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accident n.事故 according (与to构成介词)按照,根据 achieve v.实现,完成 achievement 成就; active adj.活跃的 actually adv.实际地activity n.活动 add.to.把加.到上 address 通讯处;地址 adult n.成年人 advantage 有利条件;advertisement 广告, advice n. 劝告,建议 afford v.担负得起 afraid 害怕的,恐惧的 after all 毕竟 against prep.反对 agree with 赞同 alive 活着的;在世的 all kinds of 各种;许多 all over 到处;遍及 all the time 一直 allow v.允许;承认 alone .单独地;孤独地 aloud .出声地;pronunciation 发音; already 早已;先前 although conj.=though 虽然;即使;纵然 amazing 令人惊异的 amount 总额;总数;amusement 娱乐;消遣 ancient古代的,古老的, anxious忧虑的,焦虑的; apartment 公寓;住宅 appear v.出现;演出 appreciate .感激,欣赏 area n.地区;地域 argue v.争论;争吵 as for 至于;关于 Asia 亚洲 Asian .亚洲的;asleep adj.睡着的 assistant 助手;助理 at present 现在,目前 athletic 体格健美的; attempt .试图;企图 attention .注意;专心; attitude .态度;姿势 attraction .有吸引力 August n.八月 aunt n.姨母;姑母;Australian 澳大利亚的 author n.作家 autumn n.秋天 awake adj.醒着的 away .向远处;离 开awful 极坏的;babysit 临时受雇照顾 balance n.平衡;平衡 balanced adj. 平衡的; bathroom n.浴室; be able to 能够; be afraid to 害怕去做 be angry with 生气be bad for 对有害的be good at 擅长;在方面做得好 be in agreement 同意be interested in 对感兴趣 be stressed out 紧张的; be supposed to被期望 be terrified of 害怕; be used for 用来做. be/get used to习惯于. beach 海滩 beat v.打败;战胜;beautiful 美丽的,beauty n.美丽,美貌 became . become的过去式 because conj.因为 because of 因为;由于 become v.成为;变成 begin with 以开始 beginning 开始 behave v.举止;表现 behavior .行为;举止;behind 在之后 believe v.相信;认为 bell n.钟;铃;门铃 belong to 属于; below 在下面,. bench n.长凳;长椅 besides .;除之外 between 介于。之间 bicycle n. 自行车; biology n.生物学 biscuit n.(英)饼干; blind adj.盲的 blonde 金黄色的 boil v.煮沸;烧开; bored .厌烦的;厌倦的 boring .无聊的; borrow 借;借来 bought v. buy的过去式 bow .鞠躬;点头;弯腰 bread n. 面包 break down 损坏; break off 突然中止;break the rule 违反规则 bridge 桥 bright adj.明亮的; bring v.拿来;取来;brush v.刷 building n.建筑(物),built build 的过去式business n.商业;生意 busy .忙的;繁忙的; by accident 偶然,意外 by boat 乘坐小船 by bus 乘坐公共汽车 by mistake 错误地 by the time 到.的时候 by the way 顺便;cabbage 洋白菜; calendar 日历; call sb. up打电话给.calm (心情)镇静的;camera 照相机 camp v.设营;宿营; cancer n.癌(症)candy n.糖果 capital n.省会;首都 captain 队长;首领 care about 担心;关心 care for 照顾,照料 careful adj.小心;当心 casually .非正式地;cause v.使发生,造成 central 中心的;century n.世纪,百年; challenge n.挑战 champion ;冠军 chance .机会;机遇 character n.人物;角色 chase v.追逐,追赶 chat 聊天,闲谈 cheap 廉价的;便宜的 check v.核对;检查 cheer up 使振奋 chemistry n.化学 children 孩子 Chinese 中国人 chocolate n.巧克力 choose v.选择 chop v.砍 church n.教堂 cinema n. 电影院 clean up 打扫干净clearly .清楚地;明显地 clever 聪明的;机灵的 climb v.攀登;爬 close to 靠近;接近 cloudy 多云的;coach v.训练;指导 coffee n.咖啡 collection n.收藏品;colorful 色彩鲜艳的 come along 出现;发生 come in 进来 come out 出版;发表 come over 顺便来访 come true 实现,达到 come true 实现;达到 come up with (针对问题等)想出,提出 comfortable .舒适的;common .共同的;company n.公司 compare v.比较 competition.竞争;比赛;complain v.