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译林牛津版九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Is your good friend _ China now? Yes, he is. He likes China very much.A . atB . ofC . inD . for2. (2分)Desks are made_ wood and paper is made _wood, too.A . of ; fromB . from; ofC . of; inD . from; by3. (2分)Could you give me some suggestions for my job interview?Dont be nervous and express yourself clearly.A . waysB . questionsC . advice4. (2分) _ wonderful music!Yes, its written by Jay Chou, a pop singer.A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a5. (2分)My grandmother always asks me . A . why can she use the iPadB . how can she use the iPadC . how she can use the iPadD . when can she use the iPad6. (2分)What your rabbit like?Its cute and cheerful.A . doesB . isC . looksD . are7. (2分)What did the teacher say to you just now?She asked me _.A . whether I had finished my workB . if had I finished my workC . that I had finished my workD . how long had I finished my work8. (2分)What do you think of the speech by Mrs. Li?Well, its quite _ and all of us are quite _ at it.A . amazed; amazingB . amazed; amazedC . amazing; amazedD . amazing; amazing9. (2分)My hometown is becoming more and more beautiful with trees and flowers on _ sides of the road. A . allB . bothC . neitherD . either10. (2分)I enjoyed _ exciting stories when I was young.A . to reading B . to readC . reading D . read11. (2分)We all went to the park except you last weekend. Why didnt you come?Because I the park twice.A . have gone toB . had gone toC . had been toD . have been to12. (2分)Remember this, John. _ careful you are, _mistakes you will make. Thanks, Miss Rose.A . The more; the lessB . The more; the fewerC . The less; the fewerD . The more; the more13. (2分)The two pictures look the same.But in fact, there are a few between them.A . chancesB . degreesC . problemsD . differences14. (2分) Why are you walking so quickly, Edward? There _ a talent show in ten minutes.A . will haveB . will beC . is going to haveD . are going to be15. (2分)Tom ate a lot and do little exercise, so he 10 pounds. A . put awayB . put onC . put offD . put out二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) A saint (圣人) found a group of family members shouting angrily at each other on a river bank. He asked his disciples(信徒), 1do people shout when they are angry with each other? The disciples2 for a while and one of them said, Because they lose their calm.But why should they shout when the other persons are just3 them? They can tell them what they have to say in a 4 manner. Asked the saint.The disciples gave some other answers but 5made the saint pleased. Finally the saint 6, When two people are angry with each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout in order to 7each other. The angrier they are, the8they will have to shout to cover that great distance. What happens when two people fall in love? They dont shout at each other but talk softly, because their hearts are very close. The distance9them is very small or doesnt exist(存在).The saint looked at his disciples and continued, So when you argue with other people, do not say words that distance each other, or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the 10to return.(1)A . What B . When C . Where D . Why (2)A . thought B . laughed C . cried D . rested (3)A . far from B . next to C . across from D . in the front of (4)A . hard B . lively C . soft D . bad (5)A . everyone B . anyone C . someone D . none (6)A . explained B . answered C . replied D . asked (7)A . see B . watch C . hear D . listen to (8)A . softer B . louder C . larger D . higher (9)A . by B . near C . among D . between (10)A . way B . answer C . home D . person 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共37分)17. (10分)阅读理解Dear Tom:How are you? Im in a new school this term. And Im writing to you in my school now. My new school is big and nice. There are 1,400 students and 140 teachers in my school. I like the teachers. They are very nice to me. My classmates are very friendly, too. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.There are trees, flowers and green grass in my school. They are very beautiful. Behind my school there is a small river. The water in it is quite clean. We can swim in it.We have no classes on Saturdays or Sundays. Sometimes I go to play football or basketball with my classmates. Sometimes I stay at home and watch TV. Sometimes I go shopping with my father and mother. We all like China.Please write to me soon !YoursJack(1)Who writes this letter? A . Toms teacher.B . Jack.C . Tom.D . Jacks classmates.(2)Jack is in a _school. A . EnglishB . ChineseC . smallD . Japanese(3)There are _students and _teachers in Jacks school. A . 1,400; 104B . 1,040; 104C . 1,400; 140D . 1,040;140(4)Jacks teachers _. A . teach him English very well.B . only teach him Chinese and English.C . dont like him at all.D . are quite good to him.