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Starter unit1. Clap your hands. 拍手 2.Jump up high. 高高跳起3. Shake your arms and your legs. 挥挥你的胳膊,摆摆你的腿4. Bend your knees. 弯曲膝盖5. Touch your toes. 摸脚趾6. Stand nose to nose. 鼻对鼻站7- Good morning. - Good morning. 早上好/ 上午好8. - Good afternoon. - Good afternoon. 下午好9. - Good evening. -Good evening. 晚上好10. - Good night. -Good night. 晚安11. Welcome back. 欢迎回来。12. Its good to see you again. 又见到你真高兴。13. Dance with me. 和我一起跳舞。14. Sing with me. 和我一起唱。15. Lets play a game. 让我们做游戏。Unit1 pets一. 识记62页animals的单词。(cat,dog,fish,mouse/mice,frog,rabbit,hamster, bird, budgie, giraffe, elephant, monkey, panda, bear)二. 重点词句。 1. - Have you got a pet? 你有个宠物吗?-肯定回答:Yes, I have. 有。-否定回答: No, I havent. 没有。2. -What have you got? 你有什么宠物?- A cat and a dog. 一只猫和一只狗。3. 人名 s 某人的什么东西。 Julias cat is black and white. 朱丽娅的猫是黑色和白色的。 Jeffs mouse is white. 杰夫的老鼠是白色的。 Marias hamster is brown and white. 玛利亚的仓鼠是棕色和白色的。 -What is the wizards pet? -A frog. -巫师的宠物是什么?-青蛙4. 8页文本 Fly like a budgie. 像八哥一样飞。Run like a rabbit. 像兔子一样跑。Swim like a fish. 像鱼一样游。Eat like a hamster. 像仓鼠一样吃。Sit like a dog. 像狗一样坐。Roar like a tiger. 像老虎一样吼。5. - What is it? -A fish. -它是什么? -一条鱼。6. - What colour is it? -Red and yellow. 它是什么颜色的?- 红色和黄色的。7. How many +名词的复数(1)- How many mice are there? -Six. -有多少只老鼠?-六只。(2)-How many pandas are there? Three. 有多少只熊猫?- 三只。(3)- How many elephants are there? -One. 有多少只大象?-一只。8. -What are in the pictures? -Animals. 图片里有什么?-动物。9. -What animals? 什么动物? -Pandas, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, a bear and a budgie. 熊猫,猴子,长颈鹿,大象,一只熊和一只八哥。10. an elephant 一只大象Unit2 The days of the week一. 识记星期一到星期日的单词。Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday二重点句型。1.-Whats your favourite day? 你最喜欢哪一天?-My favourite day is Monday.或者直接说Monday. 我最喜欢星期一。2.-Whats your favourite food? 你最喜欢什么食物?-My favourite food is chicken.或者Chicken. 我最欢鸡肉。(鸡肉。)3.-Whats your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色?-My favourite colour is green. 或者Green. 我最喜欢绿色。4. - Whats your favourite number? 你最喜欢的数字是几?-My favourite number is seven. 或者Seven. 我最喜欢的数字是七。 5. - Whats your favourite animal? 你最欢的动物是什么?-My favourite animal is a fish. 或者A fish. 我最喜欢的动物是鱼。6. - Whats your favourite pet? 你最喜欢的宠物是什么?-My favourite pet is a hamster. 或者A hamster. 我最喜欢的宠物是仓鼠。7.-What day is it? 这是星期几? - Monday. 星期一。8. Pink is my favourite colour. 粉色是我最喜欢的颜色。9. I hate pink. 我讨厌粉色。 10. Emma hates pink. 艾玛讨厌粉色。注意:星期前用介词on。11. She paints a red budgie on Monday. 在星期一她画了一只红色的鹦鹉。12. She paints a blue frog on Tuesday. 在星期二她画了一只蓝色的青蛙。13.She paints an orange fish on Wednesday.星期三,她画了一只黄色的鱼。14. She paints a green dog on Thursday. 在星期四,她画了一只绿色的狗。15. She paints a yellow cat on Friday 在星期五,她画了一只黄色的猫。16. She paints a purple rabbit on Saturday.星期六,他画了一只紫色的兔子。注意:主语是he、she、一个人名时后面的动词要加S,如: He likes apples. She hates ice cream. Emma hates pink.17页7题听力材料. What is Tobys favourite? 托比最喜欢什么?My favourite days are Friday and Sunday. (我最喜欢星期五和星期日。)I dont like Monday. (我不喜欢星期一。) Chicken is my favourite food. (鸡肉是我最喜欢的食物。)My favourite number is seven.(我最喜欢的数字是七。)