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高三寒假自主学习检测英语试卷Grammar and Vocabulary25.Everyone thinks he will make a name for himself some day because he has all the qualities necessary( )success.A. to B.with C.on D.for28.-I had tried many times,but still failed in the experiment.-Dont be discouraged .( )and you will surely meet success.A.Making a bit more effort B. To make a bit more effortC.A bit more effort D.If you make a bit more effort 40.( ) ,I think ,the problems can be settled in no time.A.A bit more efforts B.Keep up your spirits C.If you double your effort D.Making greater efforts 30.Sorry I am late ,but you cannot imagine ( )great trouble I took to find your house.A.what B.how C.why D.when34.Nearly half a million peope are believed ( )their homes as a result of the disaster.A.to leave B.to be left C. to be leaving D.to have left46.the remain of adventurers private airplane were reported ( ) ,but the adventurer remained missing.A.being found B.to be found C.having found D.to have been found35.The slience of the library is sometimes broken by a sudden cough or the sound of pages( ).A.turning B.turned C. being turned D.having turned38.Exciting as its special effect are ( ),there is too much violence in the movie.A.to watch B.to be watched C.watching D.being watched41.( ) is known to us all is that London will host the 2012 Olympic Games.A.It B. Which C. As D. What 43.The suggestion they had all objected to ( ) to be effective.A.proving B.proves C.had proved D.proved44.Experts say that the rate at which one ages ( ) from person to person and is usually influenced by a number of factors.A.varing B.varied C.is varied D.varies 47.Though measures have now been taken to prevent further price hikes, many people remain ( )about the rising cost of food.A. concerning B. to concern C.concern D.concerned48.Generally,( ) to a university in the USA, foreign students need to prove their good commend of English.A.admitting B.admitted C.to be admitted D.being admitted 51 Knowing the meaning of a word is one thing;yet using it both grammatically and communicatively properly is quite ( ).A.much B.another C.little D.many 52.As the visiting prime minister puts it, chinas influence in the world will continue to strengthen ( ) its economy grows.A.with B.until C.as D.before53.-Its a lovely day ,isnt it?-Yes, I love ( ) when the weather is like this. Why not take a walk along the garden?A.this B.that C.it D.one 答案:25 D固定搭配28 C 和 40 C 有and前面是祈使句,把and 换成逗号前面就是If的条件句30 A 缺少took的宾语34 D 46 D be believed/reported就是已经发生了的所以用完成时35 C of 介词后面跟ing形式38 A 还原成为 Special effects are exciting to watch.41 D 缺少主语,是主语从句缺主语.43 D The suggestion they had all objected to 是一个定语从句!44 D the rate at which one ages 是个定义从句.47 D 固定be concerned about 48 C 是表示目的的51 B is one thing is quite another52 C 是伴随着的!53 C love/hate/like/dialike/appreciate+it +when/ifStarvation 饿死,挨饿Phenomenon 现象;奇迹;杰出的人才Destructive adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的pull the plug 拔掉插头提供某人某物 provide sb with sthoffer sb sth supply sb with sth 举例(idiom) for instanceAllow sb sth专注于 (idiom) be wrapped up in打招呼(v) greetRecognize 认出,承认be borne(bear的过去分词) in mind kept in mind arrival 发明,普及Translation*长期远走他乡的人难免会感到孤独。(avoid)*你认为商店里买的东西比网上买的东西质量好吗?(superior)*不管西医发展多快,传统中医扔将在防病治病方面发挥重要作用。(no matter)Key!*Those who have been away from home for a long time cant avoid feeling lonely.*Do you think the quality of the goods are superior to that of those bought online.