抱怨 complete .完整的;concentrate on 专心于 concert n.音乐会 confident .自信的;confusing .令人困惑的 consider 考虑;认为 continue(使)继续;连续 convenient .;便利的 conversation .交谈;convincing 令人信服的 cook 烹调;煮 、厨师copy v.复制;抄袭 corner 角落;街角;correct adj.正确的cost v.价值(若干); cough v.咳嗽 count v.有价值;重要;country 国家 countryside乡下;农村 cousin n.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹 cover v.覆盖;遮掩 crazy .疯狂的;狂热的 create v.创造,创作;creative .有创造力的 creature n.生物;动物 crispy .脆的;易碎的 cross v.穿过;横过crowded 拥挤的 crucial ;关键的 cry 流泪;哭泣 culture 文化 custom .风俗,习俗; cut in line 插队 cut up 切碎 daily adj.每日的 danger n.危险 dangerous 危险的 daughter n.女儿 deaf adj.聋的 deal with 处理,料理 death n.死,死亡 December n.十二月 decide 决定;下决心 decision n.决定;决心 deep adj.深的 delicious 美味的 department n.部门 depend on 视而定; describe 描述;形容 description 描述;记述 design 设计;构思;destroy v.破坏 develop v.发展;壮大;dictionary 字典;词典 diet n. 饮食;节食 difference 不同;差异; different ;不同的 differently .不同地;difficult adj.困难的 direction 方向 director n.主管;主任 dirty 肮脏的 disadvantage.不利条件;discover v.发现;发觉 discuss u.讨论;议论 display .展览;陈列 distance n.距离;路程 district 区域;地方 divide into 分开,划分 do chores 处理琐事; do homework 做作业 do some reading 阅读 do the dishes 洗餐具 do the laundry 洗衣服 do well in 在方面做得好 dormitory n.宿舍 downstairs .顺楼梯而下 dream n.梦;梦想;dress up 盛装;装扮, drop by 访问;拜访 dumpling 饺子 during 在期间 earthquake n.地震 easily .容易地,轻易地,easy adj.安逸的; eight num.八 eighteen num.十八 eighteenth .第十八 eighth num.第八 eighty num.八十 either.任一的;每一方的 electric .电的;导电的 eleven num.十一 eleventh num.第十一 else 其他的 embarrassed .尴尬的, embarrassing令人为难empty 空的;空闲的 encourage v.鼓励 end up 结束 end 到的尽头 energetic .有活力的;energy n.活力;力量 engineer n. 工程师 enjoy 享受的乐趣 enough .充足的;充分的 environment n.环境 equipment .设备,器材,especially .特别;尤其 establish .建立;建造;Europe 欧洲 European 欧洲的;even though 即使; except .除;把除外 excited .激动的;兴奋的 exciting .令人激动的; exhausted .精疲力尽的 expect v.预计;预料 expensive 昂贵的 experience 经历;体验 explain v.解释;说明 extra adj.额外的 extremely .极其,非常 fail v.失败 fair .公平的;公道的 fairly adv.相当,完全 fall asleep 入睡 fall in love with 爱上 fall into 落入;陷于; famous adj.著名的;favorite .最喜爱的feature n.特点;特征 February n.二月 feed v.(fed, fed);喂 feel 感觉;觉得 fell v. fall的过去式 festival 节,节日 fifteen num.十五 fifteenth num.第十五 fifth num.第五 fifty num.五十 fight 打架;争吵 finally 最后地;最终 finish v.结束;完成 first of all 首先 fisherman n.(pl. fishermen)渔民;渔夫 fix up 修理;修补 flew v. fly的过去式 flight n.航班;班机 flower n.花 fly n.苍蝇 vi.飞行, .驾驶(飞机);空运 following adj.下列的; following 下列的; foreigner n.外国人 forget v.忘记;忘却 fortunately adv.幸运地 forty num.四十 fourteen num.十四 fourteenth 第十四 fourth num.第四 France 法国 French n.法国人;法语 fresh adj.新鲜的Friday n.星期五 friendly 友好的 friendship .友好;友谊 frustrating.令人沮丧的;funny adj.有趣的, furniture n.家具(总称) future n.将来;未来 garden (菜、花)园 gave v. give的过去式 gentle adj.轻的;低的 geography 地理学 get along with 与.