牛津版(深圳·广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下学期期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷.doc

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牛津版(深圳·广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下学期期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷.doc_第1页
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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下学期期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分) How did you play the game? We let a girl stand in the centre and asked the others to run around her. A . firstB . middleC . last2. (1分)Dad, may I go to my friends party tonight? You shouldnt ask me. You need to get your mothers agreement.A . competitionB . permissionC . choice3. (1分)Can you complete the work before five oclock, John? Maybe not. I need your help.A . doB . beginC . finish4. (1分)Tom made friends with Steven in 2006. Since then, they have written to each other very often. A . From then onB . At the same timeC . However5. (1分)Im giving a lecture on recent poetry _ war poetry. A . includesB . concludesC . includingD . contains6. (1分) Do you have a break after the meeting? Yes. It lasts about 20 minutes.A . talkB . restC . look7. (1分)As students, our major task(任务) is to study hard. A . busyB . greatC . important8. (1分) I believe you have the ability to finish the work. Thanks for trusting me.A . opinionB . powerC . interest9. (1分)Lao She is the _ of Teahouse. A . writerB . playerC . managerD . doctor10. (1分)Could I your cell phone ,please? I want to call my father. Sorry. It has been taken away Lisa.A . borrow; byB . lend; toC . use; forD . show; at11. (1分)An _ is a reciprocal (互相的) visit between two people or groups from different countriesA . exchangeB . educationC . encyclopaedia12. (1分)There were a few bowls some nice food them. A . of:onB . with; inC . with; onD . in; in13. (1分)The writers new book will _ next month. A . comeB . come onC . come outD . come into14. (1分)If you want to know more about space, please _ the book A Brief History Of Time. A . look throughB . look aroundC . look afterD . look down upon15. (1分)The boy often _ music. A . looks atB . listens toC . puts onD . plays with二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16. (20分)阅读短文、掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 It was the first day of school. I had a new classmate, a little old lady with a warm smile.She said, Hi, young man! Im Rose. Im 87 years old. Can I give you a hug?I said1,Of course!Why are you in college at2an age? I asked.She joked, Im here to meet a3husband, get married, have children, and then travel around the world.NO, Seriously, I askedI always4of having a college education. Now Im getting one! she told me.After a year, Rose became popular. She easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from5.At the end of the term we invited Rose to6at our party. Ill never forget what she taught7.We do not stop playing because we are old: we grow8because we stop playing. Here are the 9of staying young. You have to laugh and find humor every10.Youve got to have a dream. When you 11your dreams, you die! she said.There is a big12between growing old and growing up. Anybody can grow old. That doesnt take any talent or ability, she added. But to13, you have to find the chance in change. Have no regrets. We usually dont have regrets for what we did,14rather for things we did not do.Finally we graduated from the college with Rose. One week15graduation, she died peacefully in her sleep. She taught us by example that its never too late to be all you can possibly be.(1)A . slowly B . happily C . heavily D . badly (2)A . so B . this C . such D . that (3)A . rich B . bad C . poor D . short (4)A . hoped B . wished C . waned D . dreamed (5)A . another B . the other C . one D . others (6)A . say B . speak C . talk D . discuss (7)A . us B . her C . him D . them (8)A . young B . old C . tall D . thin (9)A . stories B . secrets C . seasons D . surveys (10)A . week B . month C . year D . day (11)A . lose B . have C . keep D . like (12)A . chance B . change C . difference D . problem (13)A . stand up B . grow up C . grow old D . keep healthy (14)A . because B . so C . though D . but (15)A . in B . after C . during D . before 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分)阅读理解 What do you usually do on your smartphone? Send text messages, make phone calls or play video games? Now, thanks to a beginner-friendly programming(程序设计) tool, kids can do more than just play games on their smartphones-they can make their own games.US high school student Samuel Ndungi spent a few months learning how to make apps(应用软件)for smart-phones.I was really shocked that you could do this on your own, Ndungi said I thought only people from Microsoft and big companies could do this.Ndungi took a class run by his teacher, Michael Braun. In Brauns class, kids learned how to use the beginner-friendly programming tool to program their own mobile apps.This tool is called TouchDevelop. It puts basic instructions(基本指令) into blocks of code(代码), and kids can put them together like Legos to run games, stories and other apps.With TouchDevelop, student Tony Huynh learned how to make his own games. You get to put your own thoughts into the game, like the animals you want, the kinds of backgrounds you would like to see, and so on, he said.Another student Shina Williams wrote a program with about 80 lines of code that paints a picture of his childhood Teddy Bear. Its your own creativity, your own mark(印记) of something thats put in there and it stays in there, she said.Coding is more than just a job skill. Children who learn coding also find new ways to think, create and express themselves.