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新课标高三英语(人教版)第二轮复习专题讲座第九讲 书面表达2说明文和议论文写作训练说明文写作训练历史 15个历史位置位于长江北岸,靠京广线,水陆交通便利规模工人2000多,占地4.5平方公里产品妇女服装市场全国各地,东南亚评价发展迅速,前景广阔,投资的明智选择。一、某外商考察组一行来到你父亲工厂考察投资环境。由于没有翻译请你负责接待,请你按一下提示事先准备好一个工厂的口头介绍。二、随着网络的发展,目前很多人给亲朋好友发电子贺卡,请根据提示阐述电子贺卡的优越性。1 可播放动画和声音。2 传播速度快。3 形式多样。4 有利于环境保护,节省资源。文章包括以上要点,可适当发挥,不要逐条翻译。电子贺卡:electronic card三、北京成功地取得了2008年奥运会的举办权,由此许多外国旅游团来北京参观,你写一篇文章为他们介绍北京申办奥运的情况。内容包括:1。中国占世界人口的五分之一,在北京举办奥运会将会向更多的人宣传奥运精神;2。北京历史悠久,文化灿烂;3。城市发展迅速,具有一流的通讯、交通设施和宾馆;4。北京将建成一个由森林和绿地环绕的大型现代化的奥运花园,它是运动员创造最佳成绩的理想场地;5北京具有丰富的举办大型运动会的经验。6。在28届雅典奥运会金牌榜上中国位居第二。四、以Panda为题,用5句话写一篇介绍熊猫的短文。内容提示:1 似熊非熊,人称“熊猫”,但科学家称之为猫熊。2 颜色黑白相间,喜爬树,吃竹笋,喝泉水3 产于四川,甘肃两省的高山密林中4 受到各国人民的喜爱,受国家保护。开头句已经给出 The panda is a lovely animal.五、假定你是李华。你和几个朋友约定星期天在人民公园野餐(to have a picnic)。你们的英国朋友Peter也应邀参加。请你根据下面的示意图,给他写封短信,告诉他进公园后如何找到你们。注意:1.词数80100。2.开头语和结尾已为你写好。 六、假如你是赵兰,从北京周末报上看到北京某公司招聘一名英文秘书的启事,请根据启事用英文写一封简短的应聘书。应聘书必须包括以下的要点,不要逐条翻译。首尾句已经给出,限用五句话。姓名赵兰性别女年龄23毕业学校北京大学英语系英语水平口语流利, 会英文打字工作经历当了四年英语导游通讯处北京建国大街23号写信日期2006年8月13七、 假如你是Goerge Green, 由于疏忽,于5月4日晚在友谊宾馆餐厅就餐时,丢失了一个黑色手提包,内有计算机光盘(disk)四个,小型收音机(mini-radio)一台,去澳大利亚的机票一张, 还有6000多美圆的现金, 万分焦急。请拾到者与1926号房间的Brown先生或者宾馆总经理(general manager)联系,不胜感激。请根据以上提示写一篇5句话的寻物启事。 八、哈尔滨第六制药厂研制了一种新药,药品已经被外商定购。请你根据提示为该厂产品写一份使用说明书:1 本药品为中药(traditional Chinese medicine),对肺病疗效显著。2 常量:每天三次,一次三粒,根据情况可以加服12粒。3 服药后身体不适要停服,小孩和老人禁服。4 本药品应存放在阴凉干燥处。5 使用本药品要严格遵从医嘱。注意:写作时要包括要点,但不要逐条翻译。九、我国某山区张各庄为对外开方单位。请用英语为来访宾客写一篇简单介绍。内容要点如下:1背景张各庄(Zhang Ge Zhuang)远离其他村庄。过去,儿童上学困难。1988年成立本村小学(primary school)。2现状教师:三人,均为本村人,中学毕业后回村执教。学生:48人班级:5个科目:语文,数学,自然(science),音乐,美术,体育 3 学费免费注意: 1 要有标题2 介绍必须包括所给要点,单不要逐条译成英语。3 字数:80120个单词。十、写作提示:1 计算机是一种精细微妙的机器。它有多种类型。大多数计算机都有存储器,信息可以储存,需要时,随时取出。2 现在计算机的体积越来越小,价格越来越低,操作越来越容易,工作速度越来越快。3 计算机可以应用在许多方面,它们确实已成为一种最流行的使用工具。要求: 根据上述内容写一篇字数在100130个单词的短文。 十一、东海市华光洗衣机厂市一个有40年历史的大厂。现有工人1,500余人,工程课题357个。该厂生产的BSMT型干洗机(dry washer),质量优良,设计新颖,操作简便,价格合理,广泛应用于工业及服务行业(service trades),并销往美国及欧洲,亚洲许多国家,欢迎客户来参观订货。该厂地址:中华人民共和国东海市霞辉路153号电话号码: 052847900623, 传真(Fax):7865321该产品要参加国际展销会,请你用英语写一简要介绍。注意: 1 题目已给出 2 次数:100左右。议论文写作训练材料一、以“Form a Good Habit”为题,谈谈早起的好处。要求言之有理,内容连贯,可参考以下提示:1 有些学生迟到,是因为晚起;2 晚起不仅影响学习,而且也是一种坏习惯;3 早起是一种好习惯,因为它能给你带来很多好处。早起有助于身体健康,有助于学习,有助于品德培养。英国有句俗话,“Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”这是千真万确的,希望大家养成早起的习惯。(注:品德培养 train character;俗话 a saying)二、假设你参加一次辩论会。有人提出“People should not be allowed to play radios in public places.”,你不同意,你的观点是:1 许多人显然喜欢在户外听音乐,我们无权干涉他们的享乐;2 不喜欢音乐或其他节目的人可以走开;3 人们总是希望开收音机听国内外新闻;4 飞机发出的噪音与此完全不同,它既不给人带来愉悦,有不能提供信息。请根据以上提示写一篇120字左右的辩论发言稿。三、请你以“Learning English Is of Great Importance”为题,写一篇120字左右议论文。提示要点:1 英语在世界上广泛应用。如:国际会议上使用英语,贸易信函使用英语;2 向发达国家学习科学技术,向别国介绍中国的成就需要英语;3 英语学科作为大、中学的必修课;4 学好英语为国效力。 (注: 国际会议 the international meeting; 贸易信函 business letters; 发达国家 the developed country)四、以抽烟有害为题写一篇120字左右的议论文。