人教版2020届九年级文理联赛模拟英语考试试卷A卷 .doc

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人教版2020届九年级文理联赛模拟英语考试试卷A卷 一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)Paris is _capital of _France. A . a; theB . the; theC . the; /2. (2分)What about Bills driving test?He failed it three times. he passed it last week after much practicing.A . FirstB . LastC . Finally3. (2分)_ has Hong Kong been back to our motherland?For 20 years. How time flies!A . How soonB . How longC . How often4. (2分)He was crazy about rock music _ he almost spent all his free time listening to it.A . too; toB . so; thatC . both; and5. (2分)My sister _ go to bed _ my mother came back last night.A . not untilB . doesnt; untilC . didnt; untilD . arent; until6. (2分)My topic today is _ future development. A . ChinasB . ChinaC . Chinas7. (2分)How long have you _Teresa?For three years by now. Our wedding anniversary is coming next week. .A . got married toB . marriedC . married withD . been married to8. (2分)How about your English speech contest yesterday?Quite well.But my heart was in my mouth before it.A . I felt very happy.B . I felt very nervousC . I felt very easyD . I felt very cold9. (2分)They go to school early in the morning. A . So do Tom.B . So Tom do.C . So does Tom.D . So Tom does.10. (2分)How often do you walk you cat?A . This afternoonB . Only onceC . For four daysD . Every evening二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Yesterday it was Sharons birthday, but she had no special plans, so she decided to go home after work.She left the office arid while she was walking down the street,she was1her friends.They usually remembered her birthday but they had forgotten it for the first time this year.“I think thats2because all of them are busy at work.I guess they will call me tomorrow as it is Saturday, ”she said to herself.Then she3that she was hungry, so she bought some food in a supermarket.And when she came out of the supermarket,she saw an old woman selling4.She bought some roses(玫瑰)from her and left.After she got home,she took a shower.And then she had some food.“Now I feel much happier,”she said.“If5remembers my birthday, I will celebrate it by myself.”Suddenly the doorbell (门铃)rang.It was 11:00 p.m.She was surprised 6her husband was on a business trip.“7could it be?”She thought and went to open the door.“Happy birthday! ”A group of her friends and her husband were there! Also their hands were full of colorful packages(包裹).She couldnt8her eyes. She had everybody9her and many nice gifts.It was the most10moment (时刻)of her life.“Im really happy to have such thoughtful friends like you.Thank you all!”Sharon said excitedly.(1)A . looking for B . depending on C . calling up D . thinking about (2)A . probably B . never C . usually D . almost (3)A . imagined B . answered C . realized D . hoped (4)A . toys B . crayons C . vegetables D . flowers (5)A . somebody B . anybody C . nobody D . everybody (6)A . if B . because C . although D . uutil (7)A . Who B . When C . Where D . Why (8)A . protect B . cover C . rest D . believe (9)A . from B . around C . past D . like (10)A . successful B . peaceful C . normal D . surprising 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)12. (10分) Tom and Mike are good friends. They are good with children. They want to find jobs in summer vacation. This Friday Tom tells Mike that Sunson School Trip needs teachers to help with sports, music and computer. Mike is glad to know that.Tom can play basketball, volleyball, and he can swim. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar, and he can swim,too. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join Sunson School Trip? (1)Tom and Mike are good .A . teachersB . friendsC . childrenD . musicians(2)What do they want to do in summer vacation?A . They want to play computer gamesB . They want to go to a movieC . They want to find jobsD . They want to go to school.(3)What kind of job can they do?A . They can do the job of playing soccer.B . They can do the job of doing Chinese kung fu.C . They can be in the Rock Band.D . They can help kids with swimming.(4)Tom and Mike like very much.A . playing volleyballB . playing the violinC . computersD . dancing(5)Mike can.A . play the guitarB . play basketballC . play the pianoD . play volleyball13. (8分)阅读理解It came as a real shock(震惊) to find out that chickens could tell what color they were eating.I picked up a package of mixed greens one day. I anxiously brought it home and immediately took a trip out to the chicken house to deliver(递送) it. I knew the girls would welcome the treat!My chickens have their regular gravity-type feeder for their grain(谷物), and I have a large plastic dog dish that I use for those special treats.I emptied the bag of greens into the dog dish and stood back, as I usually do, to watch for a minute. I began to notice that the chickens were eating the green lettuce(莴苣)but were leaving the red leaves. I though it must be mistaken, but I didnt have time to find out for sure right then.When I went back a short time later, the dish was empty except for the red leaves. The chickens didnt eat them with the red leaves. It took several hours, but they finally did eat it. I guess if they had their druthers(偏爱), theyd choose for green leaves only. Red leaves only satisfy in the absence of greens.(1)The word “girls” in the second paragraph means “_” A . chickensB . greensC . colors(2)What was used to feed the chicken as the special treat? A . A heavy feederB . A big plastic dog dishC . A special plate(3)What does the author usually do when feeding the chickens? A . He often watches them eating for a while.B . He usually offers some water for the chicken.C . He often leaves first and then comes back to have a look.(4)How did the author feel when he found the chickens could tell the food color? A . Very interestingB . Quite pleasedC . very surprised14. (10分)阅读理解The Blacks are American tourists. They visit now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn some Chinese, too.Mr Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Black is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school today and a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school student. She is going to meet some Chinese students.They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return to America, they are going to show the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.