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中考英语专题复习副词(真题)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共100题;共200分)1. (2分)He is a student,and he plays the piano A . good,wellB . well,goodC . good,goodD . well,well2. (2分)Amy came_ in the race. She ran _.A . the first; the fastestB . the first; fasterC . first; the fastestD . first; faster3. (2分)Alice sings .I think she sings in her class.A . very well, bestB . good, wellC . well, betterD . very good, best4. (2分)fact,I cant stand soap operas, . A . On,eitherB . In,eitherC . At,tooD . In,too5. (2分)The boy sits at the desk , but he doesnt feel .A . alone; aloneB . lonely; lonelyC . lonely; aloneD . alone lonely6. (2分)This kind of T-shirt looks and sells .A . nice; wellB . nice; goodC . well; wellD . good; nice7. (2分)We had a good time at Kangkangs birthday party yesterday.A . have funB . enjoy ourselvesC . enjoyed ourselvesD . had a fun8. (2分)Everything changed_ quickly that I hardly had time to prepare. A . soB . suchC . veryD . quite9. (2分)Why do you like rainy days?The air becomes _ after the rain.A . freshB . meaninglessC . crowdedD . serious10. (2分)How many stamps have you collected so far? Close to 200.A . OverB . PerhapsC . Nearly11. (2分)My sister _ goes to bed early because she needs a lot of sleep every day.A . alwaysB . sometimesC . hardlyD . never12. (2分)I never go to school by bus. I walk to school.A . usuallyB . sometimesC . oftenD . every day13. (2分)No school team would like to invite them to play basketball _ because of their heights.A . quietlyB . simplyC . hardlyD . strongly14. (2分)When the girl found the dog was friendly, she moved closer to it and touched it A . veryB . quiteC . much tooD . a little15. (2分)Its difficult to live in a foreign country, _ if you cant understand the language there.A . exactlyB . naturallyC . usuallyD . especially16. (2分)Scanning is a kind of reading strategy. It means reading an article _ to find special information needed instead of reading every word. A . carefullyB . clearlyC . quickly17. (2分)The girl looks at the Mickey Mouse HouseHow she looks!A . happy;happyB . happily;happilyC . happy;happilyD . happily;happy18. (2分)- Who plays the violin _, Sally or Kylie?- Sally. But she gave the chance to Kylie.A . wellB . betterC . bestD . the best19. (2分)The poor woman is very worried_ little food for_ many children.A . Such; soB . So; soC . Such; suchD . So; such20. (2分) _ robot is yours, the big one or the small one?The big one.A . WhatB . WhichC . How manyD . Whose21. (2分)He doesnt like doing housework and _ do I. A . eitherB . noC . neitherD . not22. (2分) Will you go _ when you are back in your hometown this winter holiday? No, we _have any time because well visit our relatives.A . sightseeing ; hardlyB . swimming, usuallyC . shopping; happily23. (2分) The more _ you listen to the tape, the _ you will find it to understand.A . carefully; more easilyB . careful; more easilyC . carefully; easierD . careful; easier24. (2分)The little girl can speak English Japanese A . as wellB . as goodC . as well asD . as good as25. (2分)Do you know ? Im not sure. Maybe next year.A . if Dongying High-speed Train Station will be builtB . where Dongying High-speed Train Station will be builtC . when we will build Dongying High-speed Train StationD . why the government decided to build Dongying High-speed Train Station26. (2分)_ do you go online, Mary? Twice a week.A . How longB . How oftenC . How manyD . How much27. (2分)_ you spell the word “pen”?PEN.A . How areB . How doC . What doD . Whatre28. (2分) We solved the problem without difficulty. It was so simple that it was a piece of cake for you.A . nearlyB . easilyC . difficultly29. (2分)We must eat breakfast _. Its time for class. A . usuallyB . quicklyC . reallyD . only30. (2分)After my teacher gave me a lesson, I didnt do that _. A . anyB . moreC . any moreD . no more31. (2分)- film do you like better, Lost in Thailand or Life of Pi?- Lost in Thailand.A . WhichB . WhoseC . WhatsD . Why32. (2分)_ do you spell computer?COMPUTERA . CanB . WhatC . HowD . Who33. (2分)Of all the students in our class, who lives_?I think Kangkang does.A . farB . fartherC . farthest34. (2分)Millie_ missed the train this afternoon. It started to leave right after she got on it. A . almostB . alreadyC . reallyD . seldom35. (2分)一What do you think of your trip to Mount Tai ?