北师大版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷.doc

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北师大版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)They should do exercises as _ as possible to keep _.A . more, healthyB . much, healthC . more, healthD . much, healthy2. (2分)(2015江西)Do you have any plans for tonight?Yes , I_ at the new Italian restaurant in town.A . eat B . have eatenC . ateD . am going to eat3. (2分)Look! David is helping his mother _ the room. A . is cleaningB . cleaningC . cleansD . clean4. (2分)Although I dont think your suggestion is perfect, Ill accept it_. Hope it can be helpful for you. A . for nowB . in silenceC . by heart5. (2分)_ is the most difficult of all the lessons. I agree. But its the most interesting.A . Lesson ThreeB . Lesson Third,C . The Three LessonD . Third Lesson6. (2分)They watch TV _.A . one a weekB . once a weekC . one the weekD . once week7. (2分) Is the room in the hotel dirty? No, its very . You can live in it.A . cleanB . busyC . quietD . small8. (2分)I really dont know _ my English. A . how to improveB . how improveC . to improve howD . what to improve9. (2分)My mom says my sister is similar _ me, but I think she is different _ me. A . to, fromB . as, fromC . to, toD . as, to10. (2分)She decided to visit Shanghai Expo for her summer vacation.A . goB . to goC . goingD . goes二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. I know how 1 you have all worked to prepare for this test,he said. And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to2 a B to anyone who would prefer not to takethe test.Many students jumped up to 3 the teacher and left the classroom. The teacher looked at the students left and said, Does anyone else want to get a B? This is your last 4 .Two more students decided to go.Seven students 5. The teacher then began to hand out the6. There were only three sentences typed on the paper,Congratulations! You have just 7 an A in this class. Keep believing in yourself.I never had a teacher like that,8 I think it is a test that any teacher could and should give. Students who are not9 in what they have learned are Bstudents at best(充其量).The same is10 in real life. The A students are those who believe in what they are doing because they have 11 both successes and failures. They have learned lifes lessons, either from normal education or from events in their lives, and have become12 people.Scientists say that by the age of eight, 80% of what we believe about 13 has already been formed. You are a big kidnow, and you 14 that you have some limits. However, there is 15 you cant do or learn or be.Sir Edmund Hillary, the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest said, Its not the mountain we face and conquer but ourselves.(1)A . luckily B . terribly C . quietly D . hard (2)A . offer B . pass C . show D . take (3)A . praise B . fight C . thank D . attack (4)A . chance B . trouble C . test D . idea (5)A . left B . remained C . came D . arrived (6)A . results B . presents C . papers D . books (7)A . given B . sent C . discovered D . received (8)A . and B . but C . or D . so (9)A . confident B . strict C . interested D . pleased (10)A . unusual B . impossible C . true D . special (11)A . broken out B . dreamed of C . learned from D . cared about (12)A . ruder B . cuter C . worse D . better (13)A . them B . you C . ourselves D . myself (14)A . decide B . realize C . forget D . imagine (15)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)12. (6分) Why do you think people who live in some hot countries eat very spicy(辛辣的)food? Is it because the spices make the food taste better? Is it just because their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents liked hot food,or is there some connection between spices and healthy food?Researchers from Cornell University think that it is because spice plants have some important chemicals(化学物质)These chemicals can kill bacteria(细菌)which spoil food“Most common spices can kill 75 to 100 percent of the bacteria in food,”explains one of the scientistsThe bacteria grow more easily and spoil food more quickly at higher temperaturesFor this reason,it is more difficult to keep food from spoiling in hot climates,Do you like your food spicy? Your answer probably tells something about the country you come fromIf you like spicy food,it is possible that hundreds of years ago,when there were no fridges,people in your country started using spices to keep the food from spoilingThe traditional spicy dishes helped those people to live longer,healthier livesToday,in a time of fridges,the spices just make the food taste good(1)The chemicals in spices keep food from spoiling by_A . making food taste betterB . making food hotterC . killing bacteria in foodD . preventing bacteria getting into food(2)Food goes bad more quickly in hot climates because_A . high temperature makes more bacteriaB . high temperature helps bacteria grow fasterC . bacteria get used to hot foodD . bacteria spoil food only at high temperature(3)According to the passage,spices are useful in an the following things except_A . replacing fridgesB . helping you to live longerC . helping to keep you healthierD . making your food taste better13. (8分)阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Homework is your teachers way of knowing how much you understand of whats going on in class. But it seems there is quite a lot of homework sometimes. Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less work.Make a Homework PlanMake sure you know exactly what to do. Write it down in your notebook.Start right away. Just because its called homework doesnt mean you have to do it at home. Use breaks between classes or lunch break in your school day. The more you get done in school, the less you have to do at night.Plan your time. Its very important especially when you have a lot of homework or activities.Choose Where You WorkWhere do you do your homework? In the living room with the TV on? In the bedroom with the computer on? You should find a place away from noise or distraction, like a bedroom or a study without any TV, computer or cellphone. Find a comfortable table or desk to sit at. Dont study on your bed.Get to WorkDeal with the hardest work first. You have the most energy and focus when you begin. Later, when youre tired, you can do simpler things.Keep moving ahead. Dont spend too much time on a difficult problem because this can mess up your homework plan. If you need to, ask your parents or a classmate for help.Take breaks. You cant focus well if youre tired. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.Get It Ready to GoWhen your homework is done, put it in your school bag. Theres nothing worse than having a completed assignment (作业) that you cant find the next morning.(1)Which of the following is the best place to do homework? A . A sofa in the living room.B . A bed in the bedroom.C . A desk with a computer in the bedroom.D . A table in the study.(2)When you get to do your homework, the first thing to do is to _. A . work out the most difficult problemB . ask parents or classmates for helpC . take a rest for 15 minutesD . do the simplest thing(3)According to the passage, when you meet with difficulties while doing homework, you can _. A . spend much time thinking about them until you work them outB . ask for help when youre sure you cant work them outC . ask your teacher for help instead of your classmatesD . put the homework in the school bag and then go to bed(4)The passage is mainly about _. A . how to plan time for homeworkB . how to choose a best place to do homeworkC . how to make homework less workD . why we should ask for help with our homework14. (8分)阅读理解One morning, it was already a quarter to eight when I got up. I was afraid that I would be late so I put on my clothes hurriedly and left without breakfast.There were so many people at the bus stop that it was not easy to catch a bus. Five minutes went by, I still couldnt get on one. The only thing I could do was to walk. I rushed through the crowded and ran towards my school. Unexpectedly, I hit an old woman, and she fell down. Without saying sorry, I left her and went on my way.That evening, when I was back from school, I learned that the old woman was badly hurt in the leg from the fall. Some kind people sent her to a hospital after I left. I felt very sorry and nearly cried. The only way for me to ask her pardon was to pay her a visit.The next day, I went to the hospital, I met the old woman and told her who I was. At first I thought that she would give me . To my surprise, she didnt, but smiled. For me, that smile was worse. She touched my hand and said, “Never mind, my girl, I knew you didnt want to hurt me, did you? Dont worry, I will be better soon.”(1)The writer had to walk to school because . A . he got up earlyB . he hit the woman the busC . the bus was lateD . it was difficult to get on(2)What happened to the old woman after her fall? A . her leg was badly hurtB . She was all rightC . She scolded the writerD . The writer sent her to a hospital.(3)The underlined phrase “a scolding” means some . A . cold eyesB . bad wordsC . warm smileD . useful money(4)From the passage, we know that . A . The writer might be a manager in a companyB . The writer wanted to hit the old woman.C . The old woman understand the writer very well.D . The old woman was probably ill at home.四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)15. (5分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题.请从以下选项A、B、C、D、E和F中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余的。