牛津译林版初中英语七年级下册英语Unit 6 Outdoor fun单元测试卷A卷.doc

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牛津译林版初中英语七年级下册英语Unit 6 Outdoor fun单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_ is difficult to work out the maths problem.A . ThisB . ThatC . ItD . Its2. (2分)_ can help us learn _ about the world. A . Reading; a lot ofB . Reading; a lotC . Read; lots ofD . Read; a lot3. (2分) How are you?A . Im a studentB . Im twelveC . Fine, thanksD . I dont know4. (2分)Avril and her friends all _ their faces so that we couldnt find which one was her. A . washedB . hidC . showed5. (2分)Yesterday we played football Class 6.We the game at last. A . for, wonB . against, wonC . against, winD . on, won6. (2分)They _ the chickens and _ in the river on their last school trip. A . feed; swimB . fed; swamC . feed; swamD . fed; swim7. (2分)(2016德州)As the girl in our class, Mary was chose to take part in the running race.A . kindestB . fastestC . strictestD . cleverest8. (2分)Either Mary Jim is coming to the party this evening. A . butB . withC . andD . or9. (2分)Who took my umbrella? _. But it wasnt me.A . No ideaB . I seeC . Good ideaD . Go on10. (2分)Liu Ying is good at singing. She sings _ the famous singer, CoCo.A . as well asB . as good asC . as better asD . as the best as11. (2分)Keep . The baby is sleeping.A . silenceB . silentC . silentlyD . silencely12. (2分)(2016北京) Where did you go last weekend? I to the Great Wall.A . goB . wentC . will goD . have gone13. (2分)- When _ you _ here?- Two days ago.A . did; comeB . have; comeC . will; comeD . do; come14. (2分)In my hometown, it is _ in July, but it is even _ in August. A . hotter; hottestB . hot; hotC . hotter; hotD . hot; hotter15. (2分)My sister _ go to bed _ my mother came back last night.A . not untilB . doesnt; untilC . didnt; untilD . arent; until二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)完形填空It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain 1almost a month. The crops were dying. If we 2see some rain soon, we would lose everything.I was making lunch in the kitchen when I saw my3son, Billy, walking towards the woods. He was walking with a great effort. trying to be as still as possible. Minutes later, he was once again walking towards the woods. I4stand it any longer. I went out of the house and followed him.He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill (溢出)the water he carried.As I came closer, I saw 5sight. Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked straight up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. But the deer 6hurt him nor even moved as Billy got down. And then I saw a baby deer7on the ground, thirsty, lift its head to lap up(舔) the water in my boys hands. When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house. I followed him back to a tap. Billy opened it and let the drip slowly fill up his “cup”.8he stood up and began to turn back, I was there in front of him. His little eyes9with tears. Very quickly, he explained10he was not wasting water. The week before, he had made 11same trouble with our horses,12caused him a lecture from his father about the importance of not wasting water.This time, I joined him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him 13the baby deer alone , for it was 14job. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they 15by other drops. more drops. and more. I looked up at the sky. All I can say is that the rain came that day saved our farm, just like the actions of one little boy saved the little deer.(1)A . in B . at C . for D . since (2)A . didnt B . doesnt C . wasnt D . isnt (3)A . six years old B . six-year-old C . six-years-old D . six-year-old (4)A . cant B . couldnt C . mustnt D . wouldnt (5)A . surprising B . most surprising C . the most surprised D . the most surprising (6)A . either B . neither C . both D . none (7)A . lay B . to lie C . lying D . lies (8)A . When B . If C . Though D . Because (9)A . were fill with B . were filled with C . were filled of D . were fill with (10)A . which B . what C . why D . that (11)A . a B . an C . The D . / (12)A . which B . What C . who D . whose (13)A . take care of B . takes care of C . taking care of D . to take care of (14)A . himself B . itself C . his D . him (15)A . joined B . join C . to join D . were joined 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Mobile phone has become a problem for high schools. Some high-school students in Australia are not allowed to carry mobile phones during school hours.Mobile phone used among children has become a problem for the school years. