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高中英语必修三Unit Three reading学案教师寄予:The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. 要领先的秘诀就是要先开始。开始做事的秘诀就是要先把复杂的排山倒海的事分做能做到的一件件小事,然后着手去做第一件。课前自主学习I词汇1.冒险n._冒险的adj._冒险者n._冒险地adv._2.小说n._小说家n_作家n._3.说明v._会计师n._会计工作n._4.耐性n._有耐性的adj._病人n._5.出生地n._生日n._出生率n._6.允许v._许可证n._许可n._同义词v._7.发现v._同义词v._ _有花点的adj._非常洁净的adj._II.短语1._培养 2._前进 3._偶然4._凝视 5._做出解释 6._正相反7._冒险 8.衣衫褴褛_ 9._至于10._大量的 11._打赌 12._正要做13._迷失在 14._在某人的左侧 15._事实上16._一个半小时 17._等点菜18._说实话 19._关心 _ 允许某人做某事III预读课文并找到下列问题答案1. Where is Henry from?a. Britain b.America c. France d.Europe2. Which is true according to the text?a.Henry knew London well. b.Henry landed in Britain by chance.c. Both brothers felt Adams was a silly man. d.Henry was glad to accept money from the brothers.3.Why did the waiter look down on Henry?a.Because he was in rags and the waiter thought he had no money.b.Because he was an American.c.Because he was a poor man.d. Because he didnt look like gentleman.IV重点句子1. Have you ever made a bet with a friend? If so, what did you bet on?2. .He is lost in London.3. Permit me to lead the way, sir.4. As a mater of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.5. His eyes stare at what is left of the brothers dinner on the table.6. I wondered, Mr. Adams, if youd mind us asking a few questions.7. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.8. And it was the ship that brought you to England.课堂讲解I课文理解1.Do comprehending 1 on page192.Do comprehending 2 on page 193.Do comprehending 3 on page 194.回答预读部分问题 a.How did Henry Adams come to England? b. Where did Henry work before? How much did he have? c. What did the two gentlemen give Henry? d. When can Henry open the letter.?5.课文缩写填空Here is a most incredible_about Henry Adams,an American business,who had some very bad luck. About a month ago,when he was _out of the way,he was _to sea by a strong wind. The next morning he was_by a ship.He earned his_by working as an un-paid hand,which _his appearance. So,as a matter of fact, he landed in Britain_and he was lost in London. He had no money and did not know what he should do. Then he was called to a house. Two rich brothers asked him several questions and gave him a letter. _,he felt very_when he was tell that he couldnot open it _two oclock.II. 课堂考点探究1. I wonder,Mr.Adams,if youd mind us asking a few questions.(。)I wonder if /whether “请问你是否?”可以提出要求,为礼貌的表达方式。另外I wonder what/when/how/why +从句I wonder how(where,whether)+to do。_.(不知你是否给我一些建议。)_.(我纳闷你是怎么迷路的?)相关联想 It is no wonder that=No wonder that 难怪 There is no question that毫无疑问 There is no doubt肯定 There is no need to do sth 没有必要做某事 It is useless/no use doing something.做某事 没有 用处. It is no good doing something. 做某事没有好处 . (1)These shoes look very good. I wonder_ . A.how much cost they B. how much do they cost C.how much they cost D. how much are they cost 2.Well,towards nightfall, I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.( ) find oneself 发现自己来到某处。发现自己处于某种境地。 When the day broke,_in a small village at the foot of the mountain.(天亮时,我们发现自己来到了那座山脚下的一个小村子里。)_(他苏醒后,发现自己在医院里。)Mr.Smith found his wife_by letters and_very worried. A.surrounding;looked B. surrounded;looked C. surrounding;looking D.surrounded; looking 3.And it was the ship that brought you to England.( 是那只把你带到英国来的。) 这是一个_.强调句的句型是_. (1)可用来强调主语,宾语,状语。被强调部分指认时,用who 或that。宾语用whom.指或情况时,用that,被强调部分是时间或地点状语时,不能用when or where,只能用that. It was in the park_he met an old friend yesterday. It was yesterday_he met an old friend in the park. (2)强调主语时,who or that后面的谓语动词人称和数要与被强调的部分保持一致。 It is I who/that_your true friend. (3)该结构可以强调主语从句,宾语从句,或状语从句。但不能强调since,as ,why,although 引导的从句。It was not until I finished the world-famous works that I went to bed. (4)如果强调的是特殊疑问句,要用特殊疑问词。 (where,when,what)+is/was +it +句子结构。 -Where was it that you saw the man?It was at the bookstore that I saw the man.-Who was it that you wanted to see? -It was Tom that I wanted to see. 4.The next morning ,Id just about given myself up for lost when I spotted by a shop. When 为并列连词,意为“正在这时” be just about to dowhen be on the point of doingwhen be doingwhen There were some chairs left over _everyone had sat down. A. when B. until C. that D.where He was about to tell me the secret_someone patted him on the shoulder. A. as B. until C. while D.when 课下自主作业 单词拼写 1.He had no money with him and had to earn his_(船费)by doing jobs on ship. 2.The sunrise is a beautiful _.(景象) 3.Only one man s_the accident. 4.I can make a b_that our team will win. 5.We are not P_to swim in the river. It s too dangerous. 6.After three hours of waiting for the train, our p_finally ran out. 7.His amade us surprised. 8.Jenny has just bought a new skirt with s_. 9.On the c_,I dont like the way youre talking. 10.Do you like a_in your life? II. 完成句子 1我正要放弃,这时我被一艘船发现了。I_give myself up,_by a ship. 2. 在这家电影院里,抽烟是不允许的。_in this cinema. 3. 她看上去很好处,但实际上是很难与她相处的。She appears to be friendly._,she ia hard to get along with. 4.我是偶然找到那丢的钱包的。_,I found the missing wallet. 5. 盯着一位年轻女子是不礼貌的。It isnt polite to_a young girl. III.单项填空 1.I drove to Shang for the car show last week.Is that_you had a few days off? A. why B. When C. what D.where 2.Dont be angry with him. He made the mistake_. A. in common B.on purpose C. by accident D. in a hurry 3.Dont be afraid of asking for help_it is needed. A . unless B. since C. although D. when 4.When the thief found the police already_him,he ran away quickly. A. realized B. known C. spotted D. started 5_,the food here doesnt agree with me. A. To honest B. To be honest C. Be honest D. Honesting 6.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found_in the kitchen. A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked 7.Though it is raining ,I _it will turn out fine. A. expect B. Hope C. imagine D. bet 8 I _get on the bus when I heard someone calling me from behind. A. was to B. was going to C. would D. was about to

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