提示如下:1 抽烟者多为年青人,甚至中学生也抽烟,在中国吸烟者占人口的45%;2 分析抽烟原因:有的认为是乐趣,有的认为可以提神,清醒头脑(refresh oneself);3 抽烟的害处:有害健康,可导致多种疾病,浪费,甚至可能引起火灾;4 劝告抽烟者戒烟,不抽烟者不要学抽烟。五、请以“To Be Fighters in Life”为题,写一篇议论文。要点:1人们常常把痛苦和挫折当成毒蛇猛兽,但是艰难的时期也会给人们带来新的生活思路。2人们羡慕那些成功人士,但是他们克服困难的精神更能鼓舞人心。3没有人永远一帆风顺,当遇到困难时,一定要更加勇敢地去面对。4可以列举例子说明你的观点。 六、根据下图内容,用英文写一篇120单词左右的短文,简述乘飞机和火车旅行的利弊以及你的观点。要包括图表的全部内容,标题与文章的第一句和最后一句已经给出,不计入总词数。以从北京到广州为例:交通工具飞机火车价格900元250元旅行时间2小时24小时优点省时 舒适 便于休息便宜 可以观光缺点昂贵耗时 拥挤 不利休息Train Travel and Air TravelAir travel has two advantages over train travel._So I think different people like different ways of traveling.七、请根据下面的图表以及中文提示所提供的信息,写一篇报道,简要描述我国近年私人轿车的增长情况以及可能会带来的影响:出行方便快捷有助于汽车工业发展污染空气交通事故增多注意:1词数100左右。 2开头已给出。In recent years the number of private cars has been increasing rapidly in our country. In 1990八、面对中学生“出国热”,社会对此有不同的看法。请你以Studying Abroad为题,根据以下提供的信息,谈谈自己的看法。 Advantages disadvantages1. 良好的语言环境,更利于预言学习。2. 拓宽视野,学习国外先进的科学技术。3. 传播各民族间的不同文化。1. 年纪小,缺乏生活经验,自立能力差。2. 情感孤独,思乡。3. 生活学习费用高。注意:1. 第一句已为你写好,不计入总词数。 2. 词数120左右 3. 参考词汇:媒介,中间人mediator In recent years, studying abroad has been popular.九、假设你是李华,你所在的城市向市民征求交通方面的意见。你作为一个中学生,经常看到一些人违章却又无可奈何。你向市政府写信反映情况,并提出自己的看法和一两条建议。可参考下面所给提示:违章情况1行人和骑车的人闯红灯;2汽车在无警察的繁忙街道超速行驶自己的看法遵守交通规则是每个公民的义务建议注意:1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3参考词汇:超速exceed the speed limit ; 违章者offender 十、某英文报社准备刊发一篇题为Living in the City的有关城市生活的利和弊的文章,根据下面提示,写一篇词数为100左右的短文。AdvantagesDisadvantages找工作容易生活消费高交通便利人口多,拥挤有公园、饭店等休闲场所空气污染、居住环境差要求:1覆盖以上内容,可作适当发挥。2词数100左右。 十一、健康和财富对我们来说都很重要的。如果我们健康,就用不着经常去医院或担忧某天会死去。如果我们富有,才能过上舒适的生活、云游四海,做自己想做的事。健康和财富究竟哪个重要,请你把你的观点写成一篇短文。注意: 1注意观点合理,适当运用较高级词汇; 2开头已写好,不计入总词数; 3 参考词汇:priority 优先4字数:100左右。Both health and wealth are important to us _十二、以Is Failure a Bad Thing 为题写一篇短文,要点如下:1失败是常有的事2人们对失败有各种不同的态度3我对失败的态度字数:120左右十三、请根据下面的内容提示,写一篇100字左右的短文。爱让我们感到幸福快乐。然而,一些人常常希望获得真爱,却又怀疑真爱的存在,他们认为人与人之间是一种利益关系,也因此逐渐丧失了爱的能力,并总感到幸福快乐远离着自己。另一些人认为自己身边充满了亲人和朋友对自己的关爱,他们也同时回报着爱。在爱与被爱之中,他们享受着生活中的快乐幸福。在你的生活中,你又怎样看待爱呢? 十四、目前,对于我国的英语学习热潮有着两种不同的观点。为此,我国某中学生英文报正在主持一场讨论。请根据下表所示的主要内容,给报社编辑写一封信,明确表明你的观点(观点1或观点2),并陈述你的理由。观 点理 由1应加强英语学习1学习先进技术2有利于国际交往3了解西方文化2英语学习过热1投入大2收效低3学了没用4主要是为了应付考试注意:1所选观点必须包括表中所列主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使其连贯、完整。 2词数:100左右(不含已写好部分)。 3开头结尾均已写好。Dear Editor,Nowadays,there are opposite opinions on English learning throughout our country_ _Yours,Li Hua十五、假设你家境贫困,刚刚考取某大学,上大学昂贵的费用使你感到为难。下表提供了解决上大学费用的多种途径,请用英语表达出来,同时说明适合于你的途径和理由。注意:1文章开头已给出。解决上大学费用的多种途径1父母提供学费;2申请银行贷款;3获得奖学金4业余时间在校内外打工。适合于你的途径和理由2词数:100120字左右With the sharp rise of the cost of college education, students have a few ways to pay for their college tuition and fees. 十六、请根据以下信息谈谈你对当代学生找“part-time job”的看法:利:1可以把所学的知识与社会实践结合起来,施展自己的才华。2经济上可相对独立,不再依靠家庭援助。3此经历对以后的工作有帮助。4可丰富生活,拓宽视野。弊:1将很大程度上减少你的睡眠、休息、学习和其他活动时间。2每天工作几个小时,将会使你筋疲力尽,影响学业。总结:(可适当发挥)二者很难兼得。十七、快餐在现在的中国很流行,但快餐对人的身体却没什么好处。请你根据下面要点以“FAST FOOD” 为题写一篇英语短文。