一It was better than I expected A . veryB . quiteC . farD . pretty36. (2分)Its hot today.Yes. Lets go swimming in the afternoon.A . upB . lastC . noD . really37. (2分)Tara and her sister quiet and they sports.A . are both, both likeB . are both, like bothC . both are, both like38. (2分) Does he finish the picture? No. He _ needs more time.A . eitherB . justC . stillD . well39. (2分)The 3-month-old baby cried from time to time last night. His parentshad a good sleep. A . mostlyB . hardlyC . nearlyD . always40. (2分) Who runs in your class? Tom does. None of us can catch him in the race. A . fasterB . slowerC . fastestD . slowest41. (2分)_ do you read storybooks?I read them twice a week.A . How longB . How soonC . How farD . How often42. (2分)Song Ying is _ kind that she has donated almost all her savings to a charity.A . veryB . soC . muchD . such43. (2分)Danny liked to play computer games. But now he _ does that, and he is better at his lessons. A . seldomB . usuallyC . oftenD . always44. (2分)We dont want to speak badly or _ in front of the class. A . properlyB . carefullyC . carelesslyD . clearly45. (2分)I stay at home _ on weekends, but I dont feel _. A . lonely, lonelyB . alone, lonelyC . lonely, aloneD . alone, alone46. (2分)Bill,I planned to give you the card on Saturday, but I forgot A . completelyB . recentlyC . quietlyD . clearly47. (2分)Roy thinks he works as as his friend, Dan.A . hardlyB . harderC . hardD . more hardly48. (2分)- Youre coughing badly. Have you gone to see a doctor?- No, but I .A . am going toB . will notC . am not going toD . havent49. (2分)Have you heard from Rose yet?No. She hasnt written to me since she left.A . got a letter fromB . sent an email toC . sent a postcard to50. (2分) do you go to school on school days?I often go to school 7:30 a. m.A . What time; onB . What time; atC . What; inD . When; in51. (2分)一 Whats wrong with my eyes, doctor?一 Im afraid you have to wear glasses to help see things _.A . sadlyB . luckilyC . clearly52. (2分)The car was damaged in the accident, and it cannot be repaired.A . lightlyB . badlyC . hardly53. (2分)Sometimes we dont have _ to make everything _ . A . enough time ; enough goodB . enough time ; good enoughC . time enough ; enough goodD . time enough ; good enough54. (2分)- Whats your idea about family education?- kids learn to be independent, it is for their future.A . The earlier, the betterB . The more, the moreC . The earlier, the earlierD . The better, the earlier55. (2分)If I were , I would buy to read.A . enough rich; enough booksB . rich enough; books enoughC . enough rich; books enoughD . rich enough; enough books56. (2分)Peter speaks Chinese well indeed, but of course not _ a local speaker in China.A . so fluently asB . more fluent thanC . as fluent asD . much fluently than57. (2分)(2016德州)As the girl in our class, Mary was chose to take part in the running race.A . kindestB . fastestC . strictestD . cleverest58. (2分) _ your mother free at the weekend?NO. She _ has much work to do.A . Does; alwaysB . Is;alwaysC . Does; seldomD . Is; seldom59. (2分)The cat has lots of _ and sleeps _. A . furs, a lot ofB . fur, much timeC . fur, a lotD . furs, many times60. (2分)Bob, you look blue. Dont make any decision, _ when youre in a bad mood. OK, I wont. Thanks.A . exactlyB . probablyC . especiallyD . generally61. (2分)Can you understand me?Sorry. I can _ understand what youve said.A . nearlyB . easilyC . hardlyD . exactly62. (2分) _ do you use the Internet? I use it every day.A . How manyB . How oftenC . How muchD . How long63. (2分)Blue Moon is the best clothes store in Green City, because people can buy clothes_ there. A . the most cheaplyB . the cheapestC . cheaperD . more cheaply64. (2分) _ is my schoolbag? It is on the desk.A . WhatB . WhereC . WhyD . When65. (2分)_ is it from here to the TV station?About twenty minutes walk.A . How muchB . How farC . How longD . How many66. (2分)The wind was blowing _ and there was no _ in the sky. A . heavy; cloudB . heavy; cloudyC . heavily; cloudD . heavily; cloudy67. (2分) do you learn English? working with my friendsA . What,ByB . How,ByC . How,WithD . What,With68. (2分) does it take you to do your homework every day? About one hour. A . How longB . How farC . How oftenD . How much69. (2分) _ is it from your home to school? Twenty minutes walk.A . How farB . How longC . How soon70. (2分)Usually in April it is very warm in our city, but it can be very cold. A . alwaysB . oftenC . sometimesD . hardly ever71. (2分)一 Teenagers are not _ to drive a car.