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(装 订 线 内 不 要 答 题) 班 级姓 名 2012-2013第一学期期末初三英语试题 January6th,2013 (Book3 Module1Module4)听力部分 25分I. 听句子,选出所听到的单词或短语5 分( )1. A. would B. could C. wood( )2. A. black B. block C. back( )3. A. think B. pink C. ink( )4. A. reads B. spreads C. spends( )5. A. look after B. go through C. look throughII. 听句子 根据所听到的内容和所提出的问题,选择符合题意的图画。5分( )11. Where was the phone made? A. In China. B. In Japan. C. In Germany.( )12. Which language is spoken by the largest number of people? A. English. B. Japanese. C. Chinese.( )13. How do the young people in the womans hometown travel now? A. By bike. B. By motorbike. C. By bus.( )14. What are they talking about? A. A TV programme. B. A TV set. C. A play.( )15. When was the building built? A. In 1987. B. In 1989. C. In 1985.III. 听长对话,回答对话提出的问题。10分( )16. What inventions does John think is the most useful? A. The cell phone. B. The computer. C. The TV set.( )17. What has Johns life been changed by computer?A. He created a blog himself and spread his articles on the Internet.B. He likes surfing the Internet rather quickly now.C. Knowledge spreads very quickly now.( )18. In which country was the first television created? A. The USA. B. Japan. C. England.( )19. When was the first television invented? A. In 1825. B. In 1925. C. 1915.( )20. What were people thinking about when John Baird was young? A. Making pictures with a camera. B. How to send messages. C. Sending pictures by electricity.III. 听短文 选出一个能回答所提出问题的最佳答案。5分( )21. Whats the flights name? A. NM52. B. MV532. C. MU523.( )22.When will the plane take off? A. At 8:40. B. At 9:10. C. At 9:20.( )23.What will be offered after the plane reaches the top attitude?A. Food and drinks. B. Nespapers. C. Magazines.( )24. What should you do if you have any problems? A. Wait for the hostess. B. Call the hostess. C. Press the button.( )25.What is the name of the flight company? A. UK Western. B. US Eastern. C. China Eastern.笔试部分 95分II 单项选择 15分( )1. What do you think of the Grand Canyon? Oh, its really _ great wonder. A. aB. anC. the D. / ( )2. The skirt is made _ cotton, and its made _ Shanghai. A. of; by B. of; in C. from; in D. from; by( )3. You look very worried. _? My new car hurt an old woman. A. Can I ask a favourB. How do you do C. How are youD. Whats up ( )4.The mountain is 7850 meters .A. tall B. wide C. long D. high ( )5. When was your factory _? In 1999.A. set down B. set off C. set out D. set up( )6.Tom _ the book before he took it. A. looked up B. cared about C. looked through D. cared for( )7. I wont go to the island _. Its not interesting at all. A. too muchB. any more C. no more D. much too( )8. The Korean football team _ the match by a score of 1:2. A. defeatedB. lostC. was defeated D. was lost ( )9. May I borrow your camera, Dad? Oh, your mum has _it _ your cousin. A. borrowed; from B. lent; to C. given; by D. got; from( )10. How is your grandfather? Oh, he _ for half a year. I am sorry to hear that. A. has diedB. diedC. has been dead D. dies( )11.Maths is an important subject, but it seems to be _ for Mike to learn it well. A. necessaryB. difficult C. helpful D. possible ( )12. My cousin told me that he could eat three apples_. A. at time B. at a time C. some time D. some times( )13. Look! How high the building is! Yeah. Its said it _ 2 years ago. A. was builtB. is builtC. will be built D. has been built ( )14.Because Robert was seen _ the room, everyone thought he was the thief. A. to enterB. enterC. live D. to live( ) 15. Nobody noticed what the little boy at that moment.A.has done B.had done C.will do D.was doingIII完形填空。(15分) Paper was first 16 about 2,000 years ago, it has been made 17 silk, cotton, bamboo, and wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But books could only be produced one at a time by hand. And because there werent many books, 18 people learned to read. Then printing was invented in China. The first printed books were made by 19 ink on a wooden block and holding the paper against it. When printing was developed greatly 20 the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and 21 . 22 ,more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly, 23 a way that can be compared 24 the 25 of the Internet in the 20th century. Can we imagine life 26 paper or print? Will books be needed in the future? Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet 27 found in books, and information can be 28 on CD-ROMs or machines 29 MP3 players. These machines are smaller and lighter than books 30 they can be carried very easily. ( ) 16 A create B created C creating D creates ( ) 17 A in B of C from D by ( ) 18 A little B a little C few D a few ( ) 19 A put B putting C puts D putting ( ) 20 A at B in C by D on ( ) 21 A cheap B cheaply C cheaper D cheapest ( ) 22 A Because B so that C As a result D because of ( ) 23 A on B by C in D at ( ) 24 A at B with C by D about ( ) 25 A introduction B introduce C introduced D introducing ( ) 26 A has B have C there arent D without ( ) 27 A instead B instead of C to D rather than ( ) 28 A kept B keep C keeping D keeps ( ) 29 A for example B such as C such like D as ( ) 30 A because B so- that C so that D because of IV.