My favourite colour is yellow. (我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。)18. My favourite day is Monday. 我最喜欢的一天是星期一。 My favourite colour is green. 我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。My favourite number is seven. 我最喜欢的数字是七。My favourite animal is a fish. 我最喜欢的动物是鱼。My favourite schoolthing is a pen. 我最喜欢的学习用品是钢笔。My favourite food is fish. 我最喜欢的食物是鱼。My favourite letter is B. 我最喜欢的字母是B.19. Open your eyes. 睁开你的眼睛 Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。20. Great! 很棒 Super! 棒极了Unit3 Clothes一 识记63页Clothes的单词。(cap, shirt, T-shirt, sweater, dress, skirt, shorts, jeans, shoes, socks, trainers)二 重点句型。1. My favourite T-shirt is blue. 我最喜欢的T恤衫是蓝色的。2. My favourite sweater is red. 我最喜欢的毛衣是红色的。3. My favourite cap is green and white. 我最喜欢的帽子是绿色和白色的4. My favourite toy is a kite. 我最喜欢的玩具是一只风筝。5. Blue and red and green and white are the colours of my kite.我的风筝的颜色是蓝,红,绿和白色。6. xxx is wearing a/an+颜色+衣服 或 颜色+衣服。某人穿着(一件)什么颜色的衣服。Elena is wearing white jeans 艾琳娜穿着白色的牛仔裤。Peter is wearing a black T-shirt. 彼得穿着黑色的T恤衫。Andy is wearing a blue and yellow cap. 安迪戴着蓝色和黄色的帽子。Jane is wearing a pink sweater. 简穿着一件粉色的毛衣。Mike is wearing a green cap. 迈克戴着一顶绿色的帽子。He is wearing a red T-shirt. 他穿着一件红色的T恤衫。He is wearing green jeans, black socks and brown shoes.他穿着一条绿色的牛仔裤,一双黑色的袜子和棕色的鞋。6. 注意:jeans socks shoes trainers shorts前面不用a或anElena is wearing white jeans. 艾琳娜穿着白色的牛仔裤。John is wearing green socks. 约翰穿着一双绿色的袜子。Sue is wearing red shoes. 休穿着一双红色的鞋。He is wearing green jeans, black shoes and brown shoes.他穿着一条绿色的牛仔裤,一双黑色的袜子和棕色的鞋。7. 自我介绍。I am Huang Fang. 我叫黄芳。I am wearing a white shirt and a pink skirt. 我穿着一件白色的衬衫和一条粉色的裙子。 I am wearing white socks and black shoes. 我穿着一双白色的袜子和黑色的鞋。8. Put on 穿上,戴上 ( take off 脱掉,摘掉 ) Put on your jeans. 穿上你的牛仔裤。Put on your socks. 穿上你的袜子。Put on your T-shirt. 穿上你的T恤衫。Put on your cap. 戴上你的帽子。Put on your shoes.穿上你的鞋子。Take off your jeans. 脱掉你的牛仔裤。Take off your cap. 摘掉你的帽子。 8. Run out of the door. 跑出门外去。9. - What am I wearing? 我穿着什么呢?-I think a green shirt, blue jeans and 我认为是绿色的衬衫和蓝色的牛仔裤。-What is she/he wearing? She/He is wearing 19页文本Turn off the alarm clock.关掉闹铃。Get out of the bed.起床Put on your T-shirt. 穿上你的T恤衫。Put on your shorts. 穿上你的短裤。Put on your socks. 穿上你的袜子。Put on your trainers. 穿上你的运动鞋。Put on your cycle helmet. 戴上你的头盔Open the door. 开门Shout:“Oh, no!“喊:“哦,不。”20. colours: red红, green绿, black黑, white白, yellow黄, orange桔, pink粉, purple紫, brown棕, blue蓝,grey灰Unit4 Feelings一、 识记表情单词和数字单词(happy, sad, angry, scared, tired, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten , eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty)二、 重点词句。1. I am sad. I cry. 我伤心。我哭。 HeShe is sad. HeShe cries. 他/她伤心。他/她哭。2. I am happy. I smile. 我高兴。我笑。HeShe is happy. He She smiles. 他/她高兴。他/她笑。3. I am angry. I stamp my feet.我生气。我跺脚。HeShe is angry. He She stamps his her feet. 他/她生气。他/她跺脚。4. I am tired. I go to sleep. 我累了。我睡觉。She He is tired. HeShe goes to sleep. 他/她累了。他/她睡觉。5. How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎么样? I am happy.我高兴。 How is he feeling today? 他今天感觉怎么样? He is sad.他伤心。 How is she feeling today? 她今天感觉怎么样? She is tired.她累了。 How is Mike feeling today? 