(1)The Blacks are from_. A . ChinaB . EnglandC . CanadaD . the USA(2)The Blacks are staying in_ now. A . EnglandB . BeijingC . ShanghaiD . New York(3)Mr Black is_. A . a teacherB . a doctorC . a taxi driverD . a worker(4)There are_ people in Mr Blacks family. A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(5)Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America? A . Because the pictures are very beautiful.B . Because they like China.C . Because they want the American people to know more about China.四、 单词拼写。用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共33分)15. (1分)Its _ (possible) for me to finish the work in an hour. Im too busy now. 16. (7分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really shy?Shyness means feeling nervous or frightened when youre around other people. Experts (专家) _(find)that more than 80 percent of middle school students feel afraid to be the center of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences.Its OK if it takes you a while _( feel )yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody _(get) a little shy sometimes. Its just a case of how much.Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they_ (not go) to a restaurant because they are too nervous _( order) and pay the bill(账单). Some are afraid of _(meet) new people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.If shyness doesnt stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isnt a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are quieter and cleverer because they think more and talk less. Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history _(be)shy, too.You see, being shy isnt all bad. But remember not to let good chances pass by just because of it! If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or practice your spoken English in front of others, just do it! Theres nothing to be afraid of.17. (10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的词, 或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不多于3个单词)。 This is Jimmy, my best friend. Jimmy is _ excellent dog _ two big ears and a black nose. Every day Jimmy loves _ (get) up very early. When I go to school, I usually leave Jimmy to my grandmother. My school is far away from my home, _ I come back home late. When I arrive at my _ (grandma) home, Jimmy _ (happy) waits for me in front of the house. At eight oclock, its time for us _ (take) a short break. When I play _ piano, he likes _ (lie) beside me. I love Jimmy because we usually enjoy _ (us) together.18. (5分)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。(1)Mrs. Lin is too busy _(explain) any of the long novels right now.(2)The song Memory has been popular since the _ (twenty) century.(3)Mrs. Li used to live in the _ (south) part of the town.(4)She couldnt stop _(miss)her parents while she was studying abroad.(5)Look! The fish _ (die) for some time. Throw it away.19. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Malala Yousafzai, 19, is a Pakistani youth activist. She is the _(young)person in the world ever to be named United Nations(U.N.)Messenger(信使)of Peace. The United Nations is _international organization, which is meant to encourage _(country)to work together on different opinions without the use of war. Yousafzai has _(glad) accepted the role of working for girlseducation. Usually, a messenger _(stay) in the position(职位)for three years. “If _want to see your future bright, you have to start working now and not wait _anyone else,” she said at the acceptance meeting in New York. In 2012, Yousafzai was nearly killed by the Taliban because she worked hard _(get) the same education for young girls in Pakistan. But later her condition improved. _a brave girl! Since then Yousafzai _(become) a symbol for peace and girls right to receive an education.五、 短文填空。 (共1题;共7分)20. (7分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词(首字母已给)。Do you want to make homework simpler? Oxford Learning founder and C EO Dr. Nick Whitehead said, Homework might be an unavoidable(不可避免的)part in school, but it doesnt have to be that boring part. With the right skills in place, students can turn homework from headache-including to trouble-free. These steps will make an obvious d_.Use your notebooksThe brain is able to finish great works, but it is not a_ perfect. Students should never rely on it to remember all school details.When a teacher assigns homework,students should write the details in their notebooks.According to Whitehead,to make them effective,students n_ to remember to take the note books out of the school bags at night,open them up,and read over the nights list.Remove distractions(使注意力分散的事物)Computers on, music on, text messages receivingWhitehead says if students arent doing research,they should turn off all the above electronics,and focus on the task at hand for a set period of time.Theyll find that it is e_ to concentrate and that homework takes less time.Think activelyGetting homework done is the name of the game,but what happens if students are struggling with a question or cant work out an answer?When facing difficulties, it is wise for the student to take a small break, then r_ to look at the problem again.Get organizedHomework is often the most disorganized part.Whitehead recommends,Students should keep all the homework-related things in a bin, so they dont waste time s_ for pens or rulers. He also recommends picking the same place to do homework every night, and (when possible)completing homework at a c_ time each day.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共28分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、四、 单词拼写。用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共33分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、五、 短文填空。 (共1题;共7分)20-1、

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