阅读理解20分 (A)Jiujiang Bridge is well-known in Guangdong. It lies between Jiujiang and Heshan. Its the main road to reach Guangzhou. The bridge was built in September, 1985. It was finished about three years later. It is about 1,675 metres long and sixteen metres wide. The bridge town is 80 metres high from the river. It is so busy every day. Over two hundred cars cross the bridge per minute. But people never forget that dayJune 15th of 2007, when Jiujiang Bridge was knocked down by a boat full of sand. At that moment, the bridge was falling down, and four cars stopped suddenly. Oh, my god! We hope the same thing wont happen again.( ) 31. When was Jiujiang Bridge finished?A. In 1988. B. Before 1985. C. In 1985. D. After 2007.( ) 32. How wide is the bridge?A. 1, 675 metres. B. 16 metres. C. metres. D. 80 metres.( )33. What happened to the bridge on June 15th, 2007?A. It was rebuilt. B. It was broken. C. It set up a new record. D. Nothing happened.( )34. If two hundred cars cross the bridge one minute, how many cars cross the bridge one day?A. 28,800.B. 288,000. C. 4,800. D. 48,000.( )35. Whats the boat full of? A. Stones.B. Sand. C. Wine. D. Cans. B Thomas Alva Edison was one of eight children in the family. He was born in America in 1847, and he was interested in science at an early age. When Edison he was twelve, he began to sell newspapers. He traveled on American trains and printed his newspapers on them. He began to make experiments on the trains too, and he had a lot of instruments and chemicals on them. The railway line was not very good, and one day a train suddenly shook(摇晃) badly. Everything in the train was shaken, and some of his chemicals fell on the floor. They began to burn. The train was soon burning, and Edison was blamed (指责) for everything. He has to leave the train, and all his instruments and newspapers had to go with him. After that he did not print any more newspapers on trains. Perhaps the story that follows explains the next part of his life. One day he was talking to a friend, Jim Mackenzie. During the conversation Edison looked up and saw a small boy on the railway line. The boy was Mackenzies son, and a train was coming, Edison rushed(冲) on the line in front of the train. He pulled the boy away before the train reached them. He saved the boys life, and Mackenzie wanted to thank him. But Mackenzie was not a rich man; so, to show his feelings, he taught Edison the use of the telegraph instruments.( )36 How many children were there in Edisons family? A 6 B 7 C 8 D 9( )37 Edison began to sell newspapers in _. A. 1847 B. 1853 C. 1857 D. 1859( )38 Edison had to leave the train because _.A. he was not allowed to sell newspapers B. nobody wanted his newspapers any more C. there were too many instruments and chemicalsD. people thought he was the one who burnt the train( )39 Who was the little boy?A Edisons son B Edisons friend C Mackenzies son D Mackenzie friend( )40 The story is mainly about _. A. Edisons early life B. Edisons newspapersC. Edisons friendD. D. Edisons inventions ( C )What do you think are the most important inventions of the past 2,000 years? The TV? The printing? The telephone? Or the computer? A report shows that these are not the only important inventions. Here are four other important ones.Paper is one of the most important inventions. You cant have printing without paper. In 105 AD, Cai Lun invented paper in China. Long before the printing and Internet, Cai Luns invention allowed us to write down information, stories and history.One of the simplest (最简单) inventions to save life is the toilet. Before toilets, waste ran into the rivers from peoples houses. Illnesses were common (普通的) in big cities, and it was often difficult to find clean drinking water.Animal food is another invention. Before the invention, most animals were killed every autumn because there was not enough food for them in the winter. After hay (干草) became a kind of common animal food, animals could live through the long winter.Reading glasses is the fourth invention. People start getting far-sighted (远视) from the age of 45. Glasses mean that anyone can read, write and do “close work” after that age. Without glasses, the world would be difficult for the people above 45. ( )41 How many inventions are mentioned(提到) in the passage? A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Eight.( ) 42 Cai Luns invention of paper makes it possible to _.A. have printing B. feed animalsC. drink clean waterD. do “close work”( ) 43. The invention of the toilet can stop people from _. A. saving water B. getting ill C. living in big cities D. finding clean water( ) 44. Why couldnt the animals live through the winter?A. It was very cold in winter. B. They didnt have enough food to eat.C. They had no drinking water. D. They died of illness.( ) 45. From the last paragraph we learn that _. A. all people need reading glassesB. anyone must do “close work” after 45C. reading glasses are usefulD. life is more difficult for the people under 45 D下面是五位同学写给21世纪中学生英文报的求助信。在信中,五位同学分别谈了自己在学习或生活中的问题。请将五个问题与编辑给的建议进行配对,并把序号A、B、C、D、E填入7680题的横线上。