1快餐在中国十分流行,人们,尤其是儿童和青少年喜欢吃快餐。2快餐受欢迎至少有四个方面的原因; 方便、节约时间; 既可在快餐店里吃又可带回家吃; 店里的环境干净、舒服;3从营养角度讲,快餐食品却不尽人意;4建议:如时间来不及可考虑吃快餐,但以偶尔品尝为宜;孩子要尽量少吃快餐。注意:词数100左右。生词:营养(nutrition)_十八、假如你是李华,针对目前有些中学生购买彩票的现象,给21st Century 报社编辑写信,并谈谈自己的看法,其中包括以下要点:1弊远大于利;2中学生没有经济来源,容易诱发一些不良行为;3从当前说,会影响学习;4从长远看,会养成事事走捷径的侥幸心理,其危害将影响其一生。注意(1)信的开头和结尾已经给出; (2)必须包括以上要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐句翻译; (3)字数100左右,不包括开头、结尾。Dear editor .At present , many high school students are addicted to buying lottery tickets and they seem to have good reasons . However , Id like to talk about my views on the phenomenon . Therefore , I think it is necessary for them to keep away from lottery stations and concentrate on their studies for now .Yours , Li Hua 十九、近年来尽管政府在改善居住上花了大量资金,但是住房问题仍然是中国许多大城市所面临的最严重问题之一。对此话题你班举行了热烈的讨论。一部分人建议:多造高层建筑(high-rise apartments),一部分人认为:向地下发展。而你赞成前一种观点。你的理由: 1.建筑费用便宜2.久住地下对身体不利3.地上阳光充足,地下只有人造光源(artificial lighting)你的结论:现请你以How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities为题写120字以上的短文。二十、仔细观看下面这组漫画,以 Beauty Comes From Action为题写一篇120词左右的短文, 就漂亮女郎及残疾老人的行为发表你的观点及看法。二十一、假设你是一位中学生,叫李平,听说你所居住的城市拟在你市名胜之一的云霞山附近建一座发电站。请给某英语报社写一封信,对这一计划表示反对,并陈述理由。信的内容须包括以下要点:1)承认发电站将给本市提供充足的电力,促进本市经济发展。2)我和很多市民都反对这一计划3)修建发电站需搬迁很多人口和砍伐大量的树木。4)云霞山的风景一旦被破坏,将再也无法恢复。要求:1)词数100个左右。2)不可逐字翻译,但可适当增加内容,使行文连贯。3)参考词汇:云霞山Mt. YunxiaDear Editor , Yours faithfully , Li Ping 说明文训练范文一、Good morning, ladies and gentlemen .Welcome to our factory.First of all, Id like to give you a brief introduction of our factory. Our factory, with a history of 15 years as well as an area of 4.5 square kilometers, is located on the north of the Chang jiang River and on the railway line from Beijing to Guangzhou. The transportation is very convenient both by water and by railway. It has over 2000 workers ,who mainly produce womens clothing。The products are of high quality and are sold everywhere in China and Southeastern Asian. We believe our factory has been developing rapidly and has a very bright future. Its really a wise choice to invest here. So much for the introduction. Now let me show around the factory.二、With the development of Internet , more and more people tend to send electronic cards instead of paper ones at New Years time. Compared with the traditional cards, electronic cards are more interesting and lively, for you can get not only pictures but also sound and even animations. In addition, its faster to send an electronic card on internet, where different varieties of cards are available, morever, you can design cards of unique style using Flash or other software if you arent interested in any of the given ones .More importantly, with the popularity of electronic cards, less paper is used for making cards, which contributes to the environment protection. 