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外研版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共10题;共100分)1. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。Dear Micheal,Hows your vacation? Im visiting my uncle in Spain. He lives in the sunny and beautiful city of Valencia, in Spain.Yesterday, I had great fun. My uncle1me to the tomato festival in Bunol, which is just 30 miles away from where my uncle lives. You have2never heard of this festival before. Neither had I. The tomato festival is called La Tomatinain Spanish. It was3and messiest tomato fight in the world. When we first got to the square where the festival took place, it was very crowded4people from all around the world, and many trucks were carrying tomatoes. My uncle told me the crowded people here5around 38,000 and this was more than four times the population of Bunol.The tomato fight started as soon as the first banger was beaten. Then everyone including me started throwing6at each other. I took red tomatoes and threw7at anyone that ran, moved, bent down, or turned around. Tomatoes must be squashed before people threw them in order not8anybody.After a little while, the streets, people and nearby buildings were splashed with red. There was no winner in this fight,9we all had fun. As soon as a second banger was beaten, people stopped throwing.I really had10great time, I wish you were here, too. I hope I hear from you soon.Yours,Linda(1)A . take B . took C . will take D . takes (2)A . probable B . final C . probably D . finally (3)A . big B . the biggest C . poor D . the poorest (4)A . with B . to C . for D . from (5)A . is B . are C . was D . were (6)A . tomato B . tomatoes C . apple D . apples (7)A . them B . they C . he D . him (8)A . to hurt B . hurt C . to meet D . meet (9)A . and B . so C . but D . or (10)A . a B . an C . / D . the 2. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 British people are famous for apologizing (道歉) in almost every situation. 1we are apologizing for asking a question, for our bad weather or we sneeze before others (打喷嚏),we are probably the number-one nation for apologies.We pride ourselves on our polite2in public. As a result, we use the word sorry quite a loteven when we dont really 3it! Usually, if you want to ask someone for the time, you would start by saying Sorry to bother you. Do you know the time? If youre five minutes late for an appointment (约会), you would generally 4the person by saying Sorry, Im late!We use the word sorry in so many different situations that the meaning of the word has slightly 5over time. The two main dictionary definitions (定义) of sorry are: feeling sad for someone else because of their problems or feeling regret because youve done something wrong. Usually, when you want to ask a stranger a question, you 6with Sorry to disturb you. In this situation, we arent saying sorry because we feel sad for that person or because we feel regret.So what does sorry really mean? Well, in the British 7, saying sorry is a way to be polite, especially to people who you dont know very well. Its also a very 8way to get what you want. 9, an actor asked different people on a rainy day if he could use their mobile phones. When he asked one group of strangers without apologizing first, he was only 9 per cent successful in borrowing their phones. 10, when he apologized to another group about the bad weather before asking if he could use their mobile phones, he was 47 per cent successful. So maybe saying sorry is not just being polite, but it is also a good method to get what you want too!(1)A . When B . Whether C . Before D . Though (2)A . activities B . conversations C . manners D . discussions (3)A . mean B . enjoy C . accept D . use (4)A . tell B . face C . remind D . greet (5)A . developed B . appeared C . improved D . changed (6)A . start B . lead C . reply D . go (7)A . history B . tradition C . culture D . habit (8)A . safe B . clever C . brave D . true (9)A . Finally B . Usually C . Mostly D . Recently (10)A . Otherwise B . However C . Instead D . Moreover 3. (10分)阅读下列短文,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。 I had very unusual experience on Sunday. At ten in the morning. I was 1down the street when a UFO landed right 2of me. You can imagine (想象)3strange it was! An alien 4and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see 5it was going, and I was very surprised when it went 6a souvenir shop. While it was 7at the souvenirs the shop assistant called the 8. Before the police arrived, the alien left the 9and then visited the Museum of Flight. 10the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isnt that amazing!