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冀教版2020届育华中学九年级英语二模试卷C卷一、 单项选择题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)The store is always full of_. Yes, each time I pass by, I find lots of people waiting in line outside. A . passengersB . customersC . villagers2. (2分)That small dog is Its so cuteA . meB . mineC . myD . I3. (2分)Its _ for students to worry about the exam, but they should learn to take it easy. A . importantB . heavyC . afraidD . natural4. (2分)_ Lily is only 13 years old, she knows 2000 English words.A . WhileB . NorC . ButD . Although5. (2分)Does she often get to school _?Yes, quite often.A . take a busB . by footC . by a taxiD . in her fathers car6. (2分)We _ wait until the light turns green when we cross the road. A . shouldB . couldC . might7. (2分)Nick was watching TV while his sister a book. A . was readingB . readsC . readD . is reading8. (2分) Whats in the glass? There _ some milk in the glass.A . isB . areC . hasD . have9. (2分)I the book Little Woman, but Ill let you read it first.A . havent readB . dont readC . wont read 10. (2分)Do you know _?Sorry, I dont know.A . whats the population of JapanB . what the population of France isC . how much of the population of Japan isD . how many is the population of France二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、c、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 It took Peter quite a while to find a place for his car, and in the end he had to 1it on a small street, a few minutes away from the dentists. As he got out, he looked at his watch. He would meet the dentist at five and he 2had half an hour. He walked into the square and sat down in a chair, to 3the failing sun.As he sat there, he 4the children playing. He was5to see a red car like his own come out of the street where he had parked. The car moved 6and soon disappeared(消失). Peter felt in his pockets for his keys, but they were not there.My car! he shouted in a loud 7. He got up and ran out of the square, then down the small street. He couldnt see his car at first, and then he found it was 8a larger one, with the keys on the roof of his car.By the time he got to the dentists, it was after five. A very strange thing 9to me, he said to the dentist to explain why.Dont 10about that, said the dentist. I just got here myself.(1)A . put B . leave C . give D . drive (2)A . also B . ever C . still D . even (3)A . like B . finish C . enjoy D . wait (4)A . watched B . looked C . see D . make (5)A . pleased B . surprised C . angry D . worried (6)A . slowly B . lovely C . sadly D . fast (7)A . sound B . voice C . speed D . laugh (8)A . behind B . in front of C . between D . at the back of (9)A . worked B . passed C . heard D . happened (10)A . worry B . worried C . think D . talk 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)12. (6分)阅读理解 Its important for us to keep healthy. But in fact, many people have health problems. Many people fall ill and many children become heavier.As we grow older, we experience many life changes, such as job changes, children leaving home and physical (身体的) changes. How we grow from these changes is the key to staying healthy.These ways can help us keep our physical and emotional (情绪的) health. First, we must keep away from smoking and drinking. Second, we should do exercise every day. We can walk to school instead of taking a bus or a car. Third, we shouldnt eat too much fast food. We can eat more fruit and vegetables.Many studies show that people always feel better when theyre with friends than when theyre alone. So be sure to make some friends.Staying healthy is important at any age and that doesnt change just because we have a few more white hairs.(1)The writer mainly tells us _ has something to do with our health. A . what we likeB . what we experienceC . how we go to schoolD . how we look(2)From the second paragraph, we can know if we want to keep healthy we must learn to face _. A . life changesB . health problemsC . food problemsD . exercise problems(3)The writer tells us_ are the ways to stay healthy in the third paragraph. A . eating more fruit and doing exerciseB . stopping smoking and drinkingC . exercise and good eating habitsD . A,B and C(4)If we want to feel better, we can_. A . see doctors oftenB . exercise more and drink lessC . keep our life fullD . make more friends(5)The passage mainly tells us_. A . how to keep physical and emotional healthB . three ways to stay thinC . how to feel wellD . staying healthy is very important13. (6分)阅读理解 Mary complained to her father about how hard she thought life was. She didnt know how to make it and wanted to give up. Marys father took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and put each on a big fire. Soon the pots started to boil(沸腾). In one he put carrots, in the second he put eggs, and in the last he put coffee powder. He watched them boil, without saying a word. Mary waited, wondering what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he turned off the fire. He took the carrots and eggs out and put them on different plates. Then he poured the coffee in a cup. He asked, Mary, what do you see?He asked Mary to touch the carrots. She found that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. She saw a hard-boiled egg after taking off the shell. Finally, he asked her to taste the coffee. Its rich smell brought a smile to her face. Each of them had the same trouble, but each reacted differently. The carrot was strong and hard at first, but it became soft and weak. The egg was weak, too. But after going through the boiling water, its inside became hard. The coffee powder changed the water, and created something new. Which one is you? he asked Mary. When trouble comes to you, are you a carrot, an egg, or the coffee powder?