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2014年全国中考英语汇编整理阅读理解(任务型)(2014重庆A)V. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共6分)阅读下文并回答问题。 Some time ago, an old businessman had a large store in Boston. He wanted a boy to work for him, and he put an advertisement in the newspapers. The next morning, many boys came to the old mans office, asking for the job. w W w .X k b 1.c O m There was a post (柱子) by his desk, and there was a nail (钉子) in it. He took a walking stick and said, “Everyone has three chances. If anyone can hit that nail on the head with this stick more than once, I will give him the job.” The boys thought it was very easy. They all tried, but nobody could make it. So the old man said, “Im sorry I cant take any of you,” and they left. He kept the advertisement in the papers, and the next morning many more boys came, and among them he saw a thin boy who had been there the day before. The boy hit the nail successfully for three times. The old man felt surprised and asked how he did that. “Yes,” said the boy, “ I failed yesterday, but I thought that if I kept on trying a while, I could do it. So I went home and practiced hitting a nail with a stick till I could do it, and I got up very early this morning, and tried again.” The old man said, “You are the boy for me,” and gave him the job. Whatever the boy had to do, he tried to do his best. It was not very long before he became the best clerk in the store.66. Did the thin boy get the job at last? _67. What did the old man have in Boston? _68. Where did the boy practice hitting a nail? _Key:66. Yes, he did. /Yes. 67. A large store. 68. At home. /In his home. (2014河北)九、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成76-80题。In todays world of mobile phones, most people have at least one time-telling tool with them. Since these small machines are so common, will people stop wearing the 500-year-old watches? According to some people, yes. A teenager says its unnecessary to wear a watch. Many young people agree-and use their mobile phones to tell time. Louis Galie, apresident, said that fewer young people wear watches today than five years ago. http:/w ww.xkb 1.comHowever, watchmakers say that watches get popular again when people reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they want to spend money on a nice time-telling tool which doesnt just keep a good time. For this reason, the watch industry has become an accessory business (配件业) in recent years. Todays _ offer a lot of uses that meet the need of almost any personality (个性). They can be used as compasses (指南针), calendars, and even USB driversPeople are always trying their best to create new kinds of watches. A certain watchmaker business watches that dont even look like watches. Their popular model uses different color lights to tell the time. Another watchmaker business, make a “handless” watch, using a ring of circles to keep time. This watch makes people talk a lot about modern watches. Whether a watch express fashion sense, creative ability of a love of sports, people want their time-telling tools to be beautiful, fashionable and practical. All in all, a watch has become more important than the time it tells. X k B 1 . c o m76题完成句子;77题简略回答问题;78题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题纸上;79题找出并写出全文的主题句;80题将文中画线句子译成汉语。76. Many young people agree that its unnecessary to _. 77. When do watches get popular again according to watchmakers? _ 78. _ 79. _ 80. _ Key:76. wear a watch/wear watches 77. When people reach their 20s and 30s, watches get popular again. 78. watches 79. A watch has become more important than the time it tells. 80. 人们一直/总是在努力创造/设计/制造新型/种类的手表。(2014天津)七、任务型阅读(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。Do you know that each child in school catches six to ten colds every year? Though there is no cure for colds, there are some suggestions for you to avoid getting a cold.First, you can avoid catching a cold by practicing healthy habits. Begin by eating healthy foods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink milk and juice. Other healthy habits include getting plenty of sleep at night and lots of exercise.Next, you should try to avoid contact with the viruses that cause colds. If you can, stay away from large crowds. When people cough(咳嗽) and sneeze(打喷嚏), the cold virus goes into the air. Do not share a drinking cup, fork, or spoon with someone else because that could spread the virus. Washing you hands is also a good way not to catch a cold. The cold virus may be on the things like telephones and money. Shaking another persons hand could even spread the virus. By washing your hands, you can stop the virus from infecting(传染). xKb 1.Com Following the suggestion above until doctors find a way to stop the viruses that cause colds.76. Each child in school catches_ colds every year.77. Though there is no cure, there are some _ for you to avoid getting a cold.78. When people cough and sneeze, the cold virus _ the air.79. Youd better not share a drinking cup with someone else because _.80. By washing your hands, you can _ from infecting you.Key:76. Six to ten/ 6 to 10 77. suggestions 78. goes into 79. that could spread the virus 80. stop the virus(2014重庆B卷)V. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共6分)阅读下文并回答问题。At the age of four, Allman fell off a train and his eyes were badly hurt. Since then, he couldnt see anything. It would be wonderful to see again, but bad luck may not be always bad.In fact, although Allman became blind, he learnt to love his life more. But he had a hard time before he was successful. http:/w ww.xkb 1.com The hardest lesson was to believe in himself and it had to start with the simplest things. One day a girl gave Allman a baseball. He thought she was laughing at him and he was hurt. “I cant use this,” he said. “Take it with you and roll () it around,” the girl smiled and said. Her words got into his head. “Roll it around!” By rolling the ball Allman could hear where it went. This gave him an idea to do something he never thought of: playing baseball. Years after that, he invented a successful game of baseball for the blind. They called it ground ball. From then on, Allman began to smile at life and achieved more dream.66. Did Allman become blind after falling off the train? _67. Who gave Allman a baseball one day? _68. What did they call the game of baseball for the blind? _Key:66. yes, he did. 67. A girl. 68. They called it ground ball. /Ground ball.-欢迎登陆明师在线浏览更多的学习资讯!-

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