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人教版2020届九年级上学期英语初测试试卷C卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。Ma Yun became one of 1men in China when his company Alibaba went on the stock market last year with a value of around 140 billion the largest public offering in history. Here are some stories about him 2to success.Ma made his 3trip to the US in 1995 and used the Internet for the first time. After 4beer, he saw that no results came up about China. Then he searched for China and still saw no results. He decided 5. A Chinese website - the seed for Alibaba was sown (播种)。Ma said he 6many times in his life. He failed the College Entrance Examination in China three times and 7companies offered him jobs, including one at KFC. And he was refused by the famous Harvard University 10 times.8was difficult to learn English when Ma was a teenager 9limited resources. 10, he found that he could learn English well by giving tourists free guides around his hometown Hangzhou. And he kept it 11nine years. Ma said 12new world for him because everything they said and did was so different for what he had been taught at school and by his parents.Mas hero is Forest Gump 13never gives up. When he made a speech about his 14. At Davos (达沃斯论坛) in 2015, Ma said, Life is like a box of chocolates because you never know what you 15.(1)A . rich B . richer C . richest D . the richest (2)A . on the way B . in the way C . by the way D . at the way (3)A . one B . once C . first D . the first (4)A . search for B . searching for C . searched for D . searching (5)A . to set out B . to set up C . to set off D . to set down (6)A . refuses B . refused C . is refused D . was refused (7)A . few B . a few C . little D . a little (8)A . This B . It C . That D . Those (9)A . as B . since C . because of D . because (10)A . But B . So C . However D . And (11)A . since B . for C . in D . after (12)A . that tourists opens up B . if tourists opened up C . that tourists will open up D . that tourists opened up (13)A . who B . whom C . whose D . which (14)A . succeed B . success C . successful D . successfully (15)A . get B . have got C . are going to get D . are getting 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2. (10分)阅读理解Computers are very popular with students now. Its very easy for them to surf the Internet(网上冲浪)Most of them go to the Internet bar and spend more than two hours there. They can do their homework,get some information for their study,download music,and send emails on the computer. But some of them spend too much time playing computer games,and it is bad for their study.(1)Which of the following is popular with students today? A . The television.B . The radio.C . The recorder.D . The computer.(2)Where do most students surf the Internet? A . At home.B . At school.C . At the Internet bar.D . In the library.(3)How many hours do most of the students spend on the computers? A . Two hours.B . More than two hours.C . One hour.D . Less than two hours.(4)What can the students do on the computer? A . They can download music.B . They can send emails.C . They can do their homework.D . All of the above(5)Spending too much time _ on the computer is bad for their study. A . playing gamesB . getting information for the students studyC . doing their homeworkD . practising English3. (6分) It is common to believe that learning just takes place in school, but much of human learning happens outside the classroom, even from birth and people continue to learn throughout their lives.Even before they enter school, young children learn to walk, to talk, and to use their hands to use toys, food, and other objects. They use all of their senses to learn about the sights, sounds, tastes, and smells in their environments. They learn how to communicate with their parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, and other people important to their world. When they enter school, children learn subjects like reading, writing, and maths. They also continue to learn a lot outside the classroom. They learn which behaviors are likely to be rewarded and which are likely to be punished. They learn social skills for communicating with other children. After they finish school, people must learn to deal with many changes that affect their lives, such as getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a job.Because learning continues throughout our lives and influences almost everything we do, the study of learning is important in many different fields. Teachers need to understand the best ways to educate children. Scientists, social workers and other human service workers need to understand how certain experiences change peoples behaviors.Learning is closely related (相关的) to memory, which is the storage(储存) of information in the brain (大脑). Scientists who study memory are interested in how the brain stores knowledge, where this storage takes place, and how the brain later offers knowledge when we need it. However, scientists who study learning are more interested in behavior and how behavior changes as a result of a persons experiences. (1)The underlined word “siblings” in Paragraph 2 probably means _.A . teachersB . classmatesC . doctorsD . brothers or sisters(2)When do children begin to know to behave well according to the passage?A . After they go into societyB . Before they enter school.C . When they are at school.D . Before they are born.(3)Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?A . As a matter of fact, learning begins at a persons birth and last the whole life.B . Teachers need to understand the best ways to educate their students.C . People need to understand how certain experiences change their behaviorsD . Social workers need to study how experiences affect peoples thoughts.4. (8分)阅读理解BThis is a story about a mountaineer named Phillip. Phillip was a member of a mountaineering team that planned to climb a mountain. In order to enjoy the glory of being the first to reach the mountaintop, Phillip went to climb the mountain alone one night while the other mountaineers were sleeping.Obviously, climbing at night wasnt a smart decision. But he still wanted to give it a try. He was nearly to the top when he suddenly slipped and started to fall. At that moment, his entire life flashed (闪现) before him .His body was hanging in mid-air. While thinking about how close he was to death, he felt the rope around his waist (腰) suddenly tighten around him. He helplessly shouted, Somebody helps me! Suddenly, a low voice came from the valley, Cut the rope! What? He couldnt believe what he heard. Cut the rope around your waist! It was dark all around, so he couldnt see his surroundings. He refused to cut the rope, choosing to hold onto it as tightly as he could.The next day, when his fellow mountaineers found him, they discovered that he had died of exposure (暴露) to the cold, holding tight to the rope in his hands. But he was only ten feet above a big rock! If he had cut the rope and allowed himself to fall, he might have been able to land in a safe place, build a fire and wait for someone to save him.