. Im more o_ than my sister. 30. How many hours do you s_ every night?IV单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)31. Theyre _ at home. A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. relaxxing32. _ do you read English? I read English every morning.A. How many B. How long C. How soon D. How often33. My mother goes to work _. A. by a bike B. by bikes C. by bike D. on bike34. We eat a lot of _ and _, but little meat.A. fruit; vegetables B. fruits; vegetables C. fruit; vegetable D. fruits; vegetable35. She _ yesterday. A. had a cold B. had cold C. have a cold D. take cold36. We have no time to play. We have _ homework to do.A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too37. She hopes you feel _ soon.A. good B. well C. better D. best38. Do you go to school _ Saturday morning? A. in B. at C. on D. for39. We should eat hot yang _, like beef.A. food B. drink C. foods D. drinks40. Its easy to stay _. A. health B. the healthier C. healthiest D. healthy41. Thanks for _ me to your party. A. invite B. invitation C. inviting D. ask42. Can you go to the concert with me this afternoon? Yes, _.A. Id like B. Id love C. I would love D. Id love to43. Emma, come here. Here _ some orange for you. A. is B. are C. have D. has44. Are you good at _? A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. to swim45. Sam is _ than Tom. A. fun B. funner C. funny D. funnier46. This house is _ than that one. A. much bigger B. more bigger C. more biger D. much biger47. Which one is _, this one or that one? A. good B. better C. best D. well48. It takes me fifteen minutes _ to school? A. walk B. walks C. to walk D. walking49. Milk is good _ our health. A. at B. in C. of D. for50. He has shorter hair than _. A. Tom B. Toms C. Toms D. Tom hairV句型转换(每小题1分,共12分)61. He watches TV once a week.(就划线部分提问) _ _ does he watch TV?62. She goes shopping three times a week.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ she _ shopping three times a week? _, she _.63. Whats the matter with you?(同义句) Whats _ with you?=Whats _ _?64. I always eat junk food.(写出完全否定句)I _ eat junk food.65. Nina gets to school by train.(就划线部分提问) _ does Nina _ to school? 66. Its five kilometers from here to school. (同上) _ _ is it from here to school? 67. I think this is a good way to keep healthy. (改为否定句)I _ think this _ a good way to keep healthy.68. They go to school on foot every day.(同义句) They _ _ school every day.69. It started three days ago. (划线部分提问) _ _ it start ?70. I have a stomachache. (改成主语是he的句子)_ _ a stomachache.71. The girls get to school by subway.(同义句) The girls _ _ _ to school.72. Were staying for a month. (就划线部分提问) _ _ are you staying?VI用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)73. Monday is cold but Tuesday is _ (cold) than Monday.74. His brother is _(funny) than he.75. If you want to keep _( health ), youd better take more exercise and eat less food.76. The doll has three _( foot ). 77. He has a _ (tooth ), he has to see the dentist.78. Our town is _(beautiful) than yours.79. We have P.E. classes _ (two) a week.80. It is more fun to take boats than _ (take) a bus.81. Look! The Greens _ (get ) ready for the journey(旅程).82. Jims mother tries _( drink ) milk every day. 二、完型填空Do you think everyone enjoys 1 weekend? Old Henry doesntHe couldnt stand the 2 that 0ld people cant be beautifulSo over weekend he 3 colour clothes because he wanted to young and beautifulHe enjoyed nice words about his 4 And he had a dog like the youngSo he didnt mind what young people 5 himBut two things felt 6 sad. Last month,he went for a walk with his 7 ,Da Huang,his cute dog,It was a nice day and Old Henry was happyHe sat on a bench and watched Da Huang 8 a friendly black dogYears ago,when Da Huang was young,his wife was also thereThey always walked on the weekend. Then it was time 9 homeOld Henry looked for his dog“Da Huang,Da Huang!”But Da Huang washt thereLater he 10 his colour clothes and never walked outNow Old Henry is very sadHe doesnt want to anything( )1AoneBonesCtheirDhis( )2AthinkBideaCthingDfact( )3AworeBwearCto wearDput( )4ApersonalityBfaceCoutgoingDappearance( )5A1ooked as Bthought ofC1ooked like Dthought( )6AprettyBLittleCa littleDfew( )7AboyBwifeCpartrDbrother( )8AplayBplay withCplayingDplayed with( )9 Abe goingBwentCgo toDto go( )l0Atake offBtook offCtakes onDput up三、阅读运用(A)Students learn their lessons in classIn class teachers teach themStudents sit in theclassroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learningIs this the only way for students to learn? Of course notThere is another way to learnThat is students can teach themselvesEvery student can teach himself, and every student is teaching himself when he is learning somethingFor example,if you cannot remember something when you are doing your homeworkwhat will you do? You can look at your book to find the answerTiffs is a way to teach yourselfAnd it is not a difficult wayWe can do this at any place and at any timeHow to teach yourself7The first thing you must do is readingRead something you are interested in,not you have to readThe second is that you must ask yourself questionsThe question is something you dont understand,or you want to know more aboutYou call write down these questionsA clever student is usually good at asking questionsThe third is to answer the question yourself by thinking hard,by reading the text or other books,and sometimes by asking other peopleThese are the ways of teaching yourselfAnd you must do these all by yourselfIf you keep doing like these for a long time,you are sure to succeed in your study( )1Listening to the teachers is _for students to learnAnot a wayBthe best wayCthe only wayDnot the only way( )2If you want to succeed,youd better learn Ayour lessons in the classroom Bhow to teach yourself Cto read and write carefullyDhow to ask questions( )3In teaching yourself, the first thing you must do is Awriting Breading Casking Danswering( )4A clever student is usually good at_ Aasking questions Banswering questionCfinding answersDasking others( )5Which of the following ideas do you think is right? AA student can teach himself but he doesnt like to BIt is a difficult way to learn to teach from the teacher CA student can learn to teach himself if he wants to DStudents know very well how to teach themselves (B)Jim liked sports show One day when he was on his trip around the country by car in the afternoonIt was late and he wanted to watch sports news to the hotel on timeBut he didnt find the way to the small hotelAt this time he saw an old bald man walking along with difficulty, he stopped his car and asked the man“Where is the Sun Hotel? Would you like to show me how to get there?”