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松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(18)(B6U1-1)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_现实主义的realistic巧合地by coincidence抽象的abstract 杰作;名著masterpiece雕塑sculpture 印象主义impressionism画廊;美术馆gallery大量a great deal 信心;信任;信念faith阴影;影子shadow忠实地faithfully荒谬的;可笑的ridiculous 目标;目的aim争论的;争议的controversial 常规的;传统的conventional/traditional努力;尝试;企图attempt 典型的typical 另一方面on the other hand 明白的;明显的evident/obvious/clear语言;预告;预测predict 采用;采纳;收养adopt确切的;特定的specific人道主义的humanistic画像;身材;数字figure拥有;具有;支配possess黏土clay卓越的;杰出的superb 大理石marble 技术;方法;技能technique雕刻;刻记carve 松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(18)(B6U1-1)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_现实主义的巧合地抽象的杰作;名著雕塑印象主义画廊;美术馆大量信心;信任;信念阴影;影子忠实地荒谬的;可笑的目标;目的争论的;争议的常规的;传统的努力;尝试;企图典型的另一方面明白的;明显的语言;预告;预测采用;采纳;收养确切的;特定的人道主义的画像;身材;数字拥有;具有;支配黏土卓越的;杰出的大理石技术;方法;技能雕刻;刻记松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(19)(B6U1-2)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_抽象的abstract 采纳;采用;收养adopt详细的detailed 拥有possess conventional traditional 装饰,装修decorate 宗教的religious 高级的宫殿superb palaces 职业的艺术家a professional artist技术,手法technique 雕塑sculpture 确信be convinced of/that. 画廊,艺术馆gallery 巧合地by coincidence 简史a short story of 杰作,名著masterpiece被影响be influenced by 一个农业社会an agricultural society一个民族的信仰the faith of a people 发明invention 西方艺术风格styles of Western art 社会的social做某事是可能的be impossible to do sth摆脱;脱离break away from as a result consequently 影子;阴影shadow的主要目的 the main aim of 自然光线natural light 阐述/表现主题represent themes 创造create 典型的typical 有争议的controversial 象征symbol 接受accept 一种尊敬的感觉a feeling of respect focus on concentrate on clear, obviousevident 代表represent以更加现实的方式in a more realistic way 预测;预言predict 松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(19)(B6U1-2)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_抽象的采纳;采用;收养详细的拥有conventional 装饰,装修宗教的高级的宫殿职业的艺术家技术,手法雕塑确信画廊,艺术馆巧合地简史杰作,名著被影响一个农业社会一个民族的信仰发明西方艺术风格社会的做某事是可能的摆脱;脱离as a result 影子;阴影的主要目的 自然光线阐述/表现主题创造典型的有争议的象征接受一种尊敬的感觉focus on clear, obvious代表以更加现实的方式预测;预言松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(20)(B6U1-3)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_excellent; splendidsuperb学者scholarsilly or unreasonableridiculous 一束花a bunch of flowerseasily noticedevident宁愿, 宁可would rather 艺术品works of art 家具furniture而不是rather than 对有偏爱have a preference for具体的例子specific example很值得be well worth方法method 展示display 雕塑sculpture呼吁apple to 制作的艺术the art of doing sth 底部bottom 向日葵;葵花sunflower 一条环形小道a circular path 西方国家western countries名声; 名誉; 声誉reputation巧合的事coincidence 文明civilization 挣很多钱;赚很多钱make a lot of money视觉的;看得见的visual 被认为是be considered to be 埃及的Egyptian 艺术批评家们an art critic 香的;令人愉快的fragrant 一个专业的艺术家a professional artist被安置在be housed in 被用来做be used to do sth 入场费admission price 一种实际的情况a factual situation当代的;同时代的contemporary一个好斗的人an aggressive person 永久的permanent 几何;几何geometry电视的;视频的;录像video松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(20)(B6U1-3)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_excellent; splendid学者silly or unreasonable一束花easily noticed宁愿, 宁可艺术品家具而不是对有偏爱具体的例子很值得方法展示雕塑呼吁制作的艺术底部向日葵;葵花一条环形小道西方国家名声; 名誉; 声誉巧合的事文明挣很多钱;赚很多钱视觉的;看得见的被认为是埃及的艺术批评家们香的;令人愉快的一个专业的艺术家被安置在被用来做入场费一种实际的情况当代的;同时代的一个好斗的人永久的几何;几何电视的;视频的;录像松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(21)(B6U1-4)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_脆弱的;精致的delicate 当代的contemporary咖啡馆;小餐馆caf永久的permanent 过敏的;对过敏的allergic 区;区域;行政区district 有效地effective 委员会committee展览;陈列;展览会exhibition 署名;签字signnature敢作敢为的;好斗的aggressive 雕塑sculpture 学者scholar 画廊;艺术馆gallery活着的;本人in the flesh 忠实地faithfully几何学geometry 目的;目标aim 书;串bunch典型的;有代表性的typical 林荫道;道路;大街avenue 明显的;明白的evident 喜爱;偏爱preference 采用;采纳;收养adopt (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣appeal 拥有;具有;支配possess 精细的;易碎的fragile 尝试;企图;尝试attempt 圆形的;循环的circular 预言;预测;预告predict 名声;名誉reputation雕刻;刻记carve 文明;文化civilization 影子shadow埃及Egypt画像;身材;数字figure视觉的;看得见的visual 黏土clay香的;令人愉快的fragrant杰作;著名masterpiece 松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(21)(B6U1-4)二年4B班 姓名:_ 得分:_脆弱的;精致的当代的咖啡馆;小餐馆永久的过敏的;对过敏的区;区域;行政区有效地委员会展览;陈列;展览会署名;签字敢作敢为的;好斗的雕塑学者画廊;艺术馆活着的;本人忠实地几何学目的;目标书;串典型的;有代表性的林荫道;道路;大街明显的;明白的喜爱;偏爱采用;采纳;收养(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣拥有;具有;支配精细的;易碎的尝试;企图;尝试圆形的;循环的预言;预测;预告名声;名誉雕刻;刻记文明;文化影子埃及画像;身材;数字视觉的;看得见的黏土香的;令人愉快的杰作;著名松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(22)(B6U1-5)1 adopt ones advice 采纳某人的建议2 be typical of sb to do sth 做某事是某人典型的做法3 attempt to do sth try to do sth 4 cast a shadow 投下阴影5 have faith in sth 对有信心6 Its a coincidence that 是个巧合。