人教版七年级上学期Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_ 单元测试 C卷.doc

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人教版七年级上学期Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball_ 单元测试 C卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Lets go and _ a snake. A . to seeB . seeingC . seeD . sees2. (2分) Was there a computer in your study? _A . Yes, there is.B . No, there isnt.C . Yes, there was.D . No, there was.3. (2分)Lily and Mary like to learn Chinese?A . DoB . DoesC . IsD . Are4. (2分)Jack likes playing soccer, but he doesnt like playing piano. A . /, /B . the, /C . /, the5. (2分)Mary agreed _ visit the old man, though she was busy. A . toB . onC . withD . at6. (2分)- Its reported that Chinese _ more than 40minutes a day reading WeChat(微信).- Its true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. A . spendB . costC . payD . take7. (2分) Jack, dont forget your homework. It _ today. OK, I will finish it on time.A . should finishB . should be finishedC . cant finishD . cant be finished8. (2分) Tomorrow will be fine. Shall we go out for a picnic? _.A . Good luckB . Sounds greatC . Take it easy9. (2分)One of them playing football.A . dont likeB . doesnt likeC . isnt likeD . arent like10. (2分)_ Lin Feng has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face.A . BecauseB . IfC . UntilD . Though二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空。Dear friend,I am 1 American school girl. My name is Alice Green. I am twelve. I 2 two brothers. My brothers and I 3 all at school. We go to school 4 Monday 5 Friday. We 6 have classes on 7and Sunday. We dont go to school on weekends. My father and my mother are teachers. They say China is great. I like 8, and I can sing a lot of songs. My brother and I like baseball and basketball. 9do you like? Lets10friends. Please write soon.Yours,Alice Green(1)A . an B . a C . the D . / (2)A . has B . to have C . have D . am (3)A . is B . am C . be D . are (4)A . in B . at C . on D . from (5)A . to B . on C . in D . for (6)A . arent B . isnt C . dont D . doesnt (7)A . Monday B . Wednesday C . Saturday D . Friday (8)A . singing B . to singing C . sing D . sings (9)A . Who B . Why C . What D . Where (10)A . are B . is C . do D . be 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)12. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. With a modern airliner(客机), you can travel in one day to places which needed a month or more to get to hundreds of years ago.Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but you can see the places you are traveling through. Modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They even make the longest journey enjoyable(令人愉快的).Some people prefer to travel by sea. You can visit many other countries or different parts of your country. Ships are not so fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.Many people like to travel by car. You can make your own timetable. You can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like. You can stop if there is something interesting, for example, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. Thats why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or a plane when they travel on business.(1)From the passage, we know the fastest way of traveling is _.A . by trainB . by seaC . by planeD . by car(2)If we travel by car, we can _.A . make the longest journey enjoyableB . travel to a very far place in a few minutesC . make our own timetableD . visit many other countries(3)The underlined word “They” in the passage refers to(指的是) _.A . modern trains in the countryB . the comfortable seats and dining-carsC . the travelers on the modern trainsD . the slower ways of traveling(4)When people travel on business, they usually take _.A . a plane or a carB . a car or a boatC . a boat or a trainD . a train or a plane(5)How many ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage?A . Four.B . Three.C . Two.D . Six.13. (6分)(2015金华)What part-time job do you do now?What do you do want to do in the future?Leave your comment(评论)here!Ive been working at Burger Bam for two months.I thought Id hate it,but its been really good.Ive learned a lot how to work with people I would never normally meet.And Im not as shy as I was.I dont think I want to work there forever,but its given me some ideas about how to run a business.Maybe Ill learn business when I go to college.Abby,15,from TorontoIve had my own web design business for a year. Ive designed about 20 websites for my friends.Ive been doing most of the work on the weekends after I do my homework! Ive bought a new computer with the money I earned. A little restaurants in my neighborhood has asked me to design a website for them, so my business is growing. Im not sure what I want to do in the future, but I really like art and design. Maybe I should go into advertising.Kwan,14,from SeattleIve been volunteering at a senior citizen center on Saturday mornings. Some of my friends think Im crazy, doing a job for no money, but I really like it. I think that in a few months, Ill try to get a paid part-time job in a law office because I want to study law in the future. Theres a lot of competition for part-time jobs, but I think my volunteering will look good on my resume.Tamanna,16,from Dallas(1)How many people have left their comments according to the passage?A . TwoB . ThreeC . FourD . Five(2)Why do Tamannas friends think she is crazy?A . Because she plans to learn business at college.B . Because she wants to work at the center forever.C . Because she is doing her parttime job for no money.D . Because she has designed 20 websites for her friends(3)Where can we most probably read the passage?A . In a posterB . In a travel guideC . In a textbookD . On a website四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)用所给词的正确形式填空 1.Does she want _(join) the club?2.Lets join the_(paint) club.3.Jack_( not like) the school show.4.There are two great _(piano) in the music room.5.Bob likes _(play) the piano.6.Come and join _(we).7.Can you play it _(good)?8.Can you help me with _(dance)?9.Every week he helps me_(learn) math.10.What can Li Xin _(do)?五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)15. (25分)连词成句 (1)my, close, to, our, is, school, house(2)a list of, is, books, this (3)much, about, he, Canada, how, know, does (4)comes, directions, in, the wind, all (5)from, country, she, which, is 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)在科技日新月异的今天,我们的生活时刻发生着变化。若干年后,我们的生活将会是什么样子?假如下面是你对未来生活的预测,请根据表格内容写一篇题为Life in the future的短文,向大家介绍你所预测的未来生活。天气工作出行全年气候温和,没有太冷 太热的天气。更多的机器人会代替人们工作,人们的假期会很长。每个家庭都会有一架小飞机,乘飞机旅游很便宜。要求:1).包括表格中的所有内容,可适当发挥;2).注意使用本单元所学的will来表示一般将来时;3).70词左右第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共10分)14-1、五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共25分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16-1、

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