九年级下学期3月月考英语试题(II )卷.doc

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九年级下学期3月月考英语试题(II )卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。My mother only had one eye. And because of this, I never wished her to show up in my1 , being afraid that my classmates would find out I had an ugly mother.One day during elementary school, I was terribly ill. My mother came. Your mom only has one eye?! asked some of my classmates. I was so2 . I wished my mother would just disappear from this world. If you make me teased(嘲笑),why dont you just die? I shouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her face. My mother just handed me some3and left without saying4 . At that time, I felt5 to say what I always wanted to say, and I didnt think I had hurt her feelings very much. That night I saw my mom 6 in her room, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might7 me. Even so, I hated her tears from one eye. I made a8: I must study hard and leave my mother. Years later my dream came true. I was quite successful and lived9 . I never thought of going back to see my ugly mother10 one day I got a letter, which said, My son. Im sorry I only have one eye. When you were little, you got into a(n)11 and lost your eye. As a mom, I couldnt12 watching you live with only one eye.13 I gave you mine. I was never14 with you and I never regretted(后悔) what I did because I15 you I cried out aloud. Only then did I realize how beautiful my mother was!(1)A . hospital B . library C . bank D . school (2)A . happy B . embarrassed C . cool D . pleased (3)A . medicine B . flowers C . keys D . baseballs (4)A . everything B . something C . anything D . nothing (5)A . worried B . bad C . good D . annoyed (6)A . cooking B . working C . reading D . crying (7)A . break B . wake C . lose D . see (8)A . decision B . difference C . suggestion D . mistake (9)A . luckily B . healthily C . busily D . happily (10)A . if B . unless C . until D . though (11)A . accident B . appointment C . university D . habit (12)A . enjoy B . stand C . help D . stop (13)A . So B . Because C . Or D . But (14)A . excited B . surprised C . angry D . proud (15)A . dislike B . love C . hate D . miss 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2. (10分) Many Chinese students think American students enjoy more freedom than them at school. In fact, American schools also have their rules. If students break(违背) the rules, they will get punishment(惩罚), too. On the first day of a new term, 128 students of Morton High School were sent back home for wearing the wrong clothes. There are altogether(总共)1,200 students in the school. Usually only 20 students break the school dress rule every day. So the headmaster(校长)Theresa Mayerik said it was the worst new term she had ever seen.At Morton High School, students favorite clothes such as wide pants and low-necked shirts are not allowed( 允许). Some students think they have the right to choose what to wear, but the headmaster doesnt think so.“ Id be supportive if half the school was sent back home ,because 99% will get the message that our school is for education”“Freedom” doesnt mean “free of restrictions(限制性规定)”. That is to say, there is no total(完全的) freedom in the world, no matter in the US or in China.(1)Many Chinese students think that American student_.A . are very free at schoolB . as clever as themC . love their school a lotD . have many rules at school(2)Some students of Morton High School were sent back home for_.A . not finishing their homeworkB . playing computer gamesC . not wearing the right clothesD . being late for school(3)Some students in Morton High School thinks they have the right(权利) to_.A . decide when to go to schoolB . choose what to wear to schoolC . eat and drink in classD . decide how to go to school(4)The underlined( 划线的 ) word means“_ ” in Chinese.A . 高兴的B . 支持的C . 害怕的D . 反对的(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . In America, if students break the school rules, they wont get any punishment.B . In Morton High School, there are usually 128 students breaking the school dress rulesC . The writer doesnt think there is freedom in AmericaD . The writer doesnt think there is total freedom in the world.3. (10分)阅读理解Bargaining is the rule here in Beijing. At least, it is so in most markets and backstreet clothes shops. Bargaining is an art and if you are unfamiliar(不熟悉) with it, wed like to offer you some advice. The tips(窍门) here are often used in Beijing but may help you at any place in the world where bargaining is practiced.DO NOT say how much you want to pay for an item(物品) unless its near the end of the bargaining. Always try and drop the sellers offering price as much as possible before opening your mouth with a price.DO throw out really low prices like 10 RMB with a big smile.DO keep smiling from the beginning to the end. The seller usually continues bargaining with a happy smiling face. Getting angry hardly gets you the price you want.KEEP in mind the price offered by the seller at the beginning is usually at least 40% over the generally reasonable price. It can be up to 500% over.DO have an idea of what the item costs. You can ask your friends, people in the hotel or others you know, or look at the list below. This is very general and is based(根据) on a market like Xiu Shui. You may not be able to get the lowest prices at Xiu Shui, especially on a weekend when there are lots of tourists around. (1)Who is this passage written for? A . Owners of backstreet shops.B . Businessmen in Beijing.C . Those who are good at bargaining.D . Those who travel in Beijing.(2)What is the topic the writer is mainly talking about in this passage? A . Beijing markets.B . Bargaining tips.C . Lowest priceD . Sellers offer.(3)What is the most important thing to do in bargaining with the seller? A . Keep smiling.B . Be patient.C . Dont get angry.D . Dont say anything.(4)What is NOT included in the tips often used to bargain in Beijing? A . Find out the true price and go to the markets with friends.B . Dont offer your price until the end of the bargaining with a smile.C . Drop the sellers offering price four or five times(倍)until he agrees.D . Dont go to markets at the time when there are too many tourists.