七年级下册Unit 3 Our animal friends.单元测试A卷.doc

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七年级下册Unit 3 Our animal friends.单元测试A卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Children, please help to some fruit first. Dinner will be ready soon.A . youB . yourC . yourselves2. (2分)She apologized to her friend for her mistakes. A . saidyesB . said noC . saidsorryD . said thanks3. (2分)He apologized her daughter breaking her piggy bank.A . to; forB . with; forC . to; at4. (2分)A woman, with her son appeared at the far end of the street.A . beggedB . satC . showed up5. (2分)Can I park my car here?No. Look at the sign No Parking. Its not to park here.A . disagreedB . neededC . allowed6. (2分)找出画线部分读音不同的单词( ) A . blueB . blindC . brightD . black7. (2分)I will always remember how this friendly dolphin rescued me.A . encouraged meB . helped meC . saved my life8. (2分)He woke up by a loud noise. A . started sleepingB . kept sleepingC . stopped sleepingD . enjoyed sleeping9. (2分)-When did the film star arrive _America, Jane?- Sorry, I dont knowA . atB . inC . onD . of10. (2分)I heard Mary _ the piano at that time. A . playB . playedC . playingD . to play二、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)11. (8分)阅读理解 It was Monday. Mrs Smiths dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.Considering that there was no better way, Mrs Smith took a piece of paper and wrote the following words in it, Give my dog half a pound of meat. Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently, Take this to the butcher(a person whose job is selling meat). And hes going to give you your lunch today. Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butchers. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the ladys handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at the paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers.But, the dog came again at four oclock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butchers more surprise, it came for the third time at six oclock, and brought a third piece of paper with it. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, This is a little dog. Why does Mrs Smith give it so much meat to eat today?Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words in it!(1)Mrs Smith treated her little dog quite .A . cruellyB . fairlyC . kindlyD . unfriendly(2)The dog found that .A . only the paper with Mrs Smiths words in it could bring it meatB . the butcher would give the meat to it whenever he saw itC . Mrs Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcherD . a piece of paper could bring it half a pound of meat(3)The underlined word customers means in Chinese. A . 顾客B . 动物C . 宠物D . 主人(4)How many times did the dog go to the shop the next day? A . Twice.B . Three times.C . Four times.D . Five times.12. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。(B)People sometimes like to read stories of dogs very much. They think that dogs are much cleverer than cats, sheep, cows or other animals in their homes.One of my close friends, Bob, has a very large police dog named Jack. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob and Jack have a walk in the park nearby. Jack likes these walk very much.One Sunday afternoon, I paid a visit to my friend. I stayed there for a long time and my friend and I had much more talk with each other than ever before. Soon it was time for them to take a walk in the park. We forgot that. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me. But I still paid no attention(注意) to him. I went on talking with my friend. At last, Jack could not wait any longer. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down in front of me again. But this time, he held my hat in his mouth. Suddenly, I understood what Jack meant and so did my friend.(1)How many people are there in this story? .A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(2)Jack .A . is a close friend of mineB . enjoys long walk in the park every Sunday afternoonC . has many close friendsD . enjoys talking in the room(3)Jack was worried because .A . he wanted to eat somethingB . it was Sunday afternoon againC . he was not feeling wellD . he wanted his master(主人) to take him for a walk(4)Jack took my hat in his mouth to show that .A . I should leave the house at onceB . he liked my hat very muchC . he was hungry and he tried to eat itD . he wanted to have a rest(5)Which of the following is true? .A . When Jack and l were talking, my friend didnt pay any attention to usB . When l was talking to my friend, Jack didnt pay any attention to usC . When my friend and l were talking, we didnt pay any attention to JackD . When my friend was talking to Jack, I paid attention to them三、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)阅读短文,然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词suddenly onto something pushed back swam friendly towards follow hugeLast month, I went to swim in the sea. I_ really far, past the rocks and out to sea. Then I saw _ moving towards me. It was _ and grey, with a large fin. It was a shark! I began to swim _, but he beach was too far away. The shark started to swim around me.I was really scared, _ another creature appeared next to me in the water. It was a dolphin! It _ me away from the shark. I sat on its back as it swam _ the beach.Soon we were near the beach. The shark did not _ us. As soon as I stepped _ the beach, the dolphin swam away. I will always remember how this _ animal saved my life.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)从方框AE中选出可以填入对话空白处的最佳选项。a. Yes, Ive got a map.b. What kinds of animals shall we see there?c. What do you know about it?d. Yes, thats right.e. Thats a good idea.A: We have to meet the others at 8:30 at the reserve(自然保护区), dont we?B: _A: Do you know how to get there?B: _Itll take us about two hours to get there by bus.A: _B: Its an area that protects lots of different animals.A: _B: Im not really sure. I know there are many different kinds of birds there and Im going to take my camera with me.A: _ What clothes are you going to wear?B: Well, if its wet, Ill wear my strong shoes and take my raincoat with me.A: So I will.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、三、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)13-1、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)14-1、

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