(1)A . arriving B . walking C . looking (2)A . in front B . before C . at (3)A . what B . when C . how (4)A . got in B . got on C . got out (5)A . where B . when C . which (6)A . onto B . on C . into (7)A . working B . looking C . giving (8)A . police B . teacher C . driver (9)A . school B . shop C . street (10)A . While B . What C . Which 4. (10分)完形填空How many big cities have you travelled around the world? Do you want to live in those beautiful places? New York, London, Paris and 1big cities are exciting places to live in. There are lots of 2things to see and to do. You can go to 3kinds of museums and see plays and films. You can also buy things 4all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living in big cities is very 5and there are many people. People come to big cities because they want to 6a good job or to study at a good 7. But too 8people coming into the cities makes it harder to keep the cities clean and 9.Do you enjoy 10in big cities?(1)A . other B . another C . the others D . others (2)A . interest B . interested C . interesting D . interests (3)A . same B . difference C . good D . different (4)A . of B . from C . about D . in (5)A . low B . much C . high D . little (6)A . look at B . find C . wait D . know (7)A . park B . cinema C . theatre D . school (8)A . many B . much C . few D . little (9)A . dangerous B . safe C . warm D . quite (10)A . to live B . live C . to living D . living 5. (10分)阅读下列短文. 掌握其大意. 然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One day, the students of Class 6 were reading in the classroom. Mrs. Brown came in and told the whole class they would have to change the 1the next week. All of the students disagreed 2Mrs. Brown, so they shouted when Mrs. Brown said it was because a new student would 3the class. Why must we move to another classroom just because someone new is coming? One of them asked 4. Mrs. Brown stood there without saying anything. After a few minutes, she told them to be 5to their new classmate and then she left.The following week, the head teacher, Mr White himself brought the new student to their class. 6,he pushed the new student to the class because the student was in a wheelchair(轮椅). Mr. White introduced the new student Jeff to the class. He said that Jeff now was a 7of the class and they should work together. He added, Helping each other is very important. 8could fully understand what Mr. White meant at first.Over time, they began to understand the reason. Jeff was a9student and often helped the students who didnt understand their work. The class felt very thankful to him. They took care of him because they knew that when someone did something for you, you should do something 10in return.(1)A . classmates B . lessons C . teacher D . classroom (2)A . for B . of C . with D . from (3)A . leave B . join C . help D . visit (4)A . politely B . terribly C . angrily D . happily (5)A . kind B . useful C . honest D . careful (6)A . So far B . Above all C . As usual D . In fact (7)A . hope B . member C . monitor D . symbol (8)A . Nobody B . Somebody C . Anybody D . Everybody (9)A . lucky B . funny C . clever D . strict (10)A . out B . down C . off D . back 6. (10分)完形填空 Peter is my best(最好的) friend. He 1very early in the morning. He dresses,2and goes out into the open air. Then he has 3breakfast. Every day he goes to school 4. There are four classes in the morning. After class,he 5some books. 6is at twelve. After lunch he7a short rest. In the afternoon he has two classes. Then he has half an hour8sports(运动). He plays ping-pong 9football. In the evening he does his 10at home. He goes to bed at ten thirty.(1)A . get B . gets up C . gets D . getting (2)A . washes B . wash C . wears D . to wear (3)A . a B . an C . / D . the (4)A . on his bike B . on bike C . by his bike D . by the bike (5)A . reads B . watches C . sees D . looks (6)A . Breakfast B . Supper C . Lunch D . / (7)A . has B . have C . take D . takes (8)A . in B . on C . for D . with (9)A . and B . or C . so D . but (10)A . works B . housework C . homework D . homeworks 7. (10分)完形填空 London is such a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames River runs1the city from west to east. So the city has2parts: the South and the North. In the North, there are important buildings, shops, big parks and interesting places. The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot3the city is near the sea. People say4London is a foggy city and it often rains. It is true. Last year, when I5in London I met one of the6fogs in years. You could hardly see your hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along with their lights on. When evenings fell, the weather7even