迈克今天感觉怎么样? He is sad and angry.他伤心又生气。6. - Happy birthday. 生日快乐。 7. - Im sorry. 对不起。- Thank you. 谢谢。 - Thats OK. 没关系 .8. -Whats the number?这是数字几?-Seventeen.十七。9. (人名) have got (某东西).I have got a new game.我有一个新游戏。= Ive got a new game. 我有一个新游戏。We have got another game.我们有另一个游戏。= Weve got another game. 我们有另一个游戏。have的第三人称单数是has. She He has got a shirt. 她/他有一件衬衫。10. The game is stupid. 游戏很愚蠢。 否定句:The game isnt stupid. 游戏不愚蠢。11. is的过去式was I am angry. 我现在生气。-I was angry.我刚刚生气了。12. -Lets play the game. 让我们一起玩游戏吧。OK. 好的。13. Ive got a new present. I am happy. 我有一个新礼物。我很高兴。14. The game is stupid. Mike is sad and angry. 游戏很愚蠢。迈克伤心又生气。15. Jane hates chicken. She is sad. 简讨厌鸡肉。她很伤心。16. Dicks favourite food is rice. He is happy.迪克最喜欢的食物是大米。他很高兴。17. A big mouse jumps out! Ann is scared. 一只大老鼠跳出来。安很害怕。18. look (形容词) 看起来像什么。 Look scared. 看起来很害怕。Look angry. 看起来生气。Unit 6 BodyI.选出不同类的单词。( )1.A. face B. feet C. fish ( ) 2. A. ears B. eggs C. eyes( ) 3. A. mouse B. mouth C. nose( ) 4. A. body B. food C. foot( ) 5. A. Mike B. bread C. milkII.单选题。( ) 1. He _got five fingers. A. have B. has C. is( ) 2. I _got some photos. A. have B. has C. is ( ) 3.Mike _ got _ red nose.A. havea B. hasa C. isa( ) 4. It _ got big _. A. havefoot B. hasfeet C. isfeet ( ) 5.Its time _ the body rock. A. for B. at C. in( ) 6.Look _ your legs. A. for B. at C. in( ) 7.He is _ Turkey. A. for B. at C. from( ) 8.Whats Mr. Black_? A. like B. swim C. hate( ) 9. Its _ a monkey. A. got B. like C. likes( ) 10. What _ they like? A. am B. is C. are( ) 11. What _ it like? A. am B. is C. are( ) 12. Mikes got _ mouth. A. small red B. a small red C. red smallIII.连词成句。1. Mr. Black is What like ?2. prize Heres your_.3.Bob brown got long has hair_.4. have I got a pink nose big_.5.my at prize Look_.6. he is What like_.7. your Open teeth and your show mouth_.8.pirate Mr. White is a_.9.I from am China_.IV.连线。1.What is he like? It has got two big eyes.2.What is it like? Oh, great.3.Congratuations. He has got a big red mouth.4.Look at your prize. Thank you.5. What is Mr. Green like? She has got small feet.Unit 5 FoodI. 选出不同类的一项。( )1.A. juice B. fish C. cola ( ) 2. A. like B. love C. milk( ) 3. A. bed B. bad C. good ( ) 4. A. drink B. food C. foot( ) 5. A. is B. are C. earII. 选词填空。A. some B. hungry C. My D. for E. likes F. like H. I1. Whats _ breakfast? 2. Im _.3. David _ bread and noodles.4._ favourite food is rice.5. Have _ popcorn.6._ love pizza.7. Do you _ milk.III.连词成句。1.What is good for you? Here you are.2.Can I have an ice cream, please? Thank you.3.Have some. I love cornflakes.4.What do you like? I think milk is good for me.5.Do you like pizza? Rolls and jam6.Whats for breakfast? Cola is bad.7.What is bad for you? No, I dont.IV.选择题。( ) 1. Have _ apple. A. a B. an C. some( ) 2. Have _ popcorn. A. a B. an C. some( ) 3.Maria _ bread. A. like B. hate C. likes( ) 4._ ice cream _ the bus. A. At . on B. Yesat C. Noon ( ) 5.Can I _ an ice cream? A. have B. has C. is( ) 6.What is bad _ you? A. for B. on C. at( ) 7.I_ hungry. A. is B. are C. am( ) 8. _ do you like? A. What B. Whats C. What has( ) 9. _ favourite number is eight. A. My B. I C. Mikev.