(1)Why did Phillip climb the mountain alone at night? A . Because he didnt want to wake up the other mountaineers.B . Because he needed to prepare everything for the other mountaineers.C . Because he wanted to be the first one to get to the mountaintop.D . Because he was too excited to fall asleep.(2)Which part of Phillips body was the rope attached to? A . Hands.B . Feet.C . Leg.D . Waist.(3)Phillip died of_. A . losing too much bloodB . falling off the mountainC . coldD . hunger(4)Which of the following advice could have saved Phillip? A . Make several plans just in case something comes up.B . Going out at night is very dangerous.C . Dont trust people unless you know them.D . Try taking a risk rather than doing nothing.5. (10分) My school is not big but beautiful. There is a garden in the school. There are many flowers in the garden. The flowers are colorful-they are all kinds of colours. In the center(中心) of the garden, there is a pool. The fish are swimming in it. They look very happy and free.There are two teaching buildings around the garden. There are 18 classrooms in it. And there are also many other rooms in it - music room, reading room, language lab and library. There are all kinds of books in the library, such as storybooks, cartoon books and magazines. You can read them after class.The playground is behind the teaching building. We do morning exercises on the playground every day. On the playground, you can play sports-running, playing basketball and playing badminton.I like my school very much. (1)How is the school?A . Big and beautiful.B . Big but not beautiful.C . Very beautiful.D . Not big but beautiful.(2)What colours are the flowers?A . They are all kinds of colours.B . They are red, yellow and green.C . They are beautiful.D . They are sweet-smelling(香的).(3)Where are the two buildings?A . Theyre in the garden.B . Theyre behind the school.C . Theyre around the garden.D . Theyre near the library.(4)When can the students go to the library?A . After class.B . In class.C . Before class.D . After school(5)What is not mentioned(没有被提及) in the text?A . Students.B . Teachers.C . Sports.D . Buildings.三、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)选词填空。minute,new,kilometer,drive,live(1)My sweater is too oldCan you buy a_one for me,Mom? (2)In the afternoon MrGreen usually plays sports for fifty_ (3)On Sunday MsJones usually_her car to the music club (4)I know Bill_with his grandparents. (5)Its about twelve_from my home to the library 四、 短文填空 (共2题;共20分)7. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。Jim misses his father so much, and dreams of him often. His father works in _(加拿大). They havent seen each other for _(几乎) six months.Today Jim didnt _(打) basketball with friends as usual. The sky was _暗的) and he left school in a hurry. It began to rain soon. _(虽然、尽管)he ran back home quickly, he was all wet when he got home twenty minutes later. His mother was cooking in the kitchen and he helped _(摆放) the table after he changed his clothes. She smiled at him and gave him a letter. Jim took the letter and ran back to his _(自己的) room. This is the _(第四) letter he had received. After reading the letter, Jim was excited. He went _(楼下)as quickly as he could to tell his mother the good news that his father would _(回来) in ten days. He has been looking forward to the days with his father for so long time!8. (10分)语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文的连贯性,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3个单词)。Which is better, writing or typing?These days, many college students have given up _(take) class notes by hand. Instead, they type on laptops(手提电脑)_ they think typing is fast, and they can write more notes. But a new research has _(show) that taking notes by hand is in fact better for long-term memory.In this research, students were asked to listen _ a teacher. Some took notes by typing on a laptop. The _(other) took notes by writing them down. Then they were given a test. Both groups got almost the same result in _(remember) the facts. But students who typed their notes did worse on conceptual (需要理解的) questions.Why is it like this? The answer is that writing by hand is slow, _ it gives the students more time to think about the questions they dont understand. They are able _(write) down the main points. “This leads to a _(deep) understanding,” say the scientists.However, the students typing notes on a laptop _(usual) just write down what the teacher says word for word in class. Although they can write more notes, they just type really thinking about what they are typing. “This usually leads to mindless transcription(抄录),” say the scientists.So if you want to remember something better, write it by hand!五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)阅读理解DI have just finished my job as a teacher in France and there are a few weeks before I will start my new job in my hometown. _ I am having a good time. However, living with my parents also brings some problems. Luckily, I have some rules to solve them._Most people think privacy (隐私) is very important in their lives. If you want your parents to knock (敲) on the door before they come into your room, you should do the same thing before you enter their room. Only in this way can you show them the importance of knocking.Do some chores._ But if you choose to do chores before your parents ask you to do so, you will feel in control of your own time. Also, you can choose the chores that you like to do.Dont always criticize (指责).Its easy for you to criticize your parents because you know they love you the most. _ But that doesnt mean you should do like that. You should be polite to them and talk with them in a nice way._Sometimes arguments (争吵) happen between you and your parents because its difficult to get on well with everyone all the time. But once the arguments finish, try to say sorry to your parents as soon as possible.根据短文内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使短文完整、通顺。其中有一个句子是多余的。A. Everyone knows that chores are not fun.B. And you know they will always love you no matter (不论) what you say.C. Now Im living with my parents after five years of being away.D. Say sorry.E. Find someone interesting to talk to.F. Always knock.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)今年春节,很多人加入了抢红包游戏活动,但也有人表示担忧。假如你叫李华,你班最近开展了一个有关抢红包游戏活动的调查。请你用英文给学校校刊英语园地写一封信,介绍此次调查的结果并谈谈你的观点。抢红包赞同(75)1). 带来更多的快乐2). 结识更多的朋友反对(25)1). 花费太多的时间2). 和家人沟通减少你的观点1).2).要求: 1)必须包含表格所提供的相关信息,并适当发挥;2)你的观点至少包含两条;3)词数:80100个词;4)首句仅供选择,不计入总词数。参考词汇:抢红包grabbing red packetsDear Editor,I am writing to tell you about the survey on the activity of “Grabbing red packets” in our class.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、四、 短文填空 (共2题;共20分)7-1、8-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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