一 Its pretty dangerous.A . enough seriousB . serious enoughC . too seriousD . serious too72. (2分)_ is the weather in Shanghai these days? _ sunny.A . What, ItsB . How, ItsC . How, ItD . What, It73. (2分)Mike doesnt want to walk home, and Bob doesnt, _.A . alsoB . thenC . tooD . either74. (2分)_ are you, boy? Im 12.A . HowB . How oldC . WhoD . How many75. (2分)Mike couldnt solve the problem and I couldnt, _ A . tooB . eitherC . alsoD . as well76. (2分)_ of the teachers in our school is 118 and _ of them are women teachers. A . The number, first fourthB . The number, one fourthC . A number, first fourthD . A number, one fourth77. (2分)If you say someone is _, you mean that he or she is stupid. A . seriousB . sillyC . strict78. (2分)Good news! China won a gold at PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games._, we won six silvers.A . MoreoverB . HoweverC . InsteadD . Otherwise79. (2分)Dont worry.My mother will look after your baby _.Thanks a lot.A . careful enoughB . enough careful C . carefully enough80. (2分)_did the bell ring?_ we were having dinner,the bell rang.A . when; whenB . when; whileC . while; whileD . while; when81. (2分)_do you want to join the Dance Club? Because I like dancing.A . WhenB . HowC . WhereD . Why82. (2分)After training for two months, we won the first prize for the competition. A . actuallyB . finallyC . usuallyD . hardly83. (2分)The watch is not _ beautiful as that one. A . veryB . tooC . soD . more84. (2分)Please read every sentence _. The more _ you are, the fewer mistakes youll make.A . carefully; carefullyB . careful; carefulC . carefully; carefulD . careful; carefully85. (2分)I came to school _ this morning because it was my turn to clean our classroom. A . earlyB . slowlyC . quietlyD . suddenly86. (2分)-Does your English teacher sing very_?-Yes , she does.A . goodB . niceC . greatD . well87. (2分)This is the most beautiful park I have _ visited. A . everB . yetC . neverD . already88. (2分) The exam is coming! Yes, our teacher often tells us we cant be careful while taking exams.A . tooB . veryC . quiteD . so89. (2分)Tom was hit by a car. His parents went to the hospital _.A . happilyB . slowlyC . immediately90. (2分)Speak louder, please! I can _ hear you.A . easilyB . hardlyC . usually91. (2分)If my friends have any problems, my door is open to them. A . neverB . sometimesC . hardlyD . always92. (2分)Do you know sound travels very fast?Yes. But light travels sound.A . as fast asB . a little faster thanC . much faster thanD . slower than93. (2分) Would you like some coffee? No, thanks. I drink coffee.A . seldomB . oftenC . onlyD . always94. (2分)_ his help, I finished the job in time.A . BecauseB . Thanks forC . Because forD . Thanks to95. (2分)Dont worry. My mother will look after your baby _.Thanks a lot.A . careful enoughB . enough careful C . carefully enough96. (2分)Being a volunteer, she gave _ help to the old. A . so muchB . as manyC . as muchD . so many97. (2分)The volunteer spoke as _ as she could to make the visitors understand her.A . clearlyB . more clearlyC . most clearlyD . clear98. (2分)This coat is _, but I dont have _ to buy it. A . enough cheap; enough moneyB . expensive enough; money enoughC . cheap enough; enough moneyD . enough expensive; money enough99. (2分)I dont know much about computer.I dont know, _. Lets go and ask for help.A . alsoB . eitherC . tooD . as well100. (2分)_ you read the sentences, _ mistakes youll make. A . More carefully, fewerB . The more carefully, the lessC . The more careful, the fewerD . The more carefully, the fewer第 25 页 共 25 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共100题;共200分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、60-1、61-1、62-1、63-1、64-1、65-1、66-1、67-1、68-1、69-1、70-1、71-1、72-1、73-1、74-1、75-1、76-1、77-1、78-1、79-1、80-1、81-1、82-1、83-1、84-1、85-1、86-1、87-1、88-1、89-1、90-1、91-1、92-1、93-1、94-1、95-1、96-1、97-1、98-1、99-1、100-1、

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