*No matter how fast the Western medicine develops Chinese medicine still play an important role in preventing and treating disease.PRACTICE 11* ( ) is likely to be built here?A .Do you think what B .What do you think C .What you think D. You think what*Such a child as you ( ) ticket.A .need not a B .doesnt need a C . neednt get D .needs no *They reached a farm house , and in front of ( )flowa a river.A .which B . it C. what D.where*Would you please ( ) the listening comprehension script until after you have listened to the recording?A. dont read B.dont to read C. not to read D. not read*( ) we eat for breakfast has a great effect on our health, many students skip breakfast for various reasons.A.What B. In spite of what C. Thought what D.Althought*( ) to them all that John had broken his promise ( ) he would give them a rise.A.As;which B. What; that C . It ; that D.It ;which*In writing ,one should always try to make ones meaning as clear as possible in ( ).A. simple way as possible B . as simple way as possible C. as simple a way as possible D. possible simple way*All those ( ) to see the exhibition get off the bus at the next stop.A.not going B . didnt go C. who not going D. arent going Key!B 只有know是特殊的(Do you know what)其他的话都是what do you think/believe/.D 主语是a child ;need做情态动词时后面是原型;need是实意动词时后面是个名词。C 由于有and说明是另外一句话那么肯定不用带词that、which,那就用whatD do!C In spite of 不放在句首C It was/is known to sb that句型,表示“某人知道。”,在这句话中意思是:“他们知道。某件事”,是哪件事呢?that后面的Bob had broken his promise是最主要的一部分,“鲍勃没有遵守诺言”这件事,什么样的诺言呢?that引导同位语从句:he would give them a rise ”鲍勃会给他们一个提升”这样一个诺言。这里是同位语从句,而不是定语从句。所以不选AC so/as/too/how/however+adj.+a+n.A not going (是定语哦!) Tranlastion:*请记得读完之后把杂志放回原处。(where)他的母亲看上去比实际年龄小的多。(than)每当他们走到湖边都会想起他们一起玩耍的欢乐时光。(remind)第二个问题与孩子们的安全有直接关系,所以必须立即解决。(concern)Key!*Please remember to put the magazine where it was after reading it.*His mother looks much younger than she really is./His mother doesnt look her age.*Every time they walk to the bank , they are reminded of the happy time they played together.*The second question directly concerns the childrens safty,so we must solve it immediately.TEST 11 Listening comprehensionYou didnt care for that restaurant, are you ? 你不喜欢那家餐馆的是吗?标准 standard2.Grammer and Vocabulary*-What were you doing when Tom phoned you ?-I had just finished my work and( ) to take a shower.A. had started B. start C. have started D. was starting *A modern city has been set up in ( )was a wasteland ten years ago.A. what B.which C. that D.where *Helen was much kinder to her younget son than the others,( ) ,of course ,made the other envy him.A. who B.that C. what D.which *( )man must fear when traveling in space is radiation from the sun.A. Which B. How C. What D. That *-Hi, Tom. Any idea where Mary is ?-She ( )in the reading room. I saw her there just now.A.should be B. should have been C. shall be D.might have been*The speech the minister made on TV( )the education reform made both teachers and students excited.A. being concerned B. to concern C. concerned D.concerning Key!D 正准备去洗澡,过去进行时。A 缺少主语!D which指代这件事情C when traveling in space 是伴随的可以不看。所以句子是缺少宾语A should/must/may be 而D是指过去发生的事情。不是一种判断D 是一个定语从句concerning =aboubroke up with sb 与某人绝交put sb down 公车(下车)/羞辱某人maintain +that(maintain 是什么意思) 认为acquainted with 开始了解;开始认识reason 推理attain this goal reach this goalTranalation !*召开会议 *老同学 *研究与观察表明,随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关心生活的质量。(concern)Key!* allow a meeting * former classmate* Researchs and observation show that people are more and more concerned about the quality of life with the living standard increasing.PRACTICE 121 Grammer* On the contrary, I think it is John, ( ) you, ( ) to blame.A.more than ;that B. less than ;who are C. rather than ;that is D. other than ;is * I would appreciate it very much ( ) you could change your plan a little bit to make it more workable.A.if B. that C. whether D. unless* He regularly checked his secret drawers, ( ) were stored some precious paintings and jewels.A. that B. which C. what D. where* Proper first aid can