相处 get back 回来 get in the way 妨碍 get married 结婚 get on 相处;进展 get out 出去;离开 get over 克服;恢复;get to 到达 get up 起床 gift n. 礼物;赠品 give away 赠送;分发 give away 赠送;分发 give out 分发;发出 give up 放弃 given give的过去分词 go by (指时间)消逝 go for a walk 去散步 go for walks 去散步 go home 回家 go off 闹钟(闹响) go shopping 购物 go skating 去滑冰;go to a movie 去看电影 go to bed 上床睡觉 go to school 去上学 go to sleep 入睡 go to work 去上班 government n.政府 grammar n.语法;语法grass 草 grow up 成长;长大 habit n. 习惯;习性 hamburger n.汉堡包 hand in 交上;递上 hand out 分发;发放 hang out 闲荡 hang out ;闲逛 happen v.发生 have a cold 患感冒 have a good time 玩得高兴;过得快乐 have a look 看一看; have fun 玩的开心 have to 不得不;必须 headache n.头痛 health .健康;健康状况 hear about 听说 hear of 听说 height 高度history n.历史 hobby n.业余爱好;homeless .无家可归的 honest adj.诚实的hospital 医院 how far 多远 how long 多久 how many 多少 how much(价钱)多少 how often 多久一次 how old 多大年纪 however 可是;然而 human n.人;人类 hundred n.一百 hundreds of 好几百;hung v.逗留;徘徊 hunger n.饿;饥饿 hungry 饥饿的 hurt v.使.受伤, husband n.丈夫 illness n. 疾病;生病 impolite.无礼的;粗鲁的 importance重要性,important adj. 重要的;重大的;严重的 impossible .不可能的;impress .使感动; improve 改进;该善 in general ,一般说来 in good health身体健康 in order to 为了 in style 时髦的;流行的 in the end 最后,终于 in the future 未来;将来 in the slightest一点也;include v.包括;包含 including .包括;包含 increase v.增加,增大 influence n.影响 information n.消息;instead of 代替,而不是 instruction 指示;命令 interest n. 兴趣;爱好 interested .感兴趣的 interesting .有趣的; international .国际的; interview ;接见;会见 invent .创造,发明 invitation n. 邀请 invite v. 邀请;恳请 January n.一月;正月 Japan 日本 Japanese .日语;日本人 July n.七月 jump v.跳跃 June n.六月 keep out 不让进入 keep out (使)留在外面, keep.down 压低声音; kilometer n. 公里;kitchen n.厨房 knock into 撞上(某人) knowledgeable有见识的 language n.语言 later on 以后;随后 laugh at 笑话;取笑 leaf 叶;树叶 learn.by oneself 自学 let.down 使.失望 license n.许可证,执照 look after 照顾;照看 look at 朝看 look at 看;朝看 look for 寻找 look for 寻找;寻求 look forward 期望 look through 浏览 look up (从词典中)查阅 luckily .幸运地 lying (lie的现在分词形式)躺 mad .疯狂的;狂热的 magazine 杂志;期刊 mainly adv.主要地major in 主修;专研 make a living 谋生 make friends with 与交友 make mistakes 犯错;make noise 发出噪音 make ones bed铺床make up 组成;构成 management 管理;manner n.礼仪;习惯 March n.三月 market 市场;市集 market 市场;集市广场 May n.五月 meaning n.意思;含义 medal n.奖牌;奖章 medical.医学的,医疗的 medicine n. 药medium 中等的 member n.成员,会员memorize .记忆;背诵 mention v.提及;说起 menu 菜单 message n.消息;信息 million .百万 mind 介意 minute n. 分钟 mix up 混合在一起 modern adj.现代的; modest .谦虚的;谦让的 moment n. 瞬间;片刻 Monday n.星期一 money 钱;金钱;monitor n.班长 monkey n.猴子 month n.月;月份 more than 比多 more than 超出 most of 大多数 mostly .主要地;通常地 mother n.妈妈;母亲 mountain 山;山脉 mouse n.老鼠 mouth n.嘴;口;口腔 move v.移动;搬动 murder 谋杀;凶杀 museum 博物馆 musical(关于)音乐的 musician n.音乐家 must v. 必须;一定要 myself .我自己; mysterious .神秘的; national .国家的; national flag 国旗 native .本地的;本国的 natural adj.自然的; nature n.大自然;nearby adj.