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas presents, and more students will want them.Marry Brown, a headmaster, said that mobile phone was a distraction(分心事) to students during school hours and it also gave teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.She said some schools had tried to ban(禁止) mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt get in touch with their children.Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school. But there was a good reason that they could leave their phones at school offices. They also said they were easily lost and were a distraction for studies.Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.(1)Some high schools in Australia have stopped students from carrying mobile phones . A . because they are studentsB . when they are freeC . when they are at schoolD . because they are children(2)What does the word cheat mean in Chinese in this passage? A . 聊天B . 核对C . 查询D . 作弊(3)Some children get mobile phones from as presents. A . the makers and sellersB . the passers-by and strangersC . their parents and friendsD . some mobile phone user(4)Some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt during school hours. A . use their mobile phonesB . leave their mobile phones in the school officeC . help the teachers with their workD . get in touch with their children(5)The passage tells us that . A . students shouldnt have mobile phones at school except for special reasonsB . it is important to ban students from using mobile phones at schoolC . some parents felt unhappy because they couldnt use their phones at homeD . parents should teach their children how to use mobile phones during school hours18. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Jack is a twenty-year-old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop. Usually he works until ten oclock in the evening. He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep. His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意) him.One day, on his way home, he met Mary. They were both happy. He asked the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future (未来). They talked for a long time.Have a look at your watch, please, said the girl. What time is it now? Sorry, something is wrong with my watch, said Jack. Wheres yours? I left it at home.Jack thought for a moment and found a way. He began to stamp his foot on the floor, Bang! Bang! Bang! The sound woke his grandma up. The old woman shouted downstairs, Its twelve oclock in the night, Jack. Why are you still jumping upstairs?(1)Jack was _ when he finished middle school. A . sixteenB . eighteenC . twentyD . fifteen(2)The old woman is satisfied with Jack because _. A . hes her grandsonB . hes cleverC . he can keep quietD . he gets home on time(3)From the story, we can know that Mary is Jacks _. A . classmateB . colleague (同事)C . auntD . wife(4)The word stamp in the story means _ in Chinese. A . 盖印B . 跺C . 贴邮票D . 承认(5)Jack stamped his foot on the floor in order (为了) _. A . to wake his grandma upB . to make his grandma angryC . that his grandma was going to tell him the timeD . that his grandma was going to buy him a watch19. (10分)阅读理解Garbage collector Jose Gutierrez is 53 years old. When he was young his family was too poor to keep him in school. Jose left school when he was in Grade Two, but that did not stop him having a love for reading.Jose said he got the love of reading from his mother. “She read me stories every night,” said Jose. He hopes that every poor child in his city can have books to read. Jose started saving books from garbage twenty years ago. Every day he drives the garbage truck through the citys rich neighborhoods to get old books. Now there are about 20,000 books in Joses small house. It is already a famous library.Books are rare things for children in poor neighborhoods. New books are too expensive. There are nineteen libraries in Bogota, the city where Jose lives, but they are all far from poor neighborhoods.Now Jose is famous in Bogota. Many people give old books to him. Jose plans to make more libraries to help more children.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(1)Why did Jose leave school? A . Because he didnt like reading.B . Because he was ill badly.C . Because his family was too poor.D . Because he found a job.(2)Jose started saving old books when he was _ years old. A . 10B . 