连词成句。1.like Do you milk_.2. dont like I hamburger_.3.drink milk is favourite My_.4.on bus the ice cream No_.5.think apple good I is me for_.6. have Can a I please humburger_?7. bad is What you for _?Unit 4 FeelingsI. 选出不同类的单词。( )1.A. big B. smile C. small ( ) 2. A. sad B. tired C. smile( ) 3. A. twelve B. eleven C. eraser ( ) 4. A. cry B. jump C. happy( ) 5. A. lollipop B. rice C. rabbitII.单选题。( )1. He _ angry. A. am B. is C. are( )2. How_ you feeling, today? A. am B. is C. are( )3.Tobys sad, sad, sad. And he_. A. cry B. cries C. happy( )4.Jane _ chicken. A. hate B. like C. hates( )5. A big mouse_ out. A. jump B. jumps C. likes( )6._ favourite food is rice. A.I B. Dicks C. Dick ( )7._ favourite drink is milk. A. I B. My C. He ( )8._ angry. A. Like B. He C. Look ( )9. Put _ your cycle helmet. A. For B. on C. at( ) 10. What _ it like? A. am B. is C. areIII.把下列句子变为否定句。1. The game is stupid. _.2. I like hamburger. _.IV.选词填空。A. cries B. smiles C. stamps his feet D. goes to sleep1.Toby is happy, happy, happy. And he _.2.Toby is angry, angry, angry. And he _.3. Hes tired, tired, tired. And he _.4. Hes sad, sad, sad. And he _.V.连线。1. How are you feelings, today? Thats ok.2. Happy birthday. Twenty.3. Im sorry. Im happy.4. Whats the number? Thank you.5. Susan has got a new present. She is happy.VI.连词成句。1. game another got have We_.2. game Lets the play_.3. the number What is_.4.Ann sad is angry and_.5. angry was I _.6. bread David and likes noodles._.7. Bob brown got long has hair_.Starter unit1.Clap your hands. 拍手 2.Jump up high. 高高跳起3. Shake your arms and your legs. 挥挥你的胳膊,摆摆你的腿4. Bend your knees. 弯曲膝盖5. Touch your toes. 摸脚趾6. Stand nose to nose. 鼻对鼻站7- Good morning. - Good morning. 早上好/ 上午好8. - Good afternoon. - Good afternoon. 下午好9. - Good evening. -Good evening. 晚上好10. - Good night. -Good night. 晚安11. Welcome back. 欢迎回来。12. Its good to see you again. 又见到你真高兴。13. Dance with me. 和我一起跳舞。14. Sing with me. 和我一起唱。15. Lets play a game. 让我们做游戏。Unit1 pets一. 识记62页animals的单词。二. 重点词句。 1. - Have you got a pet? 你有个宠物吗?-肯定回答:Yes, I have. 有。-否定回答: No, I havent. 没有。2. -What have you got? 你有什么宠物?- A cat and a dog. 一只猫和一只狗。3. 人名 s 某人的什么东西。 Julias cat is black and white. 朱丽娅的猫是黑色和白色的。 Jeffs mouse is white. 杰夫的老鼠是白色的。 Marias hamster is brown and white. 玛利亚的仓鼠是棕色和白色的。 -What is the wizards pet? -A frog. -巫师的宠物是什么?-青蛙4. 8页文本 Fly like a budgie. 像八哥一样飞。Run like a rabbit. 像兔子一样跑。Swim like a fish. 像鱼一样游。Eat like a hamster. 像仓鼠一样吃。Sit like a dog. 像狗一样坐。Roar like a tiger. 像老虎一样吼。5. - What is it? -A fish. -它是什么? -一条鱼。6. - What colour is it? -Red and yellow. 它是什么颜色的?- 红色和黄色的。7. How many +名词的复数(1)- How many mice are there? -Six. -有多少只老鼠?-六只。(2)-How many pandas are there? Three. 有多少只熊猫?- 三只。(3)- How many elephants are there? -One. 有多少只大象?-一只。8. -What are in the pictures? -Animals. 图片里有什么?-动物。9. -What animals? 什么动物? -Pandas, monkeys, giraffes, elephants, a bear and a budgie. 熊猫,猴子,长颈鹿,大象,一只熊和一只八哥。10. an elephant 一只大象Unit2 The days of the week一. 识记星期一到星期日的单词。Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday二重点句型。1.-Whats your favourite day? 你最喜欢哪一天?-My favourite day is Monday.或者直接说Monday. 