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人物描写作文 专项训练外貌特征:不但年轻而且漂亮_既不高也不矮_ 大约40岁_和一样高_ 足够强壮_一张圆圆的脸_一双大眼睛_长长的直发_性 格: 不但乐于助人而且友好_可爱又善良_耐心的_,幽默的_外向的_优秀的_文静的_易于接近的_爱 好:不但喜欢唱歌,而且喜欢跳舞_喜欢游泳_擅长滑冰_对打篮球感兴趣_痴迷于踢足球_我的爱好是画画_怎样帮助你的:照顾 l_在.方面帮助_.帮助某人做_在方面严格要求_鼓励我_哪些进步:在他的帮助下_在方面取得很大进步_感 受: 喜欢_感觉_我认为_.我认为.不._如此.就能_感谢_不但.而且_人物描写亮点句:身份:李老师十一个大约35岁的英语老师。_ 李明是一名14岁的/喜欢运动的中学生。_杰克是一个对音乐感兴趣的男孩。_外貌:她不太高,但很苗条。_她圆圆的脸上有一双大大的眼睛。_ 我永远不会忘记的人是我的英语老师。他是一个带着厚厚的眼镜的高个子男人。 _爱好:她不但喜欢唱歌而且喜欢游泳。_性格: 她非常开朗和乐于助人,因此我们都很喜欢她。_她是那么的友好和乐于助人以至于我们都很喜欢她。_他来自于英国,他善良但对我们很严格。_她对我们要求很严格但是很耐心。那就是为什么我们都喜欢她的原因。 _ 作为一名教师,她非常乐于助人。她总是帮助那些有有困难的人。_1) 感动的行为:我的脸变红了,眼泪开始从我的眼里涌出。_2) 当他说话的时候,眼睛向下看,好像他要消失。_3) 她的爸爸抱着我,用低低的声音说:太谢谢您了。_回忆一件事:1)我仍然记得上周一,我病了,没有去上学,她不仅去我家看我,而且还帮助我学习。_2)我仍然记得上学期我考试失败了,她不但鼓励我,而且还帮助我。结果我很快就赶上了其他人。_3)还记得一次在她的课堂上,我太紧张了回答不了她的问题。 她没有批评我反而鼓励我。我非常感激她的鼓励。_4)当我处在困难之中的时候,她总是鼓励我面对困难并给我好的建议。_表达感情:1)我想说,谢谢您,王老师。_2)她的课是那么有趣,我们都非常喜欢她。_3)我一定要说,没有您的帮助,我不可能做到这点。我永远不会忘记您的帮助。_4)没有你的帮助,我不可能在英语方面取得这么大的进步。我永远不会忘记您。_5) 他们让我明白了在生活中什么重要。_6)在他的帮助下,我的英语变得越来越好。我很自豪成为他的学生。_7)他是那么友好以至于我们都想和他交朋友。_8)(谈谈交友原则)我认为好朋友不仅应该互相帮助,而且应该一起分享快乐和悲伤。我相信,换男朋友才是真正的朋友。_9)只要你用心,没有什么是不可能的。_10)我被Mike多的是深深地感动了。他时一个真正的朋友。他很关心别人我想向他学习成为一个对人有帮助的人。_11)为我的父母做些事情,我真的感到很自豪。他们的微笑是对我最大的鼓励。我决心经常做这样的事情。_12)(赞扬就像我心灵里的阳光。他给了我自信和希望。_13)这些有魔力的话出动了我的心。_14)他用智慧的语言这正出动了我的心。_15)我妈妈的爱和鼓励就是给我自信去处理生活中很多困难的火花。_16)努力学习得到了回报。_回忆经历的一件事范文_1. 很有可能。_2.不言而喻。_3)可以肯定的说。_4毫无疑问。_3) 有志者事竟成。_4) 患难朋友才是真正的朋友。_5) 世上无难事,只怕有心人。_人物描写作文 专项训练(答案)外貌特征:不但年轻而且漂亮not only young but also beautiful_既不高也不矮neither tall nor short 大约40岁about 40 years old和一样高as tall as (my father) 足够强壮strong enough一张圆圆的脸a round face 一双大眼睛a pair of big eyes长长的直发long stright hair性 格: 不但乐于助人而且友好not only helpful but also friendly可爱又善良not lovely but also kind 耐心的patient,幽默的humorous外向的outgoing优秀的excellent文静的quiet易于接近的easygoing,爱 好:不但喜欢唱歌,而且喜欢跳舞like(s)not only singing but alsodancing喜欢游泳like swimming 擅长滑冰is good at skating对打篮球感兴趣is interested in playing basketball痴迷于踢足球is crazy about playing football我的爱好是画画my hobby is drawing怎样帮助你的:照顾 look after/ take care of在.方面帮助help sb with.帮助某人做help sb do sth在方面严格要求be strict with鼓励我encourage sb哪些进步:在他的帮助下.with her help, 在方面取得很大进步make much progress 感 受: 喜欢love/ like感觉feel我认为I think that.我认为.不.I dont think that.如此.就能sothat感谢thank for.不但.而且not onlybut also 人物描写亮点句:身份:Miss Li is an English teacher ,who is about 35 years old. 李老师十一个大约35岁的英语老师。 Li Ming is a middle school student ,who is 14 years old./who likes sports. 李明是一名14岁的/喜欢运动的中学生。Jack is a lovely boy who is interested in music.杰克是一个对音乐感兴趣的男孩。外貌:She is not very tall but very slim. 她不太高,但很苗条。 / She has a round face with two big eyes. 她圆圆的脸上有一双大大的眼睛。The person Ill never forget is my English teacher. He is a tall man with thick glasses. 我永远不会忘记的人是我的英语老师。他是一个带着厚厚的眼镜的高个子男人。爱好:She likes not only singing but also swimming.她不但喜欢唱歌而且喜欢游泳。性格:She is very outgoing and helpful , so we all like her. 她非常开朗和乐于助人,因此我们都很喜欢她。She is so friendly and helpful that we all like her.她是那么的友好和乐于助人以至于我们都很喜欢她。He comes from England。He is kind but is strict with us. 他来自于英国,他善良但对我们很严格。She is very strict with us but very patient. That is the reason why we all like her.她对我们要求很严格但是很耐心。那就是为什么我们都喜欢她的原因。 As a teacher ,she is helpful ,she always gets ready for helping others who are in trouble. 作为一名教师,她非常乐于助人。她总是帮助那些有有困难的人。6) 感动的行为:My face turned red and tears began to well in my eyes.7) His eyes looking down as he said he wanted to disappear.3) Her father hugged me and said in a very low voice Thank you so much.回忆一件事:1)I still remember I was ill last Monday, so I didnt go to school. She not only went to my house to see me but also helped me with my lessons. 