save a seriously injured person ,especially when he or she is bleeding heavily or ( ).A. has poisoned B. was poisoned C. has been poisoned D.is poisoning * After five aid hours drive, they reached ( )they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of.A. that B. where C. which D. what * He isnt like his brother ( ) in appearance ( ) in character.A. both ,and B. neither ;nor C. not only ;but also D. either ;or* -( ) was it ( ) they discovered the entrance to the cave of the ancient painting? -Its a total coincidence.A. How; that B. What ; how C. When ; when D. Where; thatKEYC rather than 是而不是的意思,it is that 。(句型)A hate/like/dislike/appreciate/love + it +when/ifD 是一个倒装句some precious paintings and jewels were stored in which(where )C 是被动的又是过去发生的只能选CD (they thought )was 句子缺主语!D 因为both and 只能用在肯定句中,英语中又没有双重否定的。A 后面回答说只是一个巧合,说明是怎么发现那个洞的,是一个疑问形式的强调句!Tanalation!* be conscious ( ) * 我们将作进一步的讨论然后再做出最终结论。( before)*许多人从事体育运动不仅是为了保持健康,也是为了缓解压力。(not only)*从某种程度上来说,一个国家的国际地位取决于该国的经济实力!(depend on)Key!*of* We will have a further discussion before we draw the final conclusion.* Many people take physical exercise/ have sports not only to keep fit/ healthy, but also to relieve pressure/stress.* To some extent/ degree, the international position /status of a country depends on its/ her economic strength/ economic power.PRACTICE 13* -I dont care what people think of me .- Well., you ( )A. will B. need C. should D.may * -Do you believe that it is wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children?-No ,that is _they are mistaken.A. when B. what C. where D. how * Alice wont eat it unless she is really hungry ,_ shell eat almost anything.A. when B. in which case C. in that case D. in which * -Did both teams play well in the match ?-Yes, _ team tried its best to beat _.A. Either ,the other B. Any ,any other C. One ,another D. each , other * He never felt _ desire to read his sons diary.A. the slightest B. a slightest C. the slighter D. a slighter* Youve got to move with the times these days or you _ behind.A. have soon left B. will soon be left C. soon leave D. have soon been leftout of order/work 坏掉了;没电了obstacle 障碍物religious belief 宗教信仰imply 推测shipment 发货existing store 存货trade with 贸易;做生意Key!C 如果用B need 做情态动词的时候只用在否定句和疑问句中,need 做行为动词时在本句中是 You need not to care what people think of you .所以省略就是You need not to. C 如果是要用B的话,那么是mistake for whatB 因为中间是个逗号,所以是一句话,所以后面是个非限制性定语从句,用whichA either 是两个中的任何一个,两个中的另外一个就是the otherA feel/have the slightest desire/intention to do ( 一点都不想做某事)B 前面的have got to 不是完成时=have toTranslation!* 这位电影明星一出现在舞台上,就响起了暴风雨般的掌声。(moment)* 直到精疲力尽他才停止工作。(Not until )* 除了你自己没有人能决定你是上大学还是去工作。( whether)* 现代化的办公设备使得办公人员有可能高效得工作。( possible)* 经过医院的细心治疗,地震中受伤的人一个都没有死掉。( none)Key!* The moment the film star appeared on the stage, a storm of applause broke out.* Not until he was exhausted/tried out /worn out did he stop working.* Nobody but/except you can decide whether you should go to college or take a job.* The up-to-date/modern office equipment(U)/devices makes/make it possible for office workers to work with great efficiency/efficiently.* None of the people injured in the earthquake died after being carefully treated in the hospital/by the nurses.后面可以加完成时的动词? prospect at large _ the language(意思:用这种语言说) nutritionist advice against Key!admit/confess承认/deny/remember/forget/regret 前景在逃/详细的/普遍的 speak 营养学家 建议不做某事niece n.