A. Think about what to do tomorrow.B. Review the day.C. Imagine a quiet place.D. Exercise every day.E. Stop doing other things.F. Choose proper food.If you have difficulty sleeping at night, its time for you to take it seriously. According to Medicine Net, bad sleeping can lead to plenty of problems such as poor concentration and mood changes. Luckily, there are some tips that can help you fall asleep quickly ad may also improve the quality (质量)of your sleep._ Daily exercise will reduce your stress and help you fall into a deep sleep. Consider doing exercise such as walking, swimming or bicycling between 5:00 pm to 7:00pm, as your body is at its finest physical condition. Then you can get a good quality of sleep at night._ Eat food that is helpful to your sleep. Take healthy food in your food list, such as milk, cheese, bananas, eggs and honey. Have a light dinner and dont eat high-fat foods, as these foods take longer to digest(消化). Keep away from chocolate and high-sugar foods before bedtime. Drink plenty of water all through the day. But remember to stop doing so by 8:00pm, or you prevent yourself from enjoying a good sleep by visiting the bathroom from time to time._ Prepare yourself for sleep and avoid eating , watching TV or doing homework in your bed. Your body will learn that when you are on your bed, its time to fall asleep. Doing other things on your bed will make it harder to fall asleep when you finish them all._ If you cant fall asleep for hours in bed, then try to review what you did during the day .Try to catch as much detail(细节) as possible. But dont think too much about anything that you worried about, since that can make falling asleep more difficult. If you finish reviewing the day, but still cant fall asleep, then go back to yesterday and even the day before yesterday. Reviewing the day can make you calm._ If you are having trouble clearing your mind , think of a relaxing and peaceful scene. For example, imagine that youre lying on the beach under the warm and pleasant sunshine, watching the waves(海浪) breaking on the rocks again and again . And it would be better if you can do deep breathing exercises while you do this.16. (5分)阅读下面材料,完成信息记录表。Attention, please. We have exciting news for you today. Our yearly Short Story Competition for teenagers is now open.The regular(常规)subjects friendship and hobbies are still choices, but this year we have a new subject travel. Your stories should be fewer than 2,000 words. You can send your stories to the organizer, Mr. Smith in Room 209. There is an amazing prize for you. The best story will be printed in the magazine, New Writers. Dont forget to hand in your stories before September 30th.And you will know the results on October 15th.So get your thinking hats on. For more information, visit our school website.Yearly Short Story CompetitionNew Subject_WordsFewer than_Organizer(组织者)_Best storyPrinted in the magazine_Deadline(截止日期)_30th五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)根据短文内容及汉语提示填空。Joe and Jack are _ (谈论) about the year 2020. What will our world be like in the year 2020? I dont know, says Jack. What do you think? Well, no one _ (知道), but its interesting to guess. In the year 2020, _ (千) of people will buy a pocket computer. The computer will _ (改变) peoples life. They will give people the answers to all their questions. We shall all have _ (电话) in our pockets, too.And well be _ (能够) to talk to our friends all over the world. _ (也许) we can see them at the same time. A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too. _ (机器) will do most of the work, so people will have more _ (空闲的) time, perhaps theyll work only two or three days a week. They can fly to the moon by spaceship. Im looking forward to _ (参观) the moon! And I hope I can live under the sea. says Jack Wont that be interesting? Just like a fish!六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)A. Can I take a message? B. can I help you? C. whos calling?D. Can I speak to Alice Roberts, please? E. Could you tell her that Ill be free tomorrow?A: Hello, _? B: Yes._?A: _? B: This is Jane Black.A: Hold the line, please.Ms Black. Im sorry, Alice is at a meeting right now._?B: Yes, please._? A: Sure, Bye.B: Bye.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)本周你们班召开了一次主题班会毕业前,我能为学校做些什么?大家踊跃发言,作为第三小组成员,请你根据各小组的情况汇报以及你们小组的讨论情况,写一个总结交给老师。 第一小组把我们用过的书本和学习用品赠送给七年级、八年级的弟弟妹妹, 尤其是家庭贫困的同学。第二小组筹钱,为学校图书馆购买书籍。第三小组.提示词: 赠送 present 用过的 used注意:1)字数不少于80词;2)补充好本小组讨论情况;3)要点完整,层次清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;4)文中不得出现真实人名、地名、校名等。What can you do for your school?As we all know we will leave school in June. So this week our class hold a class meeting. We discussed about what we can do for our school. All of us gave our own ideas.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共22分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)15-1、16-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)17-1、六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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