7 be aimed at 目的是8 predict the future of 预测的未来9 It is evident that It is obvious / clear that 10 the first to do sth 第一个做某事的人11 in possession of / in the possession of 拥有 / 由拥有cf. in charge of / in the charge of 负责 / 由负责12 over the last/past years 过去几年来 13 concentrate on / focus on 集中精力于14 draw things in perspective 用透视法画画15 sb be convinced of sth/that 某人相信 16 do sth for specific purpose 为特点的目的做某事 17 carve sth into the shape of a flower 把某物雕刻成一朵花的形状18 be allergic to sb 对过敏19 The book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。20 (of a picture) hang on the wall (画)挂在墙上21 lead to a severe drought 导致严重的干旱22 be considered ( to be/as) 被认为是23 figure out /find out/work out 弄清楚;弄明白24 be recognized as 被认可是25 intend意欲,计划; intention 意图,目的;意向;意义,26 annoy打扰;干扰;使烦恼;使恼怒松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(22)(B6U1-5)1 adopt ones advice 2 be typical of sb to do sth 3 attempt to do sth 4 cast a shadow5 have faith in sth6 Its a coincidence that7 be aimed at 8 predict the future of9 It is evident that10 the first to do sth 11 in possession of / in the possession of cf. in charge of / in the charge of 12 over the last/past years13 concentrate on14 draw things in perspective15 be convinced of sth/that16 do sth for specific purpose17 carve sth into the shape of a flower18 be allergic to sb 19 The book is worth reading.20 (of a picture) hang on the wall21 lead to a severe drought22 be considered ( to be/as)23 figure out /find out/work out24 be recognized as25 intend意欲,计划; intention 意图,目的;意向;意义,26 annoy打扰;干扰;使烦恼;使恼怒松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(23)(B6U1-6)KEY POINTS IN THIS UNIT:1. the civilizations of ancient China 古代中国的文明2. a permanent friendship 永久的友谊3. decide to adopt sb 决定收养某人4. 预测某人未来的职业5. in possession of 拥有 in the possession of = in ones possession 由某人拥有cf. in charge of 负责 in the charge of = in ones charge 由某人负责6. scores of 几十7. concentrate on = focus on 集中精力于8. break away from 摆脱; 从脱离9. appeal to 吸引;呼吁10. as well as 和11. in the flesh 本人12. a great deal of 许多(接不可数名词)13. be aimed to do sth 旨在;目的是14. be aimed at n./doing sth 旨在;目的是15. on the one handon the other hand 一方面另一方面16. lie in 在于17. be allergic to sth 对某物过敏18. have faith in, believe in 相信,对有信心19. be typical of sb to do sth 做某事是某人典型的做法20. object to n./doing sth, be against sth/doing sth 反对做某事21. stock market 股市22. be convinced of sth / that 信服23. be accepted as 作为被接受24. the first to do sth 第一个做某事的(人或事物)25. win the Noble Prize in literature 赢得诺贝尔文学奖26. be up to sb (某事)由某人决定27. There is no doubt that 毫无疑问28. chat with sb on sth 和某人聊天谈论某事29. consider A (to be / as) B; consider doing sth 认为A是B ;考虑做某事30. be fond of like; enjoy 喜欢31. be famous for / as 因/作为很著名32. be ones first choice (某事)是 某人第一选择33. ask for credit 申请赊账34. bring the purchases to the cash desk 把买的货物拿到收银台35. adopt ones advice 采纳某人的建议36. attempt to do sth 尝试做某事37. cast a shadow 投出阴影38. predict the future of 预测的未来39. The book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。 The book is worthy of being read. 这本书值得读。The book is worthy to be read. 这本书值得读。40. lead to a severe drought 导致严重的干旱松原市实验高中2013届4B班单词考试(23)(B6U1-6)KEY POINTS IN THIS UNIT:1. the civilizations of ancient China 4. a permanent friendship 5. decide to adopt sb 4. predict ones future career 5. in possession of in the possession of = in ones possession cf. in charge of in the charge of = in ones charge 6. scores of 几十7. concentrate on = focus on 8. break away from 9. appeal to 10. as well as 11. in the flesh 12. a great deal of 13. be aimed to do sth 14. be aimed at n./doing sth 15. on the one handon the other hand 16. lie in 17. be allergic to sth 18. have faith in, believe in 19. be typical of sb to do sth 20. object to n./doing sth, be against sth/doing sth21. stock market 22. be convinced of sth / that 23. be accepted as 24. the first to do sth 25. win the Noble Prize in literature 26. be up to sb 27. There is no doubt that28. chat with sb on sth 29. consider A (to be / as) B; consider doing sth 30. be fond of 31. be famous for / as32. be ones first choice 33. ask for credit 34. bring the purchases to the cash desk 35. adopt ones advice36. attempt to do sth37. cast a shadow38. predict the future of39. The book is worth reading.The book is worthy of being read. The book is worthy to be read. 40. lead to a severe drought

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