(1)What can kids do with beginner-friendly programming tools? A . Send text messages.B . Make phone calls.C . Play games.D . Make their own games.(2)How did Ndungi feel when he wrote an app for his mobile phone? A . Surprised.B . Disappointed.C . Confident.D . Cheerful.(3)Which of the following statements is TRUE? A . Braun teaches his students how to make zegos.B . TouchDevelop is a beginner-friendly programming tool.C . Only people from Microsoft and big companies could make apps.D . Kids get to put others thoughts into the game with TouchDevelop.(4)Why is coding more than just a job skill? A . Because its easy for students to learn coding.B . Because coding plays an important role in finding a new job.C . Because people can put basic instructions into blocks of code.D . Because coding makes people more creative and finds new ways to express themselves.(5)In which section of a magazine can the passage be found? A . Sports.B . Business.C . Technology.D . Advertisement.18. (8分)阅读理解 One of my best friends went abroad to enjoy her holidays, so the job of looking after her dog Missy has been given to me. A few months ago, Missy came to my friends house. She looked terrible. She has been abused for a long time.When we first visited my friend and Missy, my friend had to gently pull her over on a lead (牵绳) to get her to come to us. She wanted to come but afraid to do sothe poor, beautiful thing. Clearly Missy came to the right home. My friend has given birth to a baby of his own and shows the love of a mother. This is just what Missy needs. Thanks to the love of my friend, she has changed into a new dog step by step. Sadly, she is still afraid of strange humans. I hate to imagine what the dog must have gone through.Now, Missy trusts me completely, so I can touch her berry(肚皮).While standing, she will jump up so gently to be closer to me, putting her paws(爪子)on my legs as she looks at me with those beautiful eyes.Missy is really brave. She has the courage to try again, to open her hearts, and to know that not everyone is the same kind of people as before. Keep it in mind that tomorrow is another day.(1)The underlined word abused in the first paragraph means_. A . 保护B . 喂养C . 虐待D . 挨饿(2)The writer thought it was good for Missy to stay with her friend _. A . because her friend could offer the love of a mother to MissyB . because her friend had more free time to take care of MissyC . because her friend stayed long at home and felt quite lonelyD . because her friend helped Missy to accept different people(3)The fourth paragraph mainly tells us _. A . the writer has learned the skills to communicate with MissyB . the writer has made Missy understand and follow her ordersC . the writer has succeeded in winning the trust of MissyD . the writer has come to realize that Missy is a beautiful dog(4)According to the passage, what is the writers suggestion? A . No future in the past.B . Every dog has its day.C . All efforts will pay off.D . Never too late to mend.19. (8分)阅读理解What is the best-selling book in the world? Is it the Harry Potter series or Secret Garden? According to the Guinness World Records, the Xinhua Dictionary, published by the Commercial Press in China, is the worlds most popular dictionary and the best-selling book.In 1950, Chinese language experts(专家) and scholars, Wei Jiangong and Ye Shengtao, started to edit(编辑) the Xinhua Dictionary. There was a lot of discussion, research and paper work. Some hand scripts (稿件) were checked again and again like compositions, Peoples Daily reported. Many peoples hard work and interesting stories went into making the dictionary.In 1953, the first Xinhua Dictionary was published. Today, 567 million copies of the dictionary have been sold worldwideHowever, revisions (修订) to the dictionary continue to be made. According to Yu Guilin from Commercial Press, editors(编辑) usually summarize (总结) the meaning of words again while revising. If the example sentences are out of date, editors need to have experiences and make new examples. “To give a correct explanation of the word 焗油 (deep condition) , one editor went to a barber shop (理发店) to experience it for himself,” Yu told the Beijing Times. So far, the Xinhua Dictionary has been revised 11 times.To keep up with the times, some popular and widely used internet words are also added to the dictionary. For example, in the 11th edition, the phrases “晒工资 (show off salary)” and “晒照片 (show off pictures)” were included.All these efforts create the “National Dictionary” of China. The Xinhua Dictionary is not only a useful tool for generations of Chinese people. It also helps foreigners who are learning the Chinese language and culture.(1)According to Guinness World Records, the best-selling book is _.A . the Xinhua DictionaryB . the Harry Potter seriesC . Secret GardenD . Guinness Book of World Records(2)Whats the meaning of the underlined word “scholars” in the second paragraph?A . 校长B . 学长C . 学者D . 学生(3)Which of the following is NOT true about the first Xinhua Dictionary?A . Wei Jiangong and Ye Shengtao edited it.B . The editors had a lot of discussions, did research and paper work.C . The editors checked the hand scripts again and again.D . The first Xinhua Dictionary was published in 1950.(4)While revising the dictionary, the editors _.A . just need to read and correct the printing mistakesB . make new examples for the wordsC . have to go to a barber shop to experience deep conditioningD . have to change all the examples of the words(5)According to the article, the Xinhua Dictionary _.A . has to include internet wordsB . is little help for foreign learnersC . is better than any other dictionaryD . tries to keep up with the times20. (8分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案填空。 