(1)Mary complained to her father about . A . how sad her school life wasB . how bad the weather was recentlyC . how hard she thought life wasD . how unlucky she was recently(2)Whats the meaning of the underlined word rich in Paragraph 4? A . Having a lot of money.B . Strong and pleasant.C . Containing a lot of something.D . Full of interesting or important facts.(3)Which of the following is NOT true? A . The coffee powder changed the water into coffee.B . The hard-boiled egg used to be hard inside.C . The boiling water is the same challenge for the three.D . After going through the boiling water, the carrots became soft.(4)What does Marys father want to tell her the most? A . Hard carrots turn soft in boiling water.B . Learn from the hard-boiled egg when facing trouble.C . Always ask for help when you dont know what to do.D . If you cant change the situation,change yourself.14. (8分)阅读理解Students Training CenterENGLISHTime: Mon, Thurs. & Fri. 8:00 am 10: 00 amRoom: 305 Teacher: Mr. Li Tel: 68882305DRAWINGTime: Mon., Thurs. & Sun. 8:00 am 10:00 amRoom: 406 Teacher: Miss Deng Tel: 68882406COMPUTERTime: Tues., Wed. & Fri. 8:00 am 10:00 am2:00 pm 4:00 pmRoom: 608 Teacher: Mr. Hu Tel: 68882608SWIMMINGTime: Thurs., Sat.& Sun. 8:00 am 10:00 am3:00 pm 5:00 pm Place: Swimming poolTeachers: Miss Zhang & Mr. SongTel: 68882102(1)If Xiao Ming wants to learn how to use a computer, he can call the number . A . 68882305B . 68882608C . 68882406D . 68882102(2)Da Bao wants to learn drawing, then he must go to . A . Room 305B . Room 406C . Room 608D . Room 604(3)If you are free on Thursday afternoon, you can go to learn . A . EnglishB . drawingC . swimmingD . Computer(4)What time is Students Training Center open every day? A . 8:00 am-10:00 am.B . 2:00 pm-4:00 pm.C . 8:00 am-5:00 pm.D . 3:00 am-5:00pm.(5)Which of the following is right? A . Miss Deng and Mr. Zhang can teach you drawing.B . Mr. Li and Miss Zhang can teach you English.C . Miss Zhang and Mr. Hu can teach you how to swim.D . Mr. Hu can teach you how to use a computer.15. (10分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Every day new Inventions appear on the market. In recent years, a talking pillow (枕头)has been on sale in the UK. It has a speaker (扬声器) that can be connected to an MP3 player or a CD player. People can listen to music or radio programmes from their pillows when they sleep.The pillow is popular with people who have a snoring (打呼噜的) partner. It can play music to cover the sound of the snoring. In a way, it is helpful for people to keep a good relationship.The pillow is the most popular with students. Why? Because they prefer to listen to lessons before they sleep. They hope they will remember at least some of the information when they wake up.A US study shows students who receive information during sleep can remember what they learn. But some teachers dont like the new idea. They think the traditional ways of learning may help students learn better.(1)This passage mainly talks about _. A . a new inventionB . a new way of learningC . a new kind of foodD . how to use an MP3 player(2)What can people do when they sleep with a talking pillow? A . They can only listen to music.B . They can only listen to radio programmes.C . They can listen to music or radio programmes.D . They can stop their partner from snoring.(3)Some students like the pillow because they prefer to listen to _ before they sleep. A . musicB . lessonsC . radio programmesD . news(4)Some _ dont support the new idea of the pillow. A . scientistsB . parentsC . doctorsD . teachers(5)How many countries are mentioned in this passage? A . One.B . Two.C . Three.D . Four.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共17分)16. (17分)任务型阅读。 There is a new park near Andys home. Its fine today. Andy and his family are in the park now. On their left, there is a caf(咖啡馆). On their right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees around the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there are two signs(标识). One says, Dont swim in the lake! The other says, No fishing! But you can go boating on the lake. There is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park. There is green grass and beautiful flowers in it. There are some small shops between the lake and the garden. The park is so nice. Andy and his family like it very much.(1)The weather is _ today. (2)There are many _ around the lake.(3)Where are Andy and her family? (4)Whats in the middle of the park? (5)将划线的句子译成汉语。 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)What were they doing from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. last night?They _ (use) the Internet.六、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)18. (25分)连词成句 (1)books, can, how, I, the, keep, long (?)(连词成句) (2)your, for, thank. work, hard, you (.)(连词成句) (3)in, girl, is, gym, a, dancing, the, there (.).(连词成句) (4)never, on, we, play, the, must, street(.)(连词成句) (5)any, in, there, classroom, students, are, the (?)(连词成句) 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)假设你上周对班上两位同学做了一个关于如何学习的调查,结果如下。请你用英语简述调查结果,并发表你的观点;短文字数不少于80词,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。姓名白天晚上李乐上课专心听讲,认真记笔记,喜欢回答老师的问题花少量时间完成作业,早睡早起韩冲上课从来不记笔记,很少发言花大量时间做作业,导致他经常熬夜,第二天打瞌睡Last week I made a survey on how my two classmates study. Here are the results.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共17分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、六、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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