附近的 nearly adv.几乎 necessary .必要的;necessary.必须的 neighbor n.邻居,邻人 neighborhood 附近; neither (二者)都不 nervous .神经紧张的;never 决不;从不 newspaper 报纸 next adv.然后;接下去 next to 紧靠的旁边 nine num.九 nineteen num.十九 nineteenth .第十九 ninety num.九十 no longer 不再,已不 no talking 不许讲话 nobody 没有人;没人 noise n.噪声;喧闹声noodle 面条 noon n.中午 normal 正常的;正规的 normally 平常地;north .北部的;北方的 northern 在北方的 not at all 根本(不);not at all 一点也不 note n.短信;笔记 note n.注释;说明 nothing 一个都没有 notice .注意到;看到; November n.十一月 obey v.服从,顺从 October n.十月 of course 当然;自然 offer v.提供 office 办公室;事务所 old peoples home on display 展览;陈列 on sale 廉价出售;出售 on the one hand (在)一方面 on the other hand (在)另一方面 on the phone 打电话 on the right 在右边 on time 准时 on vacation 在度假中 once adv. 一次 opinion 意见;看法 opportunity 机会,时机 order 订单;订货 order 预定;点(菜) organization组织;机构 organize v.组织 organized .有组织的 original adj.新颖的 our pron.我们的 our pron.我们的 out 在外;向外 out of style 不时髦的; outdoor 户外的; outgoing .友好的;outside 外面的; outstanding 杰出的;own adj.自己的 owner n.业主,所有者 pack v.把打包;把 pain n.疼痛,疼 paint v.画画 pair n.一对;一双 palace 宫殿 panic n.恐慌,惊恐 pants 裤子 parent n.父亲或母亲 park v.停车 part n.地区;区域 partner n.伙伴;搭档 partner n.伙伴;合作者 pass on 传递 passenger .乘客;旅客 patient adj.有耐心的pay attention to 对.注意;留心 pay for 付款 peaceful 平静的; perfect 完美的;理想的 perform .演出;表演 performer n.演员; perhaps 或许;大概 permission .允许;许可;person n.人;人物 person 人;人物 personal .私人的photograph .照片;相片 photographer .摄影者;photography .摄影;照相 physics n.物理; however conj.然而 pianist 钢琴手;钢琴家 piano n.钢琴 pick v.挑选,拾取 pick up 拣起; pick.up 捡起 piece (艺术品、音乐的)幅;篇;首 piece n. 块,片,段 pierce v.刺穿;刺破 pity n.可惜;遗憾;place 地方;地点 plan .计划;规划;方案 plane n.飞机 planet n.行星 plastic n.塑料;塑制的 playground n.运动场;pleasant 令人愉快的, pleasure n.愉快;快乐; plenty 很多的;足够的 poem n.诗,韵文 point v.指;指向 point 点;要点,观点 police 警方;警察 police station 警察局 policeman 男警察 policewoman 女警官; polite adj.有礼貌的; politely adv.客气地;polluted adj.被污染的 pollution n.污染,popular 受欢迎的; popularity 普及,流行 population n.人口 positive adj. 积极的; possible adj.可能的 possibly .可能地;或许;poster n.海报 potato 土豆;马铃薯 pound n.磅(重量单位) pour v.倾倒;灌;浇 practice 练习;实践 predict .预言,预测, prediction .预言;预测 prefer 更喜爱;更喜欢 present n.礼物 present n.现在;礼物 press v.按;压;挤 pressure n.压力 pretend v.假装;佯若 pretty 相当;很;颇 price n.价格 prize 奖赏;奖金;奖品 probably .大概;或许 problem n.问题 produce v.生产;制造, product n.产品;成果 professional 专业的; program (电脑)程序 programmer ;程序师 programming编制 progress n.进步;前进 project 课题;作业; proper合适的,适宜的; pros and cons 赞成与反 proud 自豪的;骄傲的 provide v.提供;供给 provide with给.提供; province n.省份 public n.公众 pull v.拉 purpose 目的,意图 purse n.钱包,小钱袋,pushy .固执己见的;put off 推迟;拖延 put out 熄灭 put up 展示;张贴 quality n. 品质;特质 quarter .四分之一;question .问题;难题;quick adj. 快的;quickly .快地;迅速地 quiet 宁静的 raise v.筹集 rank n.顺序;级别; rather than 胜于 reason 愿因;理由 receive v.收到;接受 recent adj.最近的; recently adv.最近 record n. 