三、China, a country with splendid culture, makes up one fifth of the worlds total population. An Olympic event in Beijing will spread the Olympic spirit to more people and increase the popularity of Olympic sports. As the capital of China Beijing is a developing city with first class communication, traffic facilities and hotels. It will build a beautiful large Olympic park surrounded by a forest and green land, which is a perfect place for athletes to achieve their best performances. It has rich experience in holding big sport games. China came second in the medal tables of the 28th Olympic Games held in Athens.四、The panda is a lovely animal .People call it “ebar-cat”,but scientists call it”cat-bear”.A panda has four balck legs and a black and white body. It likes to climb trees, eat bamboo soots and drink spring water.Most pandas live in the thick forests of the high mountains in Sichuan and Gansu Province of China. In order to protect these animals, which are loved by the people all over the world, a lot of rules have been made by our government.五、June lst,1995 Dear Peter,Were so gald youre coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. Well have our picnic in the Peoples Park. After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while youll come to a hill. Walk around to the other side of the hill.,and youll see a lake and by it theres small woods where well have our picnic there .Im sure youll have no trouble finding us. Do come! Li Hua六、Dear Sir,My name is Zhao Lan. I am twenty-three years old. I graduated from the English Department of Beijing University. I loved English very much ,and since I ve been a guide of English can talk with foreigners in English without any difficulty. Besides,I can type well and fast.Iv learned that you need an English secretary. I am willing to serve (as an English secretary) in your company. Im sure I can do my work well if I am accepted. Thanks. Sincerely yours, Zhao Lan七、 LostBecause of my carelessness, I lost a black handbag in the dining-hall of Friendship Hotel on the evening of May 4th. In the handbag there are 4 computer disks, a mini-radio , a plane ticket to Australia and over 6 thousand U.S. dollars. Now I am very anxious. Will the finder please send the handbag to Mr. Brown in Room 1926 or to the general manager of the hotel? Many thanks to the finder. Goerge Green八、Medicine Operation InstructionsThe medicine is made by the Sixth Medical Factory of Harbin. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It has a great effect on lung disease. Take three pills once and three times a day. One or two pills can be added according to your condition. Stop it if you feel uncomfortable after taking it. It is not suitable for children or the old people. Please strictly follow the doctors instructions when you take it. This medicine should be in dark and dry places.