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黄冈中学广州学校2011-2012学年度国庆假期作业八年级英语Unit 1 Newspapers各位尊敬的八(1)班家长朋友及亲爱的同学们: 首先祝各位全家假期平安健康快乐!与此同时也提醒各位同学假期不忘学习,我现把国庆假期间每天具体英语作业及要求发给各位家长和学生,请家长在百忙之中抽时间督促孩子们,相信同学们能认真完成!祝你们开开心心过国庆,平平安安返校园! 英语教师:万新青 沟通电话:18002216301【10月1号 要完成的作业任务】 听读背任务:Reading A 课文 要求家长签字有效 家长签字: _DIY Exercises:一 预习课文,从文中找出下列词组的英文。1. 开会_ 2. 投票赞成_3. 主编_ 4. 主管;掌管_5. 应该_ 6. 征求意见_7. 做记录_ 8. 对负责_9. 详谈;商量_ 10. 在下次会议上_11. 把列出清单_ 12. 对免费_13. 付费(买)_ 14. 对做出决定_二请根据课文内容完成下列句子。1. The new term started and some students at Mayfield School wanted to p_ a newspaper. 2. They h_ a meeting after school.3. They v_ for Joyce to be the chief editor.4. Then Joyce took c_ of the meeting. 5. Who o_ to be the secretary? Jessica suggested Ben. The others agreed.6. So Ben started taking n_.7. Lucy, Tony and Jessica would be r_ for different sections of the paper.8. Then they made a list of some other things to d_.9. They would make a d_ about the papers name at the next meeting.10. After arranging the time of the next meeting, they c_ the meeting then.三语法填空Jack lost(丢失)his Job last week. It was difficult for him to find another 1. 2told him that it was possible(可能的) to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers3 . He decided to get there 4. So he went to the railway station and got5 a train. He was the only one in the car(车厢). The train started. Suddenly a man came in 6 a gun(枪) and said to him ,“Your money 7 your life!” Jack sat there without 8 up. “I 9 any money,” Jack answered. “Then why are you so afraid of me?” the man asked angrily. “Because I 10 you were the conductor, and I didnt buy a ticket,” answered Jack.()1. A. workB. jobsC. onesD. one ()2. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. AnybodyD. No one ()3. A. from B. fartherC. away D. off ()4. A. by bike B. on foot C. by train D. by bus ()5. A. off B. on C. upD. to ()6. A. with B. has C. haveD. there was ()7. A. but B. and C. so D. or ()8. A. stands B. standing C. stood D. stand ()9. A. dont have B. have no C. didnt have D. had ()10. A. know B. didnt know C. think D. thought 四阅读理解The Harp Seal is one of natures most beautiful and lovely creatures(动物). Many years ago it was hunted for its white fur. Catching or killing Harp Seal is now against law. The Seals spend the summer months moving in large groups. Harp Seals close their noses and ear holes when swimming deep in water, but they have to come out of the water for air from time to time. Their favourite place to rest is on the top of icebergs(冰山). The mother Harp Seal gives babies in February or March and feeds her children for 1418 days. Baby Harp Seals begin to lose their white fur at around six to eight weeks of age. When they grow up, the Harp Seals have brown skin. At birth, Harp Seals weigh 12kg but can weigh up to 130kg as they become grown-ups. Harp Seals eat small fish, shrimps(虾) and krill(磷虾). However they are living in different places. Father Harp Seals can live as long as 29 years while mother Harp Seals usually live for longer than 30 years. Since the Canadian Government passed laws to keep the baby seals from hunters, their numbers have gone up to more than one million. Now every year, thousands of visitors crowd to the pack ice(大片浮冰上) to witness the wonderful picture of newly-born Harp Seals.( ) 1. What is the passage mainly about?A. Keeping Harp Seals. B. Harp Seals.C. Hunting Harp Seals is not allowed. D. Life span(生命期) of Harp Seals.( ) 2. In the past Harp Seals were caught or killed_.A. for their meat B. because they were a danger to manC. for their fur D. because they were easy to catch( ) 3. A grown Harp Seal is _.A. brown in color and weighs 12kg B. white in color and weighs 130kgC. white in color and weighs 12kg D. brown in color and weighs 130kg( ) 4. We know from the passage _.A. grown Harp Seals only enjoy shrimps B. grown Harp Seals have small fishC. grown Harp Seals prefer to eat krill D. grown Harp Seals eat different food( ) 5. The underlined word “witness” in the last sentence means_.A. report B. visit C. see D. write【10月2号 要完成的作业任务】 听读任务:Reading B 课文 要求家长签字有效 家长签字: _DIY Exercises: Reading B一 预习课文,从文中找出下列词组的英文。1. 免费_ 2. 本地新闻_3. 如果可能的话_ 4. 一位狂热爱好者_5. 从借_ 6. 一份报纸_7. 每日出版_ 8. 不同的版面_9. 从图书馆外面_ 10. 一位二十岁的年轻人_二请根据课文内容完成下列句子。1. Liu Mei is a big f_ of the school newspaper.2. She likes the “Get to Know Your School” s_ very much.3. The articles are about people and places a_ her.4. She thinks its very i_.5. She usually tries to get a copy for free outside the l_.6. Sometimes she b_ one from a friend.7. She also likes the g_ in the newspaper.8. She and her friends often play them t_.9. She suggests it should have one more section about school life in f_ countries. 10. In Liu Meis opinion, the games in the newspaper are f_.