(5)What does Jack do with his parents at weekends? A . Play football or basketball.B . Stay at home.C . Watch TV.D . Go shopping.18. (6分)阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项.BWearing a red nose for a day may seem like a strange way to raise money for charity. However, it seems to work in Britain.Red Nose Day(RND) is a well-known event the UK. The aim of the day is to raise money for a charity called Comic Relief which helps people in need in Africa and in the UK.Red nose?Comic Relief was started in 1985 by the scriptwriterRichard Curtis. Its called Red Nose Day, as on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear! The money made from selling red noses goes to the charity.When is RND?Red Nose Day takes place every two years in the spring and is now so famous that many people consider it to be an unofficial(非官方的)national holiday. For example, many school have non-uniform days. The fast Red Nose Day was on l3th March 2015.MoneyAcross Britain. people are encouraged to Do Something Funny for Money. The money that is collected helps children to go to school, and educates the adults with HIV and AIDS, Comic Relief also works closely with disabled and elderly people to make sure they have equal rights and a better life.So, if you are ever in the UK an Red Nose Day, now you know why you may find normal(正常的) people wearing red noses and doing silly things! Its ail for a good cause! If you want to find out more about the day, have a look at the official Red Nose Day website.(1)By celebrating Red Mole Day, people want to .A . encourage people to make money happilyB . encourage more American people to join the charityC . raise money to help the poor all over the wordD . raise money for Comic Relief(2)Which of the following is TRUE about Comic Relief?A . Comic Relief is a charity helping people in the world.B . Comic Relief is a charity helping both children and adults.C . Students usually wear school uniform on Red Nose Day.D . Red Nose Day takes pace every year.(3)Which of the following is probably encouraged to do on Red Nose Day?A . Making your face funny.B . Making red noses.C . Working for money.D . Painting your body red.19. (8分)阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DThe government in China ended his one-child policy and let families have two children instead in 2015.A Chinese Communist Party statement gave a number of reasons for the change in policy. The statement said the change is meant to balance population development, stop a falling birth rate(出生率)and strengthen the countrys labor force(劳动力). China, with the largest population in the world, started the one-child policy in 1980. But the government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children. For example, some families in the countryside could have two children, if the first-born is a girl.In 2013, the Chinese government gave other couples a chance to have two children if one of them was an only child.Jiang Quanbao, a teacher and population expert, explained how Chinese families react(反应) to the newest policy. Too many young people in the cities are no longer interested in having a second child, he said. People in the countryside are more interested. But some of them are already allowed to have two children. At the end of 2014, China had a population of 1.37 billion people. A total of 800 million of them have jobs. But the labor market need of labor by the year 2050. With the two-child policy, an increase in births can solve this problem.Boys and girls, what do you think of the two-child policy? Do you want to have a new-born brother or sister?(1)Why has the government ended the one-child policy?A . Because we have a small population.B . Because millions of people have jobs.C . Because most families want to have a second child.D . Because a falling birth rate must be stopped.(2)How do most young people in the cities react to the two-child policy?A . They support the policy.B . They dont know about it at all.C . They are angry with it.D . They arent interested in it.(3)When will our country be seriously short of labor if one-child policy continues?A . In 2013.B . In 2035.C . In 2050.D . In 2070(4)Whats the order of the following events?a. The government allowed all the families to have two children.b. China had a population of 1.37 billion people.c. Some families in the countryside could have two children.d. Families could have two children if one parent was an only child.A . c d b aB . b a d cC . d c b aD . c a d b20. (13分)任务型阅读 The listening test is one of the most important parts of the English exams. Here are some tips on listening for you. Before you start to listen, you need to relax. Dont be nervous. And try to read the questions. These questions usually help you understand the dialogue or the passage. Then listen to the first sentence carefully. It usually tells you the main idea of the passage. When youre listening, try to do some thinking and take some notes(笔记), such as:What happened?When, where, and how?What does the speaker want to tell us?In this way, you may understand the passage better. Please remember not to think about one or two words for a long time. When you hear some words you dont know, dont spend too much time on them. Very often, youll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening. 题完成句子;(2)(3)题简略回答问题;(4)题找出并写出文章的主题句;(5)题将文中画线句子译成汉语。(1)We need to _before we begin to listen. (2)What is important for us when were listening? (3)Why should we listen to the first sentence carefully? (4)找出并写出文章的主题句_(5)将文中画线句子译成汉语。