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高考英语18个非常典型的完形填空测试题完形填空是英语中最容易得分也是最容易丢分的题目,高考中的英语考试中成绩的差距往往在完形填空的题目上,今天给广大考生分享18道非常典型的英语测试题目,希望对同学们的英语学习有所帮助。1. _smoking here will be fined.A. Who B. Whomever C. Anyone D. Whoever2. After_ seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.A. which B. it C. what D. that3. _is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.A. ItB. AsC. That D. What4. He is always really rude, _is why people tend to avoid him.A. thatB. itC. thisD. which5. Mr. Smith is a painter, _I should also like to be.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. it6. According to the rules, students must not _their books during examinations.A. readB. watchC. noticeD. look at7. Remind him _ the window when he leaves. A. of closingB. closingC. to closeD. close8. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, _ some bananas and visited her cousin.A. bought B. buying C. to buyD. buy9. It was 10 oclock _ the front doorbell rang.A. whereB. when C. thatD. which10. _, we went for a swim.A. Being hotB. It being hotC. As it is hot D. It was hot11. Before he went abroad, he spent as much time as he _ English.A. could learningB. learned C. to learnD. could learn12. Did they all pass the driving test?No, _ only three of them who passed it.A. there was B. that was C. there were D. it was13. The “Two Cities” referred _ London and Paris.A. is to B. to beC. to are D. to going to be 14. This is the main use that the scientists make _ of natural resources.A. itB. which C. useD. /15. Mr. Smith is_ a good teacher_ we all respect.A. such, thatB. such, asC. so, that D. so, as16. If you want to go to see the movie,so _ I. A. do B. am C. will D. should17. Which do you enjoy _ your weekends, fishing or watching TV?A. spending B. to spend C. being spentD. spend18. Is there a shop around _ we can buy some toilet articles?A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what答案与简析 1. C smoking here做后置定语修饰主语anyone。若把smoking改为smokes, 那就选D。2. C after 在此处是介词,what(=the time that)引导宾语从句。3. B as引导的是定语从句,代表后面整句话的意思。若把逗号改为that, 就选A, it 是形式主语,that 从句为主语从句。4. D which 引导非限制性定语从句。假如把逗号改为句号或分号,就用It或That。5. B which 引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是表示职业身份的a painter。6. D 句意为“学生们考试时不能看书(作弊)”,不是读书的意思。7. C remind sb to do sth提醒某人去做某事;remind sb of sth使某人想起类似的人或事。8. A and连接了三个动词。9. B it在此指时间,when引导的是时间状语从句。若在10 o?蒺clock前加上at,就是强调结构了。10. B 前后主语不一致,不能选A;C项时态不符;句子之间没有连接词,不能选D。11. A 情态动词could 后本来有动词原形spend,只是被省略了。12. D 强调句型。13. C referred to是后置定语。14. D that the scientists make of是定语从句,关系代词that代表先行词use;make use of(利用)为固定短语。15. B 因respect缺宾语,是定语从句,先行词前有such,用关系代词as。若在respect后加上him,就选A。16. C 条件状语从句用的是一般现在时,后面的主句用一般将来时,用shall或will。17. B 指代fishing or watching TV的which才是enjoy的宾语,enjoy后是目的状语。18. C 这里的around不是介词而是副词,用where引导定语从句。(本试题来源自郑州英语培训 http:/www.zzyingyu.net)

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