我最喜欢星期一。2.-Whats your favourite food? 你最喜欢什么食物?-My favourite food is chicken.或者Chicken. 我最欢鸡肉。(鸡肉。)3.-Whats your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色?-My favourite colour is green. 或者Green. 我最喜欢绿色。4. - Whats your favourite number? 你最喜欢的数字是几?-My favourite number is seven. 或者Seven. 我最喜欢的数字是七。 5. - Whats your favourite animal? 你最欢的动物是什么?-My favourite animal is a fish. 或者A fish. 我最喜欢的动物是鱼。6. - Whats your favourite pet? 你最喜欢的宠物是什么?-My favourite pet is a hamster. 或者A hamster. 我最喜欢的宠物是仓鼠。7.-What day is it? 这是星期几? - Monday. 星期一。8. Pink is my favourite colour. 粉色是我最喜欢的颜色。9. I hate pink. 我讨厌粉色。10. Emma hates pink. 艾玛讨厌粉色。注意:星期前用介词on。11. She paints a red budgie on Monday. 在星期一她画了一只红色的鹦鹉。12. She paints a blue frog on Tuesday. 在星期二她画了一只蓝色的青蛙。13.She paints an orange fish on Wednesday.星期三,她画了一只黄色的鱼。14. She paints a green dog on Thursday. 在星期四,她画了一只绿色的狗。15. She paints a yellow cat on Friday 在星期五,她画了一只黄色的猫。16. She paints a purple rabbit on Saturday.星期六,他画了一只紫色的兔子。注意:主语是he、she、一个人名时后面的动词要加S,如: He likes apples. She hates ice cream. Emma hates pink.17页7题听力材料. What is Tobys favourite? 托比最喜欢什么?My favourite days are Friday and Sunday. (我最喜欢星期五和星期日。)I dont like Monday. (我不喜欢星期一。) Chicken is my favourite food. (鸡肉是我最喜欢的食物。)My favourite number is seven.(我最喜欢的数字是七。)My favourite colour is yellow. (我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。)18. My favourite day is Monday. 我最喜欢的一天是星期一。 My favourite colour is green. 我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。My favourite number is seven. 我最喜欢的数字是七。My favourite animal is a fish. 我最喜欢的动物是鱼。My favourite schoolthing is a pen. 我最喜欢的学习用品是钢笔。My favourite food is fish. 我最喜欢的食物是鱼。My favourite letter is B. 我最喜欢的字母是B.19. Open your eyes. 睁开你的眼睛 Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。20. Great! 很棒 Super! 棒极了Unit3 Clothes三 识记63页Clothes的单词。四 重点句型。10. My favourite T-shirt is blue. 我最喜欢的T恤衫是蓝色的。11. My favourite sweater is red. 我最喜欢的毛衣是红色的。12. My favourite cap is green and white. 我最喜欢的帽子是绿色和白色的13. My favourite toy is a kite. 我最喜欢的玩具是一只风筝。14. Blue and red and green and white are the colours of my kite.我的风筝的颜色是蓝,红,绿和白色。6. xxx is wearing a/an+颜色+衣服 或 颜色+衣服。某人穿着(一件)什么颜色的衣服。Elena is wearing white jeans 艾琳娜穿着白色的牛仔裤。Peter is wearing a black T-shirt. 彼得穿着黑色的T恤衫。Andy is wearing a blue and yellow cap. 安迪戴着蓝色和黄色的帽子。Jane is wearing a pink sweater. 简穿着一件粉色的毛衣。Mike is wearing a green cap. 迈克戴着一顶绿色的帽子。He is wearing a red T-shirt. 他穿着一件红色的T恤衫。He is wearing green jeans, black socks and brown shoes.他穿着一条绿色的牛仔裤,一双黑色的袜子和棕色的鞋。15. 注意:jeans socks shoes trainers shorts前面不用a或anElena is wearing white jeans. 艾琳娜穿着白色的牛仔裤。John is wearing green socks. 约翰穿着一双绿色的袜子。Sue is wearing red shoes. 休穿着一双红色的鞋。He is wearing green jeans, black shoes and brown shoes.他穿着一条绿色的牛仔裤,一双黑色的袜子和棕色的鞋。16. 自我介绍。I am Huang Fang. 我叫黄芳。I am wearing a white shirt and a pink skirt. 我穿着一件白色的衬衫和一条粉色的裙子。 I am wearing white socks and black shoes. 我穿着一双白色的袜子和黑色的鞋。8. Put on 穿上,戴上 ( take off 脱掉,摘掉 ) Put on your jeans. 穿上你的牛仔裤。Put on your socks. 穿上你的袜子。Put on your T-shirt. 穿上你的T恤衫。Put on your cap. 戴上你的帽子。Put

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