“Yes,”the bald man answered,“1 would show you the way”He felt happy and got into Jims car, then they drove for about thirty minutesOn the way the old man didnt stop talkingHe said he loved soap opera and couldnt stand sports newsJim felt angryWhen they arrived at a small house,the old man said,“Its here”Jim stopped and looked at the house“But this isnt the hotel”He said to the old man “No”the man said“This is my houseNow let me tell you the way to the Sun HotelT_um around and go back about ten minutesAnd then you can see the Sun Hotel on your right”( )1Jim stopped his car to_ Adrive the old man homeBbuy some drink Cmake some fruitsDask the way( )2Jim and the old man had the same hobby, didnt they? AYes,they didBNo,they didnt CYes,they didntDNo,they did( )3The old man 1iked _from the passage Ano talking Bsituation Csoap operaDsports show( )4In fact,its only about _minutes to get to the Sun Hotel from the place where the driver asked the old man the way AthirtyBtwentyCtenDforty(C)Mrs White has a sonHis name is Sam whiteThe young man began to work in a post office in a city this autumnHe asked his mother to visit the cityThe old woman was happy and caught a trainSoon she got to the city, but she didnt know where the post office wasShe began to look for it,but she couldnt find itAt a bus stop she asked an old man,“Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?”“We have about forty post offices in our city,”said the old man“Which one do you want?” Mrs White gave Sams letter to the old man and he said“Walk along this street and take the fourth turning on the 1eftHis post office is just there”Mrs White thanked the old man and soon found her sonThey were very happyA week later she went to the ZOOShe saw many kinds of animalsBut after that she couldnt find the way to the post office againAt the same bus stop she met the same old man and she asked the same question again“Oh dear!the old man called out“Are you still looking for your Son?”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1Where did Sam White work?2How did Mrs White go to the city?3Did Mrs White know how to get to her sons post office?4How many post offices where in this city?5Did Mrs White know the way to the post office when she came out of the Zoo?(D)There once was an old man aged 50who had a lazy son aged 30The son couldnt earn his own living,and still depended on his old father for food and clothingThe old man was very Worried about himSO he took him to the fortune teller(算命先生)to have his fortune toldThe father and son both believed what the fortune teller saidthe father would live to 80 and the son to 62After they found out how long they were going to live,the son was very sadHis lather comforted(安慰)him,“Dont be so sad! You are only 30 now, mad still have 32 years of good days ahead of you“Im not worrying aboutmy own ageIts your age which causes me great worry,”the son said The father was greatly moved and said,“Dont worry about me so muchIve got 30 years ahead of me too”“Im not worried about your age either,”said the son“I have found out that you11 die two years earlier than ISo whom will depend on in the two years after your death?”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )1The old man had a son _ Athirty years younger than him。 Bwho earned a lot of money Cwho lived on him for food and clothing Dwho died tow years earlier than him( )2The underlined words“ahead ofin paragraph 5 mean”_” AbehindBoverCin front ofDunder( )3The father was moved when _ Ahe thought his son WSS worried about him Bhe knew that his son would die ahead of him Chis son would earn his own living when he died Dhe found his son worried about his money( )4The fortune teller told the father and the son that _ Athe father would die two years earlier than his son Bthe father would get less money, but the son would get more Cthe son would die two years earlier than his father Dboth the father and the son would die very soon( )5The son was worried about his father because_ Ahe liked his father very much Bhe would have no money to buy food and clothing if his father died Chis father was getting older and older DHis father would get less and less moneyVII补全对话(每空0.5分,共10分)83. A: Hi, Susan, _ you come to my party? B: _, Im going to have a piano lesson.A: Thats too bad. Maybe _ time. B: Thank you for _.84. A: _ the _ with you? B: Im not _ well. I have a headache.A: _ did it _? B: About 3 days ago.A: _ your mouth and say Ah. B: Ah. Ah. Ah.A: Oh, thats too bad. You should _ down and _. Please _ this medicine.B: How often do I take it? A: Three _ _ _ after meals.B: OK. A: I hope you _ _ soon.B: Thank you. 85. Whats today? Its _ _.(根据今天的实际情况回答问题)九、书面表达假如你是李华。你家离学校15公里,你每月坐公共汽车回一次家,从学校到家需要20分钟。你有一个非常要好的朋友,他/她比你大三个月,但你却比他/她高,你们两人都擅长英语。你们将去北京度假。你最近交了一位加拿大笔友Jack现请你写一封E-mail向笔友Jack介绍上述情况,同时,你问对方几个问题,如家离学校有多远?每天怎样去上学? 多久去看一次电影?注意:1 E-mail 应包含上述内容,但不要逐条翻译。2 词数为80左右。3 E-mail的开头和结尾已写好。Dear Jack,I am very happy to write to you. My name is Li Hua. I am a student.

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