三语法填空Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered (坏脾气的)and never gave way to 1 . One day the father decided to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He 2 his son to buy some meat in town. When the son got what his father wanted, he turned 3 and walked towards the town gate. Just then a man was coming from the outside. The gate wasnt 4 enough to let two men in and out at the same time. But 5 of them would give way to the other. They 6 straight face to face inside the gate hour after hour. But the father was worried. What shall I do? My son hasnt 7 yet. I cant wait any longer. He wanted to know what the 8 with his son was. So he left his friends at home, and he himself went to town to look for his son. You may first take the 9 home for my friends. Let me stand here against him 10. He said to his son when he knew what had happened.( ) 1. A. one B. another C. other D. others( ) 2. A. hoped B. told C. let D. wished( ) 3. A. down B. over C. back D. off( ) 4. A. long B. wide C. high D. narrow( ) 5. A. either B. all C. both D. neither( ) 6. A. stood B. went C. lay D. walked( ) 7. A. gone B. bought C. returned D. been( ) 8. A. wrong B. accident C. thing D. matter( ) 9. A. meat B. dinner C. bread D. money( ) 10. A. politely B. instead C. safely D. kindly四阅读理解Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the environment(环境) are bad, it will affect(影响)our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. At that time we dont want to work, and we have to stay in bed and rest at home. So the environment is very important to us. Its germs that makes us ill. There are germs everywhere, They are very small and you cant find them with your own eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜).They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing. Germs can always be found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. Germs can also be found in air and dust(灰尘). If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs will go into all of your boby, and you will have pain everywhere. To keep us healthy, we should try to our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. This needs us to act together.( ) 1. The writer tells us that_.A. we like working when we are ill B. germs cant live in the water. C. we cant feel ill if the environment is bad. D. we feel well when the environment is good. ( ) 2. Germs are_.A. very small things that you cant see with your eyes.B. the things that dont effect people. C. the things that you can find with your eyes.D. the things that are very big.( ) 3. Where can germs be found? They can be found_.A. on the small thing B. in air and dustC. only in dirty water D. everywhere( ) 4. How will you feel if germs go into the finger that is cut?A. I will feel nothing. B. I wont mind.C. I will feel tense. D. I will feel painful.( ) 5. From the passage we know that_.A. environment doesnt affect our life B. we dont need to improve our environment C. germs may make us ill D. if the environment is better, germs will be more.【10月3号 要完成的作业任务】听读任务:Listening and Speaking课文 要求家长签字有效 家长签字:_DIY Exercises:一 预习课文,从文中找出下列词组的英文。1. 犯错_ 2. 我最兴奋的一天_3. 在新年舞会上_ 4. 合计,总计_5. 从空中_ 6. 参加_7. 在的末端_ 8. 成对地_9. 学校乐队_ 10. 属于_ 二请根据课文内容完成下列句子。1. First, students m_ around the streets.2. Then, students formed big c_ and started dancing.3. A helicopter flew over the people and took a photo from the a_.4. The school b_ played many of Bens favourite songs.5. Ben also reported that they schools girls volleyball team won their last game. He said c_.6. Li Jie has won first prize in the English speech c_.7. Li Jie said he has the h_ of reading English for half an hour every morning.8. Liu Mei wanted to know whether Li Jie was n_ before the speech.三完形填空 The difference between life in one country and that in another is quite often 1 the difference between city life and village life in 2 country. In an English village everybody 3 everybody else. They know what time you get up, what time you go to bed and what you usually have 4 dinners. If you want any help, you will always get it and be glad to help anyone else in return. In a large city 5 London, there are many things and places for people to see and to go to. But people often dont know each other 6 . It sometimes happens that you have 7 seen your next-door neighbour, dont know his name or anything about him.People living in London are often very 8 , especially 9 . Many of them usually spend evenings, weekends and holidays in the country. If you walk through a street in London on a Sunday, it is almost like 10 towns.( ) 1. A. not so big as B. so big as C. not big as D. as big as( ) 2. A. same B. the same C. different D. a different( ) 3. A. needs B. knows C. helps D. calls( ) 4. A. at B. in C. for D. with( ) 5. A. like B. as C. of D. in( ) 6. A. good B. better C. best D. well( ) 7. A. ever B. already C. never D. no( ) 8. A. lonely B. alone C. happy D. tired( ) 9. A. before work B. at work C. after work D. by work( ) 10. A. a noisy B. a quiet C. a small D. an empty四阅读理解Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant . He and the servant loved wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that. One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison (毒药) and some nice food in the house. You must take care of them.” With these words, he went out. But the servant knew that what the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldnt find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself. ( ) 