Healthy eating doesnt just mean what you eat, but how you eat. Here is some advice on healthy eating.Eat with others. It can help you to see others healthy eating habits. If you usually eat with your parents, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious.Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Have a glass of water to see if you are thirstysometimes you are just thirsty, you need no food. Stop eating before you feel full.Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After you dont eat for the past ten hours, your body needs food. You will be smarter after eating breakfast.Eat healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt or cheese. We all need snacks sometimes. In fact, its a good idea to eat two healthy snacks between your three meals. This doesnt mean that you can eat a bag of chips instead of a meal.Dont eat dinner late. With our busy life, we always put off eating dinner until the last minute. Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. This will give your body a chance to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 810 hours.(1)The writer gives us _ pieces of advice on healthy eating. A . 4B . 5C . 6D . 7(2)Which snack is Not mentioned in the passage? A . Fruits.B . Yogurt.C . Chips.D . Ice cream.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . Snacks are bad for our health.B . We should keep eating until we are full.C . Dinner is the most important meal of the day.D . We should have dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed.(4)The underlined(画线) word digest means _ in Chinese. A . 消化B . 享用C . 储存D . 循环(5)The passage mainly tells us_. A . where to eatB . how to eatC . why to eatD . when to eat21. (8分)阅读理解 I love my iPhoneits my little connection to the larger world that can go anywhere with me. I also love my computer, as it stores all of my writing and thoughts. Though I love these devices (装置) of technology, I know that there are times when I need to move away from them and truly communicate with others.I teach history in a high school. My goals for the class include a full discussion of historical themes and ideas. Because I want students to thoroughly study the material and share their ideas with each other in the classroom. I have a rule- no computers, iPads, phones, etc. When students were told my rule before class, some of them were not happy at all.Most students think that my reasons for this rule include unpleasant experiences in the past with students misusing technology. Theres a bit of truth to that. Some students believe that I am anti-technology. Theres no truth in that at all. I love technology and try 10o keep up with it so I can relate to my students.The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few places in which we can have deep conversations. Interruptions (打断) by technology often break concentration and allow for t00 much dependence on outside information for ideas. I want students to dig deep within themselves for ideas. I want them to push each other to think differently and to make connections between the course material and the class discussion.Ive been teaching my history class in this way for many years and students realize that with deep conversation, they learn at a level that helps them keep the course material beyond the classroom.Im not saying that I wont ever change my mind about technology use in my history class, but until I hear a really good reason for the change. A few hours of technology- free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.(1)Whats the second paragraph mainly about? A . The reasons why students should use computers or iPads in class.B . The advantages of using cell phones and computers in the classroom.C . What the writer is trying to do and what rule has been made in class.D . A new learning style that the teacher enjoys using in history class.(2)According to the writer, the use of technology in the classroom may _. A . improve teaching and offer more helpB . allow students to get on well with each other,C . help students concentrate on what they learnD . keep students from making deep conversations(3)What can we infer from the passage? A . The teacher will keep the rule in the future.B . The teacher will have to cancel the rule in class.C . Some students will be punished according to the rule.D . More and more students will be absent in history class.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 One day a man _(buy)a lot of coconuts(椰子)and put them all on his horse. He was moving_(it)to his friends house. _the way, the man met a boy. “How long would it take_(get)to the house? he asked the boy. If you go _(slow), the boy said, you will get there very soon. _if you go fast, it will take you all day. ”What a funny answer! said the man. He did not_(listen)to the boy. He made his horse run as fast as possible. Some coconuts fell off. He had to stop _(pick)them up. Then he made his horse run fast again. But the coconuts fell off again, and he stopped again. He did this many _(time), and it was night when he finally got to his _(friends)house. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)2014年的巴西世界杯让我们再次领略了梅西(Messi)的风采。请根据下列表格,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,简要介绍一下这位足球巨星。 1987-6-24出生于阿根廷(Argentina)1992开始为格兰多里(Grandoli)俱乐部踢球19952000为纽维尔老伙计(Newells Old Boys)俱乐部踢球2000进人巴塞罗那(Barcelona)足球俱乐部2008参加北京奥运会;随阿根廷国奥队夺得金牌2014带领阿根廷队进入世界杯决赛;获得金球奖(the Golden Ball)第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23-1、

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