外甥女;侄女中央空调 central air-conditioning passionate 热情的 competent 能干的 PRACTICE 14* Another two days, _you can visit all the scenic sprots in our city.A. or B. and C. when D. so that * People just tried to do everything themselves at a time _ their income was small.A. as B. when C.that D.in which* While she was combing her hair, _ ,breaking to pieces.A.down fell the mirror B. down did the mirror fall C. down the mirror fell D . did the mirror fall down* Was it only _ you happened to read her diary _ you believed her honesty?A. till; then B. when; then C. when ; that D. that ,so that* The way employees _ has changed, with clerks salaries, _ automatically into their bank accounts.A. pay, paid B. paid , are paid C. are paid , paid D. are paying ,being paid* Newly bought car is just wonderful, _the colour.A. except B. besides C. included D. except for* Is this the hotel _ those Americans _ last Sunday?A. that lived B. where stayedC. in which lived D. the one stayed* _ little children cant afford _ much money.A. So.such B. Such so C. So so D. Such suchKey!B and (and 前面是可以有,的!)B at a time 在那时,句子是一个时间状语从句,所以whenA 介词后面是完全倒装C 只有你读了她的日记你才相信她是诚实的(是一个疑问句的强调)C employee是被付给。D 是不同类的。用expect for 同类的用expectB live 是长期的,stay是短期的B so little the children,such little childrenPOINT*门大敞着 (open) The door is wide(副词)open. (wide 是个副词!) *expect /expect for 放在句首只能用expect for ,except是指同类expect for 是指不同类。* advocate 支持者,鼓吹者* 把A比作B compare A to B* hemisphere 半球* stimuli 刺激* genetically adv. 从遗传学角度;从基因方面Translation!l 对我们公司的产品感兴趣的人可以与我们联系。(contact)l 使我吃惊的是,当他出现在舞台上时他一点都不紧张。(appear )l 如果人们用电器的时候小心一点,许多事故是可以避免的。(avoid)l 万一发生意外的事情,你打算如何处理?(do with )l 上海的交通尽管还不尽如人意,但不可否认已经得到了很大的改善。(improve)Key!*Those who are interested in the products made in our companyplease contact us.*To my surprise,he was not a bit nervous when he appeared on the stage. *If people are more careful in using electric appliances,many accidents can be avoided. *What will you do with it in case something unexpected happens?*Though the traffic in Shanghai is not very satisfactory/ as good asone wishes, there is no denying/ no one can deny that it has improved a lot. PRACTICE 15The old man has three children, _is still in the army.A. the oldest of which B. none of them C. and the oldest of them D. and the oldest of whomThe accident _ last night was a terrible disaster.A.occurring B. broke out C. that was occurred D. which occurredThe children went outside to play as if nothing _ .A. happened B. had been happened C. was happening D. had happenedAll newspapers _ the photos of the murderers who had killed the old man.A. carry B. will carry C. carried D. were carriedHe must have gone to Europe last year ,_ ?A. didnt he B. mustnt he C. neednt he D. hasnt he He must have gone to Europe ,_ ?A. didnt he B. mustnt he C. neednt he D. hasnt he When he was a child , he _swim in a river.A. dare not B. doesnt dare C. dared not D. dares not so There are twenty people in the medical team, _ .A. three nurses included B. which including three nursesC. that includes three nurses D. three of them are nursesThe more you give him , the _ he will do to you .A. better B. more good C. much good D. worse He never learned a foreign language, _ .A. he doesnt think he has to B. nor does he think he has to C. neither he thinks he has to D. he thinks he has not to, eitherSuch problem _ air pollution and heavy traffic are becoming more andore serious.A. like B. as C. for D. of Key!C B的话是两句句子了,因为有them是一个主语,不是一个先行词,(所以句子一定要有一个连接词,比如and)D occur 没有被动,而A中的occuring是表示正在进行的D happen是没有被动的,因为前面是过去时了,后面就用过去完成时C carry 要用主动,因为newspapers是单数,所以A不对A 因为有一个时间词last night 所以就是过去时,didnt he?B 因为没有时间词,所以就用BC 首先是过去的,其次情态动词也有过去式A D 一个完整的句子中间要加and B的话要说which include three nurses 而A选项是一个独立主格的形式!(补充独立主格!见下页!)B do good to 固定搭配,他是把good 提前了B neither/nor does he think he has to A D没有连接词的问题B such as( 固定搭配 )独立主格结构主要用于描绘性文字中,其作用相当于一个状语从句,常用来表示时间、原因、条件、行为方式或伴随情况等。例如:表示时间The meeting being over, all of us went home. 开完会后我们都回家了。Her work done, she sat down for a cup of tea. 她干完了活,坐下来喝茶。表示条件The condition being favourable, he may succeed. 若条件有利,他或许能成功。表示原因


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