初中英语牛津版八年级下册Module3 Animals Unit 5 Save the endangered animals同步练习D卷.doc

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初中英语牛津版八年级下册Module3 Animals Unit 5 Save the endangered animals同步练习D卷一、 英英释义。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)Why did you vote for Maggie?Because she is very _. She always shares things with others.A . practicalB . activeC . generousD . energetic2. (2分)Whats the news about?People near the lake didnt allow them to_ a factory so as not to pollute the water.A . look upB . put upC . take upD . set up3. (2分)He won the match because he took the advantage of his height.A . played a joke onB . made full use ofC . came up with4. (2分)Jim studies in No.1 High School, but Jane studies in a High School. A . the sameB . sameC . different5. (2分)There is an air conditioner _ the window.A . aboveB . betweenC . besidesD . in二、 从A, B, C三项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共10题;共20分)6. (2分)These snacks are _ to your health, so youd better not eat too much.A . harmfulB . harmlessC . usefulD . useless7. (2分) Has Henry arrived? The film will begin soon. Not yet. Hes still _ the way.A . inB . onC . by8. (2分)Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself?A . ask, writeB . to ask, writingC . ask, writingD . asking, write9. (2分)The player looks better because the coach has got her every day. Yes, practice makes perfect.A . a little bit; practiceB . a bit; practicingC . a bit of; practiceD . a little; to pratice10. (2分)It takes me two hours _ my homework every day.A . doB . to doC . doingD . Does11. (2分)Why do you get a snake as your pet? Dont you think its too ?A . friendlyB . interestingC . scary12. (2分)In our school library there _ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them _ growing larger and larger.A . are; isB . is; areC . have; areD . has; is13. (2分)-I have trouble_ English. Could you help me with it?- Sure. A . learnB . learnsC . learningD . to learn14. (2分)I remembered the letter but it is still in my schoolbag now A . postB . to postC . postingD . posted15. (2分)I hope to see Niagara Falls one day. What about going there?Niagara Falls would be beautiful, but there is not much to do there.A . sometimesB . in the dayC . a dayD . some day三、 根据单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共45分)16. (1分)Could you please teach me how _(work) out the math problem?17. (10分)用所给词的适当形式填空(1)All of us can get lots of presents on_Day. (child)(2)Our school is big and beautiful. What about_?(they)(3)Be quiet! The mother with her twin babies_.(sleep)(4)You just need to practise_English more. (speak)(5)A good breakfast helps Amy_fit and health. (keep)(6)_there a pair of trousers on the bed? I cant find mine. (be)(7)I dont know what_(choose) in the clothes shop.(8)There are some boys_basketball on the playground. (play)(9)It takes me 2 hours _ my homework every day. (do)(10)Its six oclock now. Millie and Sandy_(not run) in the playground .18. (8分)动词填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,并将答案写在答题卷标有题号的横线上。The musical video you look forward to _(sell) out yesterday.At this time yesterday, that woman together with her sons _(wait) for his husband at the station.Look! The snow _(stop).Lets go outside to make a snowman.Last week they replied to my letter. They said they_(fly) to see me the next month.I dont know what I should pay attention to _(reduce) the pollution.When I got to the factory, my workmates _(finish) their work.Our school _(organize) a visit to the park unless it rains tomorrow.When we were young, our teacher told us the earth _(travel) around the sun.19. (1分)Is the washing machine I have used for a long time worth _ (fix)?20. (20分)写出下列动词的过去式、过去分词。have_study_know_fall_see_be_go_do_come_feel_21. (1分)Many accidents _(cause) by careless drivers last year.22. (1分)The turkey is _ (cover) with gravy now.23. (1分)Lets _ good friends. (are).24. (1分)Im very sorry _ (hear) that you are ill.25. (1分)Mr Wang _(enter) a competition last year.四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)When I was a little girl, I lived with my grandparents in a small village(村庄).The life there was 1, and I liked it very much. I had many friends and I liked playing with them 2. After rainy days, there was much 3in the river(河) near our house. I often went there to get4with my friends. I had5fun living there.Now I live in a big city. I study in a school, but I6my life here. Its too busy and it often makes me very7. Now the most interesting thing for me is to go to my grandparents home to8my vacation. Every time I cant9to go there. I 10 a quiet life. I hope to live in a village when Im older.(1)A . boring B . relaxing C . terrible (2)A . with B . from C . outside (3)A . ice B . water C . food (4)A . fish B . meat C . chicken (5)A . kind of B . a little C . lots of (6)A . enjoy B . dislike C . improve (7)A . dirty B . tired C . happy (8)A . spend B . describe C . remember (9)A . like B . want C . wait (10)A . order B . need C . think 五、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)27. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Some people believe that schools will no longer be necessary in the near future. They said that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, classes or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but if the world has no schools, I cant imagine(想像) how our society will be, In fact, we should learn how to use new technology to make schools better. We should invent a new knid of school that is linked to libraries, museums, science centers, labs and even companies. Technological companies should create(创造) learning programs for schools. Scientists or professors could give talks through the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programs about things students are actually studying in school. Labs could set up websites to show new technology so students could see it on the Internet.Is this a dream? No. There are already many cities where this is beginning to happen. Here the whole city is linked to the Internet, and learning can take place at home, at school, and in the office. Businesses provide programs for the schools and the society. The schools provide computer labs for people without their own computers at home. Because everyone can be on the Internet, older people use it as much as younger ones. And everyone can visit distant(远处的) libraries and museums as easily as nearby ones. How will this new kind of school change the usual way of learning? It is too early to be sure, but it is very exciting to think about it. Technology will change the way we learn; schools will change as well; and we will all learn something from the Internet.(1)In the writers opinion, .A . more schools should be builtB . schools are necessaryC . schools are not necessaryD . there should be fewer schools(2)What does “a new kind of school” mean?A . A newly built school.B . There are many new students in the school.C . There are many new teachers in the school.D . A school, which is linked to Internet.(3)On the Internet, you .A . can view the new technologyB . can see everything except new technologyC . Can learn everythingD . can do whatever you like(4)Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A . The schools provide computer labs for those who have no personal computers.B . If you are not a student, you cannot view the new technology on the Internet.C . On the Internet, you can visit another citys library as easily as the local people.D . Technology will change our way of learning.(5)What is the best title for this passage?A . InternetB . SchoolC . New TechnologyD . will Technology Take the Place of Schools?28. (8分)阅读下面材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。DMySpace, the social networking website, is different from other websites which only provide stories about other people. MySpace is a place that allows you to broadcast your own stories and personal information to as many people as you like. Started two years ago, it is a big source of information for and about American kids.Teenagers and their parents feel very different about it. Teens are rushing to join the site, not sharing their parents worries. It signals yet another generation gap in the digital times.For teenagers, it is a reliable(可信赖的) network to keep in touch with their friends. They will often list their names, birthdays, after school jobs, school clubs, hobbies and other personal information.“MySpace is an easy way to reach just about everyone. I dont have all the phone numbers of my acquaintances. But if I want to get in touch with one of them, I could just leave them a message on MySpace,” said Abby Van Wassen. She is a 15 year old student at Woodland Hills High of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Parents on the other hand are seriously worried about the safe problems of MySpace.“ Every time we hold a parents meeting, the first question is always about My Space,” said Kent Gates, who travels the country doing Internet safety seminars (研讨会). The National Centre for Missing Children has received at least 288 MySpace related complaints(相关投诉), according to Mary Beth Buchanan, a lawyer in Pittsburgh.“Your profile on MySpace shows all your personal information to anyone on the Web. And MySpace even lists this information by birthplace and age. Its like a free checklist for trouble makers and it endangers children,” Buchanan said.(1)What is the possible meaning of the underlined “acquaintances”? A . 熟人B . 设备C . 爱好D . 产品(2)From the passage, we can learn that MySpace _. A . cant bring about the generation gapB . is difficult to reach just about everyoneC . encourages you to list your personal informationD . is very careful about peoples personal information(3)What can we infer from “Every time we hold a parents meeting, the first question is always about MySpace?” A . MySpace is quite popular with parents.B . MySpace often holds parents meetings.C . MySpace has become a problem troubling parents.D . Parents dont have lots of questions about the website.(4)Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A . Internet SafetyB . A websiteC . Teenagers and parentsD . The Digital Times六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)假如你是深圳中学环保社团的成员Linda,请你给同学们写一封保护树木的倡议书,号召大家保护树木,并给出保护树木的具体措施。提示:1).树木可以净化空气,吸收有害气体,提供氧气;2).树木可以给人们提供生活用品,如纸张,铅笔和家具;3).树木可以使我们的居住环境更美丽4).人们可以通过很多方式来保护树木,如,多植树,不要滥砍滥伐。要求:80-100词左右,条理清晰,结构合理,内容全面,语法正确,语句通顺。Dear students,第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 英英释义。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 从A, B, C三项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共10题;共20分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 根据单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共45分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)26-1、五、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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