worse. The fog was as thick as milk. 8the buses and cars stopped. I happened9an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was impossible to find a car. I had to get there10. (1)A . about B . through C . in D . along (2)A . four B . six C . five D . two (3)A . because B . so C . but D . or (4)A . what B . where C . that D . which (5)A . were B . am C . be D . was (6)A . thick B . thicker C . the thickest D . thickest (7)A . become B . got C . turn D . grow (8)A . All B . Each C . Every D . None (9)A . to have B . have C . having D . had (10)A . by car B . by bus C . on foot D . on the foot 8. (10分)完形填空 Some children want to be writers someday. They want to write stories or1for people to read. Thats2! Its good to write something for people to read!3they should know that they need to be good 4first before they become really good writers. Because reading books 5helpful for them to become a good writer. They should read6books,instead of (代替) watching TV and spending a lot of time7games when they are free. There is much fun in reading. You must8more books to read.Before you decide(决定) to be a good writer, you should say to9, I am going to do my best to read more and10books!(1)A . information B . news C . pictures D . books (2)A . well B . good C . sad D . bad (3)A . But B . Though C . Because D . Or (4)A . students B . listeners C . readers D . players (5)A . are B . is C . was D . were (6)A . a lots of B . much C . many D . a lot (7)A . to play B . play C . played D . playing (8)A . look over B . look for C . look up D . look at (9)A . him B . them C . yourself D . you (10)A . many B . much C . more D . most 9. (10分)完形填空 There is a zoo in our city. My parents often take me there on the1. I like animals. I have a lot of 2animals in my room. In the3, I can see tigers, elephants, bears, monkeys, pandas, snakes, and many other4. Some animals are friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and some snakes are5. That is why they have to stay in6. But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in cages cant be7.I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins. I like8them swim and jump. They swim so fast and jump so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and walk 9water! They are very10to people. If you fall into the water and cant swim, they may come to help you.(1)A . summer B . month C . autumn D . weekend (2)A . real B . funny C . toy D . your (3)A . zoo B . park C . bank D . library (4)A . tigers B . people C . friends D . animals (5)A . dangerous B . safe C . interesting D . ugly (6)A . houses B . buildings C . cages D . ponds(池塘) (7)A . angry B . happy C . sad D . strong (8)A . looking B . seeing C . watching D . noticing (9)A . in B . at C . with D . on (10)A . friendly B . rude C . warm D . cold 10. (10分)完形填空 The summer vacation is coming. During the vacation, you can do what you like and prepare yourself for the future. Youll enjoy this period of time to the fullest with the help of the following1.Take exercise. After working hard for months, you must be bored. Taking exercise is the best way to get 2again. Swimming and walking are perfect choices for you. All kinds of exercise 3your health.Master some basic life skills. You will live an 4life one day. Therefore, you should learn some necessary and useful skills such as washing clothes and cooking. At the same time, you can help your parents 5housework to express your thanks to them.Go travelling. The world is a book. Those who dont travel only read one page. Travelling is so 6. Have you made your own travel plan? If not, do it 7! During the trip, you will have a chance to learn more knowledge. While learning about different cultures and customs. You will also make a lot of friend.Enjoy time with family members. Family members play an important role in your life. They give you love, care and support all the time. Dont 8to spare some time to get together with them. You will find 9great to stay with them, talking about dreams, hobbies or anything you like.10you follow what is mentioned above, you will have a wonderful vacation.(1)A . suggestions B . classes C . teams (2)A . danger B . money C . energy (3)A . are good at B . are good for C . are good with (4)A . asleep B . impolite C . independent (5)A . for B . with C . to (6)A . terrible B . useless C . interesting (7)A . so far B . at once C . no longer (8)A . forget B . to forget C . forgetting (9)A . it B . one C . that (10)A . Though B . Even if C . As long as 第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共10题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、

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