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二年级(上)每日一句126个字母A aB bC cD dE eF fG gH hI iJ jK kL lM mN nO oP pQ qR rS sT tU uV vW wX xY yZ z2. I like the ABC song. Its my favourite song. 我喜欢歌曲“ABC”,它是我特别喜爱的歌曲。3. Do you like dolls? -No,I dont. 你喜欢玩具娃娃吗?-不,我不喜欢。4. What do you like? -I like jigsaws. And I like my bike. 你喜欢什么? -我喜欢拼图,我喜欢我的自行车。5. Sam likes T-shirt. He likes this T-shirt. 萨姆喜欢T恤衫,他喜欢这件T恤衫。6. Amy likes dresses. She likes this dress. 埃米喜欢连衣裙,她喜欢这条连衣裙。7. Heres a T-shirt for you. 这是给你的T恤衫。8. Sams at a party. He doesnt like it. 萨姆在一个聚会上,他不喜欢这个聚会。9. He doesnt like these clothes. He doesnt like these trousers. 他不喜欢这件衣服,他不喜欢这条裤子。He doesnt like this shirt. And He doesnt like these shoes.他不喜欢这件衬衫,他不喜欢这双鞋。10. We have English in the morning. This is our English book. And We have Maths in the afternoon. This is our Maths book. 我们早上有英语,这是我们的英语书,我们下午有数学,这是我们的数学书。11. Do we have Music at school? -Yes, we do. 我们在学校有音乐课吗?-是的,我们有。12. Do we have Maths in the afternoon?-No,we dont.We have Maths in the moring. 我们下午有数学吗?-不,我们没有。我们早上有数学。13. I have Science and Chinese in the morning. 我早上有科学和语文。14. I have Art and PE in the afternoon. 我下午有美术和体育课。15. I like Science. And I like Chinese. 我喜欢科学,我喜欢语文。16. I like Art. And I like PE. 我喜欢美术,我喜欢体育课。17. PE is my favourite subject! 体育课是我特别喜爱的科目。18. The film is at 8 oclock. 电影是八点的。19. Whats the time? -Its 2 oclock. 几点钟了?-两点钟。20. Whats the time? -Its 4 oclock. 几点钟了?-四点钟。21. Is it 8 oclock? -No,it isnt. Its 6 cclock. 八点钟吗?-不是的,六点钟。22. Dinner time is 6 oclock. Its 6 oclock now! Im very hungry. 正餐时间是六点钟,现在六点钟了,我很饿。23. I get up at 7 oclock in the moring. 我早上七点钟起床。24. I go to school at 8 oclock. 我八点上学。25. I have lunch at 12 oclock. 我十二点吃午餐。26. I play football at 4 oclock in the afternoon. 我下午四点踢球。27. I go home at 5 oclock. 我五点回家。28. Then I go to bed at 9 oclock. 然后我九点上床睡觉。29. I have breakfast at half past 7. 我七点半吃早餐。30. Have a good weekend! 度过一个愉快的周末!31. Do you play football at the weekend? -Yes, I do. I like football. And I watch TV. 你在周末踢足球吗? 是的,我喜欢足球,我还看电视。32. How about Amy? -She goes swimming. She watches TV and she reads books. 埃米呢?她去游泳,看电视,读书。33. Does he play the flute?-No, he doesnt. 他吹笛子吗?不,他不吹。34. Does he listen to CDs?-No, he doesnt. He plays the drums.他听CD妈?不,他不听,他打鼓。35. What do you do at the weekend?-I play football.你周末干什么?我踢足球。36. Where do you play football? -I play at the park.你在哪里踢足球?我在公园踢。37. Where do you live?-I live in Beijing. 你住哪里?我住在北京。38. How do you go to school?-I go to school by bus.你怎样去学校?我坐公共汽车去学校39. How do you go to school?-I walk to school. 你怎样去学校?我步行去学校。40. How does your father to to work?-He goes to work by bike. 你爸爸怎样上班?他骑自行车去上班。41. Does Tom go to school by car?-No, he doesnt.汤姆坐小汽车去学校吗?不,他不是的。42. I go to Hainan on holiday. I go by train. Then I go by ship. 我去海南度假,我坐火车去,然后我再坐船去。43. We go to China on holiday. We go by plane. We love China. 我们去中国度假,我们坐飞机去,我们爱中国。44. Its spring. We wear jackets. We dont wear T-shirts.春天,我们穿夹克,我们不穿T恤衫。45. Its summer. We wear T-shirts and sunglasses. We dont wear jackets. 夏天,我们穿T恤衫、戴太阳镜,我们不穿夹克。46. Its autumn. We wear sweaters. We dont wear gloves. 秋天,我们穿毛线衫,我们不戴手套。47. Its winter. We wear coats and gloves. We dont wear shirts. 冬天,我们穿大衣、戴手套,我们不穿衬衫。48. I like spring. Its warm. 我喜欢春天,它是暖和的。49. I like summer. Its hot. 我喜欢夏天,它是炎热的。50. I like autumn. Its cool. 我喜欢秋天,它是凉爽的。51. I like winter. Its cold. 我喜欢冬天,它是寒冷的。52. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!53. What are these?-Theyre dumplings. We eat dumplings at Chinese New Year. 这些是什么?它们是饺子,在中国的新年我们都吃饺子。54. Are these for my hair?-No, theyre firecracker! We have firecrackers at New Year! 这些是给我头发用的吗?不,它们不是,它们是鞭炮!我们在新年放鞭炮!55. In England, we have Christmas. Christmas is in winter. 在英国,我们有圣诞节,圣诞节在冬天。56. We have Christmas trees and Christmas presents. 我们有圣诞树和圣诞礼物。57. We have a big dinner and sing songs. 我们吃大餐和唱歌。Aapple 苹果Bbat 球棒Ccat 猫car 小汽车Dduck 鸭子dog 狗Eelephant 大象Ffrog 青蛙Ggirl 女孩goat 山羊Hhead 头hat 帽子Iice cream 冰激凌Jjug 水壶Kkite 风筝Llion 狮子Mmonkey 猴子milk 牛奶Nnose 鼻子Oorange 橙子Pprince 王子Qqueen 女王Rrain 雨Ssweets 糖果sister 姐妹Tteddy 玩具熊train 火车Uup 向上under 在下面Vvase 花瓶Wwindow 窗户way 路XX-ray X射线Yyellow 黄色you 你Zzebra 斑马zoo 动物园


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