1. In the story, _ liked wine and good food very much. A. the rich man B. the servant C. both A and B D. neither A and B ( ) 2. The rich man knew that it was _ that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food. A. the cat B. himself C. nobody D. the servant ( ) 3. The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because _. A. there was in fact poison in the bottles B. did not want the servant to drink his wine C. he wanted to kill the cat D. he wanted to kill the servant ( ) 4. In fact, _ ate all the nice food and drank the wine. A. the servant B. cat C. the rich man D. nobody ( ) 5. From the story, we know that the servant is very _. A. lazy B. bad C. clever D. kind五句型转换1. Last week was a very interesting week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ last week?2. After that, we took part in some activities. (改为同义句) After that, we _ _ some activities.3. There were many students from different schools.-about 400 in all. (改为同义句) There were many students from different schools.-about 400 _ _.4. These days students can take part in lots of activities after school. (改为同义句)These days students can take part in _ activities after school. 5. At the end of the day, we were all very tired. (改为同义句) At the end of the day, we all _ _ _.【10月4号 要完成的作业任务】听读任务:Language 课文 要求家长签字有效 家长签字: _DIY Exercises: Language一 预习课文,从文中找出下列词组的英文。1. 体育编辑_ 2. 立刻;马上_3. 尽快_ 4. 开始做某事_5. 银行抢劫犯_ 6. 新总统_7. 由于;因为_ 8. 降落在_9. 出生于_ 10. 根据报纸的报道_11.快餐店 _ 12. 着火_二请根据课文内容完成下列句子。1. Ben said they need a s_ editor.2. Joyce said they ought to e_ one right away.3. Joyce said they should choose one as soon as p_.4. Ben mentioned that they need b_ for their recorder.5. Joyce said that they ought to discuss that with the others before they started to p_ the newspaper. 6. Tony wanted to say that because of the t_, no plants could land at the airport.7. According to the paper, a fast food restaurant was on f_ last night.三语法填空That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael walked past the shop in the street corner. He stopped to l the front row of shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He 2 wanted to have a pair of shoes for his birthday.He walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him3 if she could. But he also knew very well she had 4 money. He decided not to go home 5,as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat down on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheels with his hands. Michael looked at him carefully and was 6 to see that the boy had no feet. He looked 7 at his own feet. “It is 8 better to be without shoes than 9 feet.” he thought. There was no reason for him to 10 so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in his life.( ) 1.A. see B. look at C. hear D. notice( ) 2. A. gladly B. nearly C. really D. quickly( ) 3. A. something B. what C. nothing D. anything( ) 4. A. little B. a little C. much D. lots of( ) 5. A. at once B. then C. just now D. at all( ) 6. A. pleased B. excited C. surprised D. interested ( ) 7. A. up B. through C. out D. down( ) 8. A. much B. still C. even D. less( ) 9. A. out of B. with C. without D. having no( ) 10. A. look B. feel C. appear D. seem四阅读理解CountryCapitalLanguage(s)IndiaNew DelhiHindi and EnglishCanadaOttawaEnglish and FrenchRussiaMoscowRussianEgyptCairoArabicSingaporeSingapore CityMalay, Chinese, Tamil and English根据上面的表格用一个或两个词完成下面句子:1. If you go to , maybe some people can understand you.2. Egyptians speak .3. If you go to , you must learn Russian well.4. The capital of Singapore is .5. From the form, we can see that is the most important language.五根据句意和首字母提示,请补全单词。1. We need to choose an e_ before we publish the newspaper.2. Lets d_ the matter some time.3. Read the t_ of the article then youll understand what has happened.4. Hu Jintao is the p_ of our country, right?5. Please pick him up at the a_. Hell arrive at 6 p.m.六句型转换1. You should tell your teacher about it at once. (改为同义句) You _ _ tell your teacher about it at once.2. Students should obey their teachers. (变为一般疑问句) _ _ _ _ _ ?3. Ought they to let the dog come in? (作否定回答) _ _, _ _ _ _.4. Should we go now? (作肯定回答) _, _ _.5. We should buy her a gift. (变为否定句) _ _ _ _ _ _.【10月5号 要完成的作业任务】 家长签字: _DIY Exercises: Writing & More practice一 预习课文,从文中找出下列词组的英文。1. 与某人讨论_ 2. 看起来有点儿紧张_3. 计划、打算做某事 _ 4. 感觉不舒服_5. 上诊所去_ 6. 发高烧_7. 某人去某地的路上_ 8. 课间休息_9. 一点儿也不_10. 感到寂寞_11. 相处得好_12. 继续学习_13. 因为这个原因_14. 好榜样_二请根据课文内容完成下列句子。1. Lie Ye felt sick. He went to the c_. 2. Sally likes to read books. She was on her way to the library to r_ the books.3. At b_, Jia Ming ran to the sports field to play football.4. Last month, Mr Adams joined the English d_.5. Mr Adams hasnt felt l_ at all since he arrived.6. Sally asked Mr Adams if he has e_ taught Chinese students before.7. Mr Adams thinks the students are very p_.8. Mr Adams says he is going to k_ on studying Chinese.9. Mr Adams wants to be a good e_ for his students.10. Mr Adams and his students g_ on very well【Writing & More practice能力检测】一 单项选择(15题)( ) 1. Guangzhou is a beau


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