我仍然记得上周一,我病了,没有去上学,她不仅去我家看我,而且还帮助我学习。2)I still remember I failed in my exam last term, She not only encouraged me but also helped me. As a result ,I caught up with others soon.我仍然记得上学期我考试失败了,她不但鼓励我,而且还帮助我。结果我很快就赶上了其他人。3)I still remember that once I was so nervous that I couldnt answer her questions in her class. She didnt criticize me but encouraged me instead. I was very thankful for her encouragement. 还记得一次在她的课堂上,我太紧张了回答不了她的问题。 她没有批评我反而鼓励我。我非常感激她的鼓励。4)When Im in trouble, she always encourages me to face my difficulties and gives me good advice. 当我处在困难之中的时候,她总是鼓励我面对困难并给我好的建议。表达感情:1)Id like to say ,“Thank you,Miss Wang.”我想说,谢谢您,王老师。 2) Her class is so interesting that we all like her.她的课是那么有趣,我们都非常喜欢她。 3) I must say Ill never be able to do it without your help. Ill never forget your great help. 我一定要说,没有您的帮助,我不可能做到这点。我永远不会忘记您的帮助。4)Without your help ,I cant make so much progress in my English. Ill never forget you.没有你的帮助,我不可能在英语方面取得这么大的进步。我永远不会忘记您。5). They have made me understand what is important in our life. 他们让我明白了在生活中什么重要。6).with his help, my English is becoming better and better . Im proud of being his student. 在他的帮助下,我的英语变得越来越好。我很自豪成为他的学生。7)She is so friendly that we all want to make friends with her.他是那么友好以至于我们都想和他交朋友。8)(谈谈交友原则)I think good friends should not only help each other but also share happiness and sadness together. I believe that “ A friend in need is a friend indeed.” 9)Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 只要你用心,没有什么是不可能的。10)I was deeply moved by what Mike did. He is a real friend. He cares others a lot. I want to learn from him to be a helpful person.(感动)11)I was really proud that I did something for my parents. Their smiles were the best encouragement for me. I made up my mind to do things like this more often. (感恩)12)Praise(赞扬) is like sunlight to our spirit. It gives us confidence and hope.13)These magic words touched my heart14) He really touched my heart with his wise words.15)My mamas love and encouragement were the spark(火花) that gave me the confidence to deal with many difficulties in life.(结尾、母爱)Hard work pays off.( 得到回报)回忆经历的一件事范文Everybody wants to be praised. The power of praise is unimaginable.I used to be a shy girl. I never volunteered to answer any questions in class. One day in an English class, the teacher asked a question. I lowered my head as usual. Unfortunately, she called my name. I stood up reluctantly and answered the question in a very low voice. I was sure the teacher would be angry with me .But to my surprise, she said, “Jenny, youve got the most beautiful voice in the class. I really enjoy hearing it. Why dont you let all of us hear you more clearly?” “Really?” I had never heard this kind of praise before. With her encouragement, I repeated the answer in a louder voice. The smile on her face told me she was satisfied with me. From then on, I was never afraid of speaking in front of others. I even took part in a speech contest and won the second prize. It was all because of my teachers praise. Without her encouragement, I wouldnt have become such an outgoing girl as I am now. Dont be mean to give praise to others. The power of praise will make people happy and confident. It can even change a persons fate. 1.Itslikelythat 很有可能。2.Itgoeswithoutsayingthat. 不言而喻。3)Itcanbesaidwithcertaintythat. 可以肯定的说。4)Theres no doubt that。毫无疑问。8) Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 9) A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正的朋友。 10) Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。

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