(5)Which of the following can help you get an item you want at the lowest price? A . Whenever you go shopping, take a price list with you.B . You can bargain for anything at the price of 10 RMC . The price range(范围) for you to bargain is usually between 40% and 500%.D . Xiu Shui Market is the biggest shopping center where prices are always reasonable.4. (8分)阅读理解Roger, a young man from China, has taught Chinese in a primary school in England for 3 years. A lot of children like his class and he enjoys teaching them very much. All the pupils are quite interested in what Roger teaches them. They learn quickly and do everything carefully.One day he said to the children, “People in a lot of Asian countries wear white clothes at funerals (葬礼), but people in America and in Europe wear white in the weddings because white means purity and happiness. What colour does an English woman wear when she gets married?”Mary said, “White, sir, because she is happy.” “That is good, Mary,” Roger said. “You are quite right. She wears white because she is happy.”But then one boy in the class put up his hand. “Yes, Dick?” Roger said, “Do you have a question?” “Yes,” Dick said. “Why do men wear black in our country when they get married, sir?”(1)What does Roger do? A . He teaches English in ChinaB . He is a Chinese teacher in ChinaC . He teaches Chinese in EnglandD . He teaches English in England(2)An English woman wears white clothes _. A . when she gets marriedB . when she is worriedC . when she is sadD . when she is at a funeral(3)What colour do men in England wear when they get married? A . White.B . Black.C . Red.D . Green.(4)Which of the following is true? A . Roger dislikes teaching the children.B . Dick was a slow boy.C . People in England wear white when they get married.D . Dick, a clever boy, likes asking questions.5. (6分)阅读理解。Ted, my little brother, is in Grade One. Last Friday he came back from school with a letter. The letter was from his teacher. “I got a red flower today. Could you please sign this note?” he said to mum. The note showed that he had been talking in class.Ted hardly gets top scores in his school work. The best he gets is “OK”, but he often gets “You can do better than this.” Mum knows what it means. She tells me “You can do better than this” means “Extremely bad” in China.In the USA, teachers never say anything too bad about their students, even if the students are making trouble in class or not working hard enough. The worst they might say is “Please be nicer tomorrow”. Many parents are satisfied with a B-grade for each subject.But things in Chinese schools are quite different. Parents have high expectations for their children. I sometimes felt that my second-grade cousin spend more time on homework than I did when I was 6th grade in the US! Yet his parents and teachers didnt think he worked hard enough.Is it too strict in China? Or is it not strict enough in the USA? Maybe both are true.(1)Why did Ted come home with a letter last Friday? A . Because the teacher wanted to visit his mother.B . Because he did something wrong.C . Because the teacher was happy with his progress.D . Because the teacher thought he was too lazy.(2)The underlined words “high expectations” in this passage means “_”. A . 很高的待遇B . 很多的自由C . 很高的期望D . 很多的关爱(3)The writer mainly wants to tell us _. A . the differences between Chinese education and American educationB . Chinese students are better than American studentsC . American parents are not strict enough with their childrenD . whats the best way to educate child三、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)6. (1分)There_a new computer in the room. (am/is/are) 四、 短文填空 (共2题;共11分)7. (1分)My aunt works in a _.8. (10分)补全短文Xiao Qiang,a 13-year-old Chinese boy, has too many activities. His father drives him to practice music, drawing,maths and English four afternoons a week.“More and more kids become unhappy _they have too many activities to do.” said Mr. Wang_expert (专家)of child development. More than 75% of them said _they wished they had more free time to play.“Over-scheduling(过量的课程安排) is a growing _for Chinese families ”, said Mr. Wang. It is not _for both kids and their parents. More families eat dinner _so that they can go to drawing lessons or piano lessons on time. We all know it is important_kids to learn how to relax. If they dont learn that now, it will be more difficult to _when they get older. Kids need_to relax. Parents should _about what is right for kids .五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)阅读理解(C)左栏是对五个人的信息介绍。右栏是七则留言。请将五个人的信息介绍和留言相匹配。_John is poor in English. Today he failed the English test againHe felt sadHe wants to improve his English no matter how difficult it is_Mike is a sports loverEvery day he cant be happy without sports But today it is raining hard outsideHe has to find a place to do sports inside_Anna passed her driving test and got the drivers licenseShe was so happy that she wanted to eat out to celebrate it with her friends_Alice was very worried when she got up this morning. She found her sons eyes were red and he cried all the timeShe had to take him to see the doctor_Rose is a university studentShe is majoring (主修)in music and danceShed to calm down when she gets angryToday she quarrels with her friendShe wants to keep calmAThis is a great hotel to have a partyWe can serge you the most delicious food in our cityWe can also have some rooms for you to sing and play cardsBWelcome to Xinghuo English Training CenterWe have special plan for you to improve your EnglishIf you want to make progress in English,thats the place you look forCWelcome to Peoples Childrens HospitalWe have many famous doctors hereThey can help you get well soonAt the same time,we are sorry to tell you that the eyes department is closed today because the workers are decorating itDAt this time in the channel our topic is loud music in the past ten yearsYou can enjoy rock music,such as songs from Beyond and some other famous singersEIf you want to keep fit,you must come to our club to have a lookWe have many equipments(设备)for you to do exercise no matter its a sunny day or rainy dayFSoft music is played all the morning on this radioNo matter what you are doing now, you can enjoy our powerful musicPlease fix it onGGuangdong Eye Hospital is the only eye hospital in this cityIf something wrong with your eyes,come here,and we can give you the best service六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)根据文中提示,写一篇英语短文介绍一下My best friend Mary。要求:语言流畅,条理清晰,词数不少于70词。 1)Mary ,有一双大眼睛,直发,很可爱。我喜欢她微笑的眼睛。2)她对朋友很慷慨,她愿意与朋友分享一切。3)她常讲笑话给朋友们听,让他们开心,与她在一起时从不觉得无聊。4)她会替朋友保守秘密,他是一个真正的朋友。5)长大后她想成为一名老师。我认为她将成为一名杰出的老师。My best friendMy best friend is Mary.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、三、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)6-1、四、 短文填空 (共2题;共11分)7-1、8-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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