记录; recycle v.再循环refuse v.拒绝,回绝 regard v.把.视为 relax 放松 relaxed 放松的;relaxing adj.轻松的 remember 牢记;记住 remind of 提醒;使记起 repair v.修理;修补 reply v.回答,答复 report n. 报告;汇报 report card 成绩单 reporter 记者;通讯员 represent 代表;表示 requirement n.要求research .研究,调查 resolution n. 决心; restaurant 餐馆;饭店 restroom n.公共厕所; result n. 结果;成果 retire v.(使)退休; return v.归还;返回 reveal v.揭示;揭露 right away 立刻;马上 rude .粗鲁的run away 逃跑;跑掉 run off 迅速离开;跑掉 run out of 用完;用尽 rush v.冲,奔 Russian .俄罗斯的;sad .悲哀的;悲伤的 safe adj.安全的 safety n.安全 safety n.安全;平安 said say的过去试 sail v.航行;驾驶 sale n.出售;廉售 salt n.盐;食盐 salty 咸的;含盐的 Saturday n.星期六 sauce n. 调味汁;酱油 save v. 储存;储蓄 scared adj.恐惧的 scarf 围巾 scary .可怕的,吓人的 scene n.舞台 science n.科学 scientific .科学的 scientist n.科学家 screen 屏;幕;荧光屏 season n.季节 second num.第二 secret n.秘诀;诀窍;September n.九月 serious adj.严肃的; set off 激起;引起 set up建立;创立; seven num.七 seventeen num.十七 seventeenth .第十七 seventh num.第七 seventy num.七十 several adj.数个的 shock v.使.震惊 show up 出席,露面 shut v.关闭(门,窗户)sightseeing n.观光;sign n.标牌;招牌 silence n.寂静;沉默 similar 相似的;相仿的 simple .简单的;简易的 since .自从;自以来 sincerely adv.真诚的 situation 情景;形势 six num.六 sixteen num.十六 sixteenth num.第十六 sixth num.第六 sixty num.六十 sleepy.困倦的,不活跃的 smart .聪明的;伶俐的;society n.社会;社团 soldier n.士兵 solution n.解答;解决southern .南方的; spare .多余的;空闲的 special adj.特别的; specially 特定地; spend 度过;过 spoken .口语的;口说的 spotted adj.有斑点的spring n.春天 square 广场 staff 全体职员;职员 stay away from 与.保持距离 stay up 熬夜 stomach n. 胃;胃部 stomachache n.胃痛; stop 停止;终止 straight 直的;笔直的 strange .奇怪的;陌生的 street 街;街道 stress ;使紧张 strict .严格的;严厉的 strongly 坚定地; subject n.学科;科目 subway n. 地铁;succeed 成功;达到;success n. 成功 successful adj.成功的 suggest v.建议;提议 suggestion 建议;意见 suitable.合适的;适宜的 summer 夏季;夏天 Sunday n.星期日; sunny 阳光充足的 supermarket 超级市场 support v.支持;帮助 suppose .假定;认为; surf v.在冲浪 surprise 使惊奇;surprised 感到惊讶的 survey n.调查;考察 take a photo 拍照 take a shower 淋浴;take a vacation 去度假 take a walk 散步 take after 与,相像 take an interest in 对感兴趣 take away 拿走 take care 当心;小心 take care of ;照顾 take it easy 不紧张;take notes做笔记take off 起飞 take out 取出 take part(in) 参加; take place 发生 take pride in 对感到自豪 teach 教;讲授 teenager n.青少年 ten num.十 tenth num.第十 terrible 很糟的, terrify 使害怕;使恐惧 test 考试;测试 thanks for 为而感谢 thanks to 多亏了.幸亏 the Great Wall万里长城 the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会 the Palace Museum故宫 the same as与同样的 theater n. 剧院;戏院 themselves .他们自己 therefore .因此,所以 thief 小偷;贼 think of 思考;考虑 think up 想出 third num.第三 thirsty adj. 渴的;thirteen num.十三 thirteenth num.第十三 thirtieth num.第三十 thirty num.三十 though 虽然;即使;thought n.思想,思考, thought . think的过去式 thousand n.一千 thousands of 成千上万three num.三 three quarters 四分之三 through 穿过;通过 Thursday n.星期四 ticket n.票;入场券 tired adj.疲倦的;累的 to be honest 老实说;to ones surprise 令某人惊奇的(是). to start with 首先together .