20C . 33D . 53(3)How did Jose save old books? A . He asked people to give old books to him.B . He got old books from garbage.C . He used his own money to buy old books.D . He got old books from the libraries.(4)The underlined word “rare” in the third paragraph probably means _ in Chinese. A . 不必要的B . 稀有的C . 普通的D . 神秘的(5)What does this passage mainly talk about? A . A way to get a love of reading.B . A place to put your old books.C . A famous library in Bogota.D . A man who helps poor children to read.四、 词汇运用 (共12题;共25分)20. (5分)单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。(1)My mother _(教) me how to cook fish just now.(2)The silly thief got into a bedroom and _(藏) himself under the bed.(3)Look, the boys are _(打架) for the interesting toys.(4)Dont make any _(噪音) when you are in the library.(5)Do you know how much the elephant _(重)?21. (1分)The man is my n_. He lives next to me 22. (1分)This is a _ (小的)apple. 23. (1分)Reading in bed is_(harm)to our eyes. 24. (1分)Shenzhen is one of the most beautiful _ (city) in the world. 25. (1分)She felt n_when talking in front of her class and her face turned red. 26. (1分)Its 11:05 now, its time f_ lunch in CFLS. 27. (1分)There are thousands of animals _the Earth. (填介词或副词) 28. (1分)Jack is the f_(第一的) one to come to school . 29. (1分)I will _(付)the bill. 30. (10分)写出下列单词的第三人称单数、现在分词、过去式形式。 have_ stay_ go_ study_ be_ play_ get_ feed_ run_ tell_31. (1分)The librarian was s_(微笑) at me and seemed friendly. 五、 句型转换 (共6题;共23分)32. (2分)They prepared the food just now. (改为否定旬)They_the food just now.33. (2分)We shall go to the new swimming pool next Sunday. (改为一般疑问句)_we _to the new swimming pool next Sunday?34. (3分)Lucy has a white hat(改为一般疑问句并补全否定答语)_Lucy_a white hat?No, she_35. (2分)My aunt often buys a magazine in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)_your aunt often _a magazine in the morning?36. (12分)按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(1)David has a bad cold.(对画线部分提问)_the _David?(2)She took her temperature.(改为一般疑问句)_she _her temperature?(3)You should put some medicine on it.(对画线部分提问)_I _?(4)He may be a doctor.(改为同义句)_he is a doctor.(5)Peter has a bad toothache.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定同答)_Peter _a bad toothache?No, he _.37. (2分)John broke Mr Zhangs window yesterday. (改为被动语态) Mr Zhangs window _ _ by John yesterday.六、 翻译句子 (共8题;共32分)38. (1分)这个新产品是用来快速加热食物的。 This new product_heating food quickly. 39. (1分)这本英语书属于汤姆。The English book_ Tom.40. (10分)短语翻译。 下国际象棋_ 说英语_ 擅长于_跟说_ 弹钢琴_ 拉小提琴_与相处得好_ 结交朋友_ 在某方面帮助(某人)_ 在周末_41. (1分)他问了一个很难的问题以至于汉斯丝毫不知道他在说什么He asked a question so difficult that Hans_what he was talking about42. (2分)请告诉我如何解出这个数学题。 Please tell me_ _ work out the math problem.43. (2分)在举行派对前,沃森太太给每个客人发了电子邀请函。Mrs Watson sent E-vites to every guest before the party _.44. (11分)根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)我不知道怎样在网上搜寻信息。I dont know how_information on the Internet(2)西蒙从小就对太空旅行感兴趣。Simon was interested in _when he was young(3)火星离我们地球很远。Mars _from our earth(4)为了节省钱,我们只好步行回家。We had to walk home _save money45. (4分)在19世纪,许多人前往加利福尼亚淘金。_ _ _ _, many people went looking for gold in California.七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)46. (5分)Welcome to the House of Noodles! We have beef noodles, mutton noodles and cabbage noodles. What size bowl of noodles would you like? We have only large bowls of beef noodles. They are just 8RMB for each bowl. For mutton noodles, a small bowl is 5RMB, a medium one is 7RMB and for a large one, it is just 10RMB. We have cabbage noodles only on Monday. We have free orange juice for you. All our noodles are good and at a good price. Anybody can afford our noodles!根据短文内容完成下列句子。A large bowl of beef noodles is _RMB.A _ bowl of mutton noodles is 7RMB.If you want to have cabbage noodles, you can come here on_The House of Noodles has_ kinds of noodles._ is free at the House of Noodles.八、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共1分)47. (1分)If you believe in yourself, you are sure to s_. 第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词汇运用 (共12题;共25分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、五、 句型转换 (共6题;共23分)32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、36-5、37-1、六、 翻译句子 (共8题;共32分)38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、44-2、44-3、44-4、45-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)46-1、八、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共1分)47-1、


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