九、Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary SchoolUntil 1988 Zhang Ge Zhuang had no school of its own. It was pretty hard for the children of the village who had to go to school in other villages which were all far away. Now Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary School has three teachers, teaching 48pupils. The teachers had finished middle school education before they returned to teach here.The pupils are divided into five different classes, in which six subjects are taught. There are Chinese, maths, science, music, drawing and physical education.Education is free for all children in the village.十、The computer is a wonderful machine. It has a lot of types. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in it and be taken out any time needed. So computers are used a great deal in many ways.Computers are being made kinds of work. They can be used in doing business work smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier for use. Computers have worked faster and faster now.Computers can do many in science research work, in science of medicine, in some large factories; and even in our daily life. People also have been buying hone computers to plat computer games at home. They have become very popular indeed.十一、Introduction of Huaguang Washing Machinery FactoryHuaguang Washing Machinery Factory of Donghai City is a big factory with a history of 40 years. Now there are over 1,500 workers and 357engineers in it. The dry washers produced by this factory are of good quality. New in design, easy to operate and reasonable in price, they are widely used in industry and various trades. They have been sold to the USA and many other countries in Europe and Asia.Customers are welcome to visit the factory or place orders.Address: 253Xiahui Road, Donghai City, P.R ChinaTelephone:05284-7900623Fax: 7865321议论文写作参考范文:一、 Some students are often late for class because they get up late. Getting up late not only affects their studies but also is a bad habit. To get up early is a good habit, for it can do you much good.Getting up early can help you to be healthy. The air in the morning is fresh. If you breathe such air, it does you a lot of good. You can have some sports, too in the morning. This can make you stronger.The fresh air and quietness in the morning make you think more quickly than any other time of the day and memorize what you have learned easily. Another reason for you to think quickly and memorize things easily is that you have taken a long rest during the night.Getting up early can also help you to train your character. Some students can get up early, but some can not. This needs perseverance.There is a saying in English, “Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” This is very true

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