在一起;共同 told v. tell的过去式 tomato n.西红柿 tomorrow n. 明天;tonight n.今晚;今夜 too.to.太.而不能 toothache n. 牙痛 towards .向;往; towel n.毛巾;手巾 traditional .传统的; traffic n.交通 translate v.翻译,解释 transportation ;运输 treat v.对待 trek 旅行;长途跋涉 truth n.真相;事实; try ones best尽力做. Tuesday n.星期二 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开(电器) twelfth num.第十二 twelve num.十二 twentieth num.第二十 twenty num.二十 twice adv. 两次;两倍 two num.二 umbrella n.雨伞;伞 uncle n.叔;伯;舅; uncomfortable.不舒服的 underground .地下的;unfair adj. 不公平的 unfriendly 不友好的 unhealthy adj. 不健康的;不益健康的 unimportant 不重要的 university n. 大学 unless 如果不、除非 until .到为止 until conj.(=till)直到之时;在之前 unusual . 不寻常的;upset .心烦的;沮丧的 use up 用完;耗尽 used to 过去经常vacation 假期;休假 vegetable n.蔬菜;植物 village n.乡村 villager n.村民,居民 violin n.小提琴 visit 拜访;访问; visitor 访问者;参观者; volunteer n.自愿者 wait for 等候;等待 wait in line 排队等候 walk 走;步行;散步 wallet 钱包 waste v.浪费;滥用 way n.方法;手段; wear 穿;戴 weather 天气;气候 Wednesday n.星期三 weekday .工作日 weekend n.周末weigh v.称;称. 重量 well-known 有名的;what if 如果.将会怎样 whenever 无论如何 window n.窗户 windy 有风的;多风的 winner n.胜利者 winter 冬季 without .无;没有;缺少 wonder 想知道; wonderful .棒极了的work on 从事;忙于 work out 结果为 worried.烦恼的,焦虑的 worse adj.(bad和badly的比较级)更坏的;更差的 worst bad的最高级 yesterday n.昨天;昨日 yourself pron.你自己 英语作文预测:环境保护问题是中考热门话题,出现频率高,难度较大,必须掌握。典型句子1. Its our duty to save water2. As we know , water is very important to man, 3.we cant live without water. 4.The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. 5.But some people dont care about it .6.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. 7. Its our duty to protect our environment。8. It is very important to take care of our environment9. We should not throw litter onto the ground10. We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees11.We should plant more flowers and trees。12. We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin13. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful。15.Trees are very helpful and important for us. 17.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future. Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment.2013中考英语最有可能考的作文题目1 :假定你是李华,最近你们班就“低碳”生活方式进行了讨论,你的美国朋友Jack来信向你询问讨论情况,请你用英语写封回信,简单参照作文地带介绍的以下讨论结果:1.节水节电;2.垃圾分类;3.少用纸巾,重拾手帕;4.步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。参考词汇:低碳low carbon 纸巾tissue注意:词数100以内(不含开头和结尾所给出的字数);可适当增加细节了,以使行文连贯;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考范文:Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon lifestyle. Here is something about it.We can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon life. First, wed better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching TV or surfing the Internet. Saving water a

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