_四、 补全对话 (共3题;共17分)21. (5分)(2016兰州)补全对话A:Hello, Steven, what are you doing for your summer vacation? B:Ill fly to Chengdu to visit my grandparents the day after tomorrow. A: _B: Oh no, not at allA: Flying is quick, isnt it?B: Yes,_Whats more, its often delayed(延误) and always crowded. A: But its convenient and comfortable.B: I dont think so. While in the plane, you cant walk around or open the windows. By the way, the seats are uncomfortable. There is not much choice of food and there are not enough toilets.A: Is not much choice of food and there are not enough toilets. A:_B: Its even worse. It takes hours to get out of the airports and into the city. A: Then you prefer travelling by train, dont you?B: Yeah. _Theyre cheaper, safer and more comfortable. If you miss a train, you can always catch another one later.A: But trains are always much slower than planes.B: _Besides, todays high-speed rail is also fast and comfortable.A: I agree with you .Have a good time!B: Thank you very much.A: Hows the food there?B: I dont think that speed is everything!C: Whats your plan?D: Trains are much better than planes.E: What happens when the plane lands?F: Do you like travelling by plane?G: But you have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.22. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。其中有两项多余。A: Do you know Beijing Badaling Wildlife Zoo?B: _A: Yes. It is dangerous to walk around the self-drive area because animals walk freely there. So people arent allowed to get out of their cars.B: _A: No she didnt. She got out of her own car and was attacked (攻击) by a tiger.B: How stupid of her! I plan to go there with my family this weekend _A: Sure. You can drive your car. But you need to take the sightseeing bus at the dangerous area _B: I wont.A: And there are many signs. _B: I will. Thank you.A. You must follow them.B. And remember not to get out of itC. What annals can we see in the Zoo?D: Could you give me some suggestions?E. What should we do to keep safe there?F: The woman didnt follow the rule did she?G: Is it the one in which a woman got hurt last year?23. (7分)Fill in the blanks with proper words. Most people think that the capital of the movie world is Hollywood in the United States. However, the real movie capital is Mumbai, in India. Mumbai used to be k_as Bombay, so the film industry there is called Bollywood. Bollywood makes twice as many movies each year as Hollywood- more than 800 films a year.The movies from Bollywood are very d_from Hollywood movies. For one thing, Bollywood movies are much longer than most Hollywood movies. Most Bollywood movies are more than three hours long, and contain singing, dancing, action, romance and so on. Because Bollywood films contain so many different features, this style of film is sometimes called a masala film. (masala is an Indian word for admixture of spices. )A_big difference between Bollywood and Hollywood movies is the way movies are made. It takes much longer to make a movie in Hollywood than in Bollywood. In fact, filming may begin on a Bollywood movie before the script(剧本) is even finished. The directors and writers can make up the story while the film is being made. ! Sometimes they will even write the script by hand i_of taking time to type it.Bollywood actors are very popular and some are in such high demand(需求) that they may work on several movies at the same time. They may even shoot scenes(到现场实拍) for several films on the same day using the same costumes(服装). Since most Bollywood movies follow the same k_of story, shooting scenes for several films at the same time is not a big problem for actors and directors. This also helps keep the cost of Bollywood movies I_than the cost of Hollywood movies. The average Bollywood film, with a budget (预算) of only two million US dollars, seems very c_compared to the average budget of sixty million US dollars for a Hollywood film- -thirty times as much.五、 翻译 (共1题;共12分)24. (12分)根据所给汉语提示完成句子。(1) 你愿意和我一起唱一首英文歌吗? 对不起,我不会。 _ you like _ _ an English song with me? Sorry, I cant.(2)请叫西蒙给玛丽亚买些蛋糕。好的。 Please _ Simon _ _ some cakes for Maria. OK.(3)去放风筝怎么样?我很愿意去,但是很抱歉我没有时间。 _ _ flying a kite with me? Id like to, but Im sorry I have no time.(4)你明天有空吗?有空。什么事? _ you _ tomorrow? Yes. Whats up?(5)我能和凯特通电话吗?对不起,她现在不在。 May I _ _ Kate? Sorry. She isnt in now.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)近几年,很多学校开设了特色课程(special classes),如摄影、手工制作、网球等等。我校开设此类课程已有一段时间,现向同学们征集对此类课程的看法。以下是你们班同学的观点,请根据表格中内容并结合你自己的想法谈一谈对特色课程的看法。Some students thinkOther students thinkYour opinionhelp to develop students interests;get more knowledge;a waste of time;not helpful for lessons;注意:词数80左右,开头可借鉴已给内容也可自己写;文章应包括题中所提的所有要点,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;文中请勿提及你的真实姓名和学校。(供参考首句:Recently, many schools have offered some specials classes to students, such as photography classes, handicraft classes and tennis classes.)第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共37分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 补全对话 (共3题;共17分)21-1、22-1、23-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共12分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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