2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测七:八年级上册 Units 4-6A卷.doc

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2020年新目标英语中考知能综合检测七:八年级上册 Units 4-6A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)David, do you usually have a talk with your daughter? Of course! Talking with my daughter after the busy work is the greatest joy in my life.A . lonelinessB . happinessC . tiredness2. (2分)Dont go to the hall people. Its very crowded. A . full ofB . close toC . made ofD . similar to3. (2分)(2015兰州)He ate a lot and did little exercise, so he _ 10 pounds.A . put on B . put away C . put out D . put off4. (2分)Mary, could you help me take care of my little sister for a moment? OK. No problem.A . look forB . look afterC . look up5. (2分)(2016常州)Though Kongfu Panda 3 is popular with teenagers, it wont be liked by _. A . nobodyB . somebodyC . everybodyD . anybody6. (2分)(2015贵州黔南)Hes the plan.So am I. It costs and we have no enough time.A . for, too muchB . against, too muchC . with, much tooD . of, much too7. (2分)Alice could see her grandmother doing some cooking the kitchens glass door.A . acrossB . throughC . overD . against8. (2分)-Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?-Yes, I do. Its much than the US.A . oldest; olderB . the oldest; olderC . the oldest; elderD . the older; elder9. (2分)- _ do you help your parents do housework?- Every evening.A . How oftenB . How longC . How soonD . How far10. (2分)Air pollution has become _ than ever before. We must do something to stop it.A . seriousB . more seriousC . most seriousD . the most serious11. (2分)We should save every drop of water. Remember to _ the tap(水龙头) after you finish washing.A . turn onB . turn offC . turn upD . turn down12. (2分)I didnt go to play basketball with my friends,because I was asked to my little sister at home.A . look afterB . look atC . look forD . look like13. (2分) is your home from school?It takes 5 minutes to walk there.A . How farB . How longC . How muchD . How many14. (2分)There are about people in the village. A . eight hundredB . eight hundredsC . eight hundred ofD . eight hundreds of15. (2分)When traffic lights are red, we _ stop and wait. A . mayB . canC . mustD . might二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear music at any of those places? Today most stores and restaurants play music. You might1hear music in an office or on a farm. Scientists believe that music changes the 2people behave. According to some scientists, the sound of Western classical music makes people 3richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend 4money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays 5music, people spend less money. With 6music, people spend even less. Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. In fact people eat their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their 7hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave 8. In this way, restaurants can make more money. Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are 9. And listening to music can help you relax. Be 10next time you hear music somewhere, because it might change the way you do things. (1)A . already B . even C . hardly D . never (2)A . way B . time C . idea D . place (3)A . become B . get C . feel D . look (4)A . much B . more C . little D . less (5)A . pop B . modern C . light D . country (6)A . no B . much C . any D . some (7)A . free B . busy C . happy D . sad (8)A . slowly B . quickly C . quietly D . carefully (9)A . excited B . interested C . confident D . relaxed (10)A . quiet B . quick C . happy D . careful 三、 填空题 (共3题;共20分)17. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词My sister is a l_ girl and always full of energy.After the earthquake, millions of people became h_. My pen pal knows little Chinese, so I have to t_ some sentences into English.Many students think that only Chinese, math and English are m_ subjects.Twenty-one people were killed in the accident, i_ 2 children.18. (5分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1.Betty is often seen _(help) the old man with his housework.2.He prefers _(take) part in the public activities rather than stay at home alone.3.They_(agree) with each other, so they argued for a long time.4.Animals are our friends, so _(protect) them is our duty.5.You have_(award) a scholarship to study violin at our School of Music.19. (10分)完成句子有时候父母和我的想法一样。Sometimes I have _ _ ideas as my parents. 我们都想知道汤姆的手怎么了。We all want to know whats _ _ with Toms hands.度假回来后记得给我打电话。Remember to call me when you _ _ from vacation.睡不着时你也喜欢听音乐吗?Do you also enjoy _ _ music when you cant go to sleep? 别担心。你的宠物在这儿会被照顾得很好的。Dont worry. Your pets will be _ _ well here.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)阅读下面文章,然后从文后所给的AF选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入题中。其中有一项是多余选项。A.Animals on the RoadB.Keep LeftC.Crossing “Give Way” RuleD.Traffic informationE.One Lane BridgesF. SeatbeltsDriving around New Zealand may be different from your own country. Its necessary for you to know more traffic information if you are traveling to New Zealand.Here are some tips to help you drive safely in New Zealand._In New Zealand, traffic goes on the left side of the road and the driver sits on the right of the car. You should be careful to the left side while turning._In general, driving in New Zealand is stress free. The only major difference is the “give way to the rightrule. This meant that if you were turning left, you had to give way to vehicles turning right into the same lane.It is important to note that anyone behind a give way sign must give way to any cars on roads. Failure to give way will result in a $ 150 fine._Many roads in New Zealand have one lane bridges on them. At one lane bridges, cars traveling in one direction must give way to cars going in the other one._Pay more attention to farm animals on the road, especially in the countryside. On seeing them, you should stop and let the animals go past you or follow the farmers instruction._The seatbelts must be worn by the drivers. If you are caught not wearing your seatbelts, you will be fined.All the tips above are necessary for a stranger to New Zealand.五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词,使短文完整、通顺Im Cathy BrownI am now working for the Sunshine Travel Service in Fuzhou, Fujian. I have just come back from Taiwan, the largest i_of China. Last week, I took a group of officials for a weeks trip to Taiwan. We t_all around the island. There are lots of fascinating s_on the island. My favorite sight is the Sun Moon Lake. You may ask w_people call it so. If you f_high up over the lake and look down from your plane, you ll find the answer yourself. In the middle of this lake, theres a small island t_is called Lalu. On one s_of Lalu the lake looks like a sun, and on the other side it looks like a m_. That is why people call it the Sun Moon Lake.There are many mountains around this lake. One of the nearest is Mount Ali. We stayed there for three days. We also h_a dancing party with Gaoshan people there.Why not consider v_Taiwan for your next vacation? Its a wonderful place to visit.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)在即将告别母校的时刻, 你想表达你对母校、老师、职员和同学的感恩之情。请根据下面表格所列要点,以The last moment held on to(难舍时刻)为题, 用英语写出一篇短文。感恩对象存栏记忆未来与祝福母校美丽校园,快乐家园越来越好老师教授知识,给予帮助铭记在心职员关心照料,抚育成长永远开心同学相处和睦,情同兄弟姊妹保持联系注意:1.词数:90词左右;2. 短文中不得提及真实人名、校名及地名;3. 短文的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数);4. 从上面的四个对象中任选三个对象进行写作。参考词汇: 知识 knowledge; 职员 staff members; 永远 always/foreverThe last moment held on toHow time flies! Were just leaving youour lovely junior middle school. I have so many words from my heart to say.Thanks, all my loved ones. All the best to you! Goodbye!第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 填空题 (共3题;共20分)17-1、18-1、19-1、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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