ProblemsAdviceWhatever I do, I always think about if other people will like. How can I stop worrying about what they think? _46_When you failed a test, its better to tell your mom the truth than for her to find out another way. Ask her if she can help you study in the future. - A My dream is to be on the Olympic team for swimming. My dad thinks I started too late and Ill never be able to make it. What should I do? _47 _ Its a good way to join an English language club to practice speaking English. And you can make a vocabulary list too. - B What should I do if I failed a test? Im afraid to tell my mom because she might get mad at me and I cant play soccer. _48_ In your new school, just go over to someone who looks friendly and talk with him or her. You can ask that person about your teacher or the other kids in your class. Good luck! - C I just came to a new school and Im kind of shy, so how do I make new friends? _49_Just be yourself and try not to care about what others think, The more you think about it, the worse you will feel. Just relax. - D I am good at all subjects except English. I cant remember words well. And I am weak in speaking and listen. What shall I do? _ 50_You should tell your dad about your dream and that if you work really hard, it might happen even though you start late. - E V词汇(A)单词拼写。(10分)51 .Confucius_(作品) are still read by many people today.52. As a symbol, Yao Ming was chosen to _(代表) China at the Olympic Games.53. Is Reader a _ (月)magazine?54. You arent _(允许) to run after a big meal.55. _ (百万)of foreigners came to Beijing to watch the Olympic Games 56. Many people think that electricity is one of the most important _(发明) in the history.57. Its a _(巨大的) rock in Australia.58.Youve got no_(机会)of winning the football match59. The plane d _(消失)in the clouds soon after it took off。60.If we learn by ourselves,we will get more _(知识)(B) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确。每个单词限用一次。5分dry southern against impossible know61. No shouting! Its _ the rules.62. My hometown is a beautiful city in the _ part of China.63. The time is short. Its _ for Daniel to finish this work.64. Mark Twain isnt _ as a great thinker like Confucius.65. Theres no rain. The weather in Xian is _ than I think.(C) 阅读短文,根据短文内容选词填空。(10分)published, needed, photos, battery, promises, online, cheaper, borrow, couple, see toThe school magazine New Standard will be a (an)(66)_magazine from now on. It will be (67) on the school website. Then it will be much (68)_than an ordinary magazine because paper wont be (69)_ any more.The magazine needs an article with some (70) about the museum. Tony decides to (71) his fathers digital camera before he visits the museum. His father tells him that the camera has been turned off since Tonys mothers birthday party and the(72)_hasnt been charged for a (73)_ of months. Tony says that he will (74) that and he (75) _his father that he will look after it.VI任务型阅读 10分阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题Jacques Rogge(罗格) was born on May 2, 1942, in Ghent, Belgium. In England he studied sports medicine and got his medical degree before returning to Belgium to work as a doctor in Deinze. Jacques Rogge was once an Olympic yachtsman (赛艇运动员) with great achievements. In the course of his sports life, he competed in the yachting competitions at the Games of Olympiad in 1968, 1972 and 1976. He got good grades at the competitions. He served as President of the European Olympic Committee (欧洲奥委会) in 1989 and joined IOC International Olympic Committee, in 1991. Thanks to his rich social background, Rogges climb in the IOC was fast. During the period of the Salt Lake City scandal (丑闻), he refused expensive gifts and money. He became the eighth president of the IOC on July 16, 2001. Being not influenced by the Salt Lake City scandal, he has kept a perfectly clean image (形象) in the IOC. He has been seen as the one who could improve the situation since the Salt Lake City scandal was brought into daylight. As an Olympic yachtsman, Jacques Rogge was no stranger to dangerous waters and stormy weather, but he faced a large number of serious problems when he took over the great job. He was in the first hope that he would clear up the public image of the IOC. He said that he would take his whole life of effort to let the world trust the IOC.76. Was Rogge born in Belgium?_77. Did Rogge get his medical degree in England or in Belgium?_78. How many times did Rogge compete in Olympic yachting?_79. What did people wish Rogge to do first after he became the president of the IOC?_80. What main advantages did Rogge have to be the president of the IOC according to the passage?_VII书面表达 10分写一篇有关你和你就读的学校开展体育活动的短文。要求:所写必须包括以下提示要点;意思表达清楚,文句通顺、连贯,单词拼写正确。次数不得少于80词。要点:1. 学校每年秋季举办运动会。去年运动会上你获得跳远第一名;2. 同学们通常有晨练、做眼保健操、课后打篮球或踢足球;3. 介绍你最喜欢参加和观看的运动项目;4. 运动有益于身体健康,你准备进行更多锻炼。参考词汇: long jump 跳远,eye exercises 眼保健操,do sports 做运动_2012-2013第一学期期末初三英语试题 January6th,2013 (Book3 Module1Module4)答案听力251-5 CBCBC 6-10 BBABC 11-15ACBAC 1620 BACBC 2125 CBACC笔试部分 95分II 单项选择 15分15 ABDDD 610 CBCBC 1115 BBAADIII完形填空。(15分)1620 BCCBA 2125 BCCBA 2630 DDABCIV.阅读理解 25 分3135 ABBBB 36-40 CDDCA 41-45 DABBC 4650 DEACBV词汇51-60 works represent monthly allowed millions inventions huge chance disappeared6165 against southern impossible known drier6675 online published cheaper needed photos borrow battery couple see to promisesVI 任务阅读76 Yes, he